She’s singing “Sound Of Silence” but there is nothing silent about Dami Im from Australia‘s performance. Absolutely nailing her first rehearsal in the Globen Arena today, everything about her expensive yet subdued show screamed nothing but success. The press centre’s response was largely positive, which helps cement Dami as a favourite in this years contest.

Dami starts off her performance draped in a “classically Dami” silver gown, perched on a glowing blue box. Her hand movements are simple yet exude diva, suggesting to the audience that she is confident, comfortable and hungry for the winners trophy!

Australia is also utilising the amazing technology available on the stage in Stockholm, using holograms within the performance. Rather than wolves or faces, the song is given a futuristic feel with robotic imagery appearing in front of Dami as she alludes to pressing buttons on a piece of machinery.

The most exciting moment of the performance however was the unexpected change of vocal pitch, starting from the second verse right until the end. Any skeptical people out there that thought “Sound Of Silence” was repetitive – you just wait for this performance because it will change your mind. The ending is bigger, more powerful and really showcases Dami’s incredible ability to really belt it out.

Naturally like in any first rehearsal, there were some teething issues with timing and camera angles. However, watch this space to see how this performance progresses. We were really blown away by the entire show.

Australia: First rehearsal at Eurovision 2016

Dami Im’s “Sound of Silence”: Reviews and Reactions

Read all of our Eurovision rehearsal reviews

Photo: (EBU)

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Mackie Messer
Mackie Messer
8 years ago

Dami Im is jaw-droppingly amazing whatever she does. She’ll give the audiences in Europe one hell of a performance and this alone is way more what can be said about 90+% of the competition.

8 years ago

I have read & saw reviews from the press regarding Dami’s first rehearsal– so proud of Dami. Dami slays, omg, vocals are perfect & flawless. This is only rehearsal, Dami loves connecting with audiences– wait till she sings it with audiences. That’s where she will unleash her magic. I love one of the review as quoted: Dami told Europe that ESC is a song contest. Go Dami, #DamiArmy
8 years ago

Forget about the Stage Production, Technology and any other props that may be used with Sounds Of Silence. Dami will have everyone captivated, gasping for breath, goosebumps, spine chills, jaw dropping purely by her voice & voice only…Xfactor tried to dress her up in ridiculously & outrageous Costumes, within the first few notes of every Song, anything else on Stage was forgotten about & thats what will happen comes Finals….If you want to know what I’m talking about- Watch all of Dami’s Xfactor performances -week 1 to Finals…

8 years ago

If the swedish telewoters will follow the iTunes list from the last days (4/5)we will vote like this I suppose:
1. Australia (20)
2. France (27)
3. italy (81)
4. Russia (82)

But my favorit right now is italy, but that can change we i se the performance. But i think that france will win followed by russia.

stephen podesta
stephen podesta
8 years ago

At 1st i was worries about the song and the dress and everything, but my fears are gone. Dami is a class act with a great song. One thing that no one knows about Dami is that she improves every time she sings, she is a fighter and wants to win and her voice is better than her CD/Video, she will amaze everyone and will probably win, despite the haters on the site whom have there own agendas about there own winners, I see here the usual Trolls that have been negative about Dami I’m forever and a day. It… Read more »

8 years ago

Anton, Belarus is more of a dingy pony than a dark horse

8 years ago

If Australia wins I believe we might be in Russia next year. 😉

8 years ago

Funny how once again I apparently agree with Edd. I’ve said it before, I’m not a fan of this song and I’d be outraged if this won. But I have to admit that the staging is well done (although I’m sick of the technology this year) and that her vocals are very strong of course.

Paul D.
Paul D.
8 years ago


I believe it’s destined to be in Germany, though I think it would be much fair if the right to host goes to the secnd place, and so on

8 years ago

I respect her as a performer and it all looks very polished and professional….. I just wish I liked the song, cos I find it very boring.

8 years ago

If Australia wins I believe we might be back in Sweden next year 😉 Sweden or UK.

8 years ago

The author of the article is actually Australian. So let other journalists to write about your country. By the way, I believe that you tried to be objective.

8 years ago

Well it stays in my top 5. She is really gorgeous! I agree, it seemed to be repetitive, but it is actually not anymore! I think that Russia, Armenia, Australia, France , Spain/Bulgaria will be in top 5. Waiting for the next counties and Armenia’s full performance, because we can see nothing from that video( you can check Russia’s FULL performance on YouTube).

8 years ago

Welcome to the “Eurovisual Contest 2016”. May contain a few decent songs and good singers.

This is my opinion (TIMO)
This is my opinion (TIMO)
8 years ago

It sounds like demi is so full of herself singing classic ballad song that is more miserable than sanna undo, some one tell demi it isn’t gonna secure her extra points by trying to make her song bigger with her dress and stage decoration it’s just a normal classic ballad

Paul D.
Paul D.
8 years ago

So we have two big boxes in semifinal 2: Australia and Norway

8 years ago

Judging by this if she doesn’t win the jury vote in the final it would be a travesty

power b.
power b.
8 years ago

Just saw the odds. Dami is gonna beat France.

