Zdravo Crna Gora! Earlier today The Wiwi Jury — our in-house panel of music unprofessionals — landed in Montenegro. Awed by the picturesque Bay of Kotor, we admired the natural splendour before stripping down to our leather speedos to discuss Montenegro’s entry for Eurovision 2017. Does Slavko Kalezic‘s “Space” make us want to rocket to the stars? Or would we rather leave his galaxy unexplored? Read on to find out…
Slavko Kalezic – “Space”
About Slavko Kalezic
Slavko Kalezic, 31, rose to fame participating in X Factor Adria in 2013, where he was known for his outlandish and over-the-top performances that showed a flair for drama. It makes sense: He is a graduate of the Montenegrin National Theatre, where he specialised in singing and dancing and honed his stage craft. He understands that he is a divisive character and remains committed to his art — regardless of whether it raises eyebrows. As he told us in a recent Skype interview: “When it is about Slavko Kalezic, it is always 50-50. And I think that is a huge success. I am not in the way, ‘Oh, everybody have to love me. Everybody have to love me.’ No. It’s not about that. Because when you are honest and you have yourself and your self-confidence and a mission, you have to be honest about art.”
“Space” reviews
William: It takes a brave man to spend three minutes shirtless while whipping his six-foot hairpiece back. And Slavko is a very brave man. From his talk of wet dreams to his references to ejaculation, he goes where no Eurovision singer has gone before — and then he thrusts and slut drops to punctuate his arrival. Musically he’s managed to pull the discotheque into 2017, delivering a feel-good track that should draw votes from all corners of Europe. It’s Montenegro’s best entry to date and — in the vein of Conchita and Cleo — it could climb the scoreboard despite its divisiveness. Slayko, indeed!
Score: 8/10
Anthony: I wasn’t entirely convinced when Montenegro announced they had internally selected Slavko. But after learning that he’d worked with a top-notch Swedish songwriting team, it became a clear a surprise was on the horizon. “Space” delivers a dance pop feel that’s built around Slavko’s flamboyant personality. Even though the odds are heavily stacked against Montenegro, Stefan Örn has worked his magic and Slavko is making the most of it.
Score: 6/10
Robyn: I need this. I need Slavko and his chronic allergy to shirts. I need his 50 Shades whip ponytail. And most importantly I need his highly danceable celebration of love and sexuality. “Space” reminds me of the sort of club music that came out in the safe sex era of the late 80s/early 90s. There’s just so much joy and affection tied up in that it’s almost impossible to dislike it. Regardless of how this does in Kyiv, Slavko has blessed us all.
Score: 7.5/10
Deban: Slavko is selling sex on a grill, and I am buying it. “Space” places me in a bookstore whilst browsing the pages of R-rated magazines. With lyrical mentions of “rocket”, “body language” “wet dreams” “explode” and “Milky Way”, this is as sleazy as Eurovision gets! Where “Space” falls short, Slavko compensates. Hopefully, good staging may forgive its musical shortcomings.
Score: 5/10
Chris: Werk it, sister. Balkan slutpop is a genre that Eurovision has needed for so long, and Slavko is bringing it to life. The music itself might be a a little trapped in the 90s, but Slavko is so engaging as a performer that you don’t mind it. This is the “Minn hinsti dans” of this generation — by being so upfront about in its lyrics, there’s nothing creepy or sleazy here. Slavko wants to slay and he should rightfully be a star in Kyiv.
Score: 7/10
Josh: Slavko is equal parts entertaining and handsome. I love how he channels his inner diva in every facet of his performance and brings that alter ego to life. The lyrics are a bit much. Even as an openly gay man, I find them a tad over the top. But there’s no doubt that he will bring “Space” to life in Kyiv and all of his Slayers will happily cheer him on.
Score: 4/10
Marek: “Space” is a masterpiece of amusing. Every time I hear it I start to giggle and can’t stop. Is there an important message in the lyrics? Does Slavko sing well? I DO NOT CARE! He brings the fun and that’s what matters! Slavko is gonna slay in Kyiv, so y’all better prepare your asses cause that’s gonna be lit. I know it’s impossible but mentally I’m adding a heart icon to my score, because I think there’s something really special in it.
Score: 8/10
Mikhail: This song is dated (you could hear it in the clubs in the 90s) and the lyrics are veeeryyy sexual. I wouldn’t be surprised if this song is banned in Russia. But somehow it makes my body move and it makes me laugh every time I see the music video. Kudos to Slavko. It will probably become a guilty pleasure — a perfect song for vacuuming!
