Serbia’s Sanja Vucic ZAA tackled domestic violence during her first rehearsal at Eurovision 2016. But she did it tastefully, using modern dance to enhance her song and tell a story.

The beginning of the performance focuses on Sanja. As the camera pans closer to her face, lights emerge from the stage towards the roof of the arena, creating the effect of prison bars. Four female backing dancers dressed in white are illuminated red as they create body shapes reminiscent of pain.

As Sanja guides us into the first chorus, a male dancer appears and gets all up in Sanja’s face. She is not having it, and pushes him away with her jerking shoulder movements. The fact that this is taking place on a sinister red flower suggests the complicated nature of domestic violence — it’s a mix of emotions including love and pain.

The entire performance is drenched in red as Sanja and her crew overcome the male dancer, ultimately joining her in the final chorus as they sing it out in solidarity and in unison. The girl power moment has a very “Molitva” quality.

And all of this happens while Sanja slays the life out of her life vocal. We think it’s really quite amazing.

Serbia: First rehearsal at Eurovision 2016

Sanja Vucic’s “Goodbye (Shelter)”: Reviews and Reactions

Read all of our Eurovision rehearsal reviews

Photo: (EBU)

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8 years ago

It’s not about question is she will be qualified ! She will be huge – strong favorite to WIN all contest with his Great Vocal , awesome personality , great song & i bet in the final coreography and all on the stage will be some extraordinary , just as awesome song like this deserved ! 🙂 See you at the Final ppl !! 🙂

8 years ago

She is the winner of rhis year! Her voice and personality won everyone across the Europe so no matter how she finish in the final Serbia couldn’t be more proud of her.
I saw her singing parody of Molitva. And she delieverd the song like it is the masterpiece. Amazing voice and charisma.

8 years ago

David is right, “slay” is basically an Americanism, I live in North America, and many many people say it, and it is not associated with gay people. It is said by straight people as well, it’s no different from “nailed it” or “killed it”. “Slaying the competition” is a hugely popular media phrase here.

8 years ago

Of course that Serbia will qualify. The question is – do you think that Serbia can win this year?

8 years ago

Now this is fantastic. The song, her voice, the staging, her natural look, the message, it all fits, it’s perfect. Dark horse of the year.
Final top 5?

Paul D.
Paul D.
8 years ago

People don’t need to hope for this to qualify, it will sail to the final easily. It’s the class act in this semifinal, it will do very well (top 10 I think)

8 years ago

Finally she got rid of the theatrical 50’s Hollywood diva gestures.It was painful to watch her squirming so uncomfortably.
Much better this simple way, perhaps use instruments to heighten the drama?

8 years ago

Nah, this one has a nice message, a great voice, but that’s it. It’s not really exciting, lots of exaggeration and drama.

Top 15 at best.

8 years ago

I’m just hoping she won’t wear this at the sf2 😀 Anyway, thank God, THANK GOD my fave got the staging right! 😀

Hanner McSinny/Calvin
Hanner McSinny/Calvin
8 years ago

Kane would you like a cookie for not conforming to the stereotype?

David Who
David Who
8 years ago

The informal meaning of the word “slay” means to “greatly impress or amuse (someone).” I myself have always been greatly impressed by Sanja Vucic Zaa’s vocals and performance skills. In that sense, she has “slayed me” every time. You will notice that it is perfectly valid informal English. Is the usage of the term reflecting the modern stereotype of a gay man? – I have no idea. I have never been a stereotype before, I have always been an individual. But then I didn’t write the article either, so it’s open for discussion.

8 years ago

🙂 🙂 🙂

8 years ago


Thank you, darling. And yes, she does slay!

8 years ago

what is your problem?? they will say whatever they want to say… and stop the homophobic comments …. and yes she slayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

8 years ago

@Kane I also hate the use of the word “Slay” for every single female singer, it’s such an irritating phrase, really grates on me, but I don’t think it’s a gay thing I think it’s just an Americanism that people think is a cool word, when really it’s not so much.

8 years ago


I see that everything annoys you here.
Why don’t you try to find a way to solve your psychological problems instead of criticizing everyone and everything? I’m saying it as an advice, it would be much more helpful for you.

8 years ago

love sanja , she is great !! good luck to hovi and sanja from israel

8 years ago

oh good, another use of “slays” in a Wiwi article.

we get it, most writers on this website are incredibly gay. stop pandering to the stereotype.

8 years ago

Hoping Serbia qualify! It’s a strong song and such a powerful message, which I’m sure will resonate with voters across Europe. I really hope that she isn’t as over dramatic as she was when the song was first revealed but I am sure this will be among the 10 qualifiers.