It’s the end of the road for our Poland Wiwi Jury, and in the eyes of some, we may have saved the best until last. Edyta Górniak, the Eurovision legend and 1994 runner-up with “To nie ja”, has returned to try and represent Poland once again. This year, she is entering Krajowe Eliminacje with her song “Grateful”. Are we feeling her return? Check out our reviews below and don’t forget to vote in our Krajowe Eliminacje 2016 poll too, before it closes very soon!
Edyta Górniak – “Grateful”
“Grateful” reviews
Jason: I was super excited when I found out that Edyta was trying to represent Poland once again. I dreamt of “To nie ja 2.0”, a stormy ballad that would show off Edyta’s huge voice. I admit that I was majorly disappointed when I first heard “Grateful”. After a couple of listens I’ve learned to appreciate the quiet darkness of the song (“Birds” by Anouk anyone?) and if it gets to Eurovision I hope that viewers appreciate it too.
Score: 8.5/10
Chris: This has the potential to be epic. Baring in mind Edyta’s popularity, there’s absolutely no reason that she won’t storm to victory at Krajowe Eliminacje. This is not a Eurovision winning song, but in terms of placing it amongst the entries, I’d choose “Grateful” over “1944” any day. I’m sure the staging will be on point and to simply call Edyta’s vocal “reliable” would be an insult, in all honesty. I might not be backing Edyta for the win, but I give her all my respect and then some.
Score: 8.5/10
Antranig: Edyta Górniak knows what it takes to do well at Eurovision and Poland would do well to send the woman who delivered their best result — but not with this song. This is dramatic, emotional and dark, but it lacks something to set it apart from the competition. A good song, but not good enough to top her previous result at Eurovision.
Score: 7/10
Luis: Edyta is a grand singer, nobody has a doubt about that, but “Grateful” is not an effort that is on her level. While it’s mature, introspective and deeply emotional, it lacks the ability of transmitting the storm of feelings Edyta is singing about. As such, it passes as a bit mild.
Score: 6.5/10
Marek: This song makes me feel really special. It has a strong, mysterious message with a unique dark aura. I was really proud of Edyta from the moment I heard she would compete in Krajowe Eliminacje. When I heard the song, it was only better. She’s the reason I won’t vote in the final. I love both songs — Margaret’s and hers — and I just can’t decide between them! Of course, as always, Edyta’s vocals just slay. I’m a bit scared people won’t like it because it’s not ultra pop. But when she sings “Feeling and knowing that there is something around me,” I can really feel that something, that atmosphere. That makes that song really special. Good luck, Edi!
Score: 10/10
David: This is a pretty soaring ballad. Everything you should have in a song like this. Unfortunately I found myself starting to check out half way through. Great background music at a nice restaurant. But not something that’s going to crack the top 10 at Eurovision. With that said, with some work and a better presentation this might be a lot better.
Score: 6.5/10
Deban: Ambient pop with a stirring soul. I like this effort, but it requires more to make a positive impact on a big stage. Edyta Górniak voice is suited to this, but I question whether the song is suitable for the contest.
Score: 6/10
Robyn: There’s something odd about the recorded version of this song. In the early stages, it sounds too casual, like Edyta is just murmuring into the microphone and not putting much performance energy into the song. Yeah, she busts out the big notes later on, but the contrast makes it come across more like showboating than a heartfelt emotional outpouring. There’s little to love.
Score: 5/10
We have 15 jurors in our Poland Wiwi Jury, but only have room for 8 reviews. The remaining 7 scores are below!
Renske: 7/10
Sam: 6/10
Dayana: 8/10
Bernardo: 8/10
Ramadan: 6/10
William C: 9/10
Bogdan: 8/10
The highest and lowest scores are dropped prior to calculating the average score. This is to remove outliers and reduce potential bias. We have removed a low of 5 and a high of 10.
I would be very happy to see Edyta be Poland’s representative in Eurovision Song Contest 2016. I think she could do really well.
“It’s mature, introspective and deeply emotional” … right … agree … but … nobody wants a ballad a slow ballad with no beats and groove, Swedish naked torsos, or Russian recycling melodies from Azerbaijan standing at the Eurovision … period. Serious songs kill the so desperate juvenile love for kitsch, average music and bad taste like there’s not tomorrow … and if it wasn’t fot the cheesy Golden boy last year people would almost commit suicide for every single slow song on stage … And I am not saying this as a compliment for the Eurovision hardcore fans … if… Read more »
I prefer this over Margaret, but the songs are so different … Hats off to Edyta for going to compete in the preselection. Whichever gets chosen tonight will do well at ESC. This should take the juries by storm.
I think long time did’t been so good ballads like this.
Now I have heard the studio version, I do love it, but I love Margaret so much more… However I will fully back Poland if wither of these two win. 🙂
If Edyta nails her performance tonight I think she will win. Her song is amazing.
Edyta is the best.
This reminds me of “Candlelight” by Csezy from 2008 just because of Edyta’s voice, except with far more modern instrumentals. The song really drags, though, and isn’t as mysterious as they wanted it to be, sadly.
Very beautiful song with power, amazing voice. She is really talent.
I really cross my fingers that this beautiful song will gonna win tonight & represent Poland in Eurovision.
But i’m really afraid that Margaret’s overrated song will win instead 🙁
I think that this is a really good song, classy and classic, and edyta is an amazing performancer. forget about margaret and bring us this one to the contest
Love it!! It’s not a winning song but top 10 for sure, tough choice as I’d like both Edyta and Margaret to represent Poland this year