The Eurovision 2017 promotional tour is in full swing. After kicking off in Riga last weekend, the Eurovision stars landed in the UK for the 2017 London Eurovision Party. A total of 21 acts from this year’s contest took to the stage at the Cafe de Paris. The stage was small but perfectly formed and filled with this year’s biggest and most talked-about acts.
Did early fan favourite Francesco Gabbani from Italy live up to your expectations? Did Bulgaria’sKristian Kostov — the youngest contestant this year — wow you? Did Denmark‘s Anja Nissen blow you away with that powerful voice? You can watch all of our videos below. Then let us know which act impressed you the most. Unfortunately, you cannot vote for any of the guest artists, but you can see their performances in our YouTube playlist.
After you’ve viewed them all, vote for your favourites. You can vote for as many acts as you’d like, but you can only vote ONE time. Be sure to click the box next to each act you want to support before pressing submit.
London Eurovision Party 2017: Recap
Josh is from Australia and has been a huge Eurovision fan since 2010. You can follow him on Twitter @josh_salmon. Keep up with the latest Eurovision news and gossip by liking our Facebook page and by following the team on Twitter @wiwibloggs.
Well having been there myself and as one of the few who watched the rehearsals before the London show, and heard the show itself,and in a stronger position than anyone to say who were the strongest contestants and songs at this particular event.Here is my view,and you may not agree with some of it.Firstly,Who got the loudest cheer on the night for their performance.Well it was very close between Romania and Italy.I felt the reason Romania got such a loud cheer,and I watched everyon joining in,so none of the nonsense saying that they were not extremely popular,because they were,and slightly… Read more »
Sebastian Barbu
7 years ago
I think the best vocals and performance are Poland, UK, Denmark, Finland and Romania!
7 years ago
Tbh… everyone overrated Italian song. OK, it’s catchy, with charisma, melodius and quick catches in the ear. BUT we have some much better songs with BETTER (we need to be honest) live performance. I will be happy of this win but I think we have another winner.
For me, the best in London was:
Anja, Denmark
Martina, Czech Rep
Kasia, Poland
Nathan, Austria
Kristian, Bulgaria.
…and Conchita! <3
7 years ago
This poll is a joke, everyone is voting for their fav and not the one who did the best performance. I like Italy’s song but his live was not the best. And why is Blanche so high ? And Nathan so low ? This guy rocked a capella and didn’t need any background voices to help him, and Anja, let’s talk about her. I am not even a fan of her song but she clearly was the best one. She can hit notes like no one else can, I bet at least half of the others can’t hit those as… Read more »
7 years ago
Macedonia was playback because she gives the mic to somebody in the audience and we can hear the record singing alone, Jana did that mistake, but I wonder who else was playback.
7 years ago
Come on guys, stop this pathetic and stupid envy for Francesco!
He HAD definitely the BEST performance in every field: great charisma, really good song, good performance, he stole audience’s heart and he bewitched them!! And in host’s eyes you can really see his happiness, satisfaction and excitement to have Francesco on the stage! He had the second last performance and confetti, as a real winner! Who says the opposite is just jealous or ridiculous!!
7 years ago
I didn’t expect to like Alma but she is fine, but Italy…no.
Lazarev fangirl
7 years ago
errm I’ll be like everyone else..
Bulgaria & Italy
I’d say Alma as well but I hate English lyrics so…..its 50/50
Most surprising was Slavko wasnt that bad! Great catchy song I hope he can qualify!
7 years ago
Romania for me, the crowd in london loved this the most i think, with them waving along to yodel it 🙂
7 years ago
Francesco should be replaced with Poland in position as he wasnt the best in singing in his performance……
7 years ago
Yes definitely Macedonia, Belgium, Latvia, Montenegro weak live singing…… Macedonia just singing like from playback…. just started thinking how they would like be in Grand Final…..??? also Sweden and Italy live singing very medium….. it wasnt live singing for top winner….. I was really dissapointed….. The best performance and singing : Poland, France, Denmark, Finland, Malta, Czech Republik, Bulgaria – Eurovision that is just Eurovision @@@@ so if somebody has good song but not enough good live singing how they would like win this song contest……… ?????
