My girls, here we go! Following Australia’s very successful participation in Eurovision 2016, broadcaster SBS has confirmed that Australia will be back to compete at the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2016 in Malta.
This year will mark Australia’s second participation in the junior equivalent of our favourite international music competition. Their appearance at JESC 2016 follows Australia’s participation in Stockholm, where Dami Im won the jury vote and gave Australia a very close second-place finish.
Australia made its JESC debut last year in Bulgaria, where The Voice Kids runner-up Bella Paige took to the stage. Her Delta Goodrem-penned song “My Girls” gave Australia a respectable eighth place.
SBS haven’t announced how Australia’s JESC act for Malta will be selected, but they’re promising details are coming soon. But given Australia’s track record in both ESC and JESC, we are confident that it will be amazing!
Australia’s announcement now brings the total of confirmed countries for Junior Eurovision up to 15, with participation confirmed for Albania, Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Georgia, Ireland, Italy, FYR Macedonia, The Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Ukraine and the host nation, Malta.
What do you think? Could Australia beat their JESC result from last year, or even match or beat Dami Im’s second place result in Stockholm this year?
@Darren: Thanks for the reply and the nice words, but I’ll suppose to agree to disagree. I don’t believe in underestimating the reaches of human idiocy, and really, whenever something scandalous happens with the EBU, guess which country gets thrown into the furor… from what I’ve seen on the Eurovison site, Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, YouTube. Your experiences may be different, but I suppose it’s also a matter of perspective – you’re not often on the receiving end of the backlash. You could say that we’re being sensitive regarding this debate, and whilst some Australians do engage with the toxicity (I… Read more »
Don’t get me wrong, it probably is good relatively speaking – for a contest that nobody has watched up to now. I’m just arguing against the point that the Australian people have been frothing at the mouth to compete for the last thirty years, because that is patently false!
Tylos, yeah – that to me is tiny, at least compared to European ratings. Number 9 for the night? That’s supposed to be good?
I made a mistake while writing one of my earlier comments, the time change isn’t good for Australians either, it is on the night to Monday, not Sunday. So most likely, the audience EBU want, kids, sleep at that time, because it is school the day after.
But I want Australia to participate in the Eurovision, if they want to! It is just the changes in JESC I don’t like. The more countries in Eurovision, the more songs! So I just want to say that I do not agree with those of want Australia out.
“screened…on a minority channel that nobody watches. Ratings were miniscule for the first few decades, and are only just above that now.”
Final 2016 had over 700,000 viewers when live and delayed broadcasts are combined. The show was #9 nationally for the night against all channels. It’s one of the best rating shows all year on SBS.
Sorry if the facts get in your way.
Everyone knows that the EBU’s ultimate goals for Eurovision is Worldvision. They joked about if A LOT back in 2014 and Australia debuted a year later. Plus, the EBU mentioned “excited new concepts for the future” the same day they debuted Australia. New, none European countries are coming, folks. Jon Ola Sand and Christer Bjorkman are pushing for it. Although, I believe the main focus will be on helping other tv station unions start their OWN song contests before getting Worldvision started so I doubt we’ll have a bunch of new countries jumping in. Probably some Euro-like countries like Kazakhstan… Read more »
Well, let’s not exaggerate Australia’s interest. It may have been screened for the last 30 plus years, but on a minority channel that nobody watches. Ratings were miniscule for the first few decades, and are only just above that now. Like with LogoTV in the USA, just because it’s on doesn’t mean that anybody watches. It has a small cult following – the average person on the street doesn’t have a clue and has zero interest. This is not Swedish levels of hysteria here, and a broadcaster like SBS can’t be compared to powerhouses like BBC or SVT. Also, a… Read more »
“But… but…but… OTHER COUNTRIES MAY-” No. Stop it. Please. Just stop it. Again, again, AGAIN you guys are missing the crux here. Has the USA followed the contest faithfully for 30 years? No. Has China? No. Has South Africa? Brazil? TANZANIA? No, no, and no. (And if someone wants textbook bigotry, hi Nina Sublatti!) When they do, THEN they can get in. China’s at 2, USA’s at 1, so 28+ more years to go! Furthermore, there’s zero evidence that suggests any of these countries will add value to the contest. Australia adds value- both in money and in quality. If… Read more »
Yes! Completely agreed with @Jonas. Also @Marshpan you make valid points but I don’t think Australia is being scapegoated. The anger isn’t with Australia, of course they will participate if they are invited, but the issue here is with the EUROPEAN Broadcasting Union (EBU) and their sudden mission to have a random far away country take part, and why is Australia so special for them? And why is Australia so different from other countries like China, Brazil, South Africa, USA? Will these countries be allowed in too? Diminishing the already narrow chances of small actual European countries like San Marino,… Read more »
