The Wiwi Jury – our in-house panel of music unprofessionals – is continuing its journey around Lithuania ahead of the fifth Eurovizija show on Saturday. Last time, we pondered the possibility of “Stars In A Rainbow” with Berta Timiniskaite. But today we venture out into the garden as the 4 Roses sing us “Butterfly”. Is this sweet nectar or just a load of manure? Read on to find out…

4 Roses “Butterfly”

Reviews: 4 Roses with “Butterfly”

Robyn: How unexpected – a decent group with a decent song. 4 Roses have good voices and (perhaps aided by the backing singers) they nail the harmonies of this modern pop ballad. In broader Eurovision terms, “Butterfly” is pretty average, but in the limited field of Eurovizijos atranka, it’s a shining outlier.

Score: 6/10

Luis: Lithuania’s answer to Femminem is here. In fact, I’m getting a lot of “Lako je sve” vibes. But while I loved that, we all know how it ended six years ago. I can’t imagine how 4 Roses would fare today, but I can’t see them placing higher than 11th in the semis. As for “Butterfly”, the cheap nature sounds in the bridge are totally out of place, and this soft R&B style has been dated for at least five years now.

Score: 4/10

Anthony: They may be known as the 4 Roses, but the trio blossom in harmony. “Butterfly” is a decent entry and despite the monotone verses, the chorus gives the song a real lift. As Muhammad Ali would say, they’ll “float like a butterfly and sting like a bee.”

Score: 6/10

4 Roses Butterfly Lithuania 2016

Steinunn: I had to listen to “Butterfly” a few times to figure out what it reminded me of. And finally I realised it sounds like a less fierce version of En Vogue’s “Don’t Let Go”. I like the chorus, their voices sound really good together and overall it’s a good performance. But at the same time the song lacks that special something that makes a song great. But looking at the quality of this year’s Eurovizija, this actually ends up quite near the top.

Score: 7/10

Mikhail: Girl power! Their voices are great together, but the song is a bit flat. Also, they sound like a church choir when they sing “Butterflyyyyyyyy”. That’s not good, it’s creepy.

Score: 5.5/10

Liam: This is beautiful! Finally a group whose voices don’t screech for dominance. Although, when they sing “caress me” it sounds rather creepy. “Butterfly” seems expensive, I wonder if 4 Roses have any money left.

Score: 8.5/10

Antranig: These women are channelling their inner TWiiNS. Perhaps they should change their name to TRiiiPLETS. The song is a bit too repetitive, but enjoyable — with a revamp, this could do really well. I don’t think they’ll win but they could definitely come close.

Score: 8/10

4 Roses Butterfly Lithuania 2016

Bernardo: By Eurovizijos standards, this is gold. Good harmonies, a decent ballad and a good-looking trio. Everything is set to go well. I was expecting a bigger climax, but I’m fine with this.

Score: 6.5/10

Angus: Girl power! Who doesn’t want to take their hand and head up to the mountain high after a performance like that? The intensity is even, which lets this down, but the bridge and choruses really shine.

Score: 7/10

Padraig: I feel like I’ve heard this before, but I can’t say where. Familiarity aside, “Butterfly” has a lot going for it, at least by Lithuanian standards. It’s modern and sets a slightly dark and menacing tone. But sadly its full potential is never harnessed. The track is not as compelling as it should be, and rather than leave with a bang it just peters out.

Score: 5.5/10

Our jury consists of 16 people, but we only have room for 10 written reviews. Here are the remaining 6 scores.

Josh: 5/10

Patrick: 8/10

Sinan: 6.5/10

Denise: 6/10

Judit: 7/10

Edd: 2.5/10


To reduce potential bias, we drop the highest and lowest scores prior to calculating the average. We removed a low of 2.5 and a high of 8.5.


Photos: Vytenio Radžiuno (

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Steven Keenan
9 years ago

One of the strongest entries in the selection. They just got to take it up a gear somewhere.

9 years ago

I totally agree with Racal.

9 years ago

As a general rule, I think that Eurovision should ban all songs called “Butterfly”, “Shine”, “Hero”, etc.