The results of the 2016 OGAE Second Chance Contest have been revealed — and winner comes as absolutely no surprise to anyone. Poland’s Margaret has taken the top spot with her hugely popular national final track “Cool Me Down”.

The 2016 competition was hosted by OGAE Italy, who won last year with NEK’s “Fatti avanti amore”. The contest — which is now in its 30th year — is voted on by OGAE fan clubs. Each club nominates one song to face the vote, often a national final entry.

Previous contest winners have gone on to perform at Eurovision, including Måns Zelmerlöw, Sanna Nielsen and Hera Björk.

After this year’s vote, Margaret was revealed as the winner, with a total of 277 points for “Cool Me Down”.

Closely following in second place was Sweden’s entry, “Save Me” by Wiktoria on (244 points). Israel followed in third place with Ella Daniel’s “Somebody Out There” on 190 points.

The top five was rounded out with fourth place going to the host country’s entry, Patty Pravo and “Cieli Immensi” on 165 points, and fifth place going to Norway’s The Hungry Hearts featuring Lisa Dillan and their dance number “Laika”.

Down at the other end of the board, Belarus’s Napoli only managed to earn one point for the song “My Universe”.

Margaret taking out the win comes as no surprise. As well as being a huge favourite in national final season, “Cool Me Down” was a favourite to win the Second Chance Contest with both the Wiwi panel and wiwibloggs readers.

Our favourites also included Wiktoria with “Save Me”, Anja Nissen with “Never Alone”, and The Hungry Hearts featuring Lisa Dillan with “Laika”.

In the wiwibloggs readers poll, “Cool Me Down” took the top spot, followed by Latvia’s MyRadiantU with “We Will Be Stars” in second place, Wiktoria in third place, Ukraine’s The Hardkiss with “Helpless” in fourth and Anja Nissen in fifth place.

OGAE Second Chance Contest 2016 results

  1. Poland: Margaret – “Cool Me Down” (277 points)
  2. Sweden: Wiktoria – “Save Me” (244 points)
  3. Israel: Ella Daniel – “Somebody Out There” (190 points)
  4. Italy: Patty Pravo – “Cieli Immensi” (165 points)
  5. Norway: The Hungry Hearts ft. Lisa Dillan – “Laika” (137 points)
  6. Estonia: Laura – “Supersonic” (120 points)
  7. Rest of the World: Kállay Saunders Band – “Who We Are” (120 points)
  8. Finland: Mikael Saari – “On It Goes” (119 points)
  9. Ukraine: The Hardkiss – “Helpless” (101 points)
  10. Germany: Avantasia – “Mystery of a Blood Red Rose” (86 points)
  11. Spain: María Isabel – “La vida solo es una” (84 points)
  12. Denmark: Anja Nissen – “Never Alone” (68 points)
  13. United Kingdom: Bianca – “Shine a Little Light” (49 points)
  14. Malta: Brooke – “Golden” (46 points)
  15. Austria: Elly V – “I’ll Be Around (Bounce)” (45 points)
  16. Belgium: Tom Frantzis – “I’m Not Lost” (22 points)
  17. Latvia: MyRadiantU – “We Will Be Stars” (14 points)
  18. Romania: Florena – “Behind The Shadows” (6 points)
  19. Lithuania: Erica Jennings – “Leading Me Home” (5 points)
  20. Slovenia: Raiven – “Crno bel” (6 points)
  21. Switzerland: Vincent Gross – “Half a Smile” (7 points)
  22. Albania: Besa Krasniqi – “Liroje zemrën” (2 points)
  23. Belarus: NAPOLI – “My Universe” (1 point)

What do you think of the results? How did your favourites place? Share your thoughts below.


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8 years ago

@Napaw: I really do hope that she does as well, and I’m willing to bet that Poland could win in the next few years of the contest if they do. The main thing I would advise Margaret and her team to do, is give her a song that plays to her strengths rather than make her seem awkward on stage. She can’t do Rihanna-tier sexy, ‘bad girl’-chic, because my impression of her persona on-stage is that she’s more cute and sassy for that. She definitely has knowledge of what is ‘current’ right now in the music scene, but she really… Read more »

8 years ago

@Marshpan I agree with you about her lacking stage performance. Although I am absolutely convinced that Cool Me Down as a song had winner potential, I am not too sure if she would have surpassed Dami Im’s mindblowing live vocals and performance and/or Ukraine’s message. So at this point I’d rather be first in the second chance contest than third in the actual Eurovision. Nevertheless I still have my hopes up Margaret might reconsider her decision not to enter Eurovision again. If not 2017, then maybe 2018 🙂

8 years ago

@Charles Sure, Jan. I see all your so called points consist of insults, and honestly I would be embarrassed of myself if I even considered taking this conversation with you any further.

8 years ago

So.. this means people are finally gonna stop nagging about her?

