The Wiwi Jury — our in-house panel of music unprofessionals — has arrived in Kyiv, the host city of Eurovision Song Contest 2017. Rock group O.Torvald will represent the host country with “Time”. Are we ready to give the band three minutes of our time? Or are we clocking off? Read on to find out!
O.Torvald – “Time”
About O.Torvald
After ten years of sending female singers (and one drag artist) to the contest, Ukraine is now being represented by a rock group, after O.Torvald won Ukraine’s national selection. The band was formed in 2005 and their debut album was released three years later. As well as releasing six albums, the group has extensively toured Ukraine.
“Time” review
Chris: Rock does have its place at Eurovision and O.Torvald bring one of the more respectable instances of it in recent memory. “Time” worked great on stage at the Ukrainian national final, so hopefully it doesn’t change much from that. That being said, is it a song that jumps out amongst the field? Not really — and that’s where the issue lies. It’s saving grace may be the running order and having its own niche that will attract some voters.
Score: 6/10
Bernardo: Eurovision wouldn’t be Eurovision without a rock act. Taking the #celebratediversity motto quite seriously, O.Torvald bring us a breath of fresh air, keeping their roots and giving “Time” a Eurovision spin. I struggle to enjoy because it’s not my favourite genre of music, but I praise the diversity Ukraine is bringing to the table. It’s strong, it has a good vocalist and has a commercial quality to it.
Score: 4.5/10
Robyn: Every good Eurovision needs at least one hearty rock song and home boys O.Torvald are supplying the goods this year. “Time” sounds like something from the 2000s, but O.Torvald are such skilled rock performers that they bring freshness and energy. And if the national final performances are anything to go by, we can expect some quality over-the-top rock staging, worthy of a Muse gig.
Score: 7.5/10
Padraig: “It’s our time to shine”, so sing the men of O.Torvald. Funnily enough, Mélanie René also thought it was her time to shine back in 2015. She came last in her semi-final. While their status as automatic qualifiers ensures that O.Torvald won’t suffer quite the same fate as poor Mélanie, they’re unlikely to do much better. “Time” makes for a laborious listen. It’s time to do this and that and who cares what else. Ultimately, their biggest achievement is making three minutes feel like an absolute age.
Score: 2/10
Deban: With digital clocks hanging around their necks, O.Torvald remind us of the urgency of time. Serving hard rock with pop sensitivities, “Time” is an unexpected yet clever turn for Ukraine. Gritty, sexy and disheveled, these rock stars who have headlined tours with Garbage and Linkin Park are a worthy addition to the contest.
Score: 6.5/10
Rezo: Time to look, time to see, time to find – This is not my cup of tea or musical style, but give this song to some time and it’s time to look into your eyes, guys! I’m in love with your great and spectacular performance at the national final. The song brings experiences of difficult life and pain, things haven’t finished yet and we’re living still now. O.Torvald and Ukraine – I felt it and I understand you!
Score: 8/10
William: The chorus is a loud, brash and irritating — and that hardly fits with his theme of love and peace! While I enjoy the visuals — an edgy man covered in tats with an exploding chest and an LED that gives The Simpsons a cameo — I feel this is style over substance. And while I’m not overly impressed with the song, I think the band really sells what they’ve got. They’re alternative, sincere and ultimately quite likeable.
Score: 4/10
Antony: Ukraine should be applauded for living up to their Eurovision slogan by entering a rock song. Unfortunately, the song itself is very bland and doesn’t excite me at all. However, what is promising is their staging ideas, especially with the countdown clocks tying in with the song lyrics. I am confident that the staging will elevate the song to give it a reasonable score in the final.
Score: 3/10
In our Wiwi Jury, we have 38 jurors but only room for eight reviews. The rest of our scores can be found below:
Anastas: 5.5/10
Andy: 6.5/10
Angus: 4/10
Anthony: 5.5/10
Antranig: 2/10
Bogdan: 8/10
Dayana: 7.5/10
Edd: 2/10
Erdi: 7/10
Forrest: 4/10
George: 5/10
Jacob: 4/10
Jason: 5/10
Jordi: 4.5/10
Josh: 5.5/10
Jovana: 7.5/10
Kristin: 5.5/10
Luis: 6/10
Marek: 2.5/10
Matt: 6/10
Mikhail: 4/10
Natalie: 5/10
Patrick: 3.5/10
Renske: 8/10
Sami: 6/10
Sinan: 7/10
Stanislav: 8/10
Steinunn: 4.5/10
Tobias: 1/10
Zakaria: 5/10
Before calculating the average score, the highest and lowest scores are dropped. This is to remove outliers and reduce potential bias. We have removed a low of 1 and a high of 8.
Wiwi Jury verdict: 5.22/10
What do you think of this song? Share your own score and review below!
