Christmas wasn’t the only big event on December 25! Over in Albania fifteen acts performed in the first semi-final of Festivali i Këngës 54 — Albania’s selection show for Eurovision 2016. Semi final 1 saw plenty of high notes and more than a few electric guitar riffs — but what it didn’t see was a public reveal of the results. That’s right: Y’all have you wait a little longer to find out which artists have qualified for the final. They will be announced on Sunday morning. For now you can check out the performances from the first semi-final below.
Semi-Final 1 Performances:
1. Egzon Pireci – Triumf (Triumph)
2. Simbol – Artiste (Artist)
3. Voltan Prodani – Dëgjoje këngën o atë (Listen to the song oh father)
4. Adrian Lulgjuraj – Jeto dhe ëndërro (Live and dream)
5. Sigi Bastri – Ëngjëll i lirë (Free angel)
6. Dilan Reka – Buzëqesh (Smile)
7. Luiz Ejlli – Pa mbarim (Without end)
8. Nilsa Hysi – Asaj (To her)
9. Orgesa Zaimi – Një shishe në oqean (A bottle in the ocean)
10. Erga Halilaj – Monolog (Monologue)
11. Florent Abrashi – Të ndjek ç’do hap (I follow your every step)
12. Teuta Kurti – Në sytë e mi (In my eyes)
13. Kozma Dushi – Një kafe (A coffee)
14. Aslaidon Zaimaj – Merrmë që sot (Take me right from today)
15. Egert Pano – Mos ik (Don’t go)
The second semi-final of Festivali i Këngës 54 will be held tomorrow night at 21:00 CET. Another fifteen contestants will have a chance to make the grand final on December 27.
What do you think of the performances? We wanna hear your opinions, so comment below!
Semi-final 1. This is my ranking! I really like my top 3 🙂
1 Teuta Kurti
2 Sigi Bastri
3 Orgesa Zaimi
4 Aslajdon Zaimaj
5 Nilsa Hysi
6 Erga Halilaj
7 Florent Abrashi
8 Adrian Lulgjuraj
9 Egzon Pireci
10 Luis Ejlli
11 Kozma Dushi
12 Dilan Reka
13 Egert Pano
14 Simbol
15 Voltan Prodani
All my favorites are in the second semifinal, almost 7 songs I find better there than my favorite in this semifinal, Nilsa Hysi and Asaj.
Nilsa Hysi and Aslaidon Zaimaj are my favs from Semi 1.
Monolog and Asaj were the best. These are my favourites and I hope one of them will be performed in Stockholm
I’m curious to hear the Besen and flaka. Teuta first night was very good. One of these I think will win.
It was a beautiful night. For me the best are 1.Teuta (super vocals and good song)
2. Aslajdo (fewer problems with intonation).
3. Florenti (nice voice ).
For me Teuta was a diva..strong voice, and nice performanc! She is winner
ASLAIDON THOUGH HAS LOTS OF POTENTIAL but needs something with the music idk, more drum less cymbols
My fave is Egert! I really love his style!
Asaj by Nilsa Hysi is my complete favorite in this semi final 🙂
The only thing she needs to change is her Stage Presence ,she literally doesnt open her eyes.
Right thank Goodness for that smooth jazz tune at the end. Hope the 2nd semi is better
Did albania just discover the electric guitar during the last decade? It’s almost in every song, and in a solo. Favorites so far: Dilan (except for the electric guitar), Luiz has potential, Nilsa is in my top 3-ish.
I really loved Dilan, Erga and Nilsa, but most of them were pretty good, the vocals especially blew my mind.
When the show ended I was like, soo.. where are the results, but they will be there on sunday :’)
12 – Aslaidon Zaimaj – Merrmë që sot
10 – Sigi Bastri – Ëngjëll i lirë
8 – Nilsa Hysi – Asaj
7 – Erga Halilaj – Monolog
6 – Egzon Pireci – Triumf
5 – Florent Abrashi – Të ndjek ç’do hap
4 – Dilan Reka – Buzëqesh
3 – Adrian Lulgjuraj – Jeto dhe ëndërro
2 – Luiz Ejlli – Pa mbarim
1 – Simbol – Artiste