favourite eurovision 2017 act poll february 7

By February 7 we knew six acts and songs that will be performed at Eurovision 2017 in Kyiv. That’s one more than in our last poll, owing to the fact that Switzerland made their selection in Die Entscheidungsshow on Sunday night.

On January 30 we asked you who your favourite Eurovision 2017 act was. For the second poll running, you voted for Tako Gachechiladze from Georgia! But with a sixth act now confirmed, will the result change this week?

Eurovision 2017 — Our Top 5

In last week’s poll, we received a huge 4,408 votes. Tako placed a convincing first place, receiving 1,333 votes (30%). It’s slightly less than she received the week before, but still put her clear of the competition.

The two most recently released songs at the time, Norma John’s “Blackbird” and Lucie Jones’ “Never Give Up On You”, placed second and third respectively. Not only that, but they were within 1% of each other by the end. Norma John received 952 votes, or 21%, whilst Lucie picked up 923 votes and 20% overall.

Eurovision Top 5: Poll results

  1. Georgia: Tako Gachechiladze “Keep the Faith” 30.24% (1,333 votes)
  2. Finland: Norma John “Blackbird” 21.60% (952 votes)
  3. United Kingdom: Lucie Jones “Never Give Up On You” 20.94% (923 votes)
  4. Belarus: NAVIBAND “Historyja majho zyccia” 16.74% (738 votes)
  5. Albania: Lindita “Botë” (World) 10.48% (463 votes)

Total Votes: 4,408

Sunday night saw Switzerland select Timebelle with their song “Apollo”. The Swiss-Romanian band absolutely dominated the field at Die Entschiedungsshow, winning with nearly 50% of the overall vote. They were equally as popular in our Swiss poll and with the Wiwi Jury. Will they be as successful in this poll against their Eurovision competition though?

You can listen to all six songs below before you vote in our poll. Just remember: you can vote for as many songs as you like. You can only vote ONCE though, so make sure that vote counts!

Poll: Who is your favourite Eurovision 2017 act so far?

[polldaddy poll=9657724]

The poll will remain open until the weekend’s selection shows. In the next week, we’ll see at least two more acts selected for Eurovision 2017. Germany and Spain select their acts on Thursday and Saturday respectively. Italy may also reveal their act, based on the results of San Remo. It’s a Big 5 party, y’all — where you at, France?

As always, make sure to let us know in the comments section below who your favourite Eurovision 2017 act is. You can also let us know on our Twitter page as well!

Vote in more of our Eurovision 2017 polls here

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7 years ago

Albania last.. You must be kidding

7 years ago


Leandrit Ferizi
Leandrit Ferizi
7 years ago


7 years ago

1. Georgia (best)
2. Switzerland
3. United Kingdom

7 years ago

1. Georgia
2. Switzerland
3. Belarus
4. United Kingdom
5. Albania
6. Finland

7 years ago

Georgia the best

7 years ago

What happens? Is Wiwibloggs very popular in Georgia? ????????

8 years ago

I feel that the UK is judged by a completely different standard just because we have a booming Music Industry – But the reality is our Big Stars are not going to do Eurovision! Finland is getting great Reviews for Blackbird ( I like it too) but the UK song is getting called boring, not edgy etc but Finlands song is very similar in terms there not much production value, it is just a ballad sung by a great singer who is really believable – just like the UK’s Lucie Jones….I am not saying the UK deserve to win or… Read more »

ESC 4ever
ESC 4ever
8 years ago

1) Switzerland
2) Belarus
3) United Kingdom
4) Finland
5) Georgia
6) Albania

Weak competition so far (I only love Switzerland and Belarus…)

8 years ago

6. Albania – Just waiting for the revamp that probably won’t improve my feelings to the song. 5. Belarus – A nice JESC song in Belarusian but not for adult Eurovision. Not a fan but still I appreciate the joy of the song. 4. Georgia – Now we’re talking bout the songs I really like. Georgia fell from 2nd to 4th but I still love it. Love her voice, wish her best of luck. 3. Switzerland – Finally the fan’s favourite won! But honestly though – it was the only option. The rest was just…. Meh… Another last places for… Read more »

8 years ago

1.NAVI (Belarus)
2.Take Gachechiladze (Georgia)
3.Timebelle (Switzerland)
4.Lucie Jones (UK)
5.Lindita (Albania)
6.Norma John (Finland)

8 years ago

First of all georgians do not spamming enything , ( really? Is this possible ? Can you teach me how? Big smile :). ) this is big lie and don’t trying to spraid false information and secondly everybody trying to support own country and i’m so proud that i’m georgian and stand by tako gachechiladze, that what georgian people always doing ( i don’ t know abaut other country, if thay not , it’s to bad !!! )
Go Georgia!!! Georgia forever!!!! You are already winner for me!

