She gave her all last week on the first X Factor UK live show. Shockingly she ended up in the sing-off (which she destroyed) and then she faced nasty comments from bitter rivals.

But our girl Saara Aalto from Norway Finland is still alive, and tonight she took on the Tina Turner classic “River Deep, Mountain High” in week two of X Factor UK’s live shows.

This week’s theme, the perennial X Factor favourite, “Motown”, was chosen last week with a spin of the newly-installed X Factor Jukebox. On Lorraine, Saara admitted that she wants to be known as more than a power ballad princess. She explained that she longs to put on a huge show with an energetic dance number.

We think that Motown is the perfect opportunity for Saara to prove her versatility. We’re thinking big production values, big vocals and even bigger hair. So, how did she do?

Saara Aalto — River Deep, Mountain High (Live @ X Factor)

We have to say, this performance was everything. Obviously, Saara’s vocals were as on point as usual, but just look how this girl moves! Saara shimmied and shook for her life, working her fringed golden dress for all it was worth. She wanted to put on a show, and she most certainly did. Accompanied by a troupe of seven dancers, Saara never once faltered, serving Tina Turner levels of realness. Slaaaay.

What the judges said:

The judges had (almost) universal praise for Saara. Louis could not deny that Saara is an amazing singer and amazing performer, but he believes that the public finds her cold and that they are failing to warm to her.

However, none of the other judges agreed. The critique of the night came courtesy of Nicole:

“You took that song, smacked it around and made it your banana. Yassss.” This also pretty much sums up how we feel about Saara here at wiwibloggs.

Simon told Saara that her sing off last week was incredible. He said that she showed her sense of fun and put on a fantastic performance, while Sharon admitted that the performance left her speechless. Work!

Since the beginning of her X Factor journey, Saara has been feeling the love from friends and fans (including big names like Duncan James and Robbie Williams). Today she took to social media to thank her mentor Sharon Osbourne for her advice and support. Just how cute is this picture?!

Whether or not Saara will make it through to next week’s show is now up to the Great British public. If you are in the UK, you can either vote by phone, text or on the X Factor app. Voting will close during tomorrow night’s live results show.

With the introduction of the “Lifeline Vote” this year, the public has been given one last chance to save one of the three acts who have received the lowest number of votes. Then the bottom two acts compete in a sing-off, with the judges choosing which act will stay and who will go. If the judges are tied in their decision, the previous public vote will once again decide the result. We are keeping everything crossed for Saara Aalto!

Do you think Saara Aalto did enough tonight? Were you feeling the Motown vibes, or should she stick to ballads? Let us know in the comments below!

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8 years ago

Why are you so excited about Saara – just because she was on two Finnish Eurovision selections?
Undoubtely, Saara sings perfectly. But it looks like as she has fake personality. Even when her personality shows off, it’s bad personality. Overall it’s all about terrible connection – even worse than Katie Waissel or Kitty Brucknell had.
And it has nothing to do with her being from abroad. Remember Ruth Lorenzo, Andrea Faustini or 4th impact. There are many other cases, but these come out as the most successful.

Chicken Kyiv?
Chicken Kyiv?
8 years ago

Bottom 2 again but once again got saved. That means at least 2 more articles fawning over her from Wiwi 😛 Surely she will be gone next week

8 years ago

Her Style is Cruiseship style.

8 years ago

She’s leaving this week, or…
means she will be in Oulu and Wembley at the same time next Saturday

Digital Style
Digital Style
8 years ago

She’s an incredible singer, but she comes off as very cocky and unlikeable.

8 years ago

Yes, there definitely is a cultural difference. To my Nordic ears that British “connection” thing sounds like letting your child have a bath with Jimmy Saville. It is not going to happen.

8 years ago

Saara will be kicked out, because in this competition the voters are the same persons who have voted year after year the success of UK in Eurovision Song Contest.

8 years ago

@Stephanie: That is because he actually deserves it because he’s that damn good … may not be your own personal favourite but if he is stirring the pot for everybody involved in the show from producers, mentors and the public itself … that means he’s really that good. If he is meant to win … fingers crossed cause I really dig this kid. Saara is also a wonderful talented girl … at the art of almost extracting her larynx out of her mouth every time she screams like the devil believing herself she’s actually singing. We had one amazing Whitney… Read more »

8 years ago

If there’s something I know from watching TV singing contests over the years, it’s that there is always one contestant deemed the “Chosen One”. That person is literally groomed by the producers to win by giving him/her the best performance slots, the best songs and the best staging – seems to me like Matt Terry is the “Chosen One” for the X Factor this year. I actually though Saara was really good this week compared to the trainwreck that was Honey G. Does she think she can get by every week by doing the same schtick like spelling out her… Read more »

8 years ago

I agree with Jamaraqueer, she just doesn’t have that mainstream appeal, and is better suited for musicals. After hearing “Let It Go”, my grandma (who is Finnish herself) said that she should audition for the Frozen musical coming to Broadway. It’d probably suit her much better. I think Saara has a very good chance of getting eliminated this week, and I don’t want to hear all the accusations of xenophobia against the British public. Have we forgotten that Reggie ‘n’ Bollie (2nd place, 2015) were from Ghana, 4th Impact (5th place, 2015) were from the Philippines, and Eurovision’s own Ruth… Read more »

Chicken Kyiv?
Chicken Kyiv?
8 years ago

@Adam Surely you know what people mean when you say someone is a warm person! In general (and it;s just a generalisation, doesnt apply to all of them) Nordic people are quite cold, the Swedes have even made fun of it themselves. Look at Petra’s Swedish Smorgasbord “never ever talk on a train… and if a stranger gives us a smile, we think they’re a drunk or insane” and Lynda Woodruff even made fun of it in her sketch in stocholm where she said hi to a group and they just ignored her and she joked maybe they didn’t speak… Read more »

8 years ago

can someone explain what everyone means when they say she is “cold” and doesn’t connect with the audience when she performs?

Chicken Kyiv?
Chicken Kyiv?
8 years ago

She will be in the bottom 2 again, she doesn’t sing she shouts! Don’t know why Europeans love it. We were never a fan of Rona the ropehead from Albania either!

8 years ago

Second week of X Factor and second week of more yelling and screaming from this girl … I would ask anybody to properly teach her what singing actually means but I guess the excitement around her here is so overwhelming that no one would even care in a typical Eurovision fashion … Anyway she ain’t Tina Turner or Céline Dion and in a more scandinavian way she’s not Carola … and thank God she’s not the best singer in the competition. If she gets kicked out it’s not because she’s not from the UK … it’s mostly because she’s one… Read more »

Mario = Legend
Mario = Legend
8 years ago

Yes is because she is not english.

8 years ago

If she was British, the public would’ve voted for her. The Finnish community should support her!

8 years ago

She was amazing, again and like always! But the problem is the uk public… like always they vote for the wrong things, Not only in Eurovision. And the Main reason for the uk People Not To vote for saara is that she isn’t from uk. Such a shame, she’s such an Talent!

8 years ago

She’s not a pop star. However, she’d be amazing as the lead in a West End musical.

Eurovision X factor
Eurovision X factor
8 years ago

The British public won’t vote for Saara Aalto for some reason She’s got everything the whole package she has to be on the X factor next week.