TBH, I’m somewhere stuck between snickering and shaking my head after reading the comments. After all, this is a kids’ show we’re discussing, and I’m sorry to break it to some people: if you’re that offended by what’s happening in a /kids’ show/, then you probably have some strange priorities. I understand both sides of the argument, really. Australians really do want to give back to a show that has entertained them for so long, but those against are ultimately confused by the inclusion. I personally want to lean the conversation away from the politics and controversy, just out of… Read more »
There are already far, far too many countries in the contest. Where do you draw the line? Active EBU membership is a reasonable and fair place put up the drawbridge. We have been the ones who created the contest and funded it and turned it into what it is. Australia’s participation opens the door for China, Canada, the USA, Togo, Jamaica and anybody else who feels like rocking up. It is ridiculous to suddenly throw out the rulebook after sixty years. How many nights do you want the contest to go on for? With so many countries participating, it minimizes… Read more »
I agree with Pollaski. I am really happy about Australia participating. They broadcast the show for thirty years now. And let’s be clear here, Australia is a powerhouse in the contest. So far they have two top 5’s in the adult contets, and a really good 8th place in JESC. This contest is about music, not about politics. Kazakhstan never show big interest in the contest. I’m a 12 year old, and i think (especially the JESC) is about different cultures, peace, love and unity, so why kick a country out for being not in Europe. I hope Australia stays… Read more »
Australian make me laugh. Their only argument is Australia broascast the contest since 30 years so Australia must participate. Stupid. I will send a request to UEFA asking for Japan participation in 2020, after all, they broascast the championship since the first one (not like Australia)….
There are rules and Australia respects any of them.
And Pollaski arguments are utter crap.
Now there are an Asiavision, i dont want to see them anymore.
It’s so easy to throw that “separate but equal” remark around just to shut people up. Australia’s participation is random and makes no sense. That’s just the way it is. There is no racism/xenophobia here, just someone who knows basic geography.
@Pollaski, you may feel like you “debunked” my points. But you didn’t really. As stated before, I have my opinion, you have yours. I’m not here to attack or belittle or abuse others. Just giving my opinion. Have a nice day.
“I ain’t no bigot! I just don’t want dem damn Ozzies gettin’ into our club and spoiling things! They should have their own separate competition.” Yeah, I heard that “seperate but equal” phrase before… You people do have a right to think Australia doesn’t belong in Eurovision. I can’t stop you from having that opinion, but I can, and will, think less of you if you can’t give me better reasons than that. And yes, your reasons are pure and utter crap. Let’s go through them one by one, shall we. 1. “But…but… EUROvision!” It’s a damned artifact title and… Read more »
It’s a shame to see people not happy about Australia’s participation. Yes, I’m Australian. Yes, I’m happy to see us compete in the contest, but like most of you said, Australia isn’t European, so what the heck is my country doing competing in Eurovision? Well, maybe because we were the longest non European country to watch the show? And some other reasons I don’t know of. Like, I was so happy when it was announced that Australia would compete in Eurovision in 2015. This year, I was also excited but for Junior Eurovision, I don’t know because almost everyone seems… Read more »
Hey, I basically just said all that! 🙂 Also the fact that the contest goes out in the dead of the night or very early morning over in Australia, which means that they are not experiencing the show live along with the rest of us. That puts me off as it feels less of communal event, and probably impacts the televote. I also miss the “Good Evening, Europe!” – it’s ridiculous now we have to add “…and good morning, Australia!” every time. The “Eurovision” title comes from the name of the satellite network used to originally broadcast the competition, it… Read more »
For the record, for the P.C brigade who call everyone bigots for not agreeing with Australia’s participation. I am not a bigot (learn the actual definition of the word). But if I don’t agree with Australia’s participation, I am allowed to do so, just as you lot are allowed to be in favor of Australia’s participation. I am entitled to my opinion and I will stand by it as I believe my opinion is valid. 1. This is EUROvision, so Australia’s participation is ridiculous. They are not even close to Europe, even Israel is more European than Australia. 2. They… Read more »
I hope I don’t come across as ignorant or bigoted (hi, Pollaski!) – but I’m still far from thrillled with Australia’s participation. I don’t really give a hoot about the Junior Contest, but for the main event, I’m still not comfortable and I believe my reasons are valid. If SBS want to join the EBU properly and pay the same fees etc. as everybody else, fine. If they could somehow facilitate hosting the competition in the event of a win, maybe. If the actual popularity of the contest in Australia reflected the over-hyped exaggeration instead of drawing a relatively tiny… Read more »
If you guys don’t want Australia to be a part, you need to be more vocal about it at the event itself.
