We’ve been waiting for this night — the Eurovision 2016 grand final takes place in a matter of hours. We’re slipping into our sparkly leotards and bringing out the rubber ducks, but first we’re taking one final look at what the bookies are predicting ahead of the big show.

Russia’s Sergey Lazarev has been leading the way for most of the Eurovision pre-season and goes into the final as the hot favourite to take home the trophy. His odds to win are at worst 4/6, meaning the bookies have plenty of confidence that Russia is on the precipice of its second Eurovision victory.

Russia’s Sergey Lazarev grand final dress rehearsal

Australia’s Dami Im has emerged as Sergey’s biggest threat. A favourable position in the first half of the running order means that Dami is perfectly poised to fight for the trophy. The Asian sensation from Down Under is riding a wave of momentum since the second semi-final and her odds have narrowed to as little as 3/1 at some agencies.

Australia’s Dami Im grand final dress rehearsal

Ukraine’s Jamala was second favourite ahead of the second semi-final. Despite her odds drifting out in the wake of Thursday’s performance, the “1944” singer is still a favourite to finish in the top three and potentially win. With odds as low as 7/1, Jamala could make Ukraine’s return to the contest a victorious one.

Ukraine’s Jamala grand final dress rehearsal

Eurovision 2016 Grand Final: Who will win?

Grand Final 2016 Odds











Rounding out the oddsmakers’ top ten are France’s Amir, Sweden’s Frans, Armenia’s Iveta Mukuchyan, Malta’s Ira Losco, Netherlands’ Douwe Bob, Italy’s Francesca Michielin and Latvia’s Justs.

Who do you think will come out on top in tonight’s grand final? Can anyone catch Russia’s Sergey Lazarev? Let us know in the comments below.

All odds correct as of 9:30am CET.

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8 years ago

@We love stars, flowers, pyros, copied visuals, air fans and blue and red leds

lol! Obviously, you did not have to vote for Russia, Ukraine, Armenia and Australia. They had enough votes to be in the top7.

Bhrister Cjorkman
Bhrister Cjorkman
8 years ago

Final prediction

1 Australia
2 Russia
3 Poland
4 Armenia
5 France
6 Serbia
7 Austria
8 Sweden
9 Ukraine
10 Latvia
11 Hungary
12 Malta
13 Lithuania
14 Italy
15 Cyprus
16 Croatia
17 Bulgaria
18 Israel
19 Belgium
20 Spain
21 Germany
22 Netherlands
23 Georgia
24 UK
25 Czech Republic
26 Azerbaijan

Just me
Just me
8 years ago

It is strange that Jamala sings from Ukraine.
The song is about the Crimea, in 1944 it was Russia. And she should sing it from Russia. This song is a simple manipulation. And it is very sad that such a song illiterate missed out on the ESC.

Donut Donut
Donut Donut
8 years ago

My Top3 are :
1. Lithuania
2. Bulgaria
3. France

But I think that they will give Armenia or Russia the first place

8 years ago

I like Israel and Bulgaria and will vote for them
Good luck to everyone !!! 🙂

8 years ago

1. Bulgaria
2. Australia
3. Russia
4. Malta
5. Ukraine

8 years ago

I’m from Ukraine and I support Jamala a lot as I’ve been her fan since long ago. But it would be a very interesting twist if none of the three wins and screws bookies)

8 years ago

It would be strange to have EUROvision in Melbourne or Sydney… Are you sure Australia should win? Are European countries really so hopeless? 😉

8 years ago

I think my country Sweden will give 12 points to Australia..

8 years ago

@graph He was nr. 1.

8 years ago

The only known worldwide song for eurovision since then is waterloo by abba. Is it time for the song contest to have an international appeal? Dami Im brought that to your table using her ohh so good voice and song material. Wake up people, your continent deserves a fresh intake. If she wins it let it, but if not i feel france would be a better choice.

8 years ago

“Amir, charm Europe as the Italian lads have done that in 2015. You are the only hope to see a happy, contemporary and not so Eurovision-ish song a winner.”

OK, I’m out. Have fun tonight girls and guys! 🙂

8 years ago

“Amir, charm Europe as the Italian lads have done that in 2015. You are the only hope to see a happy, contemporary and not so Eurovision-ish song a winner.”

OK, I’m out. Have fun guys! 🙂

8 years ago

Ukraine is only political because we made it political. At its core it’s a story about Jamala’s family history, not her hate for Russia, and many people in Russia sympathise with the song, because lots of people suffered under the reign of Stalin, it can be applied to so many that died. That is more of a interpretation that we take from it. As for Russia, stop knocking it down because you don’t like Russia, if it’s a good song it deserves the praise. Yes there was the spat between Armenia and Azerbaijan on Tuesday, but they’ve been warned and… Read more »

8 years ago

Does anyone remember what Sweden’s odds were last year on the day of the final?

8 years ago

The voting will sure be a nail-biter!
I hope for Ukraine or France or a surprise winner (e.g. Serbia, Latvia, Italy).
Russia would be okay, Australia would be a CATASTROPHE!

8 years ago

As a lot of Scandinavian countries did not make it too the final I am sure the Netherlands will benefit from it.. and Russia is over the top.. Interesting also to see how the new voting system will work.. with Juries voting first and Televoting at the end of the show.. can’t wait for this evening!

8 years ago

1 France
2 Bulgaria
3 Sweden
4 Russia
5 Netherlands

8 years ago

Speaking of political songs, I’m totally taking the UK’s “You’re Not Alone” as an anti-Brexit song. 😉

8 years ago

Malta and Latvia sure to flop hard.