8 years ago

Lindita will be in Top 5 in final ,she has a great voice and emotional song!

8 years ago


8 years ago

1. Switzerland (I’ve never put my own country on top, but I just love our song)
2. Belarus
3. Albania
4. United Kingdom
5. Finland
6. Georgia

I’m glad that all songs chosen so far are at least good.

8 years ago

Love you georgia! ????????? ??????????!
Maybe you are small country, but you are so fighter and no one can harassment and accus enything !!! Love you tako gachechiladze ! ????

8 years ago

Georgia still the best !!!

8 years ago

I think Finland has made a mistake picking a ballad, and quite a boring one. The result will be seen by not passing the semifinal. It’s a tough semifinal with so many automatic qualifiers (Sweden, Greece, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Australia…to name just a few) and other ballads (Georgia and Albania for now, and possibly some other). They should have picked Emma’s Circle of light, an up-tempo song, even though may said she had some technical problems during the Finnish final I’m sure she would have improved her performance by Eurovision stage. Oh well, we will see. For the moment I pick… Read more »

8 years ago

i can only listen to UK, finland and belarus without killing myself.

8 years ago

It’s a nasty thing which some Georgian fans are doing, spamming comments here and falsifying the results of the poll. Because I really think that Georgia stands out among these 6. All of them are safe choices (even Belarus with their happy-clappy folk song about nothing), but Tako manages to deliver her song in a really believable way. It looks like she doesn’t care that her song reminds us about the previous year winner. Instead she sounds like she is singing what she must sing about.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
8 years ago

In reverse order, just to be different: 6. Georgia – Creepy harmony; I can’t stand hearing it. Plus the song’s lyrics are too politically ambiguous. 5. Belarus – I love Navi Band, but this song is irritating. 4. Switzerland – It’s an okay song, made better by a great group. 3. United Kingdom – Despite lacking edge, this gets better every time I hear it, and Lucie Jones is outstanding live. 2. Albania – I love the clarity and directness of this song, and Lindita is totally awesome. 1. Finland – A beautiful funeral song. Totally wrong for Eurovision, but… Read more »

8 years ago

i watched all contestants very carefully and attentively and no one is better than georgia , she has most strong and powerful vocals!!!! what abaut the song, this is the reality of life and faith, which we all need!!! i support tako gachechiladze from georgia 100% !!!!

1) georgia
3) switzerland
4) albania
5) belarus
6) finland

8 years ago

Georgians rigging the poll and spamming in the comments section, well…

Anyway my top 6:

1. Finland (8/10)
2. U.K. (7.5/10)
3. Switzerland (6.5/10). They should change the staging…
4. Belarus (6.25/10)
5. Georgia (3/10)
6. Albania (3/10)

8 years ago

“Apollo” sounds a little like “Halo” by Beyonce for me. :p

Unofficial Månsters Association
Unofficial Månsters Association
8 years ago

Everybody knows Lindita will do a revamp on Botë, so it shouldn’t be put into the poll as a choice, because it will sound much more different than the Albanian version. In my opinion, I believe Timebelle is a bit overrated by some people (and by some, I mean a particular amount of 580 people so far). Though the song was the most modern-sounding out of Die Entscheidungsshow this year, it’s not original, and it feels a bit reminiscent of a song I’ve heard before (but I can’t put my finger on it). It also doesn’t wow me and stand… Read more »

8 years ago

Lol at the guy who wrote 5 different comments with different names but the same tops hahahah
My top:
1. UK
2. Belarus
3. Switzerland
4. Albania
5. Finland
6. Georgia

8 years ago

As soon as someone sends something upbeat in english you can dance to though that will probably take my top spot since we are starved of it so far.

8 years ago

Still Georgia for me.