Great song, one of the best entries this year. A refreshing breath of rocky air. Powerful, catchy, well performed and sonorous. I love it.
Pop-rock piece with awesome pre-chorus, but neither I like lead’s chorus attempt nor I like chorus itself, it doesn’t push this song to me. Also, breakdown is so uninspiring.
Yet there were other interesting options, disastrously pulled out by juries. Not Tayanna, obviously, just some other good male singers that could bring some fire.
I can listen to this, so I wed this with russian song at place 28. | 29. Poland | 30. Moldova
This was Ukraine’s best choice, I think. Even if it goes against sending pretty ladies since 2008 🙁 But really, Time was the better song as it now stands as literally the only one of its kind, and being in the final, guarantees some diversity between the pop. However, it’s not really an entry I would go crazy for. It feels somewhat standard, with lyrics that contrast with the overall presentation (besides the concept), and it doesn’t really push the boundary, it sometimes feels like just a rock song. But seeing it on stage it’s absolutely a treat, love the… Read more »
A real crime in the national selection. There was something going on in the Ukraine with regards this being chosen. Really uninspired song. I mean, how can you make rock sound this boring?
I won’t have a thing said against Robyn. Time and again I’ve come on these forums to comment, only to find that she’s already made the same point. With much more eloquence and precision than I would have mustered.
Preach! Robyn is an essential editor and member of our community, whose contributions should never be mocked. Thank you for speaking up!
I must also give my support to Robyn. He has written a very good review of this song. And I don’t see why he should be critisized this way either.
hmmm….or She rather! Sorry. I mixed the name with RobIn. After having read the comments I see it’s a woman.
I agree with her. We need some rock every year. Not too many rock songs this year. Last year was better.
I hope she forgives me. Embarrassing.
Meh. It lacks flavor. Staging was interesting though. *01 Italy* | 02 Norway | 03 | 04 United Kingdom | 05 Austria 06 Albania | 07 | 08 Bulgaria | 09 | 10 France 11 Serbia | 12 Sweden | 13 | 14 Denmark | 15 Moldova 16 Poland | 17 Portugal | 18 Latvia | 19 Cyprus | 20 Iceland 21 Azerbaijan | 22 Australia | 23 Greece | 24 Czechia | 25 Armenia 26 Netherlands | 27 Belarus | 28 Ireland | 29 Finland | 30 Hungary *31 Ukraine* | 32 | 33 Montenegro | 34 Israel |… Read more »
The Glee with which the wiwi reviewers attacked a rock act is real. Nothing gives them more pleasure than to condescend with a “oh how cute, a rock song” “oh yes there definitely is a place for an occasional rock novelty, just like we can accept a yodelling song to break the boredom” “well done to these boys for perservering with their ridiculous rock music, how do they sleep at night”. Hope you had a good laugh wiwiblog Anyway this song sucks. Its pop, its NOT rock. All they do is pose with guitars. The Belarus song last year was… Read more »
I love Montenegro, but I understand why some people despise it. The hate for this song, however, I cannot understand, especially coming from people who like rock. If this were one of many rock entries then I would understand if people found it lackluster, but that’s not the case. It’s a perfectly good rock song (some would even say it’s pop-rock) and it really stands out to me. It’s in my personal top 10, but I think they’ll? be lucky to crack top 20 the night of the final.
Such high scores for such a boring song. Nothing to stand out, to shine… It’s just a common rock song and that’s it. The high scores of some of the jury members are simply outrageous and unjustified, considering the fact that some other great songs got low points and low verdicts overall (Bulgaria, Poland, Iceland, Portugal, Romania) while others are too high (Belarus in top 10?!? Finland, too! Not to mention the overrated Sweden). I’m waiting for the day those hilarious verdicts will face the final Eurovision ranks and then I’ll come back here and laugh in the faces of… Read more »
I think you should stop facing the final results of the contest as a chance to laugh at people whose favorites didn’t do well and show them that your opinion “prevailed”.
I initially enjoyed this song, but now it lost all its appeal. The lead singer doesn’t really have a rock voice.
Agreed. Very good metal, but the lead singer doesn’t have the vocal chops for this kind of metal, and it brings my score down. They are my #34 after my 2nd evaluation.
Apart from some exceptions pure rock is not my cup of tea. So my first instinct was to dislike the song. Then I gave it another try and found the actual melody not that bad if you strip all the guitars that are going on. But then I read here that the rock lovers among you do not like the song… 🙂 You must have your reasons… Well, anyway I think the song builds up and have some melodic structure that makes it palatable to non-rock tastes (I guess why you guys don’t like it), but not palatable enough for… Read more »
LOL, loved Padraig’s review! 😀
This song is OK. It’s the only rock song this year, so I expect it to do well. It’s nothing impressive though. Tayanna should have won the national selection.
