They’re a pair of Eurovision veterans who have joined forces to slay the competition in Kyiv. And on Wednesday Estonia’s Koit Toome & Laura threw down their bid for the crown with a stirring and highly polished performance of “Verona”.

Fans of Estonia’s Eesti Laul will recognise much this performance, including the alternating solo shots of Koit and Laura and the generous use of black and white. But the Estonians have taken their stage show to another level with some truly stunning new visuals. The performance opens with Koit walking down the stage, which becomes a runway owing to a bright white light from above. The aerial shot looks magical and had shades of Elina Born 2015. The digital representations of Koit and Laura on the LED look far more impressive now. The pixelated images of their faces on the LED cleverly connotes the disintegration of their relationship — and perhaps their own sense of self — as their relationship falls apart. Laura wore a white gown with illusion cut-outs that suggested she was showing more skin than she actually was. It was less Miss Universe and more woman-on-the town.

Another nice touch comes in the white starbursts on the black floor, which Laura and Koit are meant to stand on simultaneously at one point. Unfortunately Koit repeatedly missed his mark — and indeed the majority of his camera angles, at times failing to raise and lower his head in time for his close-ups. Even he just had to laugh. “What has he been doing for the last six weeks?” you might ask. Well, his wife recently had a baby.

Thankfully Koit’s minor missteps are easily ironed out. This is a gorgeous performance and I’ll eat Koit’s leather jacket if it doesn’t qualify.

Koit Toome and Laura — “Verona”: Reviews and Reactions

Estonia: First rehearsal at Eurovision 2017

Estonia: First press conference 2017

Read all of our Eurovision rehearsal reviews

Read all of our Estonia Eurovision news here

Photo: (EBU)

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7 years ago

They didn`t get all the cameras they needed for their act. That`s why Koit seemed lost. Koit did the previously rehearsed version but the necessary cameras were not there where he expected them to be. It was said in one of the recent interviews that the production team has apologized and they`ll get what they need in the second rehearsal.

7 years ago

maybe they should draw the map of Verona on the stage so Koit won´t get lost.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
7 years ago
Reply to  redfox


Ahhh.. we lost and we FOUND our Verona-ah-ahhhh!
Ahhh… we have FOUND our Verona! 😀

Grete Paia
Grete Paia
7 years ago

Laura is perfectly cast in this epic song of star crossed romantics. Her flop marriage gives her all the fuel she needs to drive this narrative. She is bringing authentic divorce realness when it matters hun-neee.

Well thats we think. What do you think

Polegend Godgarina
7 years ago
Reply to  Grete Paia

I think she looks like a present day legend. Talent, class, beauty, vocals, stage presence on FLEEK. #MafiaDiVerona

7 years ago

JOWST from Norway, Zhenya the vocalist from Ukraine, Koit from Estonia, all have newborn babies. I guess this is a fertile year.

7 years ago

Their outfits are too different, she is elegant and he is casual. If he will wear leather jacket, they can kiss qualification goodbye.

7 years ago
Reply to  ks

Koit wasn`t wearing his semi-final outfit, they were just trying different colours and textures what would suit him the best. Laura would have the same dress, Koit something matching to it. At least that`s what one of the interviews said.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
7 years ago

I went to Verona once, in 2008. I did get lost for about a minute. But I have never been lost on a stage that has proper stage cues (or markings). Koit has been doing this as long as I have, he just needs a very strong beverage to get those cues right! 🙂
It looks great; best of luck to them in the 2nd Rehearsal, with that added beverage.

Grete Paia
Grete Paia
7 years ago
Reply to  Purple Mask

Looks like he woke with a bottle in his hand today. If Estonia don’t win its because of his many mistakes. Laura is just flawless

7 years ago

Their national final performance was so good, they didn’t need to change much at all. Tidy up the positioning and the angles, job done. Love the song, the performers and know they will do well!

Polegend Godgarina
7 years ago

Also, I’m glad Wiwi received this performance very well. There were imperfections, but it’s the first rehearsal, isn’t it? 😀

Polegend Godgarina
7 years ago

The nerve of you spamming your list under Estonia’s article when you put it 14th, below Ireland and Poland(!!!)

7 years ago

rich of you to call people out for spamming when youre the one who spews verbal diarrhoea on every article

The shade of it all
The shade of it all
7 years ago
Reply to  Josie

Polegend Gagarina just got called!!! the f*ck out!!!

Polegend Godgarina
7 years ago

Fan-ta-stic. They got the vocals, the drama, and the best song. The #MafiaDiVerona is already after the spirit rats who left negative comments.

