Highway failed to qualify for the grand final of Eurovision 2016, and Montenegro are ready to get back on the road. According to news website CDM, Milena Vucic has said she would like to represent Podgorica at the contest and RTCG, the Montenegrin broadcaster, is open to it.
RTCG’s Head of Council said that after three years of male singers representing Montenegro it would be nice to field a lady. Nevertheless, the council is not ready to make a decision right now, but they are willing to talk about it in the near future.
Who is Milena Vucic?
Milena Vucic is a Montenegrin pop singer. She started her career as a member of the group Negro but went solo in 2006. That year she won the prestigious music festival Suncane Skale with her song “Da l’ ona zna” in two categories — song of the summer and new star. It went on to become a huge hit in Montenegro, cementing her position as one of the country’s rising stars. Since then she has released a string of successful pop songs and she clearly wants her next single to reach a broader audience via Eurovision.
What do you think? Would you like to see Milena Vucic at Eurovision? Is it time for more estrogen on stage from Montenegro? Let us know in the comments below!
I’m okay with that as long as Serbia or Croatia send powerful songs in their local languages like Neka mi ne svane and Nije ljubav stvar.
Another Vu?i??
@Easy74 I beg to differ. They were brilliant with the 2 guys who came before Highway, and they both qualified for the final. The setup for Highway didn’t measure up to what Softengine brought to the stage in 2014.
Montenegro was brilliant this year, with the rock song. Doubt an oridinary pop song will be as good
Whats the model or actor name whode appears on her vídeo of the song gorim?
I am from Montenegro and I must say that Vasilije is really popular in our country. There is almost no teenager or young person who doesn’t know who Vasilije is.
Now, he covered Margaret’s song “Cool me down” in Montenegrin language, and made a summer hit! It’s played around the Montenegro on radios, beaches, clubs and so on.
As he sent three songs to HoD of Montenegro, I think they should go with him, because I know, I listened him live.
With Milena and a song like “EO”… Montenegro back to Final!
@Adam, Anna: Given what Vasilije sent to Switzerland last year (which would have been DQ’d had it qualified for the contest), I wouldn’t be surprised if Montenegro went with him. Now, what you’ve presented here, regarding Milena, sounds as if she could qualify, with the right rock sound at the right time. But I always say, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. They qualified with 2 seasoned veterans, Sergej and Knez, with a pair of delightful tunes; then went completely off-script this year with Highway and crashed and burned. If it were up to me, I’d be inclined to… Read more »
Vasilije Ojdanic has sent 3 songs to Ivan Maksimovic, HoD and to Sabrija Vulic. Maybe he will represent Montenegro? That is how Wikipedia page says…
Vasilije Ojdanic just died a little inside
Please, send this girl. She’s very hot
No, Montenegro is always original. Dont send her, if everyone will send the same generic pop, Europe will not watch this contest and we can say bye bye to Eurovision in the future. We dont want her.
Wiwibloggs, Mans Zelmerlow is being interviewed in a Greek TV channel right now. Will you write anything about it?
I hope that Serbia will send Sanja next year, again. And if Montenegro sends Milena, we will have two Vucic girls 😀
@Ben Rafter
For Montenegro in ESC vote and Amrenia. In 2015 KNEZ was 3 place in armenia from televoting and in 2014 SERGEJ in Armenia was 4 place from televoting 😀
For Montenegro vote and MACEDONIA, Slovenia and Italy ( diaspora).
And jury from San Marino, Amrenia, Malta and Azerebaijan vote for Montenegro last 4 years 😀
@Robyn Gallagher Who is that young Montenegrin singee you mention? ?
Milena would be great choice for Montenegro 😀
I find this song pretty good, as well as “Dal ona zna” (mentioned above)
@Ben Rafter
You forgot Slovenia and FYROM 🙂
I don’t think RTCG can reject her. Seems like she is famous singer there in Montenegro. Good luck. 🙂
PS. I loved “The real thing”. I was so sad when they didn’t qualify. It was much better than my country’s song and performance.
The only countries that regularly vote for Montenegro are Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia. (Maybe Albania too). So if they want to do as well as they did in 2015 they’ll have to send a good song.
That would be great! Montenegro always sends male artists to Eurovision so why not spice things up?
@Robyn Gallagher
“On the other hand, I know there’s another young Montenegrin singer ready to warble over a meditation track as his 2017 entry.”
What do you mean? 🙂