The Wiwi Jury – our in-house panel of music unprofessionals – is continuing its journey around Lithuania ahead of the first Eurovizija quarterfinal on Saturday. We just avoided being suffocated by Catrinah’s bin bag dress as she performed “Be Free”. Can Petunija help us through with “Tomorrow”? Read on to find out…

Petunija “Tomorrow”

Reviews: Petunija with “Tomorrow”

Antranig: Petunija’s vocals are breathtaking and the music captivates. Despite such great ingredients, the song goes absolutely nowhere lyrically. It’s like a well-made soufflé that never rises. It’s pleasant enough to listen to but it would require a complete overhaul to be a genuine contender.

Score: 6.5/10

Anthony: Déjà vu seems to be the trend in Lithuania this year. And Petunija is their answer to MNTHA from Latvia’s 2015 selection. There are hints of “Nefelibata” throughout “Tomorrow” — the instrumental composition and both singers possess a similar hairdo. The Lithuanian televoters appeared to like it, but I’m not feeling it so much.

Score: 4/10

Mikhail: “Tomorrow” has some interesting elements, but I tire of it after a few seconds. It seriously affects your brain and not in a good way. I feel like a zombie on drugs after listening. Free me from this condition, please!

Score: 4/10

Petunija Tomorrow Lithuania 2016

Robyn: Petunija has beguiling vocals, but the trouble is that “Tomorrow” doesn’t go anywhere. It’s all on the same level, the same strong beats, the same meandering vocals throughout the whole song. The result is a performance that’s hard to get involved with. It becomes background music.

Score: 4.5/10

Steinunn: I love “Tomorrow”. It’s the kind of music I actually like to listen to. It sounds current, with a hint of nostalgia. I’m getting a Goldfrapp feeling, which is a very good thing, believe me. The only negative comment I have is that Petunija might have to tune her vocals a little bit. But if she nails it in the finals (at least I hope she’ll get there), this will go far.

Score: 8.5/10

Bernardo: This is not my cup of tea. I don’t really like her voice. The song is a bit flat and the instrumentation is weak. Forgettable.


Lithuania 2016 Petunija Tomorrow

Angus: Petunija has bewitching vocals, a classic Anna Wintour ‘do and screens that show all the right signs. Then “Tomorrow” lumbers to life and the whole piece flatlines. Breezy filler tracks are fine hidden on album tracklists where they’ll be skipped but this is a competition about memory and “Tomorrow” barely makes an impact.

Score: 4/10

Liam: It feels like this was made by a pair of 12-year-old girls in their bedroom one afternoon when they were bored. It does not seem like a potential Eurovision entry. Not feeling this.

Score: 2/10

Luis: “Tomorrow” circles the “absolute disaster” line, but luckily it doesn’t cross it. There’s too much noise in the background, with the backing vocalists and with Petunija’s voice. I can’t take it all in just three minutes — the mess is too great. As for the Aminata reference in her video, the comparison between this and the queen of Burkina Faso realness is out of place.

Score: 4/10

Padraig: “Tomorrow” contains so many exciting elements from the ’80s beats to Petunija’s other worldly vocals. Sadly, none of these things come together to form a cohesive package for Eurovision. I should be enthralled, instead I’m struggling to remain focused. My interest is piqued early on, but I’m completely lost by the finish.

Score: 6/10

Our jury consists of 16 people, but we only have room for 10 written reviews. Here are the remaining 6 scores.

Josh: 4.5/10

Patrick: 6/10

Sinan: 6/10

Denise: 3/10

Judit: 1/10

Edd: 6.5/10


To reduce potential bias, we drop the highest and lowest scores prior to calculating the average. We removed a low of 1 and a high of 8.5.


Photos: Vytenio Radžiuno (

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9 years ago

That is a very high score for this song.

Johnny from Portugal
Johnny from Portugal
9 years ago

GUYS u seriously need more diversity on ur panel of judges ,cuz all i can see is some basic generic pop song lovers bit****ches. i cant even DEAL. like CANT EVEN.
Seriously petunija´s song for me has THE BEST SONG BY FAR,like by miles!
This gurl in Portugal is seriously not happy with the taste of music of you people.yes you people, she is mad. Real mad.Like ghetto of the wall mad .ughhhhh
im seriously going to throw a hissy fit on you guys.

9 years ago

With the exception of Steinunn, the Wiwi Jury is completely wrong here. This is amazing. The point is not the lyrics but the blending of vocals. Hopefully this does really well. 9/10

9 years ago

Gosh Judit, enough with the hate votes. You even gave 0 to Aminata and we all know how she ended in Vienna.

Steven Keenan
9 years ago

I think this actually works really well together! It needs a little tweaking but I can see this winning the selection tbh. I have it in my top 5 for the Lithuanian selection but I’m really into this kind of music

9 years ago

“Tomorrow” is very interesting indeed, it’s continuing the trend of the avant-garde songs, and Petunija’s voice is beautiful – saying that the song itself definitely needs some work. I like the outerworldly theme here, but I can’t remember anything she said besides “Tomorrow” and “Aoh- Eh-Oh”, and that’s kind of an issue. Maybe it’s the quality, I don’t know. It’s nice, but it needs some work – put some of that chaotic ending earlier please.

Score: 6.5/10

9 years ago

three of these reviews literally make no sense at all? ????

9 years ago

It’s a 6/10 for me. Certainly not bad, I like the sound and the lyrics make more sense to me than “Be free, it’s so emotional”. I have to admit I like the visual side of the performance: the screens, her outfit and makeup. It just fits together with the music and works for me. So even though 6/10 means nothing extraordinary on my scale, I can see why it did fairly well. About Wiwi Jury, I disagree with their opinions quite often, but I also believe opinions are not always equal to predictions. I may dislike a song but… Read more »

9 years ago

It’s fine when wiwi jury has it’s their own opinion about a song, but your rating is invalid for comparison with the real situation. I remeber when The Common Linnets just got 5.11/10 and Aminata just 6.17/10 and they each finished at 2nd and 6th. So it’s was really unprofessional i thought :))

9 years ago

Well done wiwibloggs. I applaud you. This is by far the best song in the Lithuanian selection. Rating it 4.64/10 is hilarious, especially when considering the high points you gave to most song in the Maltese selection. This site always seem to go for the diva wannabees. Anyway, why am I even putting effort in writing this comment? The ESC 2016 winner is confirmed by EBU and you know it. It’s Kaliopi.