He shocked Eurovision fans across the continent when he defeated fan favourite Loreen during Andra Chansen, winning over countless new admirers in the process.
But Melodifestivalen 2017 finalist Anton Hagman admits that it hasn’t been smooth sailing, as he has also experienced a bit of a backlash on social media for slaying the Eurovision 2012 winner.
He’s understandably a little annoyed. As he told wiwibloggs: “It’s mostly people from other countries that are mad at me, like I did something wrong. I think it’s ridiculous — get a life!”
“I went into this competition with a song I like. I didn’t do anything wrong.”
The “Kiss You Goodbye” singer was over-the-moon to advance. But how does it feel to beat a former winner?
“It feels good,” he says. “Not necessarily the part where I beat Loreen, but more the part knowing that enough people like me to beat Loreen. That’s the part I like.”
Thankfully all the drama has been limited to social media, as Anton has had nothing but positive experiences with his fellow competitors. Anton says they all have great chemistry and suggests it’s all love love peace peace inside Friends Arena.
“Everyone is really nice! We’re backstage, we’re laughing and we’re having a good time.”
Will Anton follow in Frans’s footsteps in Kiev in May? Do you think that he can win over his haters who are still butt-hurt over Loreen? Let us know in the comments box below.
Read more Melodifestivalen 2017 news
Lorren’s raised eyebrows were a sign of surprise (nothing wrong with that) and not a lack of humility. Is it that difficult to see these are two completely different things.
Stop hating on Loreen !!!
Anton’s song is more uptempo, radio-friendly and catchy than Loreen’s song. That’s why people voted for him. #SpreadPositivity
@ninasublatti: FYI information, Sweden’s first language is SWEDISH, not English, so why on earth would they use it just to please you. Just enjoy the show. Tusen tack!
The Loreen queen’s went into a tizzy. Hold your ground, Anton. 🙂
Funny how people whose houses are made of glass still throw stones at others’ houses.
Looking at you @charles.
@ct_greece: ….funny you say that when your beloved Greece has now chosen to send a Euphoria-recycled-wannabe tune to this year Eurovision. Hating Loreen, does that get your bills paid?
Beating Loreen is not his fault …people voted …and he was chosen … period. People hating on him … yeap … people need to move on and stop to think for a moment … it’s not his fault. But Anton darling …. for a barely 18 year old wanting so desperately to be the next Shawn Mendes … you should drop down a notch on the rudeness and arrogance and learn that if you wanna make it big in music …. start being yourself and a little bit more humble. People need to get a life and you need to… Read more »
@Tommy: And Lolita Zero is a copy of what? All your drag queen characters into one? Hating on Loreen is not gonna make your beloved Eurovision into the gay gangbang you so desperately want …
No. It should not have beaten Loreen but it is not his fault that people voted for his song.
He looked as surprised as anybody when he beat Loreen.
Loreexit song was a copy of Sia+Jamala.
He is right. Queen Loreen worshippers should realy get a life. Their queen proved to be naked. It’s not his fault people preffered his unassuming simplicity to her garbled mess.
I agree. It is not his fault.
OF COURSE Loreen wasbetter then him, his song was a copy of stitches, but it isn’ his fault. HE did great, it’s the fault of the voters.
Don’t hate Anton or Loreen, Stupid. Hate yourself for being stupid.
it’s really not funny to watch a show where they speak a language you can’t understand!!! they should speak in english, so us eurovision fans could understand it at least!! i hope they will improve it for the final!
He is simply a hero, he can say whatever he wants, that Loreexit with her eyebrows risen is not a humble person. She was not a humble person, I hope she is now. Stay forever under your rock Loreexit !!!!!!!!
I am so much happy he won.
I have watched the interview where he said ‘get a life’ and his expressions(mild smile) and words(harsh) add credence to my hypothesis that possibly his meaning got lost in translation. From my interactions with him on social media he seems very friendly and modest and polite. Let’s not let a possible lack of vocabulary make him infamous amongst the wiwi readers.
Guys also do remember he is not a native English speaker……..we mostly learn from our sources and most of his English vocabulary must have come from the social media where people tend to be harsh……he must have picked up the words from social media and used it without knowing the emotions/connotations involved.
I’ve met him at a party once and he is nice but a little bit ignorant maybe. However I don’t feel this hate is relevant tbh.
