Szervusz! The Wiwi Jury — our in-house panel of music unprofessionals — has landed in Budapest. We are so ready to try a goulash, but for a starter we are listening to Hungary’s Eurovision 2017 entry, Joci Pápai with “Origo”. Does it have the right flavour or are we going to send it back to the chef? Read on to find out!
Joci Pápai – “Origo”
About Joci Pápai
Twenty-eight-year old Joseph Pontifical, known professionally as Joci Pápai, is a Hungarian singer of Romany descent. Influenced strongly by traditional sounds and tunes from the 1960s and 70s, Joci submitted the autobiographical song “Origo” to Hungary’s national selection A Dal 2017. It speaks of the pain and torment he has faced as a part of an ethnic minority.
“Origo” reviews
Deban: “Origo” is a folklore masterpiece. Stirring, visually arresting, and a testament to topical social issues which resonate beyond the borders of Hungary. Joci Papai is courageous and remains emotive when switching from Romani harmonies to rap. This offering is sufficiently high-level enough to appeal to the juries, and accessible enough to touch the masses.
Score: 8.5/10
Chris: Possibly underrated by many thanks to the results of A Dal, “Origo” has lots of good qualities. It’s arguably the best ever example of how to use rap at Eurovision. When used right with the staging present, Joci makes the rap have real passion and purpose. Using simple sounds for the chorus means that keeping the song in Hungarian shouldn’t be much of an issue, too. Well thought out and a real top-ten contender.
Score: 7.5/10
Mikhail: When I first started listening to this song I was thinking that, finally, there is something unique and traditional. I was really enjoying it… until the rap part. I don’t think it belongs here. While in the studio version it sounds ok, live Joci Papai sounds like he is Attila the Hun shouting at his opponent to demoralise him. Even though the traditional part is nice it gets too repetitive and nothing changes in it throughout the whole song.
Score: 6.5/10
Robyn: “Origo” is bold and mysterious. Even without knowing the meaning of the lyrics (racial prejudice, spirituality, music), Joci makes the message clear through his performance. He switches from singing to rapping because that is how his message needs to be presented. This is easily one of my favourites this year and I can’t wait to see the final staging for Kyiv.
Score: 8.5/10
William: This song is so mystical and other-worldly that at times I feel like Joci is trying to turn me into a frog or to communicate with my dead relatives. The first 90 seconds — all smooth and mysterious — have me in rapture. And then he transitions seamless into an extended spoken word section (noticeably featuring the word samurai and a great deal of anger) that really works. He conveys the struggles he has faced as a man of Romany descent — who loves a white woman — so well that I’m left breathless. Given the conservative climate sweeping Hungary at the moment, this isn’t just a pop triumph but a socio-political one too.
Score: 8/10
Anthony: Traditional ethnic instrumentals gives a haunting depth to “Origo”, combined with the bilingual mix of Romani and Hungarian, and the rapping blends in without feeling disjointed. My only concern is that whether casual Eurovision viewers will get this.
Score: 8/10
Rezo: “Origo” is deep, fresh and different from the other songs, which gives us opportunity to celebrate diversity in May. This music inspires me to think about Hungarian culture and I appreciate it.
Score: 6/10
Dayana: This is undoubtedly the most outstanding entry this year. The sound, the voice, the language — everything sounds so unique and fresh. And even if you don’t understand a word of “Origo” you will still remember this entry until the very end of the show. (And probably after it, too).
Score: 9/10
In our Wiwi Jury, we have 38 jurors but only room for eight reviews. The rest of our scores can be found below:
Anastas: 7/10
Andy: 7/10
Angus: 2.5/10
Antony: 3/10
Antranig: 1/10
Bernardo: 4.5/10
Bogdan: 8.5/10
Edd: 8/10
Erdi: 6.5/10
Forrest: 7.5/10
George: 3/10
Jacob: 9/10
Jason: 9.5/10
Jordi: 8.5/10
Josh: 5.5/10
Jovana: 6/10
Kristin: 8/10
Luis: 8/10
Marek: 9/10
Matt: 8.5/10
Natalie: 6.5/10
Padraig: 8.5/10
Patrick: 8/10
Renske: 7.5/10
Sami: 6/10
Sinan: 7.5/10
Stanislav: 8.5/10
Steinunn: 7.5/10
Tobias: 7/10
Zakaria: 7.5/10
Before calculating the average score, the highest and lowest scores are dropped. This is to remove outliers and reduce potential bias. We have removed a low of 1 and a high of 9.5.
