Hungary’s national selection A Dal continued tonight, with the final six acts qualifying for the semi-finals. Gigi Radics, Zävodi + Olivér Berkes, TOTOVA, Joci Pápai, The Couple and Soulwave will be heading to the semi-finals next weekend.
Tonight’s first five qualifiers were determined by a combination of televote and an expert jury made up of Hungarian music industry pros Caramel, Zséda, Károly Frenreisz and Miklós Both.
This vote was won by Gigi Radics on 43 points. She was followed by Zävodi + Olivér Berkes, TOTOVA and Joci Pápai, each on 41 points. Rounding out the top five was The Couple with 38 points.
The sixth qualifier was selected by a second round of public voting. The public strongly disagreed with the results of the first round — the sixth spot went to Soulwave who had placed last in the first round with only 34 points.
The qualifiers will go on to compete in the semi-finals, which will be next next Friday and Saturday, 10 and 11 February. Tonight’s qualifiers will join Benji, David Henderson, Leander Kills, Roma Soul, Spoon 21 and Viki Singh from the first heat, and Ádám Szabó, Chase, Gina Kanizsa, Kállay Saunders Band, Mrs Columbo and Peet Project from the second heat.
A Dal – Heat 3 qualifiers
- Gigi Radics – “See It Through” (43 points)
- Zävodi + Olivér Berkes – “#háttérzaj” (41 points)
- TOTOVA – “Hosszú idök” (41 points)
- Joci Pápai – “Origo” (41 points)
- The Couple – “Vége van” (38 points)
- Soulwave – “Kalandor” (34 points)
A Dal – Heat 3 eliminated acts
- Orsi Sapszon – “Hunyd le szemed” (37 points)
- Benjámin Pál – “Father’s Eyes” (37 points)
- Enikö Muri – “Jericho” (36 points)
- Kyra Fedor – “Got to Be a Day” (34 points)
Wiwibloggs readers are somewhat in agreement with the A Dal qualifiers. In a wiwibloggs readers poll — held before this heat was rescheduled — the readers’ favourite was TOTOVA on 25.44%. Joci Papái was in second place with 17.69%.
And readers agreed with Hungarian televoters. Soulwave — who won a place in the final via the second-chance televote — was the Wiwi readers third choice, on 13.31%.
Readers were less impressed with the qualifiers The Couple and Zävodi + Olivér Berkes, who only managed 4.13% and 3.62% respectively.
A Dal heat 3 — wiwibloggs readers poll results
- TOTOVA with “Hosszú Idok” – 25.44% (302 votes)
- Joci Papái with “Origo” – 17.69% (210 votes)
- Soulwave with “Kalandor” – 13.31% (158 votes)
- Benjámin Pal with “Father’s Eyes” – 12.22% (145 votes)
- Gigi Radics with “See It Through” – 8.68% (103 votes)
- Kyra Fedor with “Got To Be A Day” – 6.82% (81 votes)
- Eniko Muri with “Jericho” – 5.98% (71 votes)
- The Couple with “Vége Van” – 4.13% (49 votes)
- Zävodi and Olivér Berkes with “#Háttérzaj” – 3.62% (43 votes)
- Orsi Sapszon with “Hunyd Le Szemed” – 2.11% (25 votes)
What do you think? Is there a potential A Dal winner amongst these acts? Share your thoughts below!
Kedves Pápai Joci!
A Zsüri észrevétele: a háttér kialakulatlanságára helyes. A kék szín azonban jó ráérzés az éjszakára : a roma szakrális mult szimbólumai hiányoznak a képi háttérb?l. Azaz: Devek (sárkányok), Világkerekek (szekérkerék), lángok, tüzek, indulatok megmutatkozásai, stb. A komputeres dekorat?rök ebb?l fogják tudni a dolgukat. Sok sikert! Kérdés:0620 7751155.
I know I am (once again) late with this. Hard job staggering out the viewing of these national contests. I had to watch MF first, because I knew what I was getting with the 3rd heat of A Dal, and I wasn’t disappointed. [+ qualifiers] 9.500 Gabi Tóth and Freddie Shuman featuring Lotfi Begi: “Hosszú Idok”+ Suffer no delusions here; she is channeling Jamala and Ruslana here (among others), and she does it extremely well. 9.413 Joci Pápai: “Origo”+ The song, the stage setup, the dancing, the musical arrangement; almost the whole package. If Gabi doesn’t win this, he certainly… Read more »
My personal favourite is Gina Kanizsa, but I guess Hungary might achieve best result by sending Totova, which is great, too. However, a few elements in the stage show should be fixed. With Gigi’s bland and generic song, they probably would not even reach the final.
I’m afraid juries might f*ck everything up… I don’t see the “dazzle” around Gigi, and I am 100 % positive she would do bad at Eurovision. My personal favorites out of all A Dal 2017 are Totova and Papai Joci. But I think only Totova has a song which can do well in Kyiv. Origo is a phenomenal song, but for me it simply isn’t a song to be performed live, on stage. To conclude, Totova is a perfect choice if Hungary wants top 10 result. Papai Joci could also do similarly, but Radics Gigi just has a boring song.… Read more »
In Hungary, the family name comes first, and what we call ”first name” is last.
For me was confusing in the begining.
So this is why Kallay-Saunders Andras has always Andras at the end.
I love how people say that “Hosszu Idok” is a copy of “1944” just because it has those traditional sounds… and the performance wasn’t similar either O.o
TOTOVA’s performance was epic! I can’t understand how Gigi won! I think just because of her vocals… If she represent Hungary they won’t qualify for sure…It’s very unfair because this year they have amazing songs!
