After months of build-up and two fabulous semi-finals, Albania has finally picked its entry for Eurovision 2016. Eneda Tarifa won Festivali i Këngës 54 with the song “Përrallë” and will be represent the Land of Eagles at the Eurovision Song Contest 2016! Her song translates as “Fairytale” and it was clear on stage that she was living her dream.

Ahead of tonight’s show, Eneda finished fifth with in our FiK54 fan poll. Our jury described her song this way ahead of the final: “It’s dark, dramatic, energetic and I’m loving it. Eneda is one beautiful lady and her voice is perfect for the song. It’s the closest thing to being the Albanian ‘Rise Like A Phoenix’. The ‘oh-oh-oh’ bridge is a musical masterpiece and the song concludes in spectacular fashion. A genuine contender!”

Rezarta Smaja and Klodian Kaçani won the special Eurosig Award — and a 2,000-euro paycheck — from Eurosig, an Albanian insurance company and a FiK54 sponsor.

Festivali i Këngës 54: Results

  1. Eneda Tarifa
  2. Aslaidon Zaimaj
  3. Flaka Krelani
  4. Rezarta Smaja & Klodian Kaçani
  5. Enxhi Nasufi
  6. Nilsa Hysi
  7. Dilan Reka
  8. Teuta Kurti
  9. Renis Gjoka
  10. Evans Rama

WATCH: Our first reaction to the winner

#FiK54 on Twitter and Instagram

At various points during the evening, FiK54 was trending on Twitter in Spain.

We were pleased to see that and can understand why. In true Albanian style the night was filled with some unintentionally hilarious moments.

The pink lighting on stage resembled a dodgy perm…

The #FiK54 stage in #Albania reminds us of a bad perm. #eurovision #eurovision2016

A photo posted by wiwibloggs (@wiwibloggs) on

Flaka seems to have fired her make-up artist from the semi-finals, giving us a much more natural look that really worked. She resembled the fierce diva we all know and love — aka, herself!

Yay! Flaka fired her make-up artist from the #FiK54 semifinals! #eurovision #eurovision2016

A photo posted by wiwibloggs (@wiwibloggs) on

Besa Krasniqi drew plenty of comparisons for her Mother Earth look. Eurofans mentioned Molly Smitten-Downes, Emmelie de Forest and, perhaps our personal favourite, Joan Franka.

And Enxhi Nasufi served up some Elhaida Dani look-alike realness. Vocally, she was just as on point.

#enxhinasufi served @elhaidadani93 realness tonight at #FiK54 — vocally and physically! ?????? #eurovision

A photo posted by wiwibloggs (@wiwibloggs) on

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9 years ago

I liked a lot of the songs in FiK this year but this was not one of them for me. I was hoping for Enxhi to win 🙁

Anyways we all can agree Eneda has a great, powerful voice, but like another commenter here I think this is trying to combine Rona Nishliu with the recently popular jazzy power ballad theme (like Rise like a Phoenix). So in the end I feel like I have heard this performance so many times!

Keeping the song in Albanian could help it stand out more for me. Either way good luck neighbors!

9 years ago

Albania doesn’t fail to disappoint me, I loved the last two entries both being in my top 10. I also expect this to be quite high unless there is a ridiculously good standard this year.

9 years ago

Is it just me or Albanian language is really beautiful?
I do hope Eneda will stick to Albanian version, however risky it might seem.

9 years ago

Oh yes congratulations Albania.
The song is a masterpiece seriously, it has something special
and the girls is pretty hot too haha.

This is my opinion (TIMO)
This is my opinion (TIMO)
9 years ago

Oh god, oversinging something trying to make it look so special while there is nio soul, Albania is just like what Turkey used to in eurovision untill they won with Sertab and placed on top 5 with others, albania managet to hit position 5 in 2012 with miserable but real performance that had so much meaning, they changed the format, they need to try and work on both singer and descent song rather than choosing staff like this, screaming and its annoying not interesting, junior eurovision kids can do better than this

9 years ago

sad that Aslaidon did’nt make it, and know i’m just see another ballad uurrgh

9 years ago

Lyrics of “Përrallë” in english Fairy Tale This fairy tale demands a reward one of those endings that only you and me agnize More tears and again more craziness Soulfully and only only love Oh you, you are that feeling in which I reckon on and no more fear I harbour Therefore I love you I love you and fall into oblivion for you and I recall for you…everything Therefore I love you I love you and fall into oblivion for you and I recall for you…everything It comes a time when it’s insufficient what you have and it climaxes… Read more »

9 years ago

Enxhi was so Elhaida…
About the winner, I prefer Aslajdon Zaimaj with “Merrmë që sot”, a very unique song which could have impressed the audience. Perralle isn’t a bad choice.

Edd Keith
9 years ago

Well this is shite

jr esc nl
jr esc nl
9 years ago

great song to start the new esc season with! 🙂

9 years ago

I like the rock vibes of the song. I want to hear more that in Eurovision and please keep this in ALBANIAN, no english.

