Every day until December 24, we’re stuffing your stockings with a new Eurovision poll and asking for your opinion about important matters such as which entry had the biggest impact on Eurovision and who had the best follow-up single in 2015. Consider this our advent calendar for 2015. Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, you can let us know your thoughts each and every day by casting your vote and sounding off in our comments section. Get your ornaments ready for today’s poll!

Day 16: Trees in Eurovision 2015

The Christmas tree is an important part of seasonal decor. For some it’s so important that they get in early to find the perfect tree. Perhaps even as early as May…

Surprisingly, many of this year’s artists had some sort of tree in their background graphics. While no one went for typical Christmas trees such as spruce, pine or fir, we still saw many different kinds of trees.

But who had the best tree backdrop this year? Vote for your favourites in our poll. Make sure to check the box next to all your favourites and then press submit. Remember that we aren’t looking for the best song or performance, but the most beautiful or fitting backdrop.

Armenia: Genealogy – “Face The Shadow”

Armenia’s Genealogy literally brought genealogy to their performance — or at least a tree to represent it. We saw it growing, fighting the wind and ultimately flourishing in all its glory.

Hungary: Boggie – “Wars For Nothing”

During Hungary’s performance we saw a cluster of ammunition and guns turn into a tree, which eventually turned the whole LED screen into a peaceful and green scene from nature.

Ireland: Molly Sterling – “Playing With Numbers”

Ireland didn’t settle for just one tree, instead bringing a big enchanted forest. Shining in gold, it made the whole stage look very cosy.

Azerbaijan: Elnur Huseynov – “Hour Of The Wolf”

Just like Ireland, Azerbaijan had a number of trees on their backdrop. However, this one wasn’t cosy at all, but rather eerie, a perfect fit for the song’s atmosphere.

Switzerland: Mélanie René – “Time To Shine”

Following the theme of her music video, Switzerland’s Mélanie had a forest on her backdrop as well. Representing the lyrics of the song, the forest started in darkness but was illuminated as the song progressed, making the stage shine.

Poland: Monika Kuszynska – “In The Name Of Love”

The stage was filled with pink during Poland’s performance and the only suitable tree for this was, of course, the blossoming cherry tree.

France: Lisa Angell – “N’oubliez Pas”

During Lisa Angell’s performance, we saw a decimated city slowly rebuild. In the end the sky was bright blue and the trees were blooming in green.

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9 years ago

Azerbaijani was great. The whole armenian song and show was a big propaganda at all

9 years ago

My favourite backdrop was clearly Hungary, as it went well with the song and go her into the final. Well-staged!

9 years ago

i like azerbaijan’s. it has depth. anyway, who came up with all these backdrop designs?

9 years ago

Switzerland’s, Ireland’s and Azerbaijan’s staging worked well with the songs.
I think Switzerland’s was probably the best.

9 years ago

I think you should inclue entries of JESC, as Belarus with “Magic”. 🙂

9 years ago

Out of those I would say Switzerland and Poland (except for the toilet paper ahaha). Overall I liked Spain’s backdrop the most, it was perfect. Italy’s was very majestic and fitted the song perfectly. However I don’t get the hype about Azerbaijan – these ballads are getting boring, I want something uptempo like Always

9 years ago

I think Azerbaijan had the best one out of them, quite unsettling and maching the song’s atmosphere. Hungary also used a tree in a very clever way and Poland had a good concept but those graphics were just terrible ;). All the rest could have used something different in their background, as it had little to do with their songs.

9 years ago

@Robyn Well maybe just in 2015. The common linnets had a tree don’t forget.

9 years ago

Armenia’s tree was very symbolic so I’m gonna go with theirs.

9 years ago

Poland’s backdrop looked like it came from one of those Amazon Iced Tea designs.

9 years ago


Paul D
Paul D
9 years ago

I agree with you, Poland’s tree looked like it had toilet paper attatched to it lol

Paul D
Paul D
9 years ago

Hungary’s staging was outstanding, very effective
Ireland set the mood really well also
Both had awesome trees to be honest

Ewan Spence
9 years ago

Neither. Belarus’ tree at JESC 2015 was the best tree. This poll is *so* fixed for adults 😉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=poQxR2VSvVg

9 years ago

Molly Sterling’s one looks fantastic. I love the way it was filmed too, they used some sort of soft focus filter effect on screen, perhaps one of the best ever staged Irish entries.

9 years ago


9 years ago

Poland’s tree looked like it had toilet paper on it. Azerbaijan’s set the tone for the song best in my view.

9 years ago

Hungary’s story of the tree is fantastic.

9 years ago

Hungary definitely used the tree with the best way. I think Hungary’s presentation is what got them in the final. Really creative, one of the best stagings of the whole year. Ireland’s forest also looked really great, it did give a cozy feeling on stage for a sweet and lovely song. Poland’s blossoming cherry tree comes 3rd, it looked really lovely but the curtains which were on them were a bit irritating after a while because they never ended. I just wanted them to disappear and leave the cherry tree alone 😛

Antranig Shokayan
9 years ago

I adored Ireland’s staging, though Switzerland’s is kinda underrated too!

9 years ago

that’s an easy one – the Polish tree looked the best

9 years ago

Is there someone who knows the full 50/50 results in Jesc

However, I did vote for Monikas beutiful tree