7 years ago
What Norma John do everytime they perform live is just MAGIC. Just lovely.
Sokratis Lakrindis
7 years ago
The reason you should never base this sort of live video as expectation, in a group of supporters for UK’s video, you can listen to background of a couple of lads talking about her on ‘Dead on Arrival’ She is belting it, on point, the best of the abivility with all she’s been offered. If you can do better for the UK, go ahead – but if your audience is that bitter, you’re never going to get other countries support.
7 years ago
First, @William Lee Adams THANK YOU so much! You give us the opportunity not only to get to know the artists better but also to watch them perform. We feel like we’re there too although we’re far from London! The noise annoys me a little. We do people talk and not enjoy the party? Anyway, back to the performances. Clearly, Francesco brought the house down yesterday!! This guy has such energy!! I loved his performance! And people were so excited and into the song!! Namaste! Alè! Also, Alma was amazing! She’s such a good singer!! Robin made some noise with… Read more »
7 years ago
Francesco certainly has the edge so far. The stage was his.
Kasia had the best female live vocals. Anja, Lucie, Claudia and Alma also didn’t disappoint.
Kristian and Nathan equally had the best male vocals, while i really enjoyed Slavko and Omar live performances also.
7 years ago
finland is obviously underrated by everyone
7 years ago
Diana you must be deaf. Someone who can’t sing would have never won Sanremo XD
Think better arguments to bash on Italy 😉
And Eurovision is not about vocals and who sings the most. It’s the song, show, charisma.. Something that countries like Sweden or Russia really know and see their results.
And BTW last year, juries ranked high Amir, Ira, Sergey or Laura.. and it wasn’t for their vocals hahah. And look where they placed Poland, Serbia or Czech Republic 😉
7 years ago
Oops, accidentally missed Finland and Slovenia in the Ok row too for me!
7 years ago
Can I say Blanch, thanks for comming! You sounded awsome and I’m so glad I got to see you and hear you in person. I’m a lucky guy! In fact hugely lucky as their were 25+ other fantastic singers… Ukraine (other) song was amazing (anyone know the title… was listening for it on iTunes). Ruslana – wow! Great singers and so brave for some to come out on such a small stage to face us guys in London waving phones, chatting and occasionally applauding – which I thought was appalling. The guy infront seemed to tweet every song. Not once… Read more »
7 years ago
I’m going to judge this in order based on the performances and not how much I like/dislike the songs. For example, Malta is one of my least favorite songs but Claudia did great last night. On the flip side, I love Jana’s song but playback/backing vocals were a big no-no. I give her credit for giving an energetic and fun performance at least. But Belgium disappointed me the most. Maybe she was shy, nervous, etc. But I felt the energy sucked out of me within a minute and the crowd looked that way too. 🙁 Great: France, Poland, Austria, Italy,… Read more »
7 years ago
Home girl for the win!
7 years ago
Italy by far!
7 years ago
It’s the BIG stage that will matter. I wonder who will not impress anymore. And do better than expected..
7 years ago
Stop voting on Italy.. this wasn’t the best live. Guy CAN’T sing. I hope juries will bring him down.
7 years ago
I didn’t need to look at the result to know the answer of who’s on top lol.
7 years ago
Italy is definitely my favourite, but I also like a lot Poland, France, Denmark, Bulgaria.. In that order. And I think that I can add to my list UK and Sweden too. Czech’s song is not my type, but I really like Martina’s voice. She seems to be ao nice. Anyway, good luck to all of you.
7 years ago
I had to go back and relisten to Bulgaria and BEAUTIFUL MESS since so many were loving it. This pacing of song drags. It is so sleepy and not in a good way. Also, the song doesn’t have a place where the audience can sing along to it. This song is going to disappoint those of you who love it so much when it doesn’t do well. Also, Blanche from Belgium has a wonderful deep husky voice. I love it. The problem is that they chose a song where she sings about two notes throughout the song. It is very… Read more »
7 years ago
I love Italy,Bulgaria,France,Denmark,Poland and Norway ????