Good to see Bella sim standing up for Anton there in Sweden. I hope the rehearsals are going well there. 🙂 I do understand where he’s coming from – I was a musician who was basically bullied off of Facebook forever due to so much hate. Social Media is generally poorly regulated, and can become toxic to a performer very quickly. The issue is that Anton could have risen above it all and just said “thank you” to those who supported him. But instead, he appeared to get lowered to an unlovable level – the same level as the haters.… Read more »
Of course he shouldn’t have gone through instead of Loreen, but it’s not his fault, so it’s silly and immature to hate on him.
Of course I wanted Loreen to win MelFest but I don’t begrudge Anton for beating her. I’m disappointed, but sending vitriol to the winner of an AC duel seems excessive. Besides, Loreen is an anti war activist, so she wouldn’t want us getting angry over (relative in relation to international strife) insignificant things…
The reason he mentioned that people from other countries need to get a life is because y’all hating on him for beating Loreen. We in Sweden obviously liked him enough to beat Loreen aka queen of Eurovision. He isn’t rude, he’s just acting the same way the heaters are acting towards him.
Besides I’m pretty sure there were thousands of Eurovision fans older than him who sent him threats and so on. Aren’t those guys mature enough to let an 18 year old boy go? He didn’t ask to duel against Loreen lol
People in general have the right to stand up for themselves in a situation like this. Anton have done nothing wrong. I don’t think Loreen is proud over her fans acting as jerks. As much as I wanted Loreen to win Melodifestivalen this year I see no reason to bully Anton.
Can’t say in words how happy I am that I don’t have to see that … again, or hear the … her fans call music. And I’m not from Sweden, why people in Sweden think the rest of the world loves Loreen? Loreexit forever!
brb getting a life. thanks anton. <3
ESC fans being rude? What else is new? LOL
For everyone calling Anton rude, don’t you think you were the ones being rude to him on the first place?? He didn’t do anything wrong and he is absolutely right to say what he has said!! It is not his fault Loreen could not win Sweden’ s vote even though I think she had a very good song.
His fans on YouTube adore him, myself included. But to be a part of Eurovision in the future, he will need to check his attitude at the door. (Can I apply to be his manager? 😀 )
Best of luck in the final Anton! xx
I mean I wanted Loreen to beat him but it wasn’t like he did anything wrong – as far as I’m aware he didn’t make such a huge deal out of it/mock and insult Loreen. Here’s the thing: even if Loreen qualified and didn’t win, would fans get angry because she didn’t get the most votes?
Statements lives on, on my iPod playlist. Of course, it should have made the final. But why lash out on Anton? There was no foul play or anything, he simply got more votes from the public than Loreen. I actually like him for finding such clear words. He couldn’t have found more appropriate words for cyber trolls: “Get a life.” As for Anton, I hope he’ll get a better song, should he come back. His attitude is awesome, though. That’s how you do it, Lisa Ajax should take notice.
He seems a little rude. I don’t know; then I can’t fathom how he beat Loreen either (I’ll chalk it up to Sweden’s poor taste in music (; ). I mean, he’s literally Franz, but not as attractive or talented. He didn’t bring a good song like Franz, either. Still, what a feeling it must be to beat one of the most acclaimed Eurovision winners of all time. While I’m still a little disappointed that “Statements” is out (it would have ranked in my top 5 Eurovision songs of all time), I wish Anton well. Melodifestivalen is such a fun… Read more »
@D what do you mean at times? Looking at comments on youtube and on here, and sometimes reddit, it’s easy to assume the ESC fandom is immature 100% of the time 🙂
I also prefered Loreen over him, but no need to be that harsh on this guy. As he said He did nothing wrong, he just won.
I do agree with him in terms of people giving him a hard time for beating Loreen (I liked Loreen’s song much better but he won fair and square). However I would have probably advised him to approach the topic a bit better with wiwibloggs. Instead of saying it’s just people from other countries who need to get a life, it might be better to give a more diplomatic answer… but hey that’s just me and my unwarranted 2 cents on the matter. 😉
yass Anton 🙂 loving the fierceness
Anton is the hero of our time.
Wish him to win.
nn I mean he has zero vocal talent and his song is the karaoke version of Stitches but the televoters of Sweden decided this, so let’s not get mad at him. I prefer his song over Testaments anyway.
Good for him. The ESC fandom can honestly be so immature sometimes. I like his song and I hope he does well, but I really think Wiktoria’s gonna win.
I agree with Anton 😉