8 years ago

@Napaw: Racism is still a concept you need to have redefined properly for you … but that takes a lot of space in your brain … give yourself time … 🙂

8 years ago

Results are so great! “Cool Me Down” is the best of all this songs 😉

8 years ago

It was an obvious win for Margaret, considering the internet meltdown that happened when she lost the Polish NF. Though, as a potential Eurovision song for last year, I don’t think it would have kept its momentum. The last two years has shown that in order to win the Eurovision, you need juries on board as well as the public vote. The song is catchy and mainstream enough, but when performed on stage, it becomes considerably flat. Margaret has certainly improved on her stage presence since the NF, but if she were to sing it as a representative of Poland,… Read more »

8 years ago

A great song wnning an OGAE-contest 🙂 Does not always happen! But I think the best song was Germany. powerful and rocky. Worst – Norway! Awful, cheap, banal, cliched, cheesy, stereotpyical rubbish. OK – it was not a serious song. But still probably the worst NF-song this year! The Danish entry is also very cheap and contrived. Good it flopped in the voting. So many great songs in the NFs every year….but seldom the best songs are picked for this compettion. Most of them are too generic and ordinary songs. In that respect, kudos to Lithaunia, for sending such an… Read more »

(J)ESC Fanatic
(J)ESC Fanatic
8 years ago

@ESC party

I agree, “Mystery Of A Blood Red Scream” was horrible!

8 years ago

Well deserved, and more memorable than most of the songs that actually went to Eurovision this year. I think Wiwi fans were right and Latvia should’ve been 2nd place here.

8 years ago

@Charles wow, did I hit a nerve? 😉 people get defensive when others call them out on their racism.

8 years ago

@Napaw: So you actually like catchy pop songs with no relevant lyrics sung by people who don’t need to be vocally good for as long as the song is upbeat and fun … I am sure you would love to see lip sync being allowed in Eurovision (after all people have been paying dollars to see Britney Spear do it in Vegas) or are you still stuck in your 15 year old mind set after all these years? Haters may be hating but being denial is still being in denial …. 🙂

8 years ago

@Napaw: What is your inability to understand sarcasm or would you feel better if I had used words like Norway or Italy for this particular matter? Would it make it better? I’m dying to know that …

8 years ago

@Jonas – Agreed. I had it down as potential Eurovision winner.
@(J)ESC Fanatic – Agreed! I have not understood why Wiktoria’s song has been so hyped-up.

Unfortunately, for my taste, most of the songs chosen for the OGAE were not what I would have chosen for each country but I suppose as I did not like most of the Eurovision choices this year, it is fitting that the OGAE choices were not much better!

8 years ago

I don’t understand how Latvia didn’t make it to the top 5 in the official poll while it was 2nd in Wiwibloggs. That song is so very catchy and amazing, especially with the drum n’ bass part on the second chorus. 12 points from me!

8 years ago

Simone’s “Heart Shaped Hole” would be my winner. Way better than Anja Nissen. Margaret deserves it too, though.

8 years ago

Not particularly fond with 3rd-5th. But I did like Poland and Sweden (I actually find Sweden a little overrated, but I still like the song). I also liked Denmark, Ukraine and Finland.

8 years ago

@Name I’m not too sure about Xavier Naidoo’s current popularity (due to his controversial political views) but he sure as hell is much more famous than Avantasia or maybe any other German act for that matter. To be perfectly honest, I never heard about Avantasia until it was announced they were trying out for Eurovision.

8 years ago

Not surprised at Denmark’s placing. I always thought Never Alone was a bit too messy and busy to do well at ESC, whereas Heart Shaped Hole would have done very well indeed.

8 years ago

napaw, I just told you:Sucess in Sweden is measured by Spotify. Physical sales which that is is a non-issue. Charts and how much something sells isn’t important since no one cares about it over here. Every major label focus on digital releases.
“Cool me Down” flopped because it wasn’t added to Spotify enough times. The track managed to reach a meagre 36 place in Swedish charts, where streaming is taken in consideration. Meaning it wasn’t popular enough for Spotify.
So if it flopped here, why would it be a sucess in Europe?

8 years ago

Still Margaret, Margaret but Avantasia had the best song and it was the biggest star between all national final competitors!!! Even more popular than Xavier Naidoo!!! He would finish in top 10, Avantasia could win all Eurovision. And they sent Jamie Lee 😀 Deutschland, Deutschland. Ahhh

8 years ago

Just saw the video of Margaret’s live performance at the polish NF on YouTube…… three months ago the voice had been muted on it…….have they changed the audio? Coz from what I heard the vocals aren’t that bad…… They are not good but definitely better than any of Azerbaijan’s performance this year

8 years ago

O_o Didn’t it reach Gold in Sweden? That sounds pretty “hit” worthy to me.

8 years ago

Napaw, I like radio pop songs too. I am as commercial as you can get. But “Cool Me Down” isn’t that great. It has nothing going for it. Not catchy enough, doesn’t have a hook. It doesn’t stand out. It literally sounds like a majority of songs today, to basic. I listened to it a few times on the radio and I barely remember it. I didn’t add it to Spotify, and neither did most Swedes which is how success is measured in Sweden.The song flopped in Sweden, despite heavy promotion and despite being written by the Swedish team behind… Read more »

Polegend Godgarina
8 years ago

@ Name – girl, I’m the first to condemn uninspired, generic music… but when it’s done well, you have to compliment it. And this song is better than anything Rihanna has released this year by miles.

