Despite turning up in Stockholm with a male acrobat spinning around a pole, Slovenia’s ManuElla missed out on the grand final of Eurovision 2016. Now reports emerging out of Ljubljana suggest the broadcaster is keen to get back on track by staging a more intensive national selection.

Slovenian web site reports that the broadcaster has greater seriousness of intent for Eurovision 2017.

Set to take place in January, “the selection is expected to be broadly similar to Misija Evrovizija (Mission Eurovision),” which means the selection of the contestant will be spread out over several weeks leading to the show’s grand final.

That contrasts sharply with the smaller scale Evrovizijska Melodija (EMA), which in 2016 consisted of 10 acts competing on one night. This year’s re-born EMA will no longer be part of Dnevi Slovenske Zabavne Glasbe (Days of Slovenian Folk Music), a musical festival that consisted of three evenings: a pop-rock competition, a popevka (Slovenian song) competition and EMA — and sought to develop Slovenian music. Perhaps by standing on its own organisationally the contest can find new life.

As you’ll recall, Slovenia used the format to select Eva Boto in 2012. Eva, sadly, crashed out in the semis at Eurovision. Maja Keuc, who won EMA the year before, co-hosted the show.

Evrovizija writes that the new method will likely please songwriters and musicians, who frequently voice concerns that they don’t have a platform to showcase their new songs. The call for songs will reportedly be announced soon, along with new details about the national selection for 2017.

Who do you want to see compete in EMA 2017? And who do you want to submit songs? Might we see Maraaya make a comeback? Let us know your thoughts in the comments box below!

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8 years ago

I think Slovenia was great this year! Some rock next year would be good. The often have good NFs. But think too much about ESC cliches when picking songs. We will see.

(J)ESC Fanatic
(J)ESC Fanatic
8 years ago

Good luck, Slovenia! I hope they won’t be underrated once again 🙂

8 years ago

As for Slovene ESC-personalities….I like Peter Poles a lot. So funny. And Mojca Mavec….because I’m male 😉

8 years ago

I hope for a good NF with lots of different msic styles, and popular / credible Slovene singers. With a rock or indie song winning. Good luck!

What about Peter Prevec as a presenter?? hehe….

8 years ago

Hope Klemen Slakonja will be involved somehow, he was a great host in 2012.

Ben Rafter
Ben Rafter
8 years ago

I thought Maja won a show like ema before…

8 years ago

Yeah Katy is right

8 years ago

Uhm, no actually Maja won a NF which was basically identical to the one we used in 2014-2016. Only Eva Boto won Misija Evrovizija.