7 years ago
Italy and France. Austria put me in a good mood so i’ll give him some points. The rest was forgettable especially Blanche which is already feeling the pressure of being one of the favorites.
Thank God Salvador don’t go to this worthless parties. He’s way too good for that. Portugal just needs to work the atmosphere on stage and after that everything is well underway to be a major dark horse. PORTUGAL 2018!!
7 years ago
I wonder at which point of the show the whole farce with Italy leading the polls will collapse, as it should have by now. It is high time to cry out: “The King Has No Clothes!!!”
Occidental Requiem Mess
7 years ago
It’s easy, next year will be Roma, Paris or Sofia.
Polegend Godgarina
7 years ago
Italy and France were perfectly on point! Alma especially, since Francesco got the beginning wrong.
7 years ago
Francesco fa course!!! He owned the stage and robbed audience heart!! They all were joining the song and dancing!! AMAZING!
7 years ago
let me see… Denmark, Poland, Bulgaria and Italy were really good and are my favorites from these acts. (+France) The ladies from Denmark and Poland are both stunning with perfect vocals. Anja gave me bigger surprise to be fair. She is like born for the stage! Kristian had a few misses but nothing major (by the way wiwi video of him is the worst out of all videos on youtube, there is too much extra noise). Francesco was fantastic but his song is not my cup of tea. Thanks Goddess for his smiling mustache 😀 France had really good performance… Read more »
7 years ago
France will place top 10 with both juries and the public
Liza K
7 years ago
None was well.
Belgium de worst.
7 years ago
I’m in love with Nathan’s personality.
Vote for him in May guys and gals!!
7 years ago
7 years ago
Martina Barta was good too, she’s so underrated 🙁
7 years ago
Italy was by far the best, certainly didn’t disappoint in my eyes. Bulgaria was an extremely pleasant surprise, stunning live performance! There were a few others that stood out too, but these two were the best I think.
7 years ago
Well we can’t say that Belgium and F.Y.R Macedonia were bad, in such a small venue, with awful sounding and other stuff. You’ll see these to girls are still one of the watch outs.
7 years ago
FYROM at least had a nice playback…
7 years ago
Well italy was the best, followed by Bulgaria and France. Also great vocals by Denmark and Finland. Also good: Norway, Poland.
Ay Jo
7 years ago
Accidentally Karma was the best, imo.
7 years ago
Italy and Bulgaria
7 years ago
Italy !!!!!!!
Revol Cisum
7 years ago
I must say a lot of them disappointed me… Still, I have to say Kristian from BG was good, Alma too. Jana Burceska was baaaad and Manel didn’t impressed at all, not even singing with Lucie 🙁 A big plus for Yodel it, even I have to say their vocals weren’t the best I heard on them, but they knew how to get the audience on their sides, and even make them sing the yodel it together. Good job! I noticed some sound problems. Maybe this was the reason many artists sounded bad…?!
Bulgaria <3
vote for the Uk, Sweden, Denmark top 3
Well having been there myself and as one of the few who watched the rehearsals before the London show, and heard the show itself,and in a stronger position than anyone to say who were the strongest contestants and songs at this particular event.Here is my view,and you may not agree with some of it.Firstly,Who got the loudest cheer on the night for their performance.Well it was very close between Romania and Italy.I felt the reason Romania got such a loud cheer,and I watched everyon joining in,so none of the nonsense saying that they were not extremely popular,because they were,and slightly… Read more »
I think the best vocals and performance are Poland, UK, Denmark, Finland and Romania!
Tbh… everyone overrated Italian song. OK, it’s catchy, with charisma, melodius and quick catches in the ear. BUT we have some much better songs with BETTER (we need to be honest) live performance. I will be happy of this win but I think we have another winner.
For me, the best in London was:
Anja, Denmark
Martina, Czech Rep
Kasia, Poland
Nathan, Austria
Kristian, Bulgaria.