8 years ago

Estonia and Hungary deserved to be in top 5 AT LEAST!!

8 years ago

Margaret’s song really isn’t good. It’s soon basic. Wiktoria definitely deserved to win. And Slovenia was very underrated( as they are in every eurovision related thing)

8 years ago

@Charles what’s with your prejudices against East European countries?

8 years ago

esconly: “Margaret’s live vocals are bad…very bad”

Me: “Relax, dude. Margaret’s live vocals are just fine!”

8 years ago

Overrated as hell.

8 years ago

And as expected the Rihanna-wannabe won … what else …
Who is going to the be next-big-esc-fan-fool-obsession for 2017? A Britney-playback-wannabe-from-Moldova-or-Bulgaria?

8 years ago

I would vote for: Belgium, Israel, Ukraine, Latvia, Slovenia and Estonia. Albania is good too.
Most of the songs in first places are the typical songs the average “eurofan” likes (Poland, Sweden, Italy, Norway, Finland, Spain,…)

Ben Rafter
Ben Rafter
8 years ago

Malta and Denmark so underrated….

8 years ago

Well, as I said, haters gonna hate <3

8 years ago

Margarets song wasnt hit in Poland. Why do you think it would be hit in Europe? It wouldnt. Its cheap song. If you think that masterpiece is every catchy song, you really dont understand music. And guy, who wrote here, that whoever doesnt like this song has no taste, he is… WTF? Because it sounds like Rihanna – music icon for gays – it means, that it is masterpiece? I am sorry for your simple taste.

Antranig Shokayan
8 years ago

Elly V, Vincent Gross and Besa Krasniqi should be much higher in these results.

8 years ago

Is that so surprising? Not really. This song had the potential to win this years contest. It’s an amazingly catchy pop hit. And with all due respect guys, though I must admit at some part during the chorus she was vocally missing the power that we can hear in the studio version, she was doing a fine job SINGING live. People just love hating on other people. I for my part am suuuuuuper happy this is Poland’s first win in anything “Eurovision Song Contest” related (not counting Dance Eurovision and young Musicians <3). And next year will see each other… Read more »

8 years ago

1. I don’t understand the points and the places in the last positions, it doesn’t match
2. I think Laika has been too much overrated by you, guys at Wiwibloggs and OGAE fans, it’s true that it deserved better at the MGP, but is not good at all, it’s so cheap

8 years ago

I’m tired of people saying a radio-friendly pop song is nothing but boring and generic. Get your facts right! This is what most of the people in the world download and listen to on Itunes and Spotify. I just don’t get what superiority feelings these people have to keep bashing the radio-friendly pop songs. What’s wrong with being catchy?

8 years ago

Never understood the hype with “Cool Me Down”. It’s not THAT good, it’s a standard radio pop song. Good but not great.
Neither is Wiktoria. Decent tune but nothing to great.

8 years ago

Urgh, im seriously getting sick of Margaret. I liked her at first, but she became so overhyped and overused in basically everything it’s not even funny.

Polegend Godgarina
8 years ago

Whew, the hunty that gave the votes for Lithuania is cute af! Where was he hiding when I went to Lithuania two months ago?

Anyway, we all know Ma?gosia succs pretty bad live, but some of our past winners (Alexander Rybak, Ell & Nikki, Marie N) couldn’t hit one single note either, so what’s the point? It’s a song contest, not a vocal competition.

8 years ago

Margaret’s live vocals are bad…very bad

Polegend Godgarina
8 years ago

Oops, lemme be more specific there. MARGARET could’ve achieved Loreen-sized success. Her song is the bop of the year and whoever doesn’t like it has no taste. Sorry not sorry!

Polegend Godgarina
8 years ago

My points for this would be:

12 – Poland
10 – Malta
8 – Estonia
7 – Germany
6 – Austria
5 – Sweden
4 – Hungary
3 – Ukraine
2 – Slovenia
1 – Lithuania

Didn’t vote for Italy bc it’s my country. Sweden arriving 2nd doesn’t surprise me, the song is basic af but it’s a guilty pleasure (it’s the Mediocrityfestivalen, after all). Malta was done DIRTY. Again! Brooke’s song is as flawless as it gets. But at least talent won in the end. To think that she could’ve achieved a Euphoria-sized commercial success…

8 years ago

The results are “ok”, but Slovenia’s “Crno bel” should’ve been top 5. It was truly amazing!

Calum Macleod
Calum Macleod
8 years ago

You’ve mixed up the placings for Romania, Lithuania, Slovenia and Switzerland. It should be:
18. Switzerland
19. Romania
20. Slovenia
21. Lithuania

(J)ESC Fanatic
(J)ESC Fanatic
8 years ago

Okay, the winner was obvious. But I can’t believe how overrated “Save Me” is. Denmark should have finished 2nd, not Sweden. Albania, Austria and Malta deserved to be higher too.