The Wiwi Jury — our in-house panel of music unprofessionals — is still in Hungary reviewing A Dal performances. Today we listened to the Kállay Saunders Band and their song “Who We Are”. András Kállay Saunders is hoping to return to Eurovision, but do we want to see him in Stockholm? Read on to find out…

Kállay Saunders Band – “Who We Are”

Kallay-Saunders Band, A Dal, Hungary 2016

Watch the live performance at MTVA

“Who We Are” reviews

Robyn: Apparently András was getting over a cold, which resulted in a slightly rusty vocal at the heat. But he got up there and rocked it anyway. This is my favourite song from A Dal 2016, and if it wins, it will be one of my favourites going to Stockholm. It’s energetic, it has attitude, swagger and is super catchy. I’m not crazy about his body paint and ripped shirt get-up, but Hungary can also be counted on to sort out their staging.

Score: 9/10

Angus: Glamrock Andras has a whole lot more swagger than he got in the dance melodrama of “Running”. The number tingles with energy, uses strobes to full effect and despite a wandering performance still knocks the rest of the pack out of contention. Hungary has a strong tradition in rock and electro, so putting the two together might make for a winning combination.

Score: 9.5/10

Judit: Okay, “Who We Are” is a good song, and they found a way to perform it as a interesting, colourful story. However, I feel sorry for the band, because everyone cares about András, and I can’t feel that they are a group. Still it’s a good song, a big favourite. I wouldn’t be the happiest if they win, but still they have a big chance.

Score: 8/10

Denise: This is a whole lot different than “Running”, but I like both songs. The performance disappoints me a little. I don’t like the body paint tattoos and clothes he’s wearing. Still like his voice and I wouldn’t mind at all if this would win since it’s one of the favorites.

Score: 7.5/10

Mikhail: There is something off-putting in this song for me. I don’t like some kind of “burping” that is happening in the song and the whole force of the song seems too intense for my taste. Nevertheless, it is a more or less decent song, but not for me.

Score: 5/10

Sinan: Look, what I’m going to say  — I much prefer “Running” from 2014 to “Who We Are”! I’m so sorry, but don’t think the band of Andras is going to win A Dal 2016. I don’t like his outfit. I think Andras should stay as a solo artist.

Score: 3.5/10

In the Hungarian jury we have 12 jurors but only room for six reviews. The remaining six scores are below!

Edd: 9.5/10

Patrick: 3/10

Dayana: 8/10

Luis: 9/10

Antranig: 7.5/10

Cristian: 7/10

To reduce potential bias, we drop the highest and lowest scores prior to calculating the average. We removed a low of 3 and a high of 9.5.

Wiwi Jury Average: 7.4/10



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9 years ago

Much better than running and the best song in A Dal. Deserves to win.

9 years ago

I quite like the song but i just can’t bring myself to support him. He came 5th in the grand final only two years ago, seriously give someone else a go!!

9 years ago

I hated Running, I love this…

9 years ago

Perfect song for Hungary. Catchy, memorable, fantastic song! Great singer and band. Energy!

9 years ago

Top 5 contender if they sort the staging out.