Earlier today Portuguese tabloid Flash suggested that Salvador Sobral was in need of a heart transplant — and that his alleged health issues would sideline him from Eurovision. The rather ugly rumour then circulated within the Eurovision fandom and some fan web sites.
Now Ana Paulo, Salvador’s manager, has confirmed with Jornal de Notícias that the claims about Salvador’s cardiac problems are utterly false.
“I have nothing more to say about that,” she said, explaining that he is doing well and getting over an earlier procedure. “He is recovering well from hernia surgery. Eurovision is not at risk and neither is Salvador’s career. Almost every single concert is sold out.”
Speculation about Salvador’s health has been a hot topic with the Portuguese media ever since Festival da Canção.
The real news about his health was made public after the first semi final of the Portuguese national selection, when he revealed that he had gone to the emergency room regarding two hernias and would need surgery.
RTP promptly announced that the timings of the surgery would allow Salvador to compete in the Grand Final of their national selection and so he did.
However, that didn’t stop gossip magazines and newspapers from creating uncertainty regarding Salvador’s supposed cardiac problems and Portugal’s participation in Kyiv — generating buzz within the Eurovision community.
We are thrilled that the reports — which we did not publish owing to the lack of a credible source — have been proven false.
The wiwibloggs team will be at next week’s official song presentation — an event organized by OGAE Portugal. We’ll get a chance to talk to Salvador — who remains a firm favourite to win Eurovision 2017 — so be sure to send YOUR questions.
What do you think of the Portuguese entry? Are you looking forward to seeing Salvador perform in Kyiv? Tell us below or using our brand new app!
Amazing wonderful song listening again anad again.Just love It
I have listen again. No, its a awful Song. 43/43
Amongst all this mess, my offer still stands Bernardo 😛 Um cafézinho em Lisboa um dia destes? ahah
PS: I still saw some portuguese newspapers insisting in this heart transplant story eventhough it has already been categorised as fake by Salvadore’s team… #credibilityiinthemedia=0
My last piece for this silly incident. Someone’s playing the victim & doing an insincere apology, like with quotation marks. Lovely. Honey, if you know how to dish it out, be ready as well to take it in
As for adriana, I respect where she is coming from, so there it is
@’MoonLight’ If she insulted me it was her choice,i do not respond back in the same way to people..I think with dignity you can solve anything ,I dont know who you are ,and i will apreciate if we dont need to argue over this…Please Eurovision is joy and fun lets keep it in that way,.Thank you
@Lady Gagarina I do not blaime you there because actually i was following …Just dont make his game 🙂
@Robyn Gallagher I respect you here, so i will abide. But, if he continues to reply, then that may be another story
@adriana and i respect that as you are a sensible debater. But that thing should know if it crosses my path, it knows what will happen 🙂
@The Light Side Of DeMoon that’s the best you can do? How bleak. Tell me, how long does it take you to use Google translate to come up with this gibberish?
@Lady Gagarina You know we have diferent opinions but we dont act like him…I wish he will get into his thick head that this wont lead him anywhere.Come on now we are all adults and we need to know when we need to stop ,unfortunately he doesnt know that.Anyway Lady Gagarina i stick with my lesbian situation :))))))))))))))) 🙂
@MoonLight’ you’re clearly not getting it. Oh well, some people are really born with slower comprehension than others
@Sebastien K oh it’s him. Now i can understand his hatred. We’ve already crossed paths before. That’s why i felt his insults were as lame ass as that person
@adriana well maybe. I know you’re against violence & all, but since he started this war, i will see to it until when he can sustain this hehehehehe
@Lady Gagarina The next would be the Heavy light of the Moon because he didnt paid the electricity :)))))) 🙂
@The Light Side Of DeMoon bore someone else with your copy & pasted poetry. Boring dear, where are those lame ass threats & insults you specialized in? This is just lame
Moonlight or dark light or whatever name comes ,leave my Lady Gagarina alone…Ok your yodel it is not everyone cup of tea,i like it but not that much to see it wining the competition,Dont you think is time to retire for a bit?I have to agree with Lady Gagarina is getting fecking boring now
@’MoonLight’ of course you will side with it. Birds of the same feathers, flock together indeed. You keep on saying bye but your still here replying. You are full of contradictions & hypocrisy. I will repeat that until that gets burrowed to your thick skull
DeMoon You don’t know that Aussie means Australian?
And when somebody disagrees with you, you always think is an old woman.
Mother issues.
@The Light Side Of DeMoon i’m not even Aussie bish. What happened to your long ass novels? Got nothing else to say, peasant?
@MoonLight’ again, for someone who supposedly doesn’t care, you seem to exert a lot more effort. Bye fake bish, enjoy your life of hypocrisy
@MoonLight then you DGAF either, then you won’t be writing your long-ass novels defending yourself. You truly are a hypocrite & a fake two-faced bish
The racist DeMoon likes Yodel that makes him feel like he is in the Alps. He is ashamed of oriental influence in his country Romania. Awful person.
@MoonLight and for your information bish, your friend De Moon started replying to my damn comments because I hated your crazy ass song. So, I won’t stop until he stops replying to me. He wanted war, i’ll give him war. If you guys weren’t so damned sensitive about your song, then we won’t be having this conversation
@’MoonLight’ you’re a hypocrite ho, when you just said in your comments that: “They have the right to express their opinions. Like criticizing (even harshly) any WiWiBlogger. (for any reason/sceptic of theirs, that is ok in my book)”. So now that you’re getting it, you’re feeling the heat? You’re a two-faced ho, a fraud & you contradict what you say bish
@The Dark Side Of DeMoon IDGAF if you are a different persons or not, you are the same insane bunch. Now, since you’re a master of Google translate, that message applies to you too, strawberry shortcake
@Sebastien K which is all well, his archaic form vs my form. People into rap will get precisely what I mean. Good there are non-fanatics like you in a way
Lady Gagarina, let me tell you about DeMoon. He is racist, but he speaks his racism in romanian language, but a form that is 100-200 years old, something more archaic, so google translator can’t tranlate it, but romanians can understand it (not wiwibloggs, this is his purpose).
