Yesterday the Wiwi Jury – our in-house panel of music unprofessionals – travelled to Finland, where we visited the northern town of Rovaniemi. Under the glow of the Northern Lights, we discussed Sandhja‘s song “Sing It Away”. Did it sing all our troubles away? Or did it hit a bum note? Read on to find out!
Sandhja – “Sing It Away”
“Sing It Away” reviews
Bogdan: Is this written by the same team who wrote Barei’s song? With similar verses, instrumentals, and lyrics, I find “Sing It Away” equally tedious. Plus, I don’t find any redeeming qualities in Sandhja’s voice either. She seems to get tired before she even makes it to the bridge. Not a very good impression overall.
Score: 4/10
Sami: After last year’s PKN incident — what I could call a catastrophe — Finland is sending a song that you actually can take seriously. Finland’s national selection UMK is getting better every year and we had many great songs in the final this year. In the end, Sandhja was my second favourite there and I’m happy she got chosen. “Sing It Away” is a real feel-good song with uplifting message. I love Sandhja’s voice and look and I’m glad she gets a chance to show all that for big audience. The camera work and the whole stage performance at the national final was bit messy so I hope they change that at the actual contest. Next to that, I really think Finland deserves a place in the final this year.
Score: 9/10
Robyn: It’s a little ominous that “Sing It Away” didn’t manage to win the UMK public televote, but Sandhja has an amazing voice and can effortlessly deliver the song in proper disco diva style. The only weak spot: for a song that’s about singing your troubles away, Sandhja looks quite angry when she’s singing it. A line like “There’s no need to be carrying a frown” doesn’t work when it’s literally sung with a frown. I’m not expecting a stage-school permasmile (and I know all about resting bitch face), but if Sandhja can bring some genuine joy to the performance, it will soar.
Score: 5/10
Angus: If Sandhja had been handed a song like “Hunger” or “I’ll Be Fine”, she would knock it out of the park. Unfortunately she has to make do with “Sing It Away” which seems to put a ceiling on her vocal and force her down from diving off into crazy beautiful vocal gymnastics. All the soulful promise of the opening verse evaporates into a fun, but frivolous chorus that wastes her talents.
Score: 6.5/10
Chris: There’s nothing wrong with “Sing It Away”, so I can’t exactly mark it down. Maybe it’s not the most original track we’ve heard all year, but Sandhja is a good performer with a good song. The issue is that’s all that “Sing It Away” is: good. It never aspires for greatness, or to be a Eurovision winner, which often makes me feel like there’s no point it being here. A filler track that’s enjoyable for three minutes and won’t last in the mind much longer than that.
Score: 6/10
Kristin: Well, well Finland. Once again, you’ve proven that you don’t give a toss about what other people think, and I beg you NEVER to change! I was totally on Team Mikael Saari, and like others, I was gobsmacked when Sandhja just stormed in and took the trophy. Surprising results, but not bad at all. “Sing It Away” has a retro late ’90s ring to it, and a good one as such. But Sandhja sweetie, please drop the Miley Cyrus attitude with the tongue and peace sign. Other than that, I’m perfectly okay with this.
Score: 7.5/10
Cristian: After Belgium, Finland also brings us a retro touch of ’70s. “Sing It Away” is a danceable track which, sadly, does not remain in your mind. I listened to other songs by Sandhja and I don’t see this song as her best offer for the Eurovision. However, it puts a smile upon my face and that’s important.
Score: 7/10
Deban: Sandhja is a talented emerging artist saddled with a slice of disposable pop. “Sing It Away” leaves you with a firmly average first reaction that verges on annoying when you hit the ‘repeat’ button. I admit the presence of a positive lyrical message. However, that shouldn’t excuse it from having an engaging musical structure. The silent interlude at the two-minute mark is a good pause. Unfortunately, by then, I’m thirsty for a completely new song.