Sorry, but this was better than Tayanna. By a mile. I know that this style of music isn’t to everyone’s taste, but come on – it’s a good song, alternative with a hint of thrash metal in it. People need to learn that not every ESC song has to sound like Dance Alone. You’ve got to credit these guys for having the guts to not do something typical like that Tayanna girl did. Solid 8/10 for me.
First of all, I have to say I was a TAYANNA fan! I just loved her song!! “Time” is not a bad song! It’s totally “celebrate doversity”! We don’t have any other rock songs this year! So it makes a difference! I don’t love it, but I like it! Definetely Ukraine doesn’t wish to host again! This is obvious! But this is a respectable song for a host country! It’s a decent representation! I’ll give it a 5.5! P.S.: Wiwibloggs, yesterday you posted a review of “Requiem”, but you didn’t upload the review video on your youtube channel! Why is… Read more »
Thanks for the response! Looking forward!!
As a rock fan, I’m so happy that Ukraine finally got out of its diva mode and send a rock band. As for the song, it’s decent. I listen to this song more on my Spotify than big favorites like Italy and Belgium. With that said, I give it a respectable 6.5. Too bad I expect them to maybe get the Austria 2015 treatment and finish near the bottom because of the whole Russia melodrama. 🙁
And stop attacking Robyn. She’s one of my favorite Wiwibloggers.
Ukraine in Eurovision is like pizza.
Even when they’re bad, they’re still pretty good.
Robyn is a good reviewer and she answer the comments here most of the times and reply our questions. You might not agree with her opinion but at least her opinions make sense and she provides reasons to her ratings.
To me is one of the best wiwibloggerss.
And to me as well. Robyn is life and without her the Wiwi Jury would have been ditched long ago. It’s a HUGE organisational nightmare and she bravely takes on the task.
This is a very credible host entry, although let’s be honest anyone was going to struggle coming after Jamala. It’s good to have a rock entry and I’d have this over many after entries in this genre.
And after the difficulties/chaos/hot mess/international crisis/ that have arisen out of Ukraine hosting ESC 2017, I think we can be glad that the country don’t have a shot of winning this year. Odessa is too close to Crimea and Lviv has a huge litter problem at the moment!
You don’t want Ukraine to host again, but who, western country where you have to be afraid of the lorries?
Wow. Mocking a terrorist attack to imply that Western countries are not safe (which is total bs if you look at the statistics: you’re more likely to die from a falling piece of furniture than from a terrorist attack). And all of that just for Eurovision.
Some people really have no shame. Moderation please?
Thanks Robyn. This is sooo mutch better than Italy, Portugal, Hungury and Romania.
Kristin Kristjansdottir 5.5/10 … Why?
Kristin likes rock, why this score? Sorry but in the video we saw the opinions of 3 men who are so sure that Ukraine doesn’t want to host again.
At least Stanislav, Dayana, Bogdan, Renske, Jovana have good scores.
Hiieee. I would encourage all of the trolls coming after Robyn to stop. It’s a known fact that Robyn is quite the fan when it comes to rock entries at Eurovision. Last year she gave some of her highest points to Cyprus and Georgia, and she’s a self-confessed Nika Kocharov fangirl alongside some others in our team. The reality is that musical taste is completely subjective and opinions are like butt holes – everybody has one. No one is ever going to agree on anyone else’s top rankings, so this ridiculous attacking towards Robyn needs to stop. In the words… Read more »
I quite like this. It stands out, and it’s good Eurovision-rock, it’s own genre as far as I can tell. I expect it to do a *LOT* better in the final than many suggest, and wouldn’t be shocked by it hitting top 5 with the sure-to-be-excellent staging, dream spot in the final, and no similar acts this year. 7.5/10
‘Eurovision rock’ often means that certain group of viewers will vote for rock, no matter what and they will get good result 😛 Good luck to the band tho, this song actually provides good possibilites for excellent staging.
Can someone tell me why everyone is on a witch hunt after Robyn?
Not everyone. I personally think Robyn is awesome. 🙂
I worry that this is some kind of organised attempt to bring down Wiwibloggs, to be honest. It might even be instigated by a rival blog. I hope not though. People can just be cruel sometimes. 🙁
spot On. I Know Only That If My Europinions Suck, I don’t get hounded for them. What makes it worse is that Robyn consistently has strong justifications for her ratings – moreso than most of the others, in my view – and she doesn’t pander obsequiously, nor attack unfairly. In this review, she says: “Every good Eurovision needs at least one hearty rock song and home boys O.Torvald are supplying the goods this year.” Correct, succinct, and informative all in one go. ““Time” sounds like something from the 2000s, but O.Torvald are such skilled rock performers that they bring freshness… Read more »
yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s only one petty person hiding behind multiple accounts… it’s very annoying. robyn is one of the best wiwibloggers and she shouldn’t take it serious.
