Douwe Bob was cool as ice on the Eurovision 2016 red carpet on Sunday. Wearing a white tuxedo jacket with black pants, the Dutch country music hunk looked both sophisticated and timeless as he chatted with wiwibloggs.
As those of us on-the-ground in Stockholm already know, Douwe Bob has opened his very own bar during Eurovision week. Located on Skångatan, the bar was flooded with stars on opening night, including Juri Pootsman, Minus One and Serhat, amongst others. When asked if their hang out at Douwe’s pub could lead to some collaboration in the future, he didn’t confirm anything — but he didn’t not rule anything out either.
Douwe was not at all worried about his upcoming performance in Semi-Final 1 on Tuesday.
He is convinced that everything will go as planned — and that what is planned is all kinds of fabulous.
Of course Belgian fans are dying to know what their neighbours think about Laura Tesoro’s entry, and Douwe Bob did not shy away from giving his honest opinion.
“I love it! And I really hate when people are saying that its’ a rip off! Its impossible nowadays to write entirely new music”.
Douwe Bob is sure that Belgium and the Netherlands will both be in the finals this year.
So Douwe Bob is confident in himself and his song, but are you? Will we see the Netherlands reach the finals? Let us know in the comments box below!
Good Luck Douwe and Congratz!
Because i’m Hovi’s fan, i won’t comment this incident. Today Eurovision starts, enjoy the music. Peace.
You seriously have problems.. lol
I didn’t even insult Hovi. I just said my opinion about him. Didn’t say anything about him, so you have actually nothing to report me about.
But anyway, I’m wasting my time on someone who clearly needs some kind of help or find some kind of hobby in life to occupy their minds. Good luck to all the contestant competing this year 🙂
I told you get a life.. soon this all will end what will you do?
You are the only troll here, i read how insulting your massages about hovi were yesterday so relax or i report you!!
one last thing- i have 0 interest to keep talking with you here so please stop writing me. shalom and bye bye!
@ Lasse
The documentary is called ‘Douwe Bob, eyes on the prize’ and you can find it on youtube. The Hovi stuff you can find at the end of part (deel) 3 and the start of part (deel) 4. Mostly in Dutch, but the ”conversation’ Hovi and Douwe had is being told in English
I should be ashamed of myself? Why? Because I voiced an opinion? I was in no way disrespectful or abusive at all! Just giving my opinion on Hovi. I don’t care if you don’t like it, I think you and your friend need to get a life. So I am ashamed of nothing. I think the people who should be ashamed of themselves are you and your friend @OR (although I know you are the same person) calling people idiots and pathetic just because they don’t agree with you. It’s quite sad, you are nothing but a troll.
WTF is wrong with israeli dude?
Why is he hating on dutch singer?
I mean dude just becuz you are gay ,does not mean you can bully .Relax Madam
Ho dear, relax baby boy, i am Israeli Jewish like@OR so we kind of think the same i guess…so stop been so childish and get a life please…
BW -i saw your massages to or yesterday should really be ashamed of your self……
@wawuu, now I’m curious about that documentary – do you have a link for that, so I can watch it myself? is it in English? or Dutch? I’ll have my dutch friend translate it for me…
Just noticed that @Gal uses the same words and abrupt tone as the other Hovi campaigner @OR I’m starting to think they are the same person.
Dont worry dear i already deal here with homophobic, antisemitic, or just haters … And i think i answer them pretty well because they disappear:) 🙂
@Lasse Well Lasse, I did watch this documentary. He said that he thought that some of the contestants got some media instructions to jump in front of all the cameras. As an example he talked about Hovi as an ‘extravagant and flamboyant guy, who did this a couple of times’. Douwe then said to him: I love you dude, but could you please tone your energylevels down a bit? Then Hovi got all offended and said Douwe would never be an international star… Douwe said that he didnt mean to offend him but Hovi didnt want to talk to him… Read more »
You are the one that blame every one (Israelis and hovi) but not your dutch singer Because he is perfect, right? he didn’t done anything to insult hovi right?