The public should not of voted Soulwave, the vocals were by far the worst of the night
My favourite of the whole a dal kyra came last 🙁
I don’t really understand the results od the three heats, the best songs just barely qualify, while averages when are getting the first places. WHAT IS HAPPENING?
By the way… Pal Benjamin should have qualified!
Joci Pápai was clearly best tonight. His song has soul, rhythm and mystique.
It’s the best by far. Gigi’s song is a ballad we’ve all heard before. Why did she win?
Also Soulwave was last?? Thank God public votes saved them!!
I’m hoping for a final battle between TOTOVA, Mrs. Columbo and Viki Singh, although I doubt that will happen.
Did anyone else notice that #hatterzaj was performed a key lower than in the studio version?
I’m a hungarian, and i want to clarify things:
-We also have no idea what the f*ck is the jury doing
-Most of us love Totova, but the ones that don’t think it’s either a copy, or because of her name (quite long story)
-We have no idea who will qualify for top 4, but the jury has no influence there, so it wil be tough, cause Szabó Ádám, Totova, Soulwave, Spoon 21, Pápai Joci have huge fan bases, so it will be one of the toughest years of Dal.
I hope for Totova.
The couple qualified? Yuck! I don’t understand why Eniko didn’t. She did not come across live as good as I thought she might but still should have been top six.
Gabi’s being let down by really bad staging. The song will get compared to 1944 due to its style anyway, no need to copy the staging, too!
Berkes was really good. Did not miss a note. Lose the flaming piano though.
Listened to all and Gigi’s song was just OK, nothing great. The real standout was Totova, but the staging was a bit reminiscent of Jamala’s. My favs so far are Totova and Spoon 21, but the latter need to up their live performance. Yes, Hungary, please send a song in your wonderful language to Kyiv! 🙂
Dude who are this music experts from the jury??? I mean Gigi Radics was good but not for 36 points out of 40 from the jury. 36 ARE YOU SERIOUS??? Listen Hungarian jury/voters: Last time you sent a good ballad but boring song at Eurovision you finished 20 out of 27. A year before you sent something different and… 5!! Wow! Maybe Europeans voted Jamala beacause it was ORIGINAL and not a ballad ( the song is good but, I think Hungary wants to quallify). So send TOTOVA then! Voters already love her so please dear Hungarian jury don’t let… Read more »
I must say Hungary has very good 3 songs and staging and live performance. Radics Gigi, Totova and Papai Joci are far the best in the Hungarians A dal this year. I think Hungary has realy good chances to be in the final this year if from this 3 will be the winner. All 3 of them where fantastic. Great heat, exciting.
Kyra was so good live but it ended last i can’t understand.. and Papai Joci was 4th i’m feeling anxious now (moreover when they put Gigi first)
@ Skandar – the only one having a heart attack here is me bc how tf did the juries give higher scores to Gigi Radics than to TOTOVA?! Like TOTOVA’s performance was the most perfect thing I’ve ever seen and the song ugh she needs to win
@Polegend Godgarina Have you watched Soulwave’s performance? The singer had almost a heart attack on stage.
If Szabó Ádám will be better,the jury it give more points and he will be in the TOP 4.
I’m waiting for a suprise to Spoon 21 and Soulwave too. They are much better than the audience.
In my opinion the jury TOP 4(if they don’t fools): Szabó Ádám,Tóth Gabi,Spoon 21,Soulwave. But I think they are fools 😀 and they put in TOP 4: Tóth Gabi,KSB,Gigi Radics and Szabó Ádám/Joci or Kanizsa Gina..
I wanna throw up a bit bc if Gigi Radics ends up winning A Dal it’ll be another bland ballad without a melody and Hungary will deffo stay in the semi. Like, Hungary, you have the most intriguing language in all Europe and one of the richest cultures… if you dare not to send TOTOVA’s cultural explosion then you’re CANCELED for good.
@Polegend Godgarina
Okay, I watched it… it wasn’t good live…
@ (J)ESC Fanatic – all my friends in Hungary have been saying that this A Dal will be a battle between TOTOVA and Soulwave. I lowkey hope that the juries sabotage Soulwave so that Gabi can snatch an easy victory from the televote haha 😀
@ Tusán – thank heavens the very last round has a televote, and that’s where Gabi Tóth will prevail! Gigi’s song might not make it past the semi-finals at the Eurovision in its current state, while Hosszu idok can do wonders for Hungary.
@Skandar the jury won’t let Ádám go another round.
Those juries were on CRACK. They ranked Gabi Tóth’s culturally relevant masterpiece below Gigi Radics’ generic song, and they put Kalandor last?! Omg… like, we all know damn well that A Dal 2017 is between Hosszu idok and Kalandor.
Tusán! It depends who will be in top 4. From the audience Ádám got 8 points in recent round he will be real contender if the jury let him into top 4.
I think It is an open race between Gigi, Gabi, Ádám and maybe Joci.
Vanessa! The guy from Soulwave was really nervous, his voice was very shaky. I do not think he is ready for an ESC stage.
Papai Joci and Totova are the two winners of this years A Dal, and would both be in the top 10 in the ESC final. Please let one of those win.
Soulwave is nothing special and that’s why they didn’t do well with the jury and they are not going to win. But why did Kyra fail to advance? I mean, I haven’t watched the live performances because I was watching Melodifestivalen, but her song was very good.
The juries were so cruel towards Soulwave! WTF? 🙁
That jury in Hungary is awful..
In the last two years Freddie and Boggie got the most points in the heat. This year it’s Gigi Radics, so i think we have a winner here in Hungary.