Wiwi Jury verdict: 7.13/10
What do you think of this song? Share your own score and review below!
As much as I tried to get into this after Totova was unfairly eliminated. I just… kinda couldn’t. It was Hungary’s second best choice, albeit a very far far second, and while it does bring a different flavor, I feel it’s not really the one to really do well and wouldn’t expect a result higher than Freddie’s or Boggie’s. It’s more of an experience than a song, and those could go either way. It’s is better than the former two entries, but still falls short to really wowing like Running did back in 2014. Good luck Hungary, but I feel… Read more »
This is my #1 this year: 1) The refrain reminds me of joik (or if not that, it’s like there’s a tangible soul in the song), where I can feel the pain within the song. 2) Maybe it’s because I’ve been binge-listening to Hamilton for the past 7-8 months I definitely appreciate the rap more than I would have in past years. And what he said in a previous interview about having a zillion thoughts to express and the best way was to do so in a rap verse definitely works; you don’t have to extend the line, just cram… Read more »
Antranig wtf no hate but why an one?
One of the most original compositions, and also distinctly in its own style. I am completely indifferent about language in most cases, but not when it comes down to rapping. I have no doubt the song will be a hit for the home market, but the long rapping segment completely kills it for me. Also the performance left more to be desired. If you are going to dance, learn how to dance properly. Joci’s dancing effort is laughable. 01 | 02 Norway | 03 | 04 United Kingdom | 05 Austria 06 Albania | 07 | 08 Bulgaria | 09… Read more »
I LOVE this! <3
Origo is an enchanting folk song that is firmly rooted in 2017, not just for the rap but for the relevance of the message.This succeeds in all the ways “Ljuba je” didn’t, and I loved that song. It would be a crime if this missed the final. I think you guys should consider making every juror justify their score so that we can get an explanation for them, as well as diversity of reviews. Some rating guidelines and parameters would be beneficial too. And you might want to consider narrowing down your jury; when you have 30+ jurors (who even… Read more »
This is not one of my favourites. However, I appreciate this is an authentic, original piece of music! It has traditional elements, it’s in Hungarian and it tackles an important social issue! It’s the first time we’ll see an artist singing about this particular matter! I’m not a fan but I like it! I’ll give it a 6.5! Eurovision needs such songs! It reminds me of times when many countries remained faithful to their original music and went to eurovision with a song that reflected their culture and their indentity as a nation! Now, we are full of pop/modern songs… Read more »
I really should start watching A Dal next season!
Def. needs to make the final. Most ethnically unique song this year. It’s a 7.
There are a lot of rumors regarding next season. Probably we won’t be searching for the Hungarian Eurovision entry in A Dal, it will be chosen internally.
Ah interesting. Besides Melfest, I watched FAC (yay Salvador), Eesti Laul (wished it was “In Or Out” but I equally love “Verona”), Unser Song (Wildfire was a better song), Supernova (love, love, love) and UMK (love the show, not a fan of the result). I’ve been meaning to watch A Dal for the last couple of seasons but always too caught up on Melfest to switch over.
@Tusán: I wonder if an internal selection next year is because the people were not happy with the judges trying to troll them with Gina Kanizsa and Závodi and Olivér, both of whom got 5s from the voters but were pushed to the final by the judges, the end result being Gabi Tóth being thrown under the bus.
Well, this year they purposely avoided mentioning the Eurovision participation in every single press release, press conference and live shows except the grand final but they only communicated Eurovision during the final cause fans and critics of the show got mad at them for not putting A Dal in the context of Eurovision. Now there are two things that can happen in my opinion: a) Hungary pulls a Turkey next year. The anti-West government prohibits the national broadcaster from participating in order to push Hungarian society away from Europe or b) Hungary participates but as we suspected from the lack… Read more »
* does not work cause viewers SHOULD decide
A Dal after specific favourite output from racing granted Europe by another gem which was deservedly supported by people. I noticed that song from the very first snippet. It was so authentic and naturally sung that made me look after lyric translation. And they turned into another personal story with striking message which reminded me of renown winner from last year. I have to say that everything else in this song is just awesome. Accurate production, ethnic sound with good emotional vibe, and top notch strings arrangement. And it supported with stunning video which conveys the meaning and elevates the… Read more »
This is what eurovision needs MORE and MORE.