You are so pathetic really… we will keep writing our opinion so deal with it.. and if Not you are more then welcome to remove your self from that article…
Boy, @Lisa, you can cut&paste – that is such an acheivement…well I guess you think it is best done when you have nothing to say, really…pathetic.
@mowl – takes a drama queen to think you know one yourself, I guess… having said that, you’re doing a lousy job so far…
@wawwu – google translate this . it’s a major online news site in Hebrew. according to the article, it was in a documentry broadcasted on Dutch tv.
@gal, just save yourself the well needed energies for the upcoming couple of days…
Why are you trying to create arguments in here? ‘omg he’s making fun of you’ etc..
Stop being a drama queen..
@ Lasse, take a chill Pill. so you like Hovi – good for you. go vote for him and stop with the righteous, patronizing attitude. you wouldn’t want other to silence you, right? so let other be and say what they want!, Try to read what you are a saying but I guess it will be to difficult for you.
Could you post a link where we can see or read Douwes remarks of the passport incident? It is easy to accusate someone, but i couldn’t find any video or article where he did say it.
@dutchie – from that same media outlet that brought up the report of their altercation. if Douwe wasn’t in Russia, yet commented falsely on what happened – he is a jackass!
@Calvin, come on now – you repeat a wrong word without really caring for what the person really meant to write, just to make fun at them…
@Lisa, take a chill Pill. so you like Douwe – good for you. go vote for him and stop with the righteous, patronizing attitude. you wouldn’t want other to silence you, right? so let other be and say what they want!
I totally support and adhere to your comment!
@ Gal, and that’s exactly what I’m saying, blaming others for things you are doing yourself. So thank you so much for your comment, you totally lost your credibility now.
@Gal Dutchie didn’t laugh about your english
Who is crying??
We just tell our opinion… of course we will never know what really happened their… And hovi is amazing!! so stop make him look like some negative person !
@ Gal, @ Lasse, people getting annoyed so can you please stop blaming only others and thinking that Hovi is some kind of a god. It’s not Douwe who is trying to destroy hovi chance’s ( like Gal is saying) , It’s people like you who are doing that. We all weren’t there by what’s happened so don’t judge and stop crying, but what you people are doing now is not working.
thanks… i really did not noted that @dutchie laugh about my English.. you know why ? i take hovi advice at his press conference :” we dont give a f*** about negativity”!!! so @dutchie can laugh at my English, like u said its not my first language . i proud that my first language is Hebrew??!! i guess that @dutchie is arrogant like his singer..
Where did you get that information from, about Douwe mentioning Hovi’s passport? How would he even know about it, it happened in Russia I believe, where Douwe didn’t go.
It wasn’t smart on Douwe’s part to even mention Hovi, but he did so in a documentary made by a friend of his who asked him about his experiences in the run up to Eurovision, and this was one of them. He wasn’t even unfriendly about it, he said ‘I’ll give him a hug and everything will be fine’.
Russia should be disqualified after this shameful, unprofessional behavior. What kind of jury is that?! And that stupid woman who is filming is more interested in blinking her eye to her cell phone than in what she should be: the performances. If someone is so stupid to record her own childish behavior and to let it reach youtube then she is definitely not worthy enough to judge anything! If the ESC ever had any credibility, now it lost all.
@Duchie – Gal meant Behavior. no need to put an insulting question mark just because someone made an english mistake – it’s not her first language. and regarding Douwe, he also said that the Passport incident at the russian airport didn’t happen, while more than one other contestant witnessed it, and it was not even brought up by Hovi, but by the Spanish contestant. it appears that Douwe was just being a bitch for making such a claim and I suspect he probably changed some fact or toned down his part of the verbal altercation he had with Hovi as… Read more »
There is also a member who says: My wife is Armenian…
The ebu should make sure in the future that collective voting isn’t possible in any case
i’m sure it was more then what you describe, and why Douwe has to be not nice to hovi? hovi is friendly gay who love every body, he is laughing that he say that he is a diva.. he is not diva.. and why douwe only tell that story now? if it hoppned 3 weeks ago?? that is strange.. maybe he saw that hovi is now top 10 at the odds so he want to destroy hovi chance’s did u thought about that?