Score: 3/10
Padraig: “Sing It Away” was one of my early favourites in Finland. The studio version makes for a vivacious three minutes of radio-friendly pop. But things go awry on stage. Sandhja simply comes across as too aggressive. She sings with a ferocity that’s unwarranted for such a light-hearted song. And then there’s all the frowning – why? The track will certainly go down well at Euroclub, but it’s doomed to stay in the semis at the actual contest. Even if Sandhja does manage to project the appropriate emotions, the entry lacks the flourishes needed to standout.
Score: 7/10
Rezo: Sandhja is an excellent singer and has a great vocal. But while the song is good, it’s also very ordinary. Finland won’t come top this year. The song lacks variety, and could see Finland repeating last year’s result.
Score: 4/10
Tobias: It is not a song that attracts me at all. I mean, it’s an OK song, but nothing more than that. I don’t remember it after I’ve heard it and sadly I think this will not qualify for the final.
Score: 3/10
William: Talk about a tease. The first 30 seconds set up a modern and potentially amazing EDM track. Then she goes all disco, a genre well past its prime and one I cannot access on any level. The horns in the chorus are irritating and the hook isn’t one I’m keen to hang on to. Fine production but you really can’t polish a turd.
Score: 3/10
In the Wiwi Jury we have 40 jurors but only have room for 12 reviews. The remaining 28 scores are below.
Anthony: 7.5/10
Antranig: 2/10
Bernardo: 4/10
David: 8/10
Dayana: 6.5/10
Denise: 4/10
Diego: 5/10
Edd: 6/10
Forrest: 5/10
George: 6/10
Gökhan: 5.5/10
Jason: 6/10
Josh: 5/10
Judit: 5/10
Liam: 7.5/10
Luis: 6.5/10
Marek: 5.5/10
Maria: 5/10
Mario: 6.5/10
Max: 5.5/10
Mike: 4/10
Mikhail: 6/10
Patrick: 4/10
Renske: 5.5/10
Sinan: 7/10
Steinunn: 7/10
William C: 5/10
Zakaria: 5/10
The highest and lowest scores are dropped prior to calculating the average score. This is to remove outliers and reduce potential bias. We have removed a low of 2 and a high of 9.
I’m late on this, but this song is pretty underrated. Probably doesn’t get as much attention because it’s Finland’s entry.
By the way, it’s not necessarily easy to sing with a smile when you’re putting a lot of effort into your voice.
Begining of the song /dont you hear line melody fron Avicci ,the nights,?
It’s very effortless to find out any matter on web as compared to
books, as I found this paragraph at this web site.
I’m from Finland and this is one of those songs that has definitely grown on me! At first I thought this song is very basic and dull, but after it won the national selection I’ve found myself singing and humming to it constantly! It’s so catchy and so positive! Every time it comes on it just puts a smile on my face and makes me want to dance. And Jack maybe this is why Sami gave it such a good score! In my top this and Spain are on the same place, I don’t understand why some people love Spain… Read more »
This song might have had a much better chance if it were at least 15 years ago. After my first evaluation, it sits at #34 on my list, a non-qualifier.
All the ingredients are good but the combined result does not meet expectations. Maybe it peaks too early & has nowhere to go.
Currently I rank “Sing It Away” 24 of 43 but it is on shaky ground.
We’re in SWEDEN! All the scandis will qualify!
It rates 5.5/10 and 21/43 for me. Anyway, Finland has redeemed itself somewhat after last year’s sympathy act. Personally, they should’ve sent Saara Aalto!
agree to Rezo
I agree with the 5/10.
It’s meh, not good nor bad, just ok.
And it’s way worse than Belgium, just saying, Belgiums song is much more fun and catchy.
Sami’s only giving 9/10 because he’s Finnish. No other person would give this mess such a good score.
I don’t like her attidute, but the song is extremely catchy! On paper whe have (again) one of the worst songs send by Finland, still the song is catchy. I don’t see this song qualifying IMO, and her vocals are sooooooooooooooo screamy and ugly, and PLEASE select other backings, when the are singing this “YEAH” part, they make my ears bleed.