Robyn should leave or be fired
Not going to happen. But you are welcome to leave if you don’t like her valuable contributions.
Rock songs like this one, which is more like punk rock or new metal, tend to have low scores from Wiwi jury, due to mainly eurovision tastes of jurors. So, 5.22 is actually a good result, indicating that the song will do really well on the contest.
The key of this song is C-sharp minor throughout. This means the dominant chord is an en-harmonic G-sharp major, proving that this song was likely written on guitar, as this kind of harmony would be incredibly complicated to score on most other instruments. Lots of guitars it certainly is. 🙂 The structure of the song is relatively simple for a rock song, and its sound does remind me a bit of the band “Muse.” In my opinion, the best part of “Time” is the ultimate “rock-out” Instrumental during the middle of the song – it’s a great musical moment that… Read more »
I do love that Ukraine, Spain and Portugal are all sending male singers for the first time in a while. Really fits the Celebrate Diversity motto.
As for this entry, I think that if it’s staging builds on what was at the national final, it will be a solid show.
It’s an ok song. The staging in Ukraine was quite good so I am sure they will create something good in Kiev.
I don’t think they will score super high, but something from 5th to 10th position will not surprise me. Don’t forget this is the only rock song this year.
I love rock music and I’m a former grunge kid (and still Pearl Jam fan :)), but this song- just no. Dare to say this is one of the weakest songs in competition, guess Ukraine is not ambitious this year.. If you want rock in the competition I appreciatte, but doesn’t mean you can send ANY rock song!
I’m rooting for someone like Lordi to be again in competition actually.
Can’t deny respectable energy of the band and good performance, but the song isn’t quite memorable..
I like how Ukraine is consistently sending different genres to Eurovision. Most countries tend to send the same genre over and over, especially if they are successful (hello Sweden), but Ukraine is very good at Eurovision and still constantly innovates.
The song is ok-ish. The genre is actually closer to the kind of songs I listen to but in this particular pop/rock scene, this song is only middle of the way. Still not a bad song to listen to, they’re #23 in my ranking.
Btw, these guys are not responsible for all the sh*t going on between Ukraine and Russia.
”all the sh*t going on between Ukraine and Russia”
Ukraine and Russia have a love-hate relationship. All is happening between them are just love games. Ukrainians work in Russia, including singers, and they vote for each other in esc. Don’t try to understand them, this is the way they are.
Yes, and? This has nothing to do with what I wrote, what comment are you answering?
I was just saying that because someone commented “i like the song but the treatment of russian participant made me begrudge this entry” right hereunder.
This is just not good, at least for me.. I mean the lyrics are just repetitive and I admit that I am not a rock fan, but I loved Finland’s entry in 2014 and Georgia in 2016, so think this is just not that good. For me 3,5/10. I hope this will finish below Germany:)
Oh, BACK OFF Robyn, guys! She is actually one of the hardest working people here, she always responds and interacts with us, which I appreciate very much.
The song is okay. It’s not great, it’s not bad. It’s more good than not, I guess. Their NF performance was visually arresting. I appreciate that for once, Ukraine doesn’t have a single woman performer.
10 – ITA, FIN
4 – SM, GER, ARM
3 – SPA
2 – MON
# robynisoutofthegame
Game over for her, in each reviews she is out….I confirm I hate her and I’m not the only one.
This campaign against Robyn and Wiwibloggs is unjustified. It needs to stop now. If you would like different reviews, either write to Wiwi or start your own website. There is no need to attack anyone personally.
I don’t think it’s a campaign, I think it’s just that one guy behaving and posting like a psycho. 😀
You are the only one boo.
It’s apparent that you are the only one that hates her. These reviews are personal opinions and you have to respect that. Celebrating diversity means being able to respect diverse opinions in diverse communities.
I like rock music but I am not a fan of this song. It’s a bit dated but the fact it is the only rock song in the contest, it might do better than I expect.
# robynisuseless
I think you are. Just a badly behaving troll maybe?
Robyn gives 7,5 to ukraine , it’s confirmed this girl has brain’s problem. Go to hide you it’s better, booo.
Well someone clearly doesn’t know that music is subjective. Just cause you dislike a song, doesn’t mean everyone else has to.
Her score isn’t the highest and it isn’t the lowest, and yet it’s the one that bothers you the most. Why is that? You have a problem with girls who like rock?
Someone is trolling with those same comments in other articles. I don’t know what they have against her, but it’s creepy.
i like the song but the treatment of russian participant made me begrudge this entry.
Methinks the people at OikoTimes punished them by scoring them last. O.Torvald’s was definitely no winner by any means, but there are worse entries than them.
and I like rock music.