i dont know really i hope it not his reasen
this impulsive selfie taker is called Anastasia Stotskaya and I think its time for her to GTFO
I wonder what Douwe and Iveta are thinking right now, the surprise effect of there shows are turned down by leaking there shows. Next to the unprofessional selfietaking by the russian jurymember (wtf), it isn’t allowed to watch collectively and discuss (one member proclaimed: ‘ ‘cute but dull’ at the end of douwes performance) during juryvoting. It probably happens a lot with other juries, but now theres is proof. If the contest dont want to lose the last bit of credibility, DQ the russian jury is the least EBU should do
His beaver? According to Douwe he said to Hovi: ‘dude, I love you man, but… energy levels, man, take it down a bit’. Now how is that an insult? I can understand how an insecure diva like Hovi would feel offended by that, but it isn’t offensive.
Douwe was insulting hovi, Douwe should be ashamed with his beaver !
The Russian jury video is an absolute disgrace, it’s bad enough that they live stream the performance but the way they judge a song is just ridiculously unprofessional… how can you even properly hear it without headphones or decent speakers, let alone casually chatting and filming yourself on your phone.
But never mind, if they did give 7 points to Holland don’t DQ them, usually we get none from Russia 🙂
Russia will be out, disqualified. The ukrainian born russian jury member broadcasted netherlands live via periscope during the jury rehearsal. Apart from their unprofessional jury setup and behavior, this is WAY over the line. If EBU has any balls, Russia will be disqualified. Ask Romania. If they won’t do that, it is all about the money and nothing else. Every country is responsible for its jury and their professionalism. Not just for their mountain climbing singing act on the stage. May justice save the credibility of the EBU.
Apparently there was An incident at eurovision in concert between the two… Hovi was jumping into every picture and Douwe asked him to slow down a bit so everyone would get some attention.. Hovi was insulted, told him he may be a star in the netherlands but never will be anywhere else… That’s how Douwe tells it, hovi doesn’t want to talk about it up till now. It’s not such a big deal, just two participants who like some attention and one who is very concerned about his image
Can anybody tell what happened with Hovi and Douwe?
And what the fucj pwc is doing. Where’s the invigilator?
One comentators on forum on wrote , 12 points from croatia juries is go to Armenia, 10 points to Russia and Bosnia 0. And that 12 points from Bosnia is go to Croatia, 10 to Russia , to Montenegro 2.
If that’s how all juries vote, I’ll lose faith in Eurovision. This is my first time following Eurovision, I expect a more professional handling of the juries. At the very least they should put them in a separate cubicle with earphones.
Hovi is bringing some ass kicking Realness to this dutchman
Armenia will get 12 points f4om Russia .I understand fom the male juror’s reaction. He says that Iveta is powerful .But it’s really shame what they did…..
We see in video from juries from Russia that Douwe and The Netherladns, wili get 7 points from them .
douwe has quite big hips – definite bottom
Why EBU allow to we have in juries from Australia ,one member who is wrote lyrics for Greece entry in 2009, and composer of that song is composer of song for Russia in 2016. I don t want to 2 years in row we have same situation with one members from Australia juries.…
We also have that juries member from Germany was judge in Voice of Germany, in same year when Iveta from Armenia , compete at Voice of Germany.EBU must say to SBS from Australia and ARD from Germany to change 1 juries members from both countries.
Interesting video
Hovi is acting like a dramaqueen, so, next. Douwe Bob will qualify tonight, he’s very charming imo 🙂 good luck!!!
“Slow Down” is arguably the best song in the competition. If there is any justice, it will be in the top 5. Unfortunately, merit is rarely the decider – so time will tell.
Good luck, Douwe Bob! You have my vote.
@Chance He didn’t do anything wrong to Hovi. Hovi is just a bully.