Malta’s Christina Magrin says she’ll be your parachute and that she’ll be there for you. And during her first rehearsal at Junior Eurovision 2016 she was definitely there for herself, delivering an on-point vocal performance that mixed power, insouciance and a kid-friendly quality that really stands out.
The LED screen is very tropical with a series of red, yellow, green and purple waves and bars serving Amazonian realness. Her five backing dancers pop and lock and generally have their moves down. And at one point they get on the floor and rotate on wheelie boards. The camera work wasn’t the best — it made the act seem sluggish at times — but quicker changes will help give this lively song even more life. It’s going to challenge. J’adore!
Junior Eurovision 2016: Malta’s first rehearsal
What do you think of Malta’s first rehearsal? Can they do the Junior Eurovision double? Let us know in the comments section!
Photo: Andres Putting (EBU)
Amazing live performance even better than the studio version! A fantastic song that in my opinion is a serious contender for the victory!
Her voice is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! Malta will certainly be in the top 5 again this year but I don’t want them to win because in my opinion, there are stronger songs.
This looks amazing <3 She has a stunning voice, and it makes the eww eww eww
part less horrible. She should change how she does the final note tho.