When he smiles many newborns come to life. Francesco Gabbani, Italy’s representative at Eurovision 2017, is the one to beat in Kyiv and our William learned exactly why by chatting with the “Occidentali’s Karma” singer at London Eurovision Party on Sunday. Can we just say that we’re officially in love with this charming moustached Italian?
His English may not be academic — Francesco humbly says sorry — but his authenticity breaks all borders and we’re happy to forgive him.
Gabbani told us all about his momentum, and revealed that he didn’t know there was something magical in his entry — “I discovered it by singing”. He said that his ultimate dream participating in Sanremo was actually going to Eurovision.
When it comes to the crucial question, if he thinks his song has the special quality to win, he answers: “I hope, I really don’t know… maybe yes, because at first impression my song can make you dance and have fun, and after that, if you also want to understand the meaning… I’m happy!”
And what about the ape on stage (he didn’t make it to Café de Paris, though)? “It was my idea” — Francesco admits — “I wanted to show the concept of Desmond Morris’ book“. The ethologist who inspired “Occidentali’s Karma” is already a fan of the Italian artist, who will meet the scientist soon!
People in the club were all waiting for Gabbani to take the stage and for obvious reasons organizers put him second last before the “landlady” of the event Miss Lucie Jones.
Despite a couple of technical issues, he absolutely nailed the performances of both “Occidentali’s Karma” and “Amen” — with which he won the Newcomers’ section of Sanremo in 2016.
Francesco now needs to get used to the three-minute version of his entry but judging the reaction of the audience, who waved their hands singing along the song, he is definitely the one to watch on May 13.
@ Candy
-The younger generations are more fluent in foreign languages, sure, but that’s because school education has changed a lot due to globalisation.
When? 40 years ago? Some countries don’t want the children to know foreign languages because those children are designed to be stupid, and their government has the purpose to make them tools to promote their language, like the colonies are still there.
@ Karim
And in the end the host says “Do you wanna sing anything else Francesco but anything left for us”. And you can clearly see the satisfaction and excitement inside host’s eyes.
@ Karim
I’m ready to bet you know nothing about Toto Cotugno.
Anyway Francesco had two songs, after those the host asked him to sing “Volare”, and Francesco answers “But I don’t know it” (and of course he is joking, everybody knows it).
So please stop saying stupid or pathetic things.
I absolutely LOVED this interview!!
Ok, his english may not be great, but he’s trying. Also, I don’t mind. He’s keeping it real! It’s authentic! I love his English with an Italian accent!
He also seems such a nice person!
Needless to say, he’s so handsome! Meditterenean realness!!
Luck you William! Some of us got jealous at the end of the video!
Anyway, best of luck to Italy!! Winner!!
P.S.: I really like you gave some of the artists one of these t-shirts you made! Souvenir from wiwibloggs!
Francesco’s English is more that good enough. The younger generations are more fluent in foreign languages, sure, but that’s because school education has changed a lot due to globalisation. It’s so sad to see people complaining about the – apparently – insufficient English skills of the Eurovision artists. Most of them are doing such a great job – and we have enough translators for those who struggle a bit. As far as I know, Joci Pápai (Hungary) doesn’t speak English at all – but this isn’t much of a problem as long as he brings a translator with him. I’m… Read more »
Francesco met Desmond Morris
He’s adorable when he speaks English ! If Italy gets robbed AGAIN , I will RIOT !
So charisma for you is being able to speak many languages? God! From which planet are you from?
If you are annoyed by our perceived charisma of Francesco, then it’s your problem. Not ours.
@Vova That´s exactly what a Charismatic person does. He don´t try to impress anybody. Here´s some professional explanation about that.
@ nordlandspils : Francesco’s charisma is just overflowing.
Really ? Is he able to speak anything but italian???
Does charisma means annoying ?????
Bulgarian underage boy speaks more languages than this Francesco guy.
Has anyone of you watched RAI recently?
This is amazing, one big cross fell over an American tourist (that died), and Italians said that is just an incident. I admit that I had more expectations from modern Italy, but is no use. Italians are the same as ever.
He’s a very nice guy and I really like his song. I wouldn’t mind Italy winning the whole thing.
If Italy wins, RAI will finally get a chance to show that they can actually stage an amazing show (after that chaotic event back in 1991).
Francesco’s charisma is just overflowing. The song is so engaging and has a recall. He really has a strong shot to win this year.
Toto Cotugno is one of the best Eurovision winners ever xD.
Probably the most anthemic winner song. Simple amazing.
Francesco’s charisma is everything. No way he’s not winning in May. This is like Rybak or Loreen.
Sorry but he is Toto Cutugno 100% with good and bad.
Didn’t you see him? He can’t follow any schedule.
