This year at wiwibloggs, we are counting down the days to Christmas with a series of different Eurovision polls. Every day from December 1 until Christmas Eve on December 24, we’re stuffing your stockings with a new poll covering everything from best follow-up single by a Eurovision 2015 act to which national selection you are most looking forward to. Consider this our advent calendar for 2015. Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, you can join us and let us know your thoughts each and every day. So grab your egg nog, sit under that mistletoe, and let’s relive some Eurovision magic…

Day 4: Last place at Eurovision

Every year one act wows the masses and walks away with microphone-shaped Eurovision trophy. Inevitably someone has to finish last. Sorry ’bout it. Some last-place finishers are fortunate enough to dodge the infamous nul points but others are cursed with the title that no country wants. But who actually deserves it? Between 2008 and 2015, which last-place finisher was truly the worst?

2008 – Andy Abraham with “Even If” (United Kingdom, 14 points)

Andy won the UK’s national final Eurovision: Your Decision. Clearly the worst of a bad bunch, Andy came last, giving Britain its second appearance at the bottom of the scoreboard.

2009 – Waldo’s People with “Lose Control” (Finland, 22 points)

Popular Finnish group Waldo’s People won the super final of Euroviisut 2009 in Finland with 45.1% of the vote. Local popularity did not translate to a larger European audience. In fact, they only made it to the grand final because the jury saved them during the semis.

2010 – Josh Dubovie with “That Sounds Good To Me” (United Kingdom, 10 points)

The British public chose Josh Dubovie during the UK national selection, but they didn’t choose the song. Part of the winner’s “prize” was singing the Pete Waterman disaster “That Sounds Good to Me” at ESC. The title proved ironic at Eurovision when the UK received points from only four countries.

2011 – Anna Rossinelli with “In Love For A While” (Switzerland, 19 points)

Anna Rossinelli is still one of only two Swiss acts to qualify for the grand final since 2006. That’s enough to make the Swiss forget her last-place finish.

2012 – Tooji with “Stay” (Norway, 7 points)

Norway holds the record for placing last more than any other country. Tooji’s placing took that total to 11 in 2012.

2013 – Ryan Dolan with “Only Love Survives” (Ireland, 5 points)

Despite being a fan favourite at both the Eurosong national final and in Malmö, “Only Love Survives” only managed to earn five points.

2014 – TWIN TWIN with “Moustache” (France, 2 points)

TWIN TWIN won the French national selection and fans rejoiced. But at Eurovision their song only earned two points — France’s lowest score since the current points system was introduced in 1975.

2015 – Ann Sophie with “Black Smoke” (Germany, 0 points)

Despite receiving points from both televoters and juries, the combined result added up to zero for Germany.

2015 – The Makemakes with “I Am Yours” (Austria, 0 points)

The Makemakes’ nil points was the first time a host country’s act had not received any points.

Who deserves the ultimate last place?

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9 years ago

I actually voted for Moustache and I liked their song and performance. f*** the ranking, the song rocks.

But I really did not understand Austria 2015. It was fine until they set the piano on fire – what is that supposed to symbolize? You hope for another phoenix? Or express your hate towards your classical history, let´s burn Mozart etc? a little sick.

9 years ago

But in 2008, there was 3 last places. Germany, Poland and UK scored 14 points

9 years ago

I like Josh’s song but that says more about me than anything else.
The Ryan Dolan one was horrendous though. Gets my vote.

Ann Sophie does not deserve to be keeping company with these acts. UK or Armenia from this year should have been.

9 years ago

Not a great poll… The last place(s) of every heart need to be collected at the semis. It’s not fair to include Norway 12 and Ireland 13 in the last place list after they managed to at least reach the finals.

9 years ago

I actually very like most of them and I just loved Anna Rosinelli’s act in 2011. UK 2010 and France 2014 are those I think deserved the last place.

9 years ago

Twin Twin was my #5 of 2014. I was so disapointed when they got only 2 points.

9 years ago

I really don’t understand why UK 2010 has gone down in history as one of the worst Eurovision songs. Yeah, the lyrics are kinda cheesy but so are most Eurovision songs. And yes, the song is kinda dated, but again, that’s common in Eurovision. Honestly, I think the song sounds nice and there were definitely worse songs in the 2010 final IMO (France, for instance . . . )

9 years ago

Where are article who don t deserve to stay in semifinal from 2008 to 2015. For me 2008 SF 1 Andorra, Belgium SF 2 Hungary, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Lithuania, F.Y.R Macedonia 2009 SF 1 Belarus, Swtizerland, Bulgaria SF 2 Ireland, Slovenia 2010 SF 1 Slovakia. Malta, F.Y.R Macedonia SF 2 Croatia, Bulgaria, Sweden 2011 SF 1 San Marino, Poland SF 2 Bulgaria, Cyprus 2012 SF 1 Switzerland SF 2 The Netherlands, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Croatia 2013 SF 1 Montenegro, Croatia, Austria SF 2 Israel, San Marino 2014 SF 1 Estonia SF 2 Israel, Ireland, Lithuania 2015 SF 1 Belarus SF 2 Iceland,… Read more »

9 years ago


Yes , you are right, EBU result is true, but we had , very weird situation that ORF put Austria on scoreboard result in live show in final on 27 place.

