The first semi-final came and went, and with it 10 lucky acts qualified for the final. But what impact have these songs had on the iTunes chart? Let’s take a look.

The big winner for iTunes is Russia, with “You Are The Only One” appearing on the iTunes chart of 16 countries, including the No.1 spot in Mother Russia. It’s also reached No.15 in host country Sweden, and No.16 in neighbouring Belarus.

Next on the list is a song that was only briefly performed in the semi-final – Sweden‘s Frans with “If I Were Sorry”. It is charting in ten countries, though it was a favourite in many of those countries even before the semi-final.

France‘s brief appearance at the semi also made an impact, with “J’ai cherché” charting in nine countries, including No.7 in France. It’s charted in French-speaking Belgium and Switzerland, but is also doing well in other European countries — and the tiny island of Mauritius!

The contest’s other French song, “Loin d’ici” is charting in nine countries, reaching No.10 in Sweden, and No.20 in Austria, showing Zoe’s song is not just a fan favourite.

Other songs charting in several countries includes, Cyprus‘ “Alter Ego”, the Netherlands‘ “Slow Down”, and Hungary‘s “Pioneer”.

Most of the other charting songs feature only in their home countries, but there is the odd situation of Serhat’s “I Didn’t Know” charting at No.19 in Armenia, while local girl Iveta Mukychyan has only managed No.80 with “LoveWave”.

But what does the iTunes chart tell us? It means different things in different countries, especially as more people get their music from streaming services such as Spotify. But the changes seen in the iTunes chart after the first semi-final can still be considered an indication of at least where some of the popularity is lying.

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We love stars, flowers, pyros, copied visuals, air fans and blue and red leds
We love stars, flowers, pyros, copied visuals, air fans and blue and red leds
8 years ago

Barei was already number one in Spain (amazing for a Eurovision song!) and I heard she was in the top twenty Spottify world a couple of months ago. Would have been nice you mentioned this too, as it is a guarantee of a half world hit.

8 years ago

May be in the globen , Russia was great but on TV it wasn’t so great;Armenia, Hungary , Austria, netherlands were better:
on Itunes , now France is in 12 countries, on you tube, daily viewers are increasing very quickly: so I don’t think that the Russian song will be a hit all over Europe.

8 years ago

Actually Sergey’s performance at the Eurovision Village went amazing. The huge crowd was screaming, singing and clapping with him. And the reaction he got from the audience was wow! Simply amazing. Go to the instagram and find any video (including the one on Sergey’s page) and you’ll see everything by yourself. His presence on stage makes everybody go crazy. Same about the WiwiJam party. He just blew the audience with his energy and voice. You can find the evidences on Wiwibloggs official youtube channel. Good luck to every country! And let’s come together it’s just a music contest))

8 years ago

Armeniaa winner

8 years ago

We really love Eurovision in Sweden. I think we will winn the contest about how meny acts from ESC will chart on iTunes.
Today 11 acts from ESC chans on the Swedish iTune list.

Our own Frans really impress whith almost 30 miljon streems on spotyfy. 10 miljons outside sweden.

8 years ago

OMG Zoe is actually second in the iTunes ranking…

Go Zoe go!!!!

8 years ago

@Void Lol, evidently it’s not about Sergey person. It just an ease spot that team behind him used pretty beaten path in some levels 🙂 ‘2008+visual improvement’ is still not bad core for the song.

8 years ago


8 years ago

Austria is getting stronger and stronger.
Zoë is everywhere on itunes.
She was 2nd in televote (behind Russia) and it looks she will be close to top 5 if not within among viweres, she really stands out.
Watch out also for Netherlands, Douwe was 3rd or 4th in televoting (he’s doing well on itunes) and I think juries must love this entry as well.
After two years Austria and Netherlands rock again 🙂

8 years ago

Talking about Russia, the song is good. But his performance… awful. He used the visual effect and choreography in a cheap way. The dance was monotonous (4 times doing the-number-one-finger pose, like really?) and why the hell did a random girl appear at the end of the performance?

It’s too much mismatches, and all the elements do not blend well, concept-less

8 years ago

I still think he has too much going on in this performance. I mean, it’s visually stunning but the song is good enough that it doesn’t need all of that and I didn’t feel like I could connect with Sergey because he was so focused on doing everything at the right time and not on really connecting with the audience. Nonetheless, strong performance.

8 years ago

@Zebb Just the Director of rooms for Lazarev, Dmitriy Koldun, Ani Lorak was doing one and the same person. So stupid to accuse Lazarus of plagiarism at least ))

8 years ago

Might add to Mirek comment that there’s more evident plagiarism at russian, now at performance section. Check another Kirkorov entry back in 2008 (Ani Lorak) 8 years later technology allowed to raise Lazarev over the box in a more expression way 🙂

8 years ago

L’oin d’ici is on my repeat rotation today:-)) J’adore….

8 years ago

“I Stand” is in the top 20 in Slovakia. Bratislava calling in 2017?

By the way, I agree on Austria. Zoe probably came 3rd yesterday, as surprising as it might sound to some.

8 years ago

I’ve just seen this song live at the Eurovillage without all these visuals and I’ve got to say the song is plain bad. Can’t believe this is the favorite to win ESC nowadays.

Definitely, visuals are absorbing music this year…this is somewhat expected considering the winner of last year, but it’s plain ridiculous considering this is still a music contest.

power b.
power b.
8 years ago

Grow some tits. Fix your acne and shut up.

8 years ago

Did anyone notice Sergeys right eye was drooping last night like his Botox has gone wrong?