Soulful and possible top 10 ( maybe higher, ah, voters and juries??? I’m looking at you, I’m faithful… You know what I mean, ah?).
It’s basically Greece’s entry from last year.
This is the riskiest and most original entry of the year. I like it. It will either do extremely well or extremely badly.
Whoever gave this less than 5 has no musical taste at all. Lazy enough to not look at the translation.
This song will be Top 5.
Spot on Joe…this is a hauntingly beautiful masterpiece.
Like it or hate (I choose the former), the contest needs this song in the final. It’s so unique and different from the other entries that it would be a shame for it to not pass.
i totally agree with you, unique and different should be in the final this year, especially if the theme is called Celebrate Diversity 🙂
Totally agree!!
I didn’t like Origo at first but now I really like it. It is just so different to everything else in the contest and I really like the ethnic sounds. Usually rap doesn’t work at Eurovision, but I think it works in this song. You will either love or hate it. I love it and hope to see it in the final.
”I soak the people with music You hear my melody, you know my name The road is long, I have sores on my back Tears of a thousand people are played on my guitar..” Absolutely we know your name now, mr. Joci Papai! Amazing lyrics of this song, beautiful magical melody, pure emotion and unique strong voice makes this song truly wonderful. I understand that rap part may seem strange in the middle of the song, but when you see the lyrics, it all becomes clear- it is just perfectly expressed rage! After that, it all calms down and song… Read more »
When this song was revealed I thought “Waow, finally a good song this year, best song so far!”… And then came the rap part. I feel like it kinda kills the atmosphere of the song, and it doesn’t fit with the ethnic sounds.
I still enjoy the song, and I feel like its message is important (especially in the current political context in Hungary). #9 in my ranking.
Antranig’s voting is a joke. Other jurors generally reflect how diverse the songs are with nuanced scores. For him, it seems solely love/hate, black/white.
He just gaves 10 to his favourites songs and 0/1 to the songs he hate. He doesn’t consider any other variables, just his taste. And that is wrong because this is supposed to be a kind of professional jury, otherwise we all can do his part and we don’t need to come here to check this blog, we can read Twitter and there are more professional people than Antranig.
@kenna: I must agree, that A Dal did a damn good job with who they selected to perform in this competition; but unfortunately the judges seemed hell-bent on manipulating the people into picking an all-but-certain ESC non-qualifier. Fortunately the people were not fooled.
One of the best songs this year. It will easily stand out since there is nothing quite similar to this. It’s great to Hungary at ESC – they have a great national selection year after year and prove you can do well even you don’t have traditional support for diaspora or neighbours. Also, I hope Wiwibloggs will start to listen its readers and analyze the patterns of voting by certain Wiwi jury members. I am talking about patterns visible year after year, especially when it comes to scores given to some countries in east and south-east Europe. I would like… Read more »
What a joke Robyn . How can some of your jury members explain a 0 or 1 score to a lot of songs this year? Is this year that bad? You know is not. And you know that songs don’t deserve that low score.
I’m starting to think that Wiwibloggs allow that kind of controversial scores and reviews by some jury members, to create drama in the comments section and get more views… And that’s just sad. People is starting to not taking this blogs seriously.
Ok Robyn, can they justify their scores to Wiwibloggs readers as well? Like, all those who vote – we are ready to hear and see their justification for any marks, especially for 0, 1 and 2. We want to hear a logical argument for those marks like we hear for all other marks.
It’s ok, we have plenty of time to read and hear arguments, I would be more than happy to read all 38 justifications for every single jurors.
When Gabi Tóth was thrown under the bus at A Dal (given 1st in the singing order), I thought to myself that they had better pick Joci or they will have a major problem qualifying. Fortunately they did.
So good and so smooth is the sound of this song, that it was surely going to rank as one of my top 10. After 2 evaluations, “Origo” is my #3. The more people who watch the video (which sells the song very well), the higher it will likely score.