…and Conchita! <3
This poll is a joke, everyone is voting for their fav and not the one who did the best performance. I like Italy’s song but his live was not the best. And why is Blanche so high ? And Nathan so low ? This guy rocked a capella and didn’t need any background voices to help him, and Anja, let’s talk about her. I am not even a fan of her song but she clearly was the best one. She can hit notes like no one else can, I bet at least half of the others can’t hit those as… Read more »
Macedonia was playback because she gives the mic to somebody in the audience and we can hear the record singing alone, Jana did that mistake, but I wonder who else was playback.
Come on guys, stop this pathetic and stupid envy for Francesco!
He HAD definitely the BEST performance in every field: great charisma, really good song, good performance, he stole audience’s heart and he bewitched them!! And in host’s eyes you can really see his happiness, satisfaction and excitement to have Francesco on the stage! He had the second last performance and confetti, as a real winner! Who says the opposite is just jealous or ridiculous!!
I didn’t expect to like Alma but she is fine, but Italy…no.
errm I’ll be like everyone else..
Bulgaria & Italy
I’d say Alma as well but I hate English lyrics so…..its 50/50
Most surprising was Slavko wasnt that bad! Great catchy song I hope he can qualify!
Romania for me, the crowd in london loved this the most i think, with them waving along to yodel it 🙂
Francesco should be replaced with Poland in position as he wasnt the best in singing in his performance……
Yes definitely Macedonia, Belgium, Latvia, Montenegro weak live singing…… Macedonia just singing like from playback…. just started thinking how they would like be in Grand Final…..??? also Sweden and Italy live singing very medium….. it wasnt live singing for top winner….. I was really dissapointed….. The best performance and singing : Poland, France, Denmark, Finland, Malta, Czech Republik, Bulgaria – Eurovision that is just Eurovision @@@@ so if somebody has good song but not enough good live singing how they would like win this song contest……… ?????
What Norma John do everytime they perform live is just MAGIC. Just lovely.
The reason you should never base this sort of live video as expectation, in a group of supporters for UK’s video, you can listen to background of a couple of lads talking about her on ‘Dead on Arrival’ She is belting it, on point, the best of the abivility with all she’s been offered. If you can do better for the UK, go ahead – but if your audience is that bitter, you’re never going to get other countries support.
First, @William Lee Adams THANK YOU so much! You give us the opportunity not only to get to know the artists better but also to watch them perform. We feel like we’re there too although we’re far from London! The noise annoys me a little. We do people talk and not enjoy the party? Anyway, back to the performances. Clearly, Francesco brought the house down yesterday!! This guy has such energy!! I loved his performance! And people were so excited and into the song!! Namaste! Alè! Also, Alma was amazing! She’s such a good singer!! Robin made some noise with… Read more »
Francesco certainly has the edge so far. The stage was his.
Kasia had the best female live vocals. Anja, Lucie, Claudia and Alma also didn’t disappoint.
Kristian and Nathan equally had the best male vocals, while i really enjoyed Slavko and Omar live performances also.
finland is obviously underrated by everyone
Diana you must be deaf. Someone who can’t sing would have never won Sanremo XD
Think better arguments to bash on Italy 😉
And Eurovision is not about vocals and who sings the most. It’s the song, show, charisma.. Something that countries like Sweden or Russia really know and see their results.
And BTW last year, juries ranked high Amir, Ira, Sergey or Laura.. and it wasn’t for their vocals hahah. And look where they placed Poland, Serbia or Czech Republic 😉
Oops, accidentally missed Finland and Slovenia in the Ok row too for me!
Can I say Blanch, thanks for comming! You sounded awsome and I’m so glad I got to see you and hear you in person. I’m a lucky guy! In fact hugely lucky as their were 25+ other fantastic singers… Ukraine (other) song was amazing (anyone know the title… was listening for it on iTunes). Ruslana – wow! Great singers and so brave for some to come out on such a small stage to face us guys in London waving phones, chatting and occasionally applauding – which I thought was appalling. The guy infront seemed to tweet every song. Not once… Read more »
I’m going to judge this in order based on the performances and not how much I like/dislike the songs. For example, Malta is one of my least favorite songs but Claudia did great last night. On the flip side, I love Jana’s song but playback/backing vocals were a big no-no. I give her credit for giving an energetic and fun performance at least. But Belgium disappointed me the most. Maybe she was shy, nervous, etc. But I felt the energy sucked out of me within a minute and the crowd looked that way too. 🙁 Great: France, Poland, Austria, Italy,… Read more »
Home girl for the win!
