She was one of the first artists to be announced for Eurovision 2017 and later today she’ll finally reveal her entry.
And this morning FYR Macedonia’s Jana Burceska continued to build the suspense by releasing her song title: “Dance Alone”.
She did so on Facebook, publishing a video that shows her in the studio following her final recording session.
“After five hours of work I think we finally have the song. It’s been a very, very fruitful session. The team is amazing, the musical producers, the team from the national broadcaster also. I must say everyone looks pretty satisfied and happy, so we can’t wait to share the song with you and we hope you’ll love it.”
Jana has been teasing us over the last few days with several videos. You can hear some very cool electro tunes in all of them. The funky background music — and the explicit title of her song — suggests that she’ll be busting a move, perhaps like the girls of Love Generation did back at Melodifestivalen 2011! This much we’re certain of: This is unlikely to be a boring ballad!
Behind the scenes of “Dance Alone” with Jana Burceska
There’s just a few more hours before we can listen to the full song.
“Dance Alone” will be revealed tonight at 20.15 CET during MRT’s show Stisni Play.
You can watch the show live here.
FYR Macedonia haven’t qualified for the grand final of Eurovision since 2012. After four straight years of not qualifying — and coming so close in 11th in last year’s semi- final — MRT decided to internally select Jana. Is it about to pay off?
In recent months the broadcaster opened a call for submissions — receiving more than 200 songs. “Dance Alone” emerged as the winner. We can’t wait to find out who’s behind it, and most importantly, how Jana’s going to perform it!
Are you excited about FYR Macedonia’s announcement? What do you expect of “Dance Alone”? Do you like Jana? Tell us in the comments section below, and make sure to show your feelings via the comment section of our app!
@Moonlight – #growthefcukingup
@Moonlight – and stop playing the victim’s game, I would really start concerning about you and your health.
@Moonlight – good, because you need help. Professional help. To delete your nationalism.
This song is my new fave now. Jana is so cool and the song is burning hot.Quality and talent.. Good job
Wow wow wow. It is out and I am loving it.
Moonlight God damn it!!
Is it OK when we say FYR ?! Will this be enough to make all Greeks shut up? I am got tired af seeing you everywhere crying about the name of the country!
The song is out now and I am so happy. Welcome back to the final Macedonia
We all was worried about ballads but now we must be worried about so much electronic music with cheap lyrics :(…. Electronic music is good as music but it is killing the songs 🙁
Has it been revealed? There’s no mention on wiwibloggs or anywhere on YouTube.
@moinlight: don’t worry any more about it — no one is perfect, and no one was perfect here. You apologised, that is respinsible, and that awareness is enough — they also were rude to you and would apologise if they are responsible self-aware people. BUT we are all here in love and strong passion about a Song Contest. Everyone should be friends here, through their niche strong appreciation for a cultural tradition. ESC is about bringing all people together to have fun and share music, which wiwiblog is an excellent example for — everyone is here for good reasons and… Read more »
Ok politics completely aside, this looks absolutely rubbish.
And I really wish someday Greeks can just talk about Fyromian/Macedonian entries without getting into polítics…
I’m really excited about her song! I have the feeling she’ll bring FYROM back to the final.
BTW, is it me or this article’s Jana picture looks like she is playing to a Just Dance videogame? LMAO
Your last comment is so damn true!!:D I am laughing so hard thank you for it hahaha 😀
Swedish fan: I look forward your song.
Netherlands fan: she looks so pretty. Good luck.
Serbian fan: good luck neighbors.
Greek fan: Macedonia is Greek.
German fan: I look forward your song, fingers crossed.
Greek fan: Macedonia is Greek.
Slovenian fan: she looks so, so, so pretty.
Bulgarian fan: good luck neighbors.
Greek fan: Macedonia is Greek.
I mean, wtf?
@moonlight omggg shut up you dumb Greek
@Moonlight – yes, those comments (the last two lines) are what Greeks are doing repeatedly over and over again below ESC videos. It won’t alter the real situation nor someone cares. It just doesn’t make you, the Greeks, any favors, quite the opposite – EVERYONE just can’t stand you anymore. See for yourself under those exact same videos.
And now, lets enjoy the music.
@ Moonlight
What I don’t understand is you are talking like as you can host ESC 2018 in Greece. Do you have enough money for it? Instead of talking here about Macedonia not winning, go and think about your country’s halted economy.
Wish you all the best Republic of Macedonia <3
I really hope it’s going to be good!
@weare1 – Skopje 2018 ain’t happening, BUT, at least they know where will that ESC happen *cough*Ukraine*cough* 🙂
They have only 1 arena suitable for that – SRC Boris Trajkovski.
But again, won’t be happening.
“” in the background of her video. Serbian entry has Bulgarian composer Borislav Milanov. Seems like Bulgaria is dominating the Balkans’ Eurovision entries this year xD
@ Moonlight
Why don’t you? Do you have a personal thing towards Macedonia? It would be good to be in Skopje next year imo.
i don’t think the background music of that clip is her song but if turns out to be it, then i won’t be mad at it. disco makes me happy. 😀
Whatever Macedonia, lets hear the actual song and will comment then.
Btw, why do Greeks have to ruin every Macedonian video (or announcement) with their comments? 🙁
I’m actually really excited about this. I hope they don’t let me down like Israel and Greece did (not saying those songs are bad, they’re both in my top 10 still, but neither are the winners I expected them to be) 😀
I honestly wasn’t expecting this from Macedonia. Can’t wait to hear.
wow looks good
will this be FYROM’s year?
Sounds quite retro but kind of promising at the same time. I hope they qualify she seems lovely.