8 years ago

just 41 sec and 20 sec on the daily update esc channel…was her first rehearsal.. for the people who was there listening her and watching her, are the people who are are giving and can give GOOD REVIEWS (they are doing it!), you all can’t say u don’t like because u saw only a few seconds how much credibility you have? Josh and wiwiblogg team WERE THERE and the others reviews around internet are positive too soo?… maybe you are not happy about the good response that dami is getting, DEAL WITH IT! #Australia is the fav since always and… Read more »

8 years ago

You should also upload the dialy update at the end they show also another part of the song she changed too and sounds amazing !!! on point her highs

8 years ago

Eugene emmelie and concita won with simple performances.the common linnets, sanna nielsen, polina, ill volo didnt have led screens and impressive staging but they did very well.Staging plays a great role but a good song with a simple performance can also be successful. If Amir have a simple staging you will say that he doesn’t deserve to win?

8 years ago

@Marc – count me in, as well.

I guess me, not being gay, cannot see what our gay friends see in these divas. Hahaha

From all these rehearsals, I am not very delighted. I wanna see them all on the big screen.

8 years ago

My body heat went up through the roof waiting for the clip. I’m so afraid that Dami gets nervous like she did on X-Factor. But finally I’m glad and I can say this is what I want to see from Dami. The dress is beautiful, the vocal is amazing and the staging is modern. Win or not does not matter.

8 years ago

Australia will flop. France too. Belarus is the real dark horse this year.

8 years ago

Here she is, our this year’s windmachine diva

great performance but I like Czech Rp. better

esc 2016
esc 2016
8 years ago


Russia will finish in placs between 5-11…thats because people will not vote again a Mans perfomance…

esc 2016
esc 2016
8 years ago

The battle France-Russia has been chnged and now we have France-Australia

8 years ago

I`m waiting for video. I really like Australia`s song but in my opinion Dami In wouldn`t be winner. It`s good song but not amazing. Russian and Polish songs are exciting:)

8 years ago

This should already be no.1 in the odds.

After watching that ridiculous russian performance and knowing that french guy just sings well in his music video (LOL)… I mean we haven’t seen true competition for Australia this year.

Dami Im is just an oustanding performer. So proud of her.

8 years ago

We all know that Australia is EBU baby and that Australia will be overrated in juries points like Sweden 2015, 2012. My predicition TOP 5 with juries 1. Australia or France , who wili better chance to defeat Russia wili be first both countires will score from 250 to 350 points with juries 3. Sweden from 180 to 220 points with juries 4. Ukraine because Russia from 160 to 200 points with juries 5. Malta from 140 to 180 points, because swedish authors, backing vocals, and malta invite many frommembers of delegation to be members of juries at malta national… Read more »

Richard Hochuli
Richard Hochuli
8 years ago

This is hotting up, I can see this winning ..go Dami

esc 2016
esc 2016
8 years ago

I wasnt prepared for something soooo good!!!Well done Dami!! the winner of the semi-final and in top5 in the final for sure…
I want to see the whole rehearsal cause I think that she will have a big suprise to us!

8 years ago

Australian review of an australian entry. Way to go………..

8 years ago

Are all guys at wiwi very much in touch with their feminine side? Or some are hetero?

8 years ago

You are absoloutely right!
Most of gay people love their cheap divas, but some of us just like and enjoy simple good songs (at least I’m talking for myself and some of my friends that we just don’t buy cheap divas like Dami and their songs)

8 years ago

I think this is a song with a difference. There are so many countries trying way too hard. It gets too much and it is actually distracting. This performance does not need a little bit of everything or rather too much of everything. she can rely on her voice which is one of the best in my opinion. She will stand out big time

8 years ago

@Rock Me
Thanks, nice to know I’m not the only one who feels that way haha 🙂

8 years ago

Russian act is a big mess.
French act is gonna look weak on a big stage like this. A clumsy guy that can barely sing.

Dami Im destroyed the competition today. Superb voice. Big, big favorite.

8 years ago

Polina Gagarina 2.0? Well, it seems so!

8 years ago

Many countries have more impressive stagings than songs they forget that it is a song contest. Anyway sound of silence id a good song but I think that Russia, France and Sweden have beyter songs. A top ten for Dami im
but not win.I really want Sweden and Poland to stand out because they are simple and they concentrate on their songs.Sweden changes eurovision very often and their choice to be simple shows that sometimes a plain performance is better.

Rock Me
Rock Me
8 years ago

@Darren: I absolutely agree.Also don’t support Australia at ESC but Dami has a good song and I support her.But holograms & projections are a different story.

8 years ago

the straight audience loves dami aswell

8 years ago

I’m not impressed at all by this performance.
It’s a typical stage and a diva power ballad we always see at eurovision..
The song is generic, avarage and too much screaming as usual.
Lacking of melody and it will die after Eurovision
This kind of entries and diva staging only really work for Eastern countries.. we’ll see.

8 years ago

Holograms…projections…more holograms…more projections… During national final season I thought Iceland would stand out, but now it’s rehearsal time and I’m not feeling the same way anymore. It seems technology is king at Eurovision. I like Dami Im and I like her song, still cold towards Australia participating but that’s a different discussion for a different day. Obviously she is going to the final without having to do anything really, her position was already being kept warm for her since way back in February. I wish her well though, she is an amazing vocalist and a nice person 🙂 All the… Read more »

8 years ago

Amazing dress really catchy she looks beautiful and her dark hair looks amazing too. Great look can’t wait to see the clip

Mei International
Mei International
8 years ago


8 years ago

The gays of Wiwi, I mean, the overall gay audience will love their divas. This is no excuse.

8 years ago

Oh my gosh!!! I can’t wait to see the rehearsal clip!!!! Dami Slays!!!!!