Score: 5/10
In our Wiwi Jury, we have 38 jurors but only room for eight reviews. The rest of our scores can be found below:
Anastas: 10/10
Andy: 5/10
Angus: 3.5/10
Antony: 7/10
Antranig: 8.5/10
Bernardo: 5.5/10
Bogdan: 7/10
Dayana: 7/10
Edd: 8.5/10
Erdi: 6/10
Forrest: 2/10
George: 5/10
Jacob: 7/10
Jason: 8/10
Jordi: 7/10
Jovana: 5/10
Kristin: 9/10
Luis: 7/10
Matt: 2/10
Natalie: 5.5/10
Padraig: 7/10
Patrick: 2.5/10
Renske: 4.5/10
Rezo: 7/10
Sami: 5/10
Sinan: 9/10
Stanislav: 5/10
Steinunn: 7/10
Tobias: 4/10
Zakaria: 1/10
Before calculating the average score, the highest and lowest scores are dropped. This is to remove outliers and reduce potential bias. We have removed a low of 1 and a high of 10.
Wiwi Jury verdict: 6.03/10
What do you think of this song? Share your own score and review below!
@Thomasfan – emmm, I like Eurovision because of the songs, not other people opinions
Did he get pity points?
7.5/10 BTW
This song (not the song itself, its situation) reminds me a lot of I Didn’t Know (San Marino 2016). Most comments say: ridicolous, cringy or won’t quallify. CAREFUL. a good staging will bring Slavko higher than expected in the televote, andif the juries like him a bit them we will have a surprise I guess…
Also the fact this got a higher score than Poland and The Netherlands makes me question why im still a fan of Eurovision.
Seriously guys….?
I almost despise this song…
It makes me feel uncomfortable as anything, it oozes cheesy lyrics and honestly i realla don’t see the hype around this.
Slavko seems like a nice guy, but the song is just a mess.
1/10 for me.
If Sakis Rouvas and Conchita were to have a child, that child would be Slavko.
I personally think the song is God-awful, and what he does with that ponytail is disturbing.
That being said, this is a top 10 contender for sure. If he can deliver a larger than life performance on the Eurovision stage, it’s the night’s dark horse.
I can understand there is some appeal, but this high? Has cheesy written all over it. This will more likely fail than do well. 3/10 (32/43)
Um, William, best Montenegrian entry to date? Srsly? SRSLY?
It was terrible, terrible judgment for the Wiwi jury to rank this higher than The Netherlands.
Honestly, I love this song, It’s such a guilty pleasure and it really stood out Saturday during the long wave of Ballads. This will certainly qualify but won’t do that well in the finals. Non the less, Montenegro is doing great the last years when it comes to qualifying. *crosses fingers for a lovely balkan ballad next year again*
I like it but let’s keep it real: it’s a clear bottom-3 with the juries and the most he can get from the televote is like a 8th place, clearly not enough to qualify but certainly won’t be last because it’s so camp ans memorable
Love everything about it.
Definitely needs to be in the final.
Not my cup of tea.
This will struggle to qualify and tbh I hope it won’t.
Wiwi get sErious 6,03 for THAT?
Wow this was overrated. I love him as a person, he’s also a good performer(just a bit too gay for me), but let’s be real the song is bad and un-original, and it’s very 2000’s, don’t like that for me it’s a 3/10 and just because he’s a nice person and a good performer.
I’m predicting that Montenegro will be the last country to ever win the eurovision song contest. I never heard this entry before and i just had to click ”that” music video away and only listen to the song itself. After listening i already forgot the entire song, which is not a good thing… 5.8/10 because it wasn’t hurtful (the song).
2013 is still the best entry from Montenegro, but those rappers ruined their chances and Europe agrees with me else they would’ve qualified.
I hope they qualify this year, but not surprised if they don’t.
I and my mother love Slavko. We hope Slavko will qualify to grand final:) Greetings from Poland:)
Gulty pleasure!! It’s actually EVERYTHING that gives ESC a bad name..cheesy, OT, very “gay” etc…just underlines the stupid ESC-fan comminity = gay men stereotypes many people have about the contest….. OK….so much to hate, but still. I can’t avoid that this song makes me happy. it’s so effortless, upretensious and just dares to take things t the limit. AWFUL lyrics of coure. Horrible video clip…..but musically it’s really cool in my ears…very funky! The horus is a bit Pet Hsop Boys. he horn scetio very cool! Really, ESC could sdow tihout such songs….we don’t need any more “gay acts” which… Read more »
I wouldn’t have expected a Balkan or an East country sending this love-sex-diversity celebration. It isn’t a musical masterpiece, but somehow is enjoyable and entertaining. I could say this is somehow my guilty pleasure. Once a year doesn’t hurt! And… if I’m honest, I think it will qualify.
Montenegro is currently my 20th place. 6.5/10
In sex we can be as one.
This’ll be everyone’s guilty pleasure. You can say you hate it, you think it’s tacky, you think it’s low quality, whatever. You and I know very well you’re gonna dance and enjoy this the minute it hits the stage in Kiev, and rightuflly so. This offering is catchy as all hell, harping to old disco and new EDM elements. It’s… too in your face, and all the package would likely turn some of the scoring down, but Montenegro can be proud for bringing something that is greatly produced.