9 years ago

She diserve it.Her song is masterpiece and really beautiful song.She represent Albania but it means too Kosovo lol.
And about them who don’t like this song,they better close theur mouth because don’t know what is music.
Rona didn’t won,Elhaida didn’t won,If she don’t win in 2016 the Eurovision sucks and sucks.Because Europe is jealous from Albania but think when will come Kosovo too.Nevermind Great song great voice beautiful girl.
Greetings from Spain u have my vote 🙂

9 years ago

Don’t they always choose the same entry basically?

9 years ago

The voice is there, the rest will come. Still waiting on our first actual entry song I’m thinking 😉

9 years ago

I really like this song! Eneda was my favorite tonight and I’m happy I sat through 3+ hours to see her win! Hoping they keep the song and keep it in Albanian, because this is a real jury pleasing song!!

9 years ago

If 2016 is light on ballads, (which the internally selected artists would suggest as few of them could pull them off) then this has a shot of doing well. A decent winner and representative for Albania

9 years ago

Wasn’t my favorite but I like it.

9 years ago

This song is nothing like One Last Breath?

In my opinion this song doesn’t need to be touched. Leave it as it is it is BEAUTIFUL in Albanian and arranged to perfection. I’m in love!

9 years ago

@Robyn: The song and the singer both have more to offer than “One Last Breath” and Maria, I think. Yes, it’s similar, but more interesting. This one has a mystifying air to it.

…which is partially because it’s in Albanian. I really think the Albanian delegation should strongly consider keeping the song in Albanian this time.

9 years ago

Yes yes yes!! This song totally deserved to win, amazing work! The singer is very pretty, her voice is brilliant, very powerful, and the song is very beautiful as well. LOVE it

9 years ago

Totally expected from the beginning. I have only watched the videos of the performances, not the whole of FiK. Eneda was good but Besa was sooooo diappointing. I was rooting for Enxhi, Flaka or Nilsa by the end so when I came here I was not surprised but a little sad. Eneda is a good singer, I am not a huge fan of the song. A revamp or a change would be brilliant for me.

9 years ago

The song sounds good, but without that live orchestra the song will lose a lot of impact.

9 years ago

Xoao: That’s just beating a dead horse…

Congratulations to her btw

9 years ago

Good singer, but not good song. I hope they wili change song like last year or to improve so much song and translate to english.

Ben Rafter
Ben Rafter
9 years ago

Nice, unique song but I hate the backing vocalists. Maybe Albania will do well?

9 years ago

Eneda was flawless so happy she won!

AM Casablancas
AM Casablancas
9 years ago

very pleased, I was happy already that FiK 54 had so much power, and I wouldn’t be opposed to a win from Jozefina, Enxhi, Eneda, Sigi or Nilsa
A very strong artist, with fucking realness!

9 years ago

Will she have the Mans effect? She criticized Conchita last year making disgusting comments about her. She competely lost my respect.

9 years ago

Really wanted Besa to win but it was obvious Eneda would come out on top. FiK was almost unbearable this year. The semi-finals (despite what the author of this article says) were drab and confusing (not to mention the horrible interval acts). The final went on for about an hour too long and the voting at the end was totally rushed. Everything felt much more thrown together and chaotic than normal. I feel totally exhausted after watching that. “Përrallë” has good potential. I imagine she will want to sing in English. I hope they put the song through a good… Read more »

9 years ago

So far I like it … sophisticated and performed brilliantly by Tarifa. What I personally predict: a slightly revamp within the backing track to give the song a bigger intensity that may work in Eurovision considering that here everything was played live … unlike Eurovision. I also fear that an English lyric will be given to this and become the oficial version for Stockholm because sadly fans and viewers for the most part want to understand the lyrics and not necessarily be enchanted by the Albanian language … and finally .. this has just been released and pretty sure a… Read more »

No Name
No Name
9 years ago

I really hope they will change the song haha, because she’s a great singer and needs a more worthy song in Stockholm in my opnion. Was so hoping either Enxhi or Klodian and Rezarta would win. Oh well 🙁

9 years ago

To be honest, I thought there were so much better ones. But whatever, congrats.

9 years ago

I never watch FiK because it takes forever, but from what I’ve heard, the winner sounds pretty good. She certainly has the voice, and the song shows it. I think the main thing is the revamp, because they might put it into English.

It’ll be interesting to see the full results though.

9 years ago

Judging by her facial expressions, one would think poor Eneda was being tortured throughout the song. She wasn’t my personal favourite, but her vocals were on point and the song isn’t bad, certainly better than Diell last year

Paul D
Paul D
9 years ago

I wanted Rezarta & Klodian… at least they won that prize lol
About the winner – good choice for Albania, it’s a grower and has a lot of potential in my opinion, hopefully they won’t change the song, I quite like this one

9 years ago

Was rooting for Eneda from the very start so im so happy right now! My fav of the night. This will slay in Stockholm once given a good revamp (which I’m sure they’ll do) and keep the song in ALBANIAN – this song won’t work in English

My Top Picks tonight:
1: Eneda (8.5/10)
2: Flaka (8.4/10)
3: Enxhi (8/10)
4: Nilsa (7.4/10)
5: Klodian and Rezarta (7.3/10)

Besa was quite disappointing tonight so I’m actually not surprised with the result as Im sure many will be.

9 years ago

Exhausting show, good winner.