@*MoonLight* & your multiple personas: since you say so, google translate this bish: Starwberry shortcake dwelling in the basement, nothing but a raggedy the sp. I’m Frosty the Snowman your fire marshal coz ur a Gabbage Patch kid here. Your a surfboard waffle house, tumble dry tumble dry. Get off my fone, dial 718-SIT-URASSDOWN
Tu ai spus ca rromii nu sunt romani asa ca de ce mi-as sustine eu tara?
Este o porcarie de tara care nu stie decat sa se detaseze de rromi, si de ce este greu de crezut ca l-am preferat pe Mihai?
@Lady Gagarina I`ts friday so yes ,works for me ,thanks girl 🙂 :))))))
@adriana https://youtu.be/EVBsypHzF3U
@Lady Gagarina With a name like yours i will be turning into a lesbian now …Im gonna watch you too girl..We are both here to be watched ,in case you didn`t know that girl 🙂
@adriana a lame attempt at humour though. You bore me, you are spared this round. But i’ll be watching girl
@Lady Gagarina If your talking about my height im only 5ft 6 🙂 if your talking about my age im over 40 ,i wish i was that litlle,lol.You can`t` see though me ,only in case you dealt with a doctor before ,if you know what i mean,lol ) :))))))
@adriana little girl, Polegend Gagarina & me are obviously 2 different people, as you can see in our writing style or fave songs artists. I respect her hustle though. As for you, give that innocent act a rest, i see through you girl
One thing i don`t get :Why is allowed to have multiple profiles on this site?Just an example:Whats with same person having diferent name like:Dark of the moon,Jump of the moon ,eat the moon ,drink the moon?Or Polegend Gagarina ,Lady gagarina ,Balerina Gagarina ,Mamalina,Seriously people are you drinking when you coment on here? :))))))))))
Off-topic: see, it’s so easy to bring out these pathetic, rabid admirers of that godawful yodelling song. What you need to do is: yodelling+horrid+Romanian song = floods of pressed & butthurt yet incoherent comments. It’s all there on display, hahahaha
@The Dark Side Of DeMoon oh finally, Ma chère petite vache has appeared. What weak-ass shade is that? You’re a Strawberry Shortcake, tumble dry bish, tumble dry https://youtu.be/IyuUWOnS9BY hurry along, go back to your irrelevant yodeling chick
Sorry for being off topic, but I feel that there something to clarify.
I’m romanian that wanted MIHAI to win, if Yodel It won is fine.
DeMoon is romanian that wanted Yodel It and became very aggressive against anyone that doesn’t agree with him. The way he is promoting his favorite song is not wise at all. Look at Finland, a country that might win, we never hear about aggressive promotion.
If the moderators want to moderate and to find the point zero of this mess, its DeMoon. Just a clue.
Salvador’s song is not ”50’s” for me – it is just eternal, without time limitation and therefore gorgeous..<3
Thank you everyone. 🙂 Just to clarify: I am not a moderator of this site. I am only a songwriter and a fan. (I have met some Wiwibloggs “staff” at events, but at present I don’t work for them. They have all been very nice people to me. I wish them all the best.) I think that Salvador’s song will be noticed at the contest for being so 1950s – whether or not people will vote for that style is an open question. I don’t know if that style will be loved or loathed. The entry makes the contest more… Read more »
@Maclaren @Purple Mask @Everyone The law stipulates that if you moderate comments you have to MODERATE them all. Which would therefore cause many of your comments to be removed. Also a “Internet Hate Crime” is something that fits one of 3 categories, Homophobia/Transphobia etc, hate towards a particular race/colour and hate towards those with disabilities-none of which has been expressed here. You all especiall William, and I’d argue the whole Wiwibloggs team need to: a) Start producing original and useful news b) Stop encouraging people to cry wolf by responding to their comments c) Actually respond to questions d) Stop… Read more »
I agree with Purple Mask. While we appreciate freedom of speech, some healthy moderation is required. People posting on this site might not be aware about UK laws on ‘online hate crimes’ which should be reported to authorities if originate on a UK based resource and/or hosted on a UK portal, which is the case with Wiwibloggs. This Eurovision is likely to attract heated hate comments and Wiwi should be prepared to ruthlessly moderate to be compliant with the law and ethic principles
Hmmm, I spy with my legendary eyes that, indeed, Bernardo is hot ????
Anyway, at the post at hand, I wish Salvador & Yulia well, regardless of what medical procedures they take. It would really be a good example to show overcoming adversity. This song is for these two: https://youtu.be/0IA3ZvCkRkQ
There is a particular site which delights in spreading ugly rumours and often apparently making them up as they appear nowhere else. It’s a sad product of our digital social media age. So too are the kind of nasty personalised comments posted by a minority of users here. As a language teacher, I am aware that much can be lost in translation, but it is possible to express an opinion without resorting to insults. So to that minority, I say GROW UP. I will now sit back and await a barrage of comments launched against me. Before that, I should… Read more »
Portugal deserves to end in top 5 of this year’s Eurovision Final!
Eurovision sopposed to be fun ,unity,love and peace….Some of you take it to personal.Enjoy the fun guys.
I LOVE his song!!! <3
I love his personality, youth in search of musical sensation….
@Robyn Gallagher yes, investigate is the word 😉
I’m glad Salvador will make it to Kiev. His song is outstanding. The only song with lyrics not in English in his semi-final. The poor haters can seethe.