She wasn’t thrown under the bus by the running order but by those trash jurors.
This song is grounded in A minor, which ironically is a key with all “white notes” on the piano, a.k.a an “open key.” The verses contain a complex melody that has roots in Romani music, and it’s sung really well and authentically. The Choruses I really like – the singer has a beautiful voice and really shows it off through these vowel sounds. The harmony makes use of some softened painful clashes (such as F7), which in the open key give the impression of a memory of sadness rather than actual sadness. It’s important to realise that the singer isn’t… Read more »
What Hungarian is harsh??
“Harsh” as in “percussive-sounding.”
Thanks Robyn. 🙂
It also demonstrates how sophisticated the entry is, since the singer is using the language in different musical ways at different parts of the song. It’s certainly high on musical content. I think I should raise my score to 8.5.
Oops! There was a typo in my e-mail address! Sorry for the confusion! Original message below:
“Thanks Robyn. ????
It also demonstrates how sophisticated the entry is, since the singer is using the language in different musical ways at different parts of the song. It’s certainly high on musical content. I think I should raise my score to 8.5.”
And the question marks were a smiley
Hi from Hungary! 🙂 I also think that the rap part is harsh because of his fury. By the way, except the ‘Jálomáló…’ part (Which I don’t know wether makes sense in Romani language or not), the whole song is in Hungarian, but with a different dialect. Hungarian tends to have many of the same vowels after each other because of the affixes we attach to the word (we have a lot of these, not like in English, where these are separated), and these usually has the same/similar vowels as the root. For example: ‘szeret’ means he/she loves, ‘szeretet’ means… Read more »
Thank you. 🙂 Yes, I think I understand. x
A Dal was hands down the best national selection this year; it offered us some amazing songs this year; and I’m even happier that such a great selection gave us such a great song – ‘Origo’ is undoubtedly one of the absolute bests this year. From the very first second, my ears and soul delve in a mysterious and enigmatic dimension; a world full of the melancholy described in Joci’s artsy lyrics. The entry contains some of the most mesmerising and subtle instrumental accompaniment I’ve heard among this year’s offering; along with an impeccable rap solo. One of the only… Read more »
yeah this song and Romania’s Yodel It follow the tagline Celebrate Diversity perfectly, which is also a thing for juries to look at i think
8.4 is a bit low i guess, for something this unique, catchy and really nice with the dancer as well 🙂
Frankly speaking, I don’t like ‘Yodel It’ at all. It’s different, sure, but not “diverse”. However, unlike many others, I respect your opinion. The song’s great, but not a masterpiece. If I was judging solely on Eurovision standards, than I would’ve easily given it a 9 or even a 10, but my reviews work a different way. Hence, an 8.4. But don’t worry, 8.4’s a great score. Here’s how my ratings work : 10 – Perfect 9 – Masterpiece 8 – Great 7 – Good 6 – Average 5 – Mediocre 4 – Poor 3 – Bad 2 – Terrible… Read more »
*unspeakably terrible
*negative intergers
thank you, and it’s okay that you have a different opinion on Yodel It
i however find it sounding quite anthemic, fun and joyful, the yodelling i don’t get why people see it as a joke, cause it’s technically quite difficult getting that really on time with the rest of the singing, i don’t think everyone can yodel that great as Ilinca does to be honest 🙂 same with Joci i find him also a really great singer
I like this song very much for its uniqueness and the very beautiful sound of the language. You can feel that when he sings, he brings out a lot of his cultural heritage and that he is deeply feeling what he sings about. The rap part could be dispensable, but it reaches out intense levels at the end of that section, which makes it interesting. Lots of Kudos to Hungary for bringing a song from an ethnic minority in today’s context of the country (I prefer not be cynical, and not think this is a PR stunt). It is not… Read more »
Easily my favorite entry in 2017 together with Latvia. It just changes the way you feel and that’s a stand-alone achievement.
Joci deserves 10/10. If he wins it will mean so much for both Hungary and Roma comunity. And will not bring the 1944 controversy. Wish for Joci to be the underdog winner this year.
Its unvelievable. Antranig is rather giving a 0/1 if he doesnt like the song or 9/10 if he likes it. There is no criteria there and not a single point of professionalism.