8 years ago

In a fair world Malta would be in top 5 :'( I am pretty sure that if the song represented Russia or Sweden it would be the favorite to win

8 years ago

1. Bulgaria
2. Russia
3. Israel
4. Australia
5. Ukraine

We love stars, flowers, pyros, copied visuals, air fans and blue and red leds
We love stars, flowers, pyros, copied visuals, air fans and blue and red leds
8 years ago

I havent decided my vote yet, I will do it obviously after the show. It WONT definitively be for Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan nor Ukraine due to obvious reasons. It wont be Australia either because it’s too typical for this contest and would feed the contest haters instead of winning new followers.
I will vote for that song which make me FEEL something, either cheer or goose bumps. A memmorable song we can all remember cheerfully in some years and we dont forget the following day.

8 years ago

I really hope Eurovision can finally move on to something different, fresh and new and we can have a really good and different winner ans so 2016. Russia and Australia would be awful winners (I know they will be top 3) but they are the typical eurovision winners.. and in a not very good way in my opinion. I do believe Frans has still a good chance. He will be leading on itunes after his performance (winning or not). Sweden brings something new and fresh, focusing on the song, that’s a good winner for 2016. SONG! I’ll be happy with… Read more »

8 years ago

Russian song is just horrible not only I hate Russian policy. It is just a bad and dated song. I have no idea why some people love it and why bookies try to make a prssure on everyone with this stupid entry. Russia provoked wars in Georgia, caused hatred between Armenia and Azerbaijan over Nagorno Karabakh, it annexed the Crimea and they plan attacks on Latvia, Estonia and Sweden, not to mention the annexation of Moldovan Transnistria. And after all some stupid jury members will try to lick their ass????

8 years ago

I’m sorry, but the Russian song is TERRIBLE. It is so bad it shouldn’t even be in the Top Ten, that’s how outdated and cheesy it is. And yes, the graphics are cool but they don’t fit the song and are completely overdone. At least with Ivan’s performance and graphics, you could tell he was having a ton of fun, and the cheesiness made you like him more. You can tell that poor Sergey has a ton of pressure on him. They should have given him a better song. Last year Polina was much better, and you could feel her… Read more »

8 years ago

Best voice and song: Italy. Biggest potential and by far the most likeable performance: France. Most likely winner: Australia. I would even favour Belgium before Russia (and Latvia – booooring)

8 years ago

Russia, Ukraine and Australia would be terrible winners.

Russia too overproduced and yet too old-fashioned, Ukraine too political and too dark and Australia too contrived and too cold.

My fingers are crossed for France, Latvia, Bulgaria, Netherlands, Poland, Spain and Italy. And I hope for a good result for Zoe.

8 years ago

I hope non of those outdated typical Eurovision songs wins. That means Russia, Ukraine, Australia, Israel, Lithuania, Malta or Poland. Most performers do a good job but non of those songs would ever get any airplay if they had not been a Eurovision entry. Russia: good looking guy, decent vocals, impressive show but not a great song and not from a nation where you should want to sent an event with such a large gay following. Ukraine: emotional and well sung and staged. but it’s a political song intended to antagonise another competitor (Russia). Australia: i simply don’t like the… Read more »

8 years ago

I hope non of those outdated typical Eurovision songs wins. That means Russia, Ukraine, Australia, Israel, Lithuania, Malta or Poland. Most performers do a good job but non of those songs would ever get any airplay if they had not been a Eurovision entry. Russia: good looking guy, decent vocals, impressive show but not a great song and not from a nation where you should want to sent an event with such a large gay following. Ukraine: emotional and well sung and staged. but it’s a political song intended to antagonise another competitor (Russia). Australia: i simply don’t like the… Read more »

8 years ago

Last year the bookies correctly predicted the Top 4 or Top 5, and 7 or 8 of the final Top 10 on the day of the final, if i remember right. Let’s see how it will go this year. France and Sweden are not safe in the Top 5, Malta, The Netherlands, and Latvia not safe in the Top 10 in my book. I also won’t be surprised if Belgium, Austria, and UK finished lower than the odds suggest. Serbia, Bulgaria into the Top 15. Czech Republic and Hungary in the very bottom on oddschecker is ridicuolus. I see Top… Read more »

8 years ago

Russia will surely end up in the top 10 but a lot of Europeans will still think of Russia’s attacks on Georgia and Donbass and Russia’s stealing Crimea from Ukraine when they hear Sergey sing. Politics are a factor and that will diminish his chances. His song’s betting odds are probably manipulated by the Russian state, so these numbers are not really saying anything. Let’s hope for Sergey that his iTunes sales forecast success at the contest. There the public has not booed him yet either, as it has done with the two previous Russian participants, so that looks promising… Read more »

8 years ago

Would like to see the Netherlands win this or otherwise France.

8 years ago

Odds are getting longer and longer on Russia as the day goes on with Australia constantly shortening!!

Ariadna Gutierrez
Ariadna Gutierrez
8 years ago

Yes! Go Sergey! He deserves it.

Ben Rafter
Ben Rafter
8 years ago

Hope Russia won’t win… Like in 2012 their will be lots of controversy and shortcomings…. Please let someone like France win, it’s a beautiful place!

8 years ago

I hope Jamala will win. She really deserve it. ? If you have a soul you can t stay and don t vote for her.

8 years ago

Pleeease, NO Russia, NO Ukraine, NO politics in the SONG contest!
Let the best song and voice win.
And I hope for many people it will be the Polish song – the one and only Michal Szpak 🙂

power b.
power b.
8 years ago

I’d like to hear Eugene right now

8 years ago

Ohh camon Russia’s song is overrated he is obviously copying Mans stage from last year and the song belongs to 2004-2006

8 years ago

Malta will fail to top 10. (18th – 26th). I add Poland on top 10 instead.