After last week’s super technical show in Malmö, this week’s Melodifestivalen semifinal in Norrköping is a more stripped down affair. Seven artists will sing but only four of them will stay alive in the competition. Today we saw the first snippets of the performances and we had our eyes and ears open and had a lot to say. You can read our reviews here.
But what do you think? Which of the seven acts had the best first rehearsal? Vote in our poll! Choose your favourites, check the box next to their names in the poll and then click submit. You can vote for as many of your favourites as you wish, but you can only press submit one time. We will go through the results before Saturday’s third semifinal.
Melodifestivalen 2016: Deltävling 3, Norrköping
SaRaha with “Kizunguzungu”
What we said: “The costumes are gorgeous and really pop against the simple background that flicks between pink, blue and yellow. Best of all the melody is catchy, memorable and feel-good — the perfect antidote to the Swedish winter. SaRaha slays!”
Read the full “Kizunguzungu” lyrics
Swingfly feat. Helena Gutarra with “You Carved Your Name”
What we said: “This has major energy, so much so that Swingfly’s random screaming actually sounds nice. Madness works when delivered with conviction.”
Read the full “You Carved Your Name” lyrics
SMILO with “Weight of the World”
What we said: “The visuals are nice and the DJ booth is a good idea, but they just don’t fill the stage enough to make this believable. This could, of course, change when the audience is there cheering and dancing, but I can’t see them jumping up and down for SMILO.”
Read the full “Weight of the World” lyrics
After Dark with “Kom ut som en stjärna”
What we said: “Every week we can expect a bit of schlager and this week it comes from drag act After Dark. Sadly this is more Anna Book than Krista Siegfrids, and it feels horribly dated. The references to Beyoncé and Lady Gaga are amusing, but this drag queen seems to drag — it’s not making me move or dance.”
Read the full “Kom ut som en stjärna” lyrics
Lisa Ajax with “My Heart Wants Me Dead”
What we said: “Even if her voice has a slightly whiny, annoying sound, she is still a great singer. The song is catchy, without being too repetitive, and has the feel of a typical radio hit from 2016. I also like the performance, even if it looks a bit too cheap for a song that sounds so expensive.”
Read the full “My Heart Wants Me Dead” lyrics
Boris Réne with “Put Your Love on Me”
What we said: “I’m not a fan of this genre, but today Boris delivered one of the more energetic and memorable acts. For a professional footballer, he’s not a bad performer either! The staging is insanely simple — there are lights and little else — and this performance relies heavily on the dancers to make it pop.“
Read the full “Put Your Love on Me” lyrics
Oscar Zia with “Human”
What we said: “The clip doesn’t give much away, but I can tell this is going to be EPIC. The dark clouds and frenetic camera cuts set the scene for a seriously dramatic performance. Oscar looks tot ally comfortable on stage and I have a feeling he’s going direkt till final!”
Which Semi-Final 3 act had the best first rehearsal?
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Photo: Stina Stjernkvist/SVT
I prefer Oscar Zia! Go to final ….
Boris, SwingFly, SMLO, Lisa Ajax, I think you love Oscar because he was in the 2014 melodifestivalen, but that’s the past, See what happens with your Krista Siegfrieds and Isa, and Wiktoria was a last place entrie, and boom, now she’s in the final
Oscar zia is the only one here. but i think it will be Molly Sanden and Isa and perhaps Wiktoria which will fight for the win this year. I’m not suprised that people have been disappointed about all entries in the melfest… we won last year and I’m pretty sure we won’t win it this year . i wouldn’t mind if we choose Isa or molly but it doesn’t matter. I wish a country that haven’t won will win this year like poland or something else… sweden will get their chance next year. still haven’t heard all the full songs… Read more »
I think this semi was rather disappointing overall. The only standouts here imo were Oscar and Lisa (with her overload supply of TP). I guess this is where the eliminated contestants could have had a better chance, namely Mimi Werner, and maybe Krista Siegfrids.
I really appreciate both Lisa and Oscars staging
I’m loving SaRaha! I hope she goes DTF but I think she’ll go to AC.
Oscar is so obviously going DTF and I must say I’m positively impressed, I think he has a good song but yeah, definitely not Melfest winner.
Oscar’s vocals are going to be terrible in the final.
looks like lisa got lost in a cupboard full of toilet paper XD
I wish there’s a hide button so we don’t have to see the same posts over and over.
Back on topic, only Oscar stood out! TBH, I’m actually kinda disappointed with this year’s MelFest.
If I could choose:
DTF: Oscar and Boris (he was a huge surprise!)
AC: Lisa and SaRaha
Not really any stunners here, I Will Wait still stands my winner
Agree, nothing interesting.
NO WINNER HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They all are generally the same! Only some details differ, but the overall picture is clear. No winner here!