If there’s one thing the Wiwi Jury — our in-house panel of music unprofessionals — loves it’s eating surströmming. But we also love reviewing the songs competing in this year’s Andra Chansen round of Melodifestivalen. Next we take a look at Boris René‘s song “Her Kiss”. Did it make us want to pucker up? Read on to find out!
Boris René – “Her Kiss”
About Boris Rene
Pro footballer Boris made his Melfest debut in 2016 where his smooth R&B jam “Put Your Love on Me” placed 10th overall. This year he’s made it to the Andra Chasen round again, this time with the upbeat number “Her Kiss”.
Wiwi Jury reviews “Her Kiss”
Mikhail: This is so energetic, it gets you into the mood immediately. It’s funky, catchy, with some really cool hooks. The refrain does remind me of some styles from the earlier 2000s, but at least it’s is this century, unlike what we see in other countries. The production of the song blends these past styles with contemporary sounds, which gives it life.
Score: 8.5/10
Anthony: Despite the result, reaching the final on his debut is some achievement and Boris will be hoping for more of the same in 2017. It has that toe-tapping feeling of “Happy” and just like Pharrell Williams, Boris continues to deliver joy and happiness. Then the chorus bursts into life with shades of “I’m So Excited”, and an excited Boris nails it with his slick choreography.
Score: 6.5/10
Chris: It’s so hard to dislike Boris, who clearly gives it his all on every performance. By himself, he really does lift “Her Kiss” up from what is a fairly average, basic song. Bring on the funk and the fancy footwork, because this has a real chance for Boris to make the Melfest final yet again. It’s still nowhere near a winner, but it’s a respectable second effort.
Score: 7/10
Jason: Boris René has delivered another funky pop gem in the form of “Her Kiss”, and it is definitely an improvement on “Put Your Love On Me”. The performance is spunky and slick, and I could see Eurovision fans embracing this as they did with the similar “What’s the Pressure?” last year.
Score: 6.5/10
Josh: Boris Rene has done a brilliant job at delivering a strong Melfest comeback in 2017. I didn’t rate “Put Your Love On Me” last year, but “Her Kiss” is an infectious and endearing pop track, which takes clear inspiration from the 1980 and modernises it to fit within the 2017 mould. It’s a little bit Pointer Sisters, with a sprinkle of Bruno Mars and a dash of James Brown. Super enjoyable!
Score: 7/10
William: Easily the most talented former footballer ever to sing at Melodifestivalen, Boris has more charisma than all the other singers combined. The man could charm the panties off a nun — even those who have already ascended to the heavens! But ultimately this is a song contest and his number speaks more to 1978 than 2017. This belongs at a disco night or a costume party, not at Eurovision.
Score: 5.5/10
Robyn: “Her Kiss” feels like bright shiny pop from the mid 1980s, but not in a dated way. Boris oozes charisma, and that’s what makes the performance work and firmly grounds it in 2017. He’s a skilled performer and can make the performance work with just a couple of dancers. It’s a really solid pop performance and really enjoyable to listen to.
Score: 7/10
Ron: Oh, Boris René, he’s got that something! He’s got not just something, but everything – the moves, the voice. He knows how to deliver a pop song so well and he is such a pro. He knows all of his cameras on each second of his performance, and although “Her Kiss” is not as good as his previous song at Melodifestivalen, he makes you feel good and get into the vibe. Yes, it is kinda retro, but this is a good one. I wouldn’t mind him getting a spot in the final.
Score: 8/10
Our jury for Melodifestivalen 2017 contains 28 jurors, but we only have room for eight reviews. The remaining scores are listed below.
Angus: 6/10
Antony: 7/10
Antranig: 6/10
Bernardo: 7/10
Dayana: 6/10
Deban: 6/10
Edd: 3.5/10
Erdi: 6/10
Forrest: 5.5/10
Jordi: 8.5/10
Jovana: 6/10
Luis: 6.5/10
Natalie: 6/10
Patrick: 5.5/10
Rezo: 9/10
Sami: 6/10
Sinan: 6.5/10
Steinunn: 7/10
Tobias: 4/10
Zakaria: 6/10
Before calculating the average score, the highest and lowest scores are dropped. This is to remove outliers and reduce potential bias. We have removed a low of 3.5 and a high of 9.
He should’ve gone to the final over Nano just over the merit of the performance to be honest
Boris is a fantastic performer and that’s what makes “Her Kiss” even more enjoyable and infectious.
“Put Your Love On Me” was so fun. This one sounds rather dated to me.
He should win it, otherwise it would be racism. Not letting a black guy to the final would be obnoxious and xenophobic (he has Congolese origin). I’d love to see him on ESC
I liked this song from the first listen! It should definetely go to the final. It’s not going to win of course! But it needs to be there!
Off topic but.. Omg Loreen! Swedish press are puzzled with her song. It seems she both can win Melodifestivalen or flop. The song is something veeeery different and new on Melodifestivalen. It’s not a song but art. And it evokes emotions. Good and bad. “Statements” is where Loreen is today as an artist and far from Euphoria. I don’t know if I want hear only a minute of the song today or the full song on Saturday. And it seems to be a song that needs a performance to complete it.
I think duel in second chance wili be
De vet du with Lisa for ticket to final, prediction Lisa in final
Anton with FO&O for tickekt fo final, prediction FO&O in final
Dismised with 3 rd in televote from 4 semi
Boris Rene with 4 rd in televote from 4 semi
He deserve to get ticket for final from second chance, but it wiill be hard. I think only have chance if he be in same pot with Dismissed for final ticket .I think that he don t be in same pot for final with De vet du (because both song is uptempo). If he have same pot for final with Lisa, F&O&O and Anton he don t have chance becuase tenneage wili vote for tham. We see who wili go to second chance from 4 semi final, that semi is so strong Loreen, Jon Henrik and Wiktoria wili go to… Read more »
I really like this song. When I hear it I just *need* to start dancing xD But not a contender for victory and it’s not as good as his song last year.