On February 8 Ukraine’s Anti-Monopoly Committee cancelled the scheduled sale of Eurovision 2017 tickets. And today the two key figures planning Eurovision 2017 resigned over a management dispute and a lack of transparency in operations.
But it’s not all bad news out of Kyiv. Today the European Broadcasting Union finally and officially confirmed that Eurovision 2017 tickets will go on sale on February 14 — that’s Valentine’s Day — at 19:15 CET. Ain’t no Anti-Monopoly Committee gonna hold Eurofans down.
NTU is making “up to 70,000” tickets available for the euro-pop extravaganza, which will unfold in all its glory with the semi-finals on May 9 and 11 and the grand final on May 13.
The 70,000 tickets will be spread out over nine shows, which include six dress rehearsals, in addition to the live semi-finals and grand final.
Fans will be able to purchase tickets, priced at various levels between 8 and 500 Euros, on the ticketing website Concert.ua, which is run by respected ticketer V Ticket. You’re in safe hands.
We should point out that the dress rehearsals are a fantastic opportunity to see the show and experience the atmosphere, if you’re not ready to splash out on pricier tickets to the live shows. Don’t believe us? Check out our rehearsal footage below.
“We are pleased that the tickets for this year’s Contest will be going on sale imminently after some delay,” Jon Ola Sand, Executive Supervisor of the Eurovision Song Contest, said in a statement.
“We have been assured by UA:PBC that they have found the right partner in concert.ua, and this is the best outlet for the vast array of Eurovision Song Contest fans, who are based all over the world, to purchase their tickets for the much anticipated event this year in Kyiv. We are sure that all those who are successful in purchasing tickets, will be welcomed to the host city and have a great time this May.”
No, the site is overloaded. Wait
Can someone please help me!!
Somehow I managed to order and pay for a ticket, with delivery in my e-mail inbox. On the website they told me that I was to receive an e-mail with the ticket in attachment (‘a letter HAS BEEN SENT…’). I only received the confirmation for payment until now. Should I be worried????
oh yes, of course, not only killing but crucifying them and drinking their blood. Have you heard bullfinch birds are now forbidden to fly into Ukraine because they have red, white and blue feathers? The Russian language is also forbidden – that language you might head from Meladze and Danylko at Ukrainian selection is obviously not Russian.
@Mil What’s the way “your country” has chosen? Killing innocent children of donbass? f**k you!
Do you have any grain of sustainability, responsibility?
Yes, we have. Thousands of people took and still take full responsibility in changing the country having laid their lives first on Maidan to make the changes happen, and now in the east, protecting the way my country has chosen.
@Zebb The country is undergoing huge changes right now in every area possible. Many changes have been done, many are still to be implemented because the corrupted system which was functioning for dozens of years doesn’t want to go. That’s why every issue is now uncovered. People are not afraid to take actions, to stand against some orders from some officials who still want to steal or appoint his/her family members for important posts in the government. Such public uprise and activity are something we couldn’t imagine 5 years ago. Unfortunately, we still have people from the system in governmental… Read more »
“We had similar issues with preparations for EURO 2012, but in the end, everything went great.”
Mil, that doesn’t sound convincing, just an explanation of disfunctionality. If this is similar to 2005 situation, I’m no wondering that the country is still that way working. Do you have any grain of sustainability, responsibility? My gf was most likely ready to buy ticket, now she will hold it and I think full decline is maybe a good answer to numerous delays in everything.
Despite the 8 euro tickets sounding like a great deal, I’ll still have to select the 0 euro tickets sitting in front of my TV because I’m broke and can’t fly to Ukraine from the US right now…
The ExpoCenter is actually huge, it has three pavilions so there is enough space to accommodate TV electronics, commentators cabins, dressing rooms for singers etc. They plan to use one pavilion for the actual venue, and its capacity will be around 10,000 people.
We had similar issues with preparations for EURO 2012, but in the end, everything went great. The final match saw the full stadium, thousands of fans in the streets and not a single issue with fights or things like that.
How safe is going to this mass show?Do you 100% rely on security measures?
I will not buy a ticket. It looks all still quite fishy at the moment. But it is good thing that OGAE entitlement was cut off this year. I remember the terrible experience with Vienna 2015, when all tickets were in fact already committed to OGAE and they fooled us with jury and family tickets and only in the last minute all the unused packaged tickets were dumped on the market.
@Leandrit Ferizi inside info: 8-40 euros for regular rehearsals, 15-75 euros for dress rehearsals, 30-250 euros for semifinals, 60-500 euros for the final.
The cheapest to be 8 Euro? That quite good. You want to wave your flag? 500 Euro please 😀
The head of the OGAE Ireland just got an email saying there is no OGAE fan tickets this year – wtf?
Is there any news on OGAE tickets? OGAE Ireland still hasnt heard anything about tickets yet!!!
Is there anyone from other OGAE’s who have got their tickets yet?
When will the new website be introduced because it was supposed to be at 12
Well if they need an English-speaking stage director, I’m available to shout. 😀
Seriously though, I was really hoping to go this year. But personal financial circumstances are not great, and that combined with these latest difficulties makes me think it’s not worth it this year.
You have to be a really diehard fan to buy tickets after latest news…
Even if the numbers are slightly down, I don’t view that as a “downgrade”. Bigger arenas are not necessarily better. SVT went for (relatively) modest venues in 2013 and 2016 and it was great – far better to have a venue full of excited fans than struggle to fill a giant stadium. Especially when semi-finals have been half-empty in the past. The constant drive to do bigger and better than the previous broadcaster is what has driven cost up and directly lead to some of the problems that Ukraine are now experiencing. The show has gotten out of control. Honestly,… Read more »
@stardust Now it turns out that when determining the capacity of the expo center the organizers didn’t take into account that almost half of the territory should be so-called functional-space, i.e. place for electronics, panel of the director, green room etc. The number of seats can be 10.000 or even slightly less. In any case, we will know the real number when seats are installed. The works have not begun yet, while it is assumed that only installing seats can take up to 3 weeks. Another 2 weeks for infrastructure and 2 weeks for stage and lighting.
who in their right mind is gonna buy the tickets now that you just published that the show producers just resigned and the show is delayed by 2 months?
@William Adams I surely hope so ’cause otherwise it would be a major downgrade from the last few years
@Yaaaaas well I mean, wasn’t one of the criteria for the host arena to have at least a capacity of 10.000 people. At least I think it’s something like that
The arena is small, that’s probably maximum. This year is gonna suck
70.000 divided by 9 shows = 7.777 tickets per show (?)
does this mean that only 7777 people are able to watch the show in the arena or do they sell less tickets for the semis and the grand final?