9 years ago

UK 2010 by a longshot.

Switzerland shouldn’t have finished last (this was probably because of the bad recap), nor should have Germany (how this finished last is beyond me).

Ireland and Norway’s songs shouldn’t have finished last, but it’s understandable that they finished there because of poor vocals.

9 years ago

Check again. At this moment in time Eurovision.TV is saying that Austria came 26th and Germany 27th. I am right that Austria didn’t come last and therefore should not be on this list.
TBH my UK should have come last Germany had a great song, but felt really slowed down on the night.

9 years ago

I’m happy that most people don’t think Germany deserved the last place 😀

9 years ago

That sounds good to me sounded like it was written by an 8 year old. Seriously, how can BBC be this bad at choosing Eurovision entries. Like, seriously, it’s not hard to find to find an average composer and a song writer in the UK.

P.S. Black Smoke is one of my favorite songs of 2015.

Sarah Boucher
9 years ago

Josh Dubovie with “That Sounds Good To Me” being last place: CURSE YOU EAST GERMANY


9 years ago

I’m not gonna lie, i always hear the chorus of Tooji’s song as “I don’t know what i’m doing tonight, but the Russian is making me stronger” …that can’t be the actual words, right?

9 years ago

I remember when many on this bloggs prognose good result for France 2014 with song by TWIN TWIN, when we heard 3 songs in france national final . For me better choice for France was boy band, then female singer than Twin Twin

9 years ago

I love nearly all of these

9 years ago

I must say most of the songs being last in the final are not the worst of the bunch, it’s just that they get lost in it. For me this is the case for Finland 2010, Switzerland 2011, Norway 2012, Ireland 2013, Germany 2015 and Austria too. For me being a semifinal qualifier and coming last at the final is not so embarrassing ;I mean they still managed to get the ticket to the final beating a handful of other songs. Anyway, here is my top, worst being number one and so on : 1.France 2014: Annoying and gimmicky, with… Read more »

9 years ago

Josh is an easy target but everyone still remembers that cheesy disaster. I rather be memorable and bad than forgettable and ok–I could not even recall one lyric from the make makes song and they had the added support of the Austrian broadcast to give them the best staging and direction and home crowd advantage. They missed the mark and are the only act to never get a single point on home soil.

9 years ago

None of those songs are too terrible actually, Switzerland 2011and Ireland 2013 are quite decent songs, and I loved Tooji, Twin Twin and Ann Sophie.
The only deserved last place is Finland in 2009. There were much worse songs than the one from UK in 2008.

9 years ago

In 2008 UK, Germany and Poland finished with 14 points. That years UK got 8 points from neihgbour Ireland and 6 points from San Marino.
Poland got 10 points from Ireland and 4 points from UK thank to diaspora and 100 % televote . Germany got 12 points from Bulgaria , one members of group is from Bulgaria, and 2 points from neighbour Switzerland.

9 years ago


Interesting on , after final EBU gave us how every countries votes and Germany is last on 27 place, and on scoreboard in Vienna in final, ORF graficks show us that Austria is last 27 and Germany 26 .

9 years ago

For me most deserved last place from 2008 to 2015 , UK 2010
1. UK 2010
2. France 2014
3. UK 2008
4. Norway 2012
5. Austria 2015
6. Switzerland 2011
7. Finland 2009
8. Ireland 2013
9. Germany 2015

Black n Blue
Black n Blue
9 years ago

2/2 At least everyone apart from Dubovie seemed to enjoy the three minutes, he looked like if he was trying to perform the song as if it had any sort of chance of doing well.

9 years ago

Im so glad to see Germany was last on this poll! I didn’t like the song the very first time i heard it, but some time later it really grew on my, specially the intro. And after seeing the staging i loved it so much it reached my top 10 (except for the butt, but i loved the lamps and the background). I didn’t expect it to do great but i was so heartbroken to see it finish last, specially without a single point. After all this time i think the only song in the entire german selection i like… Read more »

Black n Blue
Black n Blue
9 years ago

Went for Dubovie. Not because it was the worst song of the bunch, or that it was the worst performance. It’s just if your on a sinking ship, you might as well pop a bottle of champagne between the crisis and the catastrophe. At least with Waldo’s People, Abraham, TwinTwin etc

9 years ago

I still don’t get why Anna in 2011, Tooji in 2012 and Ryan in 2013 ended up last. They weren’t bad at all, and Anna and Tooji were even among my favourites of that year.

I would say “That Sounds Good To Me” is the most deserved of this, That song went nowhere, it was outdated and the performance was a mess to and didn’t help the song forward.