Modern Talking
Modern Talking
8 years ago

The song is great, the visuals were brilliant, but unfortunately his voice sounded so wick, not at all like the recording. It was my favorite entry this year but if he sings again like this in the final, well he will not deserve to win.

power b.
power b.
8 years ago

I don’t really care about iTunes Charts, but 760k matter

8 years ago

So the charts show that people are being seduced by outdated schlager music for the first time ever as far as I am concerned …. Jesus lord … Have mercy cuz I will need to take a lot of Xanax to see this sort of regression taking place.

8 years ago

How is whith the telewotes this year? Will they be put all together regardless of nation?

We love stars, flowers, pyros, copied visuals, air fans and blue and red leds
We love stars, flowers, pyros, copied visuals, air fans and blue and red leds
8 years ago

Austria? OMG! Do primary school kids have a cell phone in Europe? Hahaha C’on guys, the staging is great, but it’s a song contest! This tacky to hell

8 years ago

Loo I agree with you.Austria did very well last night.

8 years ago

Think that the Russian act can be appriciated dy diffrent generations. Asked my 65 year old swedish mother if she saw the first semifinal. Yes, she thought it wasn’t that great. Asked if there were any songs that she liked. Yes, russia was good. Sergey was live in the studio just one jour the show started and I think he got new fans in Sweden after that, no only my extreemly interested 7 year old girl. That love Sergey. If he doesen’t win, i hope his country are proud of him anyway and his has defenetly a public waiting for… Read more »

8 years ago

Living in the UK, it’s so rare that a Eurovision song charts on I-Tunes, much less before the contest. The only song in the Top 100 now is Joe and Jake, but they are still at a measly 82.

8 years ago


mhhh I wonder when they’re going to sanction Azerbaijan for their yearly rounds of vote rigging

8 years ago

thank you for update! makes sense. I hope Azeris will be satisfied now and we’ll avoid holly wars in final.

power b,
do you have exam in Russian Vulgarity today? what’s up? or you just pissed off by something and decided to go hysterical to make me laugh? You’re ridiculous to say at least. keep going, while one of Russian speaking wiwi editors will ban you form site. you’re almost there 🙂

power b.
power b.
8 years ago

Oksana, na hui tebya I tvoe mnenie

8 years ago

power b,
call your mother that name, jerk!

8 years ago

Austria probably came second or third last night 🙂 Zoe is soo sweet! She is SO closing the final!

I imagine Russia getting draw 18-20 in the final. France will get 11-13. I think maybe Italy will open.

8 years ago

Malta for the win …

8 years ago

@Paul D.
I never said that first half is better or worse than second half. What I meant was if the two favourites from Semi 2 (Ukraine and Australia) draw second half like Russia and Armenia, it might mean that the second half is full of the classic “Top 5” acts which in the end may overshadow each other.

Steve Gray
Steve Gray
8 years ago

I dont get the huge hype of the Russian song i think its so cheesy great performance and stage but the song is pure cheese and like a poundshop version of Mans Heros which is an amazing song.

power b.
power b.
8 years ago

Oksana, ty pizda.

8 years ago

yeah, where’s all of your boooos?
/writing note in notepad: Europeans will forgive anything if you’ll show ’em middle aged gay/

8 years ago

There may not have been boos for Russia last night but wait till Saturday when the votes come in. He maybe a popular act but the boos will be directed to Russia and not to Sergey. Why will the gays support the eye candy when they could end up in prison next year if they go to watch ESC 2017 in Moscow?

Melisa N.
8 years ago

Russia’s song is dated, Armenia was be the best: modern, passionate.

8 years ago

Meanwhile “Heroes” is also doing well, lol. It’s charting in 8 countries.

8 years ago

Lithuania do well on Swedish Spotify, 5th on viral list. And the full English verision of “J’ai Cherche” (Looking for you) is 6th, while original is only 21st. Others that do well are:

Paul D.
Paul D.
8 years ago


Are we still having this conversation after the past 2 winners won in the first half?…

8 years ago

The only thing in this article that makes me hopeful is Zoe charting in 9 countries which is huge since everyone basically was considering her a borderline qualifier …. She did so well !!!!
She might have been in the top 5 in this semi final and I am thrilled for her.
Other than that, the rest is pretty predictable ……..

8 years ago

As it looks now, Russia will still grab the top spot I think. If Australia and Ukraine choose second half, then the game opens again, with all the hot favourites being very close to each other.

8 years ago

I am inclined to think that the only thing which could stop Russia is an unfavourable proximity draw. So the big question is, do the Swedes want him to win ?

8 years ago

The Russian song is catchy, but too cheap to win. Russia is the only country which has presented an old-fashioned shlager. Eurovision was not popular before because of such cheesy songs.If Russia wins now, then Eurovision will be thrown back for 10 years again. It will become not popular among non-typical Eurovision fans again, although things have been changed lately, especially in the UK and Germany.

Why EBU allow this
Why EBU allow this
8 years ago

Tonight EBU wili allow to we have in juries semifinal and also in final, one member from Australia juries, who is wrote lyrics for Greece entry in 2009, and composer of that song is composer of song for Russia in 2016. I don t want to 2 years in row we have same situation with one members from Australia juries.… And allow also that we have, one jury member from Germany who was judge in Voice of Germany, in same year when Iveta from Armenia , compete at Voice of Germany. EBU must say to SBS from Australia and… Read more »

8 years ago

Sweden is doing surprisingly good considering it was just shown during 1 minute at the end of the show.

8 years ago


8 years ago

@Paul D.

8 years ago

He is not domaniting the charts. He’s doing well but not well enough to look like a clear winner. The biggest improvements are Amir and Frans who does really well even if they haven’t competed yet. Russia still can win, but a LOT of momentum was lost last night.

Finally I would like to say how proud I am of the fans and my fellow swedes for not booing Sergey out. Sergey is a very humble and good person and deserves all the love he gets.

And to SVT. You once again showed how it’s done. BRAVO!