Consider removing this bad judges, unfortunately like this, I cannot give any credibility to your overall scores anymore
Dear Robyn, we understand it. That is not an issue, but a visible bias or frustration (for some reason) toward certain countries by the SAME jury members. But if you have members who will, country after country, year after year, do the same thing when it comes to voting – what’s the point?! Wiwi can do it better when it comes to chosing and finding its members to give scores. And you can be sure we readers would be happy to read ALL comments by those who vote despite it will take more time and space at Wiwibloggs site. We… Read more »
In my opinion you should start to listen to your readers, otherwise we will get tired and not coming back next year..
Are there any reviews where he (Antranig) has a fleshed out review of entries that he doesn’t like?
Given that in terms of social politics, Hungary is becoming the Russia of Central Europe, this song is not just a piece of entertainment but also an important commentary on anti Romani prejudice and racism.
It’s also the entry most inspired by 1944- an ethnic minority artist singing a self composed song dealing with prejudice using ethnic sounds melded with modern RnB production….am I talking about Joci or Jamala?
Solid 8/10 for me. Not an 8.5 just because A Dal is such a strong and underrated selection. Save for Melodifestivalen, it was the strongest selection this year.
Nowadays Hungarian people protest A LOT against the pro-Russian government and polls say most Hungarian people support the EU so don’t categorize us just yet. Most Hungarian people also stand by the decision of sending Joci even though he’s roma. We agree that if Totova couldn’t make it then Joci was the second best option, but his song is soooo not inspired by 1944, that’s just ridiculous.
Gthis is awful. This is not a Song, this is screeming. 0/10
omg have some respect for someone who sings his heart out with this song
and if Joci doesn’t qualify, eurovision has lost it’s taste for the song contest
Well put, anonymous91. I just wish that respect would have shown to all artists and not to the ones that one likes… 😉
*not only
i find Hungary and Romania having the most Original songs this year and both should be in the final
but that’s just my opinion of course, and anyone can disagree with me 🙂
As you know, I agree with you only on one of those songs 😉
But I respect very much ALL artists, whether I like the song or not, because they all have talent and they all expose themselves in one way or another. The question is: Do you? 🙂
yeah i agree with you, i also have respect for all the artists this year 🙂
“masterpiece?????? can i just puke right now because of that
it’s dull, way outdated like 50’s, and so boring”
r e s p e c t 😉
The song is not one of my favorites, and it’s definitely not something I’d play more than once (quite too repetitive also), but I want to see it in the final because of its outstanding ethnic sound.
By the way, I don’t quite understand how the choice of whose comments to post on the Wiwi reviews works. I’d love to read Antranig’s review, who gave this song the lowest score, rather than a lot of reviews with similar scores that are saying the same things.
I totally agree
Ohh, alright! I hope next year this will be decided after so we can read the scalpings from the jurors who gave very low scores haha!
This is not a good system then. With Azerbaijan’s jury we read all reviews with scores higher than 8.5 and yet the end result was a 7.8… the kinks need to be worked out!! Also due to presence of Antranig just dropping one score doesn’t remove potential outliers at all!!
I think the song has a beautiful composition, and I think the rap over the traditional instrumentation is a very interesting inclusion and certainly unique at Eurovision. I just find that when you put all these elements together, it ends up a bit of a hot mess – I think there needs to be more rap in order for it to make sense, otherwise it feels like it was just thrown in just to try to be different. It’s a song with interesting elements individually but a complete trainwreck put together in my opinion. It’s definitely a song that could… Read more »
Thanks for replying.
I take onboard all of your comments but don’t you think a 1 is still a bit harsh when you think it could be salvaged?
Joci’s song is so awesome, i love how much emotion he performs it with
10.5/10 🙂 🙂
juries will love the rapping in this song i think
This is hands down one of my favourites. It’s a sleek piece of trip hop accompanied by Joci’s haunting vocals and rapping skills. The lyrics really speak to me and I can tell how much meaning they hold to him, too. All around, beautiful song and I’m glad it got over a 7.
I love the ethnic sounds in the song, it’s so good! I mean the song is not my cup of tea, but it’s in Hungarian that’s a plus and rap part really fots the song for me it’s a 7/10.