Italy by far!
It’s the BIG stage that will matter. I wonder who will not impress anymore. And do better than expected..
Stop voting on Italy.. this wasn’t the best live. Guy CAN’T sing. I hope juries will bring him down.
I didn’t need to look at the result to know the answer of who’s on top lol.
Italy is definitely my favourite, but I also like a lot Poland, France, Denmark, Bulgaria.. In that order. And I think that I can add to my list UK and Sweden too. Czech’s song is not my type, but I really like Martina’s voice. She seems to be ao nice. Anyway, good luck to all of you.
I had to go back and relisten to Bulgaria and BEAUTIFUL MESS since so many were loving it. This pacing of song drags. It is so sleepy and not in a good way. Also, the song doesn’t have a place where the audience can sing along to it. This song is going to disappoint those of you who love it so much when it doesn’t do well. Also, Blanche from Belgium has a wonderful deep husky voice. I love it. The problem is that they chose a song where she sings about two notes throughout the song. It is very… Read more »
I love Italy,Bulgaria,France,Denmark,Poland and Norway ????
Italy and France. Austria put me in a good mood so i’ll give him some points. The rest was forgettable especially Blanche which is already feeling the pressure of being one of the favorites.
Thank God Salvador don’t go to this worthless parties. He’s way too good for that. Portugal just needs to work the atmosphere on stage and after that everything is well underway to be a major dark horse. PORTUGAL 2018!!
I wonder at which point of the show the whole farce with Italy leading the polls will collapse, as it should have by now. It is high time to cry out: “The King Has No Clothes!!!”
It’s easy, next year will be Roma, Paris or Sofia.
Italy and France were perfectly on point! Alma especially, since Francesco got the beginning wrong.
Francesco fa course!!! He owned the stage and robbed audience heart!! They all were joining the song and dancing!! AMAZING!
let me see… Denmark, Poland, Bulgaria and Italy were really good and are my favorites from these acts. (+France) The ladies from Denmark and Poland are both stunning with perfect vocals. Anja gave me bigger surprise to be fair. She is like born for the stage! Kristian had a few misses but nothing major (by the way wiwi video of him is the worst out of all videos on youtube, there is too much extra noise). Francesco was fantastic but his song is not my cup of tea. Thanks Goddess for his smiling mustache 😀 France had really good performance… Read more »
France will place top 10 with both juries and the public
None was well.
Belgium de worst.
I’m in love with Nathan’s personality.
Vote for him in May guys and gals!!
Martina Barta was good too, she’s so underrated 🙁
Italy was by far the best, certainly didn’t disappoint in my eyes. Bulgaria was an extremely pleasant surprise, stunning live performance! There were a few others that stood out too, but these two were the best I think.
Well we can’t say that Belgium and F.Y.R Macedonia were bad, in such a small venue, with awful sounding and other stuff. You’ll see these to girls are still one of the watch outs.
FYROM at least had a nice playback…
Well italy was the best, followed by Bulgaria and France. Also great vocals by Denmark and Finland. Also good: Norway, Poland.
Accidentally Karma was the best, imo.
Italy and Bulgaria
Italy !!!!!!!
I must say a lot of them disappointed me… Still, I have to say Kristian from BG was good, Alma too. Jana Burceska was baaaad and Manel didn’t impressed at all, not even singing with Lucie 🙁 A big plus for Yodel it, even I have to say their vocals weren’t the best I heard on them, but they knew how to get the audience on their sides, and even make them sing the yodel it together. Good job! I noticed some sound problems. Maybe this was the reason many artists sounded bad…?!
Malta had the best live.
Belgium and Macedonia were underwhelming.