Mel Howarts
Mel Howarts
9 years ago

Your FAVOURITE Swiss entrant has a new song ???? and he has over 19000 views for one night! Haahha lol

Check out Vasilije Ojdanic – NIKAD PREBOLJENO

9 years ago

Lose Control – Waldo’s english is not good, it could’ve been good without him.
Moustache – The live was a disaster, out of tune.
That Sounds Good To Me – An ok singer, but the song…

9 years ago

I always thought “Even If” was underrated, and Andy’s performance on the night was fantastic. Twin Twin, the Makemakes and (much to my surprise) Ann Sophie also did a lot better than the scoreboard indicated IMHO. There were some truly TERRIBLE songs and performances on the other side of the board. I had to go with “That Sounds Good To Me”, which is doubly painful to watch because the only person involved who WASN’T to blame for the disaster was the guy with the microphone, and his is the career that got ruined. Songwriters, arrangers, choreographers, set designers, backup singers… Read more »

9 years ago

I agree that josh debovie shouldn’t have had a bad song. He’s an okay singer. His last note though was really ropey on the night. It didn’t sound good to anyone.

9 years ago

@marcus massive butt!! The girl was flat it was embarrassing does she know most of the people voting are most likely straight women and gay men I don’t know who she was trying to please.

9 years ago

Austria shouldn’t be on the list. By the rules of Eurovision itself Austria and Germany didn’t draw last place. The tie break system means that after what points they received are taken in to account, it is the order they sang in. As Austria sang before Germany Austria beats Germany as it is seen that it was harder for them for them to receive points singing earlier. There for officially Austria came 26th and Germany 27th, not joint 26th. Please remove Austria from the poll ASAP.

9 years ago

Anna Rossinelli (was my ultimate favourite in 2011), Anne-Sophie and the Makemakes had really cool songs, better than the average of the whole contest. Why they did bad is a result of they were so good, I guess.

l can’t understand how the UK or Armenia didn’t finish last in 2015, and for 2011, it was the oddest Eurovision year ever. France, Estonia and Switzerland totally robbed…

9 years ago

because UK 2008 i became eurovision fan and also UK 2010 is great song
Norway 2012 Ireland 2013 France 2014 and Austria 2015 are the bad songs from this list.

Marcus (Day One)
Marcus (Day One)
9 years ago

I think th tie break rule for last place is unfair Austria and Germany both scored Nul Points so they should both be classed as last. AThen again Germany had a good song but Ann Sophie and her Massive butt kinda ruined it, at least Austria had a piano that for no apparent reason set fire. (Maybe it was thinking ‘ow what awful noise’) As for this poll no doubt that the UK is 1st and 2nd (Who says the UK can’t make the top 10 in something) and it was a shame about Josh since he is a decent… Read more »

9 years ago

Jemini have been saved by the date range on this. Was tempted to vote for Waldo’s people on behalf of their stupid name alone. Went for Anna Rosinelli, really out of tune and I hate songs with Na na nas and la la las etc. Agree with those saying this year’s were hard done by, didn’t deserve nil points (unlike the UK)

9 years ago

The Makemakes by tie breaker rules finished ahead of Germany due to performing before Ann Sophie in the final, so technically they can’t be in the poll (their song was also really underrated).

The worst has to be France 2014. The song had good satirical lyrics, but the music was awful and the live performance….c’etait tres affreux!

Jo Mercado
Jo Mercado
9 years ago

Poor Anna. She clearly didn’t deserve last place – the song was cool, the staging was cool, everything was cool. Even the audience chanted her name as her number came up.

But hey, qualifying for the final is a victory in itself for neutral Switzerland.

9 years ago

Both from the UK as they should not ‘ve coming last is a disgrace

9 years ago

The only redeeming factor of That Sounds Good to Me is Josh. Funny thing is, if Kylie did compete at Eurovision, she’d probably also have a Stock Aitken Waterman song.

Lose Control has a good chorus, but Waldo ruins the song.

Only Love Survives, Black Smoke and I Am Yours are nowhere near as bad as the others on here.

Also, where’s Jemini?

9 years ago

Andy A for sure. Its absolutely terrible.

9 years ago

1. Switzerland 2011
2. Austria 2015
3. Germany 2015
4. UK 2008
5. Ireland 2013
6. UK 2010

Horrible songs

7. Finland 2009
8. Norway 2012
9. France 2014 – AKA the worst song ever.

9 years ago

Both UK entries were the worst & this year’s should have joined them.
I’m still gutted for Germany this year (I’m putting it down to the Staging and it looking a bit too Lena)
And sad for Austria as it was better than a good half of the songs and it isn’t nice when a host country isn’t rewarded with a few points. only UK or Armenia should have got 0 this year.

Also i forgot about waldo’s people doing badly – I actually liked it!

9 years ago

I loved and voted for Dubovie and Dolan. The Finnish song was rubbish.

9 years ago

“That sounds good to me” and “Only Love survives” …… Didn’t even get how Ryan even qualified back in 2013, it was a mess.