Boo. Hiss. Whistle.
Boo that 12 year old kid right on off the stage. That’ll show these Aussies for loyally following your contests for thirty years and being totally excited about getting to participate!
Disappointing that Australia can participate – even if they send good songs. If Bangladesh, for example wanted to participate they wouldn’t be allowed to because all the EBU care about is money. And btw, the contest was made for European countries. So Australia, make a contest with New Zealand, South Korea, China, Malaysia those kind of countires. Please leave.
The ignorance and bigotry in the comments for this have not disappointed.
Well done, commenters. Knew you’d pull through.
People don’t understand the reason myself and many other people don’t want Australia in Eurovision. Australia isn’t an active member of the EBU, which is a mandatory prerequisite for competing. However, they are still able to continuously come back as “special guests”. Countries like Kazakhstan have the same exact qualifications Australia does, yet the EBU doesn’t care about them at all. They’re holding rich Western countries above poorer developing countries which is absolutely horrible. Not to mention the “Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Armenia compete!!1!!!111!1” comebacks are absolutely ridiculous. All the competitors are located within the European Broadcasting Area, and most of… Read more »
boooooooo >:(
it’s pointless to actively argue against australia being in this bc its obvious theyre not leaving any time soon now
doesnt mean i cant be bitter about it
Serbia will most probably confirm. Duska Vucinic Lucic from RTS stated that “we still have not decided how we will pick the representative for this year” – that means they will participate?… I also read in this newspaper that a boy will represent Serbia. But I don’t know whether these rumours are right…
Malta’s goal is 18, they’re just 3 away! It’s a shame though that there is more standard ESC countries participating. Especially in Malta’s JESC, it’s likely more affordable.
All this hate… Australia is a powerhouse in Eurovision. It’s not about wich country you are representing, it’s about music, and Australia so far only sended AMAZING songs. I really like the fact Australia is participating, and i would be really sad if they would withdraw, and i’m a kid, and children (the people this show is made for) really don’t care.
@Ninasublatti, I just tried to imagine Nina saying that but only made Klumba with h(is)er ‘kill em all’ nonsence. Grow up maybe?
My fav. song last year, but after live it was “only” my fifth. I still hope for:
– Germany
– Serbia
– Estonia
Aha, the changes are maybe made for Australia. But I think that there is not even televoiting in Australian JESC, so isn’t it fine for them with watching in the middle of the night? I don’t know, but I don’t think the amount of viewers will increase in Europe. A normal swedish person do not watch TV on a sunday afternoon if it isn’t important, especially not kids, I don’t know the traditions in rest of europe, but I don’t think it is traditional in any european country to watch TV on a sunday afternoon, except Malta I guess. But… Read more »
I don’t like the changes, but I think the changes are good in Australias case, it starts 00.00 in the evening, and they are not used to televoiting in JESC like in rest of europe.
Does this mean that they will be at the adult ESC next year? Oh my god I hate to see them participating! Should France participate in Asiavision just because of some kind of relations or islands in the Pacific? Doesn’t make any sense! If EBU will continue this at least I hope that NTU won’t invite them to participate.
Yay! I was worried there for a minute! 😀
I think their results show most people want to stay.
Only very narrow minded puritans want the definition of Europe extremely adhered too
More overrated results for Australia again….just because they are Australia and we are all supposed to love them. We haven’t even heard their entry yet and I can tell you it will be Top 10, or maybe even win. Sooner they make their own contest the better.
And before the PC brigade call me racist etc, I’m not, I love Australia, but their participation,and the clear favouritism shown towards them every year is beyond sickening. Just hand them the victory and have done with it.
Yay Australia Is Back Again
You all say australia should not be i EURO vision but there here to stay so get over yourselves were more european than some european countries eg. Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia. So get over it
Australia are Now In EUROVISION!!
God when will they leave, most people want them out
Hopefully their last entry as the “Asiavision” will start next year.
Australia is here to stay folks! I think EBU will give them permanent status in the contest soon.
Oh Gosh, not again… :/
Another overrated song yaay
So, when the American and Latin American will lobby to join in Eurovision too? its just that EBU must give SBS Australia the permanent status right now!!
And now I’m waiting for Estonia to debut
instinctively i want to complain but no one else wants to participate and i won’t watch the show anyway, so… yeah. all the best, i guess.