Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock for the past fortnight, then you’ve probably heard of Pokémon Go. The augmented reality game by Nintendo and Niantic has got the whole world talking and playing Pokémon once again. That includes both members of the wiwibloggs team, as well as many of the Eurovision acts themselves. Let’s check out what some of the ESC acts have been saying and doing in this Pokémon world.

Francesca Michielin (Italy 2016)

We’re liking Francesca’s different take on how to get over the all-too-regular server downtime.

Jedward (Ireland 2011/12)


Jedward have been sharing their love of Nintendo products for years. They once signed to help advertise Nintendo’s products, which resulted in this wonderful ad campaign.

Frans (Sweden 2016)

Catching Pokemon's in Berlin

A post shared by Frans (@fransbyfrans) on

Showing true dedication, Frans spent some of his recent holiday Pokémon-hunting. Got to catch that Poliwag!

Eric Saade (Sweden 2011)

Oh. Apparently Eric doesn’t approve. We get the feeling that Frans isn’t sorry.

Jala (Bosnia 2016)

Hey, there’s a Pokémon that’s also a keychain now. Why can’t their be a Pokémon based on a Bosnian rapper? We get the feeling that Jalachu might be a little bit more Missingno than Mewtwo, though.

But of course, we all know who the real Pokémon master of the Eurovision world is:

edurne pokemon
Ie-ie-o, I choose you!

Have you been playing Pokémon Go too? Let us know in the comments section if you’re enjoying the game. Make sure to let us know which team you’re as well. Now, if you don’t mind, we’re off to go try and catch us some more Magikarp. Got to get that candy for Gyarados, y’all!

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Trent Ambers
8 years ago

While in traditional Pok mon games you couldn’t wade through any long grass without being attacked by a barrage of Rattata, actually catching Pok mon is a lot trickier in Look out for rustling grass as you walk, as it’s the best indicator of a Pok mon wandering close by.

8 years ago

I play Pokemon now. TEaM Instinct!!!

8 years ago

The Pokemon theme is a viral hit in Sweden, 3rd in the charts.

However, I do not play Pokemon go, I play “Turf”, which is similar, there are mostly zones in Sweden, England, The Netherlands, Denmark, Iceland and somehow South Korea. But if you do not live there or plan to visit any of the countries, you can suggest zones in your country and wait. But if you live in any of the named countries, start immideately, it is very fun to Turf.

8 years ago

@Ben C
Ira didn’t say it was bad at all she said the media attention was too much which considering most of it is about people hurting themselves and falling off cliffs or walking into roads , she is right.
I’m loving Pokémon go but it is insane that is on the news so much mainly because people can’t use it sensibly. Ira did not say we should stop using it, she commented only on the level of media attention and people sadly are too quick to react before they read what someone is saying.

8 years ago

Fantastic and unpredictable Wiwibloggs=)) The article looks like some crisis of the genre when all topics have been exhaustered and there is nothing else to talk about.
OK, S.L.’s PR director is also involved:

And where are 2016 recap video poll results?

8 years ago

If the EBU want to change the voting system again (i love the new system btw) they should give artists pokeballs, and then they have to catch their points!!

Ben C.
Ben C.
8 years ago

Ira wrote a post on Facebook about how bad Pokemon Go is. She immediately got roasted by the commenters.

8 years ago

No I haven’t played it, but I think it’s a nice idea.