I don’t get the comparison with Fifth Harmony. Sandhja doesn’t have nothing that reminds that girls. And actually Fifth Harmony doesn’t have nothing original in their songs and performances. But anyway, talking about the Wiwi’s review, it seems that you always catch a detail that don’t prejudice the performance and low your notes because of it. In this case, some of you are saying that she is frowning and looks agressive. Guys, she looks that she is having a really great fun! And I don’t understand the “Miley Cyrus attitude”, since Miley is always trying to look sexy (and not… Read more »
Better than Belgium, but none of them will make the final.
This is just okay. The problem about this is that it’s also extremly catchy. Definitely a great opener to semi 1, but that’s probably it. There are so many good songs coming after her, so I don’t believe Finland will/should make the final.
For me she is a surprise qualifier. I’m curious who will be knocked out by her. One of certain qualifiers will flop.
After last years… um… “social experiment”, Finland is back to mid-level pop with this song, which despite being all about singing away your worries and blues seems utterly joyless in its presentation. You’d think such a rosy message would leave you feeling at least a bit more sunshiney inside, but nope… not really. Its better than some of the garbage in this year’s contest, but its likely meaning that Finland’s going to fail to qualify yet again.
RANK: 30th
0,5/10 – It’s easily one of the worst songs in this year’s competition. Her diction is far from good, her voice is goat-alike, the song has a fake funk to it and the lyrics are cheesy af!
I totally agree @Samanta, I have exactly the same thoughts
Sorry to say, this is Sandhja just copying Fifth Harmony’s style, Finland it’s not creative this year and fail lol. Like the song tho’.
This deserves to go to the final undoubtedly
Definitely a song that was needed at Eurovision and if people are completely honest, there were not any songs better in UMK, this year. I imagine that it would be a good choice to open the final if it gets there.
As for the song, she is a strong vocalist suited to the disco genre that this song aims for. In her live performance, she is a bit shouty and it can get a bit karaoke by the chorus. I do not think many people are going to complain about this song come competition time.
Finland is underrated as usual. This song makes me smile and wanna dance. It has positive message, why it makes everyone angry, i don’t get it? She was energetic and happy on the stage. She wasn’t aggressive, i think. Sandhja just Sing It Away!
I think I’m one of the few people who don’t mind this one. She ha a great voice and the song is very radio friendly, sounds a bit clean bandit. I get the forgettable feeling some have though.
Not sure I’m a fan of the wannabe East London look
Also “I’ll munch your balls away” muahahah
Complete and utter fluff. Sing it away…..far……far…….far…..away.
Another instance where my score for a song is low (kinda) because I bothered with the national selection. I had two songs that I would have liked to have been the representative but this was not one of them. The first verse is the only good part, afterwards it’s repetition. The bridge does not help anything at all since I can’t remember it. There are so many upbeat songs this year so my standards for them are higher. Sing It Away fails to reach the line here, so it’s a no final again.
Finland’s song just leaves me numb, after a few listens I don’t love it or hate it, it’s just a song. It’s sung well and everything but it just does nothing for me, considering its draw in the semi final I also cannot see this qualifying. Second non-qualification in a row for a Nordic country? What?! 4/10. Sorry Finland not this year 🙁
I love this so much. 8/10 but #18 in my top.
The opening verses are amazing, but the chorus is so underwhelming. She is certainly in the running to win the Barbara Dex award too.
Sandhja is a good performer and a strong vocal, but the song is just so mediocre.
5/10 for me
I cannot believe you guys ranked it higher than Belgium. I am happy to bet with anyone for a very large sum of money that Belgium will qualify and this will not.
Nope it does not get me dancing. Still okay to listen to.
This song is so catchy and funky, but I don’t think it’s special enough to do well. Sandhja is an awesome singer, she looks like she’s really enjoying herself when she sings which is necessary. It’s not incredible though, nor does it stick out in my mind enough to make me want to vote for it.
This took weeks to grow on me, which is never a good thing.
Germany can actually participatr in your alternative contest.
Though I really like disco stuff, this one is not good enough. 5/10
The backing singers makes me somehow not take the song serious, when they sing, it sounds like it is reversed, and that is very funny. But Sandhja is a good singer.