Earlier tonight, we got our second taste of Icelandic Eurovision action, as semi-final two of Söngvakeppnin 2017 took place. And now we have our second batch of finalists for the big final on March 11, where they will compete for the golden ticket to Kyiv in May. Who will follow in the footsteps of Greta Salóme?
Six acts sang their hearts out, hoping to win the hearts of the Icelandic public, but only three (and possibly a wildcard) could go all the way to Laugardagshöll for the final extravaganza. But who are the lucky three?
Söngvakeppnin 2017 semi-final two qualifiers
Daði Freyr Pétursson “Hvað með það?”
As part of the Wiwi Jury, Jason said:
“Is This Love?” is really quite odd, but I like how different this is to anything else in the selection. The techno beats shouldn’t work with Daði’s vocals, but for me the combination is strangely appealing. However, I am not sure how this will come across live, and with some other very strong entries, I have a feeling we won’t be seeing Daði in Kyiv.
Svala Björgvinsdóttir “Ég veit það”
As part of the Wiwi Jury, Kristin said:
I am prepared to buy myself a hat and eat it if Svala doesn’t represent us in Kyiv. “Paper” is THE song to beat this year. Strong, catchy and modern without being cliché, it’s fab and Svala herself is the epitome of cool. I’ve been waiting since 2008 to see her give Söngvakeppnin another try and I even put her on my Wishlist from last year. The time has finally come for Svala. Of that I am certain.
Aron Brink “Þú hefur dáleitt mig”
As part of the Wiwi Jury, William said:
Calypso sounds, electro-beat, carnival feel — this tropical ditty does not scream “volcanic island in the North Atlantic”. And that may be why I find it so uplifting and fun. Nodding to Jessy Matador, Stella Mwangi and SaRaha, this makes me go kizunguzungu. Söngvakeppnin too often feels like a dour folk festival, so it’s great to have a flash of unadulterated pop.
These three acts will join last week’s qualifiers — Rúnar Eff, Aron Hannes & Arnar Jónsson and Rakel Pálsdóttir — in the final
Söngvakeppnin 2017 semi-final two non-qualifiers
- Linda Hartmanns “Ástfangin”
- Páll Rósinkranz & Kristina Bærendsen “Þú og ég”
- Sólveig Ásgeirsdóttir “Treystu á mig”
Söngvakeppnin 2017 wildcard
Hildur became the seventh finalist, after her entry “Bammbaramm” received the jury wildcard. Y’all will recall that she hit the headlines earlier in the week after she made an official complaint about the sound quality during semi-final one.
What are your thoughts on the first three Icelandic finalists? Please let us know below!
Amazing loads of amazing facts.
Aron Brink or Svala should win, both are good songs!
Unrealted note, but does anyone know where Aron’s hoodie is from, cause daymn I want that so bad rn
So sad to see solid and respectful Iceland going the Justin Bieber-teenish-pop root … just so … argh … As if Portugal and Sweden alone weren’t enough already … And by the way … if you can’t dance and sing at the same time … DON’T DO IT … although it’s clear … people in Iceland could care less for that … So disappointing.
I laugh at these songs and performaces! They look silly.
Svala.. winner of Eurovision? Weird.
Thank God Svala made it to the final! The way last night was going, I wouldn’t have been surprised at anything!
@Lóa – She is HOT and looks even better out of character!
The woman who sang Save all your kisses for me is called Ágústa Eva Erlendsdóttir. Known to Eurovision fans as Sylvia Night.
Hands down it’s a fight between Svala and Rakel/Arnar after these performances, Til Min was nowhere on my radar when the studio versions came out but it’s by a mile the best qualifier live, however Svala comes with a better song that would also stand out more at Eurovision…However at this point I wouldn’t be surprised if Dadi or one of the Aron’s won knowing what y’all in Europe have been doing with your selections…
I’m also really disappointed that Heim til pin didn’t get the wildcard 🙁 still my favourite performance of the whole show
I was so impressed with Daði Freyr Pétursson!
His song really comes alive on the stage. Reminds me a bit of Lieminen from Finland last year, a song that was underrated.
LOVING Svala and her performance…just need to twerk the staging somewhat. Seems a bit disjointed or something with all the lights and lasers going on. Oh, and wow…those shoes! Talk about bringing back the 70’s in those platforms! As for the others, not my cup of tea! 😀
Loving the quirkiness of DAÐI FREYR.
