She’s bringing girl power to Eurovision 2016 by the bucket-load. Sanja Vucic ZAA from Serbia has just completed the second rehearsal of her song “Goodbye (Shelter)” at Eurovision 2016. The drama has been increased and Sanja is looking amazing!
The staging of the performance has not changed at all from the first semi final. The entire stage is drenched in red which oozes tones of fear and well as courage. The flower on the LED floor looks feminine, but the petals look like razor blades which adds to the anger and overall message of the song.
The second rehearsal also saw Sanja and her team in their costumes for the first time. The entire cast are draped in black leather dresses, complete with high necklines, fringing and silver jewel elements.
Serbia is bound to do well in this semi final. Sanja’s voice is absolutely flawless. The backing singers and dancer make sense and really help boost the message of the song.
Serbia: Second rehearsal at Eurovision 2016
ZAA Sanja Vucic: Interview after first rehearsal
Serbia: Press conference after first rehearsal
Photo: (EBU)
My secret pleasure! A bit campy, but how do I love this song and performance. Lacks the class of Australia, the stickiness of France, the joy of Spain… I just love it. Go Serbia, I’ll be voting for you. The backing vocals are sublime!
Everybody watch out for Serbia! Belgrade 2017 wouldn’t come as a surprise to me. I literally love everything about this.
Singing cmpetition. Yes gurl. Brava!
A serious candidate to win! Everything is perfect!
Go Sanja!
gosh, im loving this! Best costumes for now:) This is going straight to the top10, even has top5 potential. Yass, Sanja!
Amazing performance. Such a strong voice, confident, powerful and believable. She missed the big note on this rehearsal though (the first time I can remember her struggling with it). I hope she can work it out because this song needs to be in the final.
Joris Cools
One of my favs! But is that dancer so necessary for the story? It would be better without him I think… He also reminds me in some parts to Spain’s choreography last year.
Great choreography. Another one that will look great on the TV screen. A sure qualifier, my choice for highest placing Balkan song, Top 5 potential.
OMG! I was afraid that her performance will flop big time but this is amazing and she is amazing! Go Sanja! Hope to see you in top 5 at the GF! 🙂
She’s got the whole package and she’s so beautiful! Top 3 for me
sanja perfection .. love her.. the best female vocal … kissess from israel