7 years ago

This is going to do so well in the televote but slated by the juries

Polegend Godgarina
7 years ago
Reply to  Karen

I don’t think so, it was joint 3rd in the press vote today. Do the juries watch the performances live when voting, or on a screen like the viewers at home?

7 years ago

Juries watch the dress rehearsals the day before the live shows and immediately vote afterwards.

Grete Paia
Grete Paia
7 years ago
Reply to  Karen

Stay pressed hunny

7 years ago

Not only are they lost in Verona but also a bit lost on stage.

This one had great potential for backdrop and staging, but it looks like nothing to me.

Polegend Godgarina
7 years ago
Reply to  KuhKatz

The first rehearsal was a bit confusing for Koit, but he got it together in the other two. They’re keeping it simple and dramatic, no need for special effects and gimmicks when the song is flawless already!

7 years ago

Why is every country using LEDs with their faces?! This is like the “blue light atmosphere” last year or the trees back in 2015! It looks nice in some performance, but we should have more variety. Otherwise it will get boring for the viewers.

7 years ago
Reply to  Héctor

I think in their case, they’ve been doing it since Eesti Laul while the others just added the LED faces on Eurovision. So I would give them a pass!

As for the clip, it’s just made for TV like Bulgaria. It’ll look different from what we’re seeing so far. However, poor Koit needs some sleep. I know he’s on diaper duty but he should get some rest before the next rehearsal.

PS: Koit in Italian equals love! ^_^

Polegend Godgarina
7 years ago
Reply to  Americanvision

Koit in Italian sounds like coito which means sexual intercourse. Love is amore, Americanvision, but I guess you know better than an Italian citizen…

7 years ago

I know. I meant Koit singing in Italian is just swoonworthy. <3

Don't mind me with my American way of fangirling! *blush*

Polegend Godgarina
7 years ago
Reply to  Americanvision

Ohh haha oop well yeah his Italian is perfect, I didn’t expect that flawless accent. Laura’s, on the other hand, is a bit messy but still cute. As an Italian, I’m in love with everything about them. I’ve been visiting Verona very often bc it’s like a blessed city for me now, I even got lost there last Saturday

7 years ago

omg Koit sounds like coito, I’m morto.

7 years ago

Go Estonia and grab the finale without my help, since I can’t vote for you in this semi. Koit, please don’t disappoint me!!! Your voice is the best between the two (of course Laura is good anyway, yet I prefer male voices, as always… It’s my personal defect), but you look a bit of a wandering wooden stick, soooo… I’ve spent nothing but good words for your delightful performance, remember this 🙂 P.S. For those who don’t know about it yet, well… They made the Italian version of Verona, with an official video (*Moonwalkstudio* youtube channel). … … … Koit… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Elle

Love, love, love!

However, watching the press conference, I couldn’t help but laugh when Laura did her freestyle. Def. enjoyed that. And Koit does look a bit like Gary Barlow from Take That, so I can see why the producers in Birmingham called him that when he competed in ’98.

But yeah, I hope they iron their kinks by the 2nd rehearsal. Same with Bulgaria.

7 years ago
Reply to  Americanvision

I outbid you… Love, love, love, LOVE! 🙂 Oh mamma mia… Gary Barlow o_o’ I’ve always *mehh* him, thought it looked rather unpretty… You’re ruining my romance daydreaming, you know?! In ’98 Koit was another thing. Fortunately. He’s like an exquisite French or Italian wine, it gets better and better with time 😉 Good professional and nice couple, though, you’re right! But I do actually think (as others) that they don’t get along so well with each other, I do sense an underground lack of shared chemistry (this being on a professional or a personal level, I’m not allowed to… Read more »

Grete Paia
Grete Paia
7 years ago
Reply to  Elle

Its well known that Koit’s girlfriend is insanely jealous of Laura because she is very beautiful with perfect body and great dancer. That witch threaten to ruin Estonia’s entry if he became friends with Laura. That’s why he always looks nervous on stage. Laura cannot even hug him in public and must do it away from the cameras.

7 years ago
Reply to  Grete Paia

Wow! O-O Really?! That’s an insane amount of envy and insecurity in one woman. I can see where she’s coming from but come ooooon, if you really love each other, other female friends ain’t gonna ruin you! but that’s just my opinion.

7 years ago
Reply to  Americanvision

I think Bulgaria will close the circle quite well, at the end. Real special effects are still missing and I’m much more confident of his artistry than Blanche’s, for example.

Grete Paia
Grete Paia
7 years ago
Reply to  Elle

You sound like a bit of a hater. Please stay calm. Laura will