I’ve always considered him a bit of a joker to fully understand the hype. Sorry.
@ Gippa
My avatar is my passport picture. It’s me, of course.
Please excuse me, but this is what I feel. Are UK and Germany already in the final with those ”songs” ???????
This is outrageous !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I prefer diaspora voting, instead of those big 5 ”big bottoms” that go straight to the final with their so called songs.
Do you people know how a song should sound like???????
Again I apologize, but this is awful.
Go to the semi finals Germany, maybe that will wake you up!!!!
Germany has such a big population, how on earth was possible to give Levina a song so stupid, no melody, no sing along, no nothing.
I was trying so much to like it, but is not possible. Why Germany??? Why do you want to commit suicide????
@ Gippa – Me too, strange coincidence 😀
Stupid unrelated thought:
Does anyone of you think that the MONSTER AVATARS that have been randomly assigned to our IP’s are really on point? I can absolutely see myself in my avatar, and when I look at all of you and read your comments I feel like there’s a sort of connection. No offence wanted, hahaha
Who has the same perception? Anyone? :))))))
@Boy: I’ve just say that he slayed, I wasn’t talking about the song in the comment below, but about the performance. He is a natural born charismatic performer, there are people who will deny this “objective” evidence (I don’t know if you are one of them), I was just talking about that kind of haters. One could say “I still despise the song or him but I recognise that he is entertaining” (that doesn’t mean that you’re gonna vote for him or that he will have the same effect in Kyev for sure, in that arena it will be a… Read more »
Hes got charisma ,the song is good but not wow for me….Wish him the best of luck.
As far as I know, Gabbani had 2 songs : ”Amen” and ”Occidentali’s Karma”.
”Volare” was not in the schedule.
But I was not there, so the final word must come from somebody who was there.
@ karim
“Do you have anything left…”
If he didn’t said that, then I must misheard it.
Sorry, but the host said ”Don’t sing anything else Francesco”
@ karim
The host asked him if he had something ELSE to sing. Most acts sing at least two songs.
William is a lucky boy. Last year he had Amir serenade him, this year he’s getting kisses from Francesco… Jealous.
Gippa: You are a haters to. Let people deside by them self what they think aboute Italiens Song. You cant not tell everybody to Love his Song. We al New that you Love that Song. The End
I just saw the videos and I’m shocked.
Everyone was good except two :
-FYROMacedonia = was that playback????
-Italy = he was so…the host had to come on the stage to tell him to just sing his song, OMG worst than Toto Cutugno.
Lindita (Albania) missed the party? I didn’t see her in any pic or video…. She was on the list… Any idea, anyone?…
The Eurovision Party was one of the best nights of my life. I will forever be grateful to the organisers. Thanks slso to Wiwibloggs for being there and doing so much hard work. It was a very long show, but y’all made it through! 🙂
Francesco blew the roof off in London. He has bags of charisma, and his performance is genius. If he doesn’t win Eurovision, it will be a surprise.
His song is not contemporary. And it is an average song…….. If it wins it will be forgotten about the minute the broadcast ends.
The youngest artist Kristian from Bulgaria was amazing. He was so natural with english, bulgarian, russian, those millennials especially from east, really have all they need. What do they eat to be like that? I’ve heard that Bulgaria is famous for cucumbers, but he lives in Russia.
Such a showman! Love his energy and his charisma, he is the winner obviously!!
From all the interviews held by William with some other artists (Romania, Bulgaria, etc) why only this interview posted? Just curious… Are those interviews going to be published, too?
Francesco GODbani is this year’s Jamala – too talented for the peasants to understand. Poor OFH, they’ll be pressed.
I wasn’t a fan of the guy but seeing his live performence changed my opinion. The song is still questionable for me but he has so much charisma!
On stage he is like a fish in water. There were no pretences, he just stood there and stole the show 😀
William, you lucky guy, I’m jelaous!!! 😀
Thank you very much for this interview <3
@ Wiwibloggs staff: Thank you for the work yesterday night by uploading all the songs to YouTube from the café ????
You did an excellent job. Thank you!
He slayed. Period.
(now waiting for the haters to get a laugh)
Francesco and Alma have slayed, stolen the show, the best performances and by far. They have excited the audience!!!!
He totally brought the house down at Cafe de Paris last night. There is such a wonderful, infectious energy to his song, the crowd in Kyiv will go wild, singing along, arms in the air. Love it.
Francesco and Alma are the winners of this evening in london.
Am I the only one who read “I didn’t know..” thinking about Serhat’s song? Hahah I need to sleep…
I adore him since “Amen” and then “Foglie al gelo”.. I’m so happy to see him on the ESC. Good luck Francesco!
THE WINNERRRRRRR………..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
———- ROME 2018 ———-