1. Georgia
2. Switzerland
3. Belarus
4. United Kingdom
5. Albania
6. Finland

8 years ago

And if you really needed proof of people rigging the polls (and spamming the comments sections)…

8 years ago

Love you Gerogia

Daniela glushenko
8 years ago


8 years ago

1. Switserland
2. Georgia
3. Uk
4. Finland
5. Belarus
6. Albania

8 years ago

1. Georgia
2. Switzerland
3. UK
4. Finland
5. Belarus
6. Albania

8 years ago

1. Georgia
2. Belarus
3. Switserland
4. Finland
5. UK
6. Albania

8 years ago

2. UK
3. Switseland
4. Finland
5. Belarus

8 years ago

1) Georgia
2) UK
3) Switzerland
4) Finland
5) Belarus
6) Albania

8 years ago

1) Georgia
2) UK
3) Switzerland
4) Finland
5) Belarus
6) Albania

8 years ago

Finland and Belarus are by far the best ones. The rest are cool as well.

8 years ago

Even though we know the song I don’t the Bote should be up for vote until we hear the revamp, I mean with how Lindita describes the revamp it sounds like it’s going to be a completely different song. 1. Belarus – Happy, fun and shows Belarus personality and culture 2. UK – Great song but backing track needs to be improved (will move to 1st for me if and when that happens) 3. Switzerland – Solid song but it’s way too safe and won’t go anywhere in the contest 4. Georgia – Conflicted about this, it’s got the powerful… Read more »

8 years ago


1.Belarus – Only uptempo song yet, catchy and fun. It makes a listener feeling good.

2.Finland – Different story, owns it’s atmosphere, haunting vocals

3.Switzerland – Decent midtempo radiopop song. She is a good singer and she doesn’t scream or anything. She is calm.

8 years ago

So far: 1) Belarus–the only song so far that is catchy, uplifting, fun and in Belarusian (bonus!)
2) Switzerland–a decent mid-tempo song, that isn’t some screaming, boring, wailing ballad (see below)!
3-6) Tie between Georgia, UK, Albania, Finland.
Sadly, many of these are likely to be lowest on the totem pole–better songs yet to come!

8 years ago

1. Unitet Kingdom
2. Belarus
3. Albania
4. Switzerland
5. Finland
6. Georgia

8 years ago

1 United Kingdom 7/10
2 Switzerland 6/10
3 Georgia 5.5/10
4 Albania 5.5/10
5 Belarus 5/10
6 Finland 4/10

Don’t sleep on UK. The song is on the errrrr side, but what a masterful performance from Lucy. Finland is attempting a formula its neighbors have been using to some success but totally fails because the song is completely sleep inducing.

8 years ago

A lot of really strong singers so far, but I feel the standard of songs is okay up so now – not of these will be winners but with the right staging a good place in the running order then 1 or 2 might reach the top 10…for me however: 1. United Kingdom (vocally strong and a serious performance) 2. Finland (dramatically beautiful and haunting) 3. Albania (the orchestra makes this for me) 4. Switzerland (an okay song but I think this may struggle to qualify) 5. Georgia (I understand why others like this, but this isn’t my cup of… Read more »

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
8 years ago

Still NAVI from Belarus. The only ones out of all those with personality and culture.

8 years ago

1. Switzerland, love this song, hope it qualifys.
2. Finland, this gives me such a nordic vibe, which I love.
3. Belarus, this is so good, because it’s not a ballad, love the Belarussian language….
4. Albania, love her voice, but I don’t think that revamp will be good.
5. United Kingdom, too simple and a bit boring, even tho her voice is amazing.
6. Georgia, I love her voice, but the song is just to dramatic and not personal…

Amor Amankwah
Amor Amankwah
8 years ago

1. Belarus
2. Finland
3. Switzerland
4. Albania
5. UK
6. Georgia

8 years ago

1) Switzerland
2) Belarus
3) UK
4) Albania
5) Georgia
6) Finland

I like them all but Finland, though, I must admit, this latter is good quality anyway.

8 years ago

1. Finland
2. Switzerland
3. Belarus
4. United Kingdom
5. Albania
6. Georgia

8 years ago

The top is between Switzerland and Belarus for me at the moment. Then, with a quite a gap, the middle part is the UK, Albania and Finland.

Georgia is solidly last several light years behind. And while others might migrate up and down, Georgia is likely to be my bottom choice for ever (and that outfit of Barbie meets Mermaid should win Barbara Dex award unless Tayanna decides to stick to her red leather coat through the end).