The Wiwi Jury — our in-house panel of musical unprofessionals — is travelling around Austria in the lead up to Wer singt für Österreich 2016 on February 12. Today, we went on a tour of the Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna and did our best not to damage too many priceless artefacts, before taking a seat in the gardens and listening to our next Eurovision hopeful — Vincent Bueno with “All We Need is That Love”. Do we want some of Vincent’s love — or do we just want to turn him off? Read on to find out…
Antranig: Vincent seems like a reasonably good singer. On the other hand, his song is terrible — the start is very promising but it doesn’t take long to realise this is cheap, dated and repetitive. When he’s done trying to la la la more than Ivi Adamou, he should start working on a much better song for next year because he’s got potential as a singer.
Score: 3/10
Bernardo: I’m still waiting for this song to explode in the chorus and bring me electro-pop realness, but it fails to do it! Vincent may have the swag but he does not have the song or the lyrics to go to Eurovision and that’s a shame, because the song has the potential to be great. And the rap?! O-M-G, just cut it off!
Score: 5/10
Chris: All the lyrical creativity of writing “Screw Flanders” over and over again. I suppose the positive note here is that Vincent is actually a pretty good singer, but he does feel rather shoehorned into performing this. There are probably better songs out there that could properly showcase his voice.
Score: 4/10
Luis: Eh? What a mess this is. Vincent’s voice is pleasant, but the “love-lo-love” in the chorus and that Nokia 3310 background sound make it irritating. This could be a kind of rendition of a Justin Timberlake song gone wrong. The rap is the moment when you know the song is totally lost.
Score: 2/10
Mikhail: Is that some horny cat singing? It seems so. Unpleasant voice meets electronic burping and an incredibly awful chorus with all those la-la-las, which are horrible. No one can la-la-la better than Ivi Adamou. And what do we hear next? Some awful rap, which makes this mess even worse.
Score: 1/10
Patrick: The moment when a song starts out really promising and ends up really cheap. It’s like they spent all their money on the first 30 seconds. Okay, I see that it is a lounge song even maybe for a dance-floor but maah we don’t need this song in Eurovision. He might be a great singer and he also has the looks but sorry no no no no more LALALALA. We don’t need your love!
Score: 1/10
Robyn: Vincent brings some R&B vocal styles, tempered by the cool tropical house beats. There are some good ideas in this song and Vincent sounds good, but the song keeps throwing up hurdles, making it harder to love. There’s the almost instrumental chorus, where Vincent sounds like he’s la-la-la-ing under the beats. And then there’s the non-sequitur rap, where Vincent sounds like he’s trying to be Missy Elliot, circa 2001. No.
Score: 4.5/10
Sami: The song starts like a Justin Bieber song, but the chorus ruins it for me. Sure everyone knows how to sing along to “la la la” but they could have come up with more lyrics than that. Vincent also clearly likes to show off his falsetto, but it really is unnecessary — and so is that ridiculous rapping.
Score: 2/10
William: This starts off so sexy and promising and the backing reminds me of Conchita’s “Firestorm”. Then the annoying chorus comes in and everything goes batsh*t crazy. Lounge gives way to R&B gives way to the Trackshittaz and I’m left saying WTF? It’s a no from me.
Score: 3/10
In the Austrian Wiwi Jury we have 15 jurors, but only have room for 9 reviews. The remaining 6 scores are below.
Denise: 3/10
Edd: 2/10
Josh: 3.5/10
Judit: 3/10
Sinan: 5/10
Steinunn: 6/10
The highest and lowest scores are dropped prior to calculating the average score. This is to remove outliers and reduce potential bias. We have removed a low of 1 and a high of 6.
I like the start of it, I like the start of it a lot. And then he rhymes about 8 lines with the same line, and fills approximately 482% of the song with “la” “give me that” and conspicuous sex sounds. Plus, did he and try and pull a Harlem Shake in the middle of that? I wish this song had some sort of direction, because it kinda just rotates instead of actually going anywhere.
Score: 2.5/10
Wow! There for Vincent Bueno here. I’m suprised that Filipinos in Austria have not promoted this on Facebook and other social medias. We usually ride on a fellow countrymen’s fame and success like a parasite.
In my opinion the song is ok but I may have Stockholm syndromed’ my way into loving the song
Personally I think that Azrah’s track is way worse than this, I’m a bit surprised about the 3.15 score…
Yeah, this is so is superbleak. I feel so robbed that songs like these chosen by an alleged music expert (Eberhard Forcher) are so boring and bland and only represent his personal taste in music or artists.
However I am curious on how “Weapons Down” will be rated, a super intense song that gives me chills, and of course “Loin d’ici”, which I can’t stop listening to anymore and forever……
My suspicion is that ORF nominated a lot of fillers for the show in order to secure the ticket for Zoe.