Yey Aron Brink! He needs to work on the vocals while he’s dancing, though. It’s not stable enough. And that dancer with the ombre shirt was so extra! I love it! :))
My favorite was axed in today’s selection. That means… none of my favorites survived the various selections held today! :’D
these qualifiers + hildur was the best scenario kind of rough that only 1/4 countries didn’t disappoint today -lmao @everyone sucking up to Dathi like you fake fans know you had him last place on your songvakeppnin top 12 videos for months lololol -super glad he made it though, song sounds a lot like some stuff from this faroese musician called sakaris and the 8-bit sweaters are adorable -maybe it’s just me but i loved the staging for eg veit thad and was even more impressed by her vocals yes mawma going in for the kill -hildur coming for vengeance… Read more »
Well done Iceland. Right choices tonight. Svala must be selected and you’ll show Sweden and Estonia how to select a winner!!! ????????????????????????
I think they got the right three.
Aron Brink is the only one I care for in this selection, I’m happy for him. The wildcard thing makes no sense, those acts weren’t among the televote favorites so they have no chance.
Svala gave the strongest live performance of both semis.Aron can’t sing and looks like he’s a jesc act.Amateurish.Svala to Kyiv!
Daði was the best of two semifinals and he deserves to go through and may pull a pleasant surprise at the ESC.
Svala is a safe bet, she is going to improve and may well go through to the final
Aron lacks charisma and originality.
Others are meh
Aron has the best song in this NF. It’s fresh, and well staged. I hope he gets the ticket to Kiev.
My Top 7 of the finals, based on their semi performances:
1. Again
2. Hypnotised
3. Make Your Way Back Home
4. Tonight
5. Is This Love?
6. Paper
7. Bambaramm
@Mo: Did Santa Claus forget to give your Barbie last Christmas? Cause hating on people like Svala is not gonna make Santa come back in March to hand you that Barbie, boo … but keep trying if u ain’t got nothing better to do.
Iceland doesn’t have a serious chance to qualify this year. Their NF is weak.
Really glad “Paper” went through.
@Mar: It’s about the best song and not your primary school ABC-make-happy-cause-my-life-is-depressive song … And that shade against Svala deserves only comment: Scared-much?
Daði made a fantastic show and a very quirky perfromance, he deserves to win.
Svala is okay-ish
So happy for Daði! He delivered a fantastic performance, his voice was strong and I really like the song! 😀
Aron ftw! That’s what we need this year.
His performance can be better tho. This song has potential.
What happens when you cry and complaint your performance was affected by technical issues? You get a wildcard passport to the final … 🙂 Complaining and winning works … even if your vocals sucked! It’s alright 🙂
I gotta agree with the comments about Svala’s staging and outfit. I perceived both as off-putting, too. I think she’ll do much better with the English version and hopefully change that outfit. Maybe she saw tonight as a trial run due to the lack of competition?
I am so glad Aron Brink qualified! Winner alert. 🙂
As for Svala, she did great vocally, but I think that was the weakest staging of the evening. I am actually surprised she qualified and even more that people still think she should win.
Dadi did a cool and quirky performance. Even though the song might not be for everyone’s taste, it has it’s charms.
Good for Hildur. I don’t believe she will win, but she does deserve a second shot after that fiasco.
Aron for the win! His song is pure happiness.
Svala’s outfit looks exactly like something a male singer would wear for singing an Insieme cover in Eurovision 1993.
Paper didn’t stand up to the studio. Something about her demeanour is off putting I can’t put my finger on it. I didn’t rate Daði Freyr Pétursson but they really surprised me. I think they are the dark horses here.
A technical disaster. Here’s what I don’t understand about the Icelandic contest so far… Tonight there were some singers in the competition who sounded very bad (yet some have qualified anyhow). But then, as an interval act there was a woman who covered the winner of ESC 1976 “Save your kisses for me,” and it was all acoustic and beautifully IN TUNE!! So I don’t understand it… Is the actual problem with the backing tracks rather than the microphones? (An out of tune backing track would cause the singers to sing off key into a microphone… but it’s all very… Read more »
I’ll be happy as long as Svala wins in the end.
Laughing at the people who think Svala could win the esc. HAHA! Good one. Iceland will be staying in the semi once again while everyone hypes their entry just like last year.
The microphones were off again, Iceland has to do something about this. Also, how did Daði qualify? Why am I even asking, it was 100% televoting…
At least Iceland did a good CHOICE tonight.*******
At least Iceland did a good coice tonight.
I love Svala’s song, but I hope she’ll change this pitful staging. And what was she wearing?
Nagging works! Hildur made it to the finals after all. 😛
It’s going to be an exciting voting next week. Not completely sure if Svala has this in the bag already.
That Svala performance was very meh, leaves me cold… if Iceland chooses her they might stay in the semifinals another year
Svala for the win!
As things stand, if Paper wins, I think we might be off to Reykjavik next year.