I love this, it is in my top 5 One of the strongest dance songs this year along with FYR Macedonia. He has got loads of charisma and I have no doubt Slavko will put on a brillaint show in Kyiv. I don’t think it is a sure qualifier because of what the juries might do but I can see the public getting behind it to hopefully get him to the final.
Ok, 6.02 is a bit high, isn’t it?
To be honest, I don’t like the song. It reminds me of weird / cheesy songs like Ukraine 2007 or Poland 2014). To be fair, I liked Ukraine!
However, Montenegro has sent worse entries, so this is an improvement. I appreciate Slavko is doing his thing, but the song can hardly reach a wide range of people. Very difficult to qualify. For me there are many songs in the 1st semi better than this.
I’ll give it a 4!
The Eurovision needs more sexual songs. We hadn’t heard anything as explicit as this since Secret Combination in 2008 (well, Johanna Beijbom’s A.S.A.P. which came 3rd in the Danish selection earlier in February was even more explicit). Still, I love how faithful he is to his style, shows that he’s not some label puppet. Even though I don’t like how overproduced it is (it makes me think of k-pop songs which are not the tea for me), I really appreciate this and I’d like to see it in the final.
Well…what can I say? Montenegro is my guilty pleasure this year, I love to hate it. Is it this tears novelty act? Yeah I think so, but do I like it? Hell yeah!!! Of course it’s not the best song ever written, but it’s fun and camp and I think everyone will like it, even in secret. Slavko is charismatic, I can’t take my eyes off him no matter how much I want to. I don’t know if it will qualify, it’s the type of song that’s can either come last, or get Top 10! But regardless, I will be… Read more »
This is a very old-fashioned funk song with a high-quality modern production and a very exciting singer and entertainer. The song itself is an hilarious throwback to a more tasteless and daring era – such as when the hit “Relax” by Frankie Goes To Hollywood was topping the charts. The lyrics are in line with that sort of thinking. It might be revolutionary for the Balkans, but it will sound “old hat” to other Western countries. Here’s the good news: Slavko is a wonderful live entertainer! He charmed us in London in TWO appearances (with a 6 hour gap in… Read more »
on a scale of 1-10, i’d have given this a 27. weerrrkkk!
@ CookyMonzta – Rambo Amadeus still has special place in my heart, epic entrance, hahaha!
Oy! Who See (2013) was much better than this!
Alas, how far we have fallen, from the showmanship displayed by Sergej Cetkovic and Knez.
This is my guilty pleasure of the year. It’s very cheap, yet somehow I enjoy it, especially the chorus.
Personal rating: Musically, this is simply not very good. However, I do admire the overall act. Double entendre is nothing new in the world of music, however it is something new (at least to this extent) in Eurovision. The sleazy lyrics are crafted to the detail! I generally like Eurovision performers that dare to go beyond “family friendly”, and I don’t think we have had anything that extreme since Silivia Nótt in 2006. Slavko tries to turn pretentiousness into an art form and it kinda works! 6/10 Prediction: Against common belief, entries that are somewhat (visually) extreme/crazy often don’t make… Read more »
Say what you want, but this is one of few songs which I remembered and sing 🙂 With expected good staging, he totally deserves to go in final. Best Montenegro entry so far. Good luck <3
1) UK (14th)
2) Germany (15th)
3) Latvia (24th)
4) Netherlands (27th)
5) Denmark (29th)
6) Israel (31st) used to be 12th but live ruined it.
7) Montenegro (41st)
Dated? Absolutely. But it’s impossible to dislike a song so kitschy, camp and Eurovision-ary.
1) UK goosebumps 9,5/10
2) Montenegro Guilty Pleasure 8,5/10
3)Germany 7/10
4)Netherlands 6,5/10
5) Denmark 6/5
6) Israel 6/5
7) Latvia 5/5
1. UK – 9.5/10
2. Latvia – 8/10
3. Denmark – 7.5/10
4. Netherlands – 7/10
5. Israel – 5/10
6. Germany – 4/10
7. Montenegro – 2/10
This is my second least favorite song of the whole Eurovision 2017. I can see a lot of people find it funny and all, but it might be a gay bias. Last year, Montenegro had a similary horrible sexual innuendo song and it scored 2.2. NF songs like UMK’s Paradise or Krajowe Eliminacje’s You Look Good are being slammed for the sexually implicit material. Even obvious parody of Gunther scored lower. I mean, if you enjoy dirty lyrics, go ahead, I’m not judging. But equality is equality and gay sleezy song is still a sleezy song.
His whip tail werked off at least half of juries 😀 This cake from Crna Gora is rated higher than dutch ladies, that’s why I like wiwi – I didn’t see that coming.
Prediction: rather no 🙂
I Love IT. I be angry when Portugal is in topp of semi 1, and 4th on oddslist. When there its so mutch better Song this year, like Montenegro
Montenegro’s song is OK.
The videoclip is pretty nice & Slavko oozes sexyness (& gayness too hehe 😉 )
My grade : 6/10 for the song.
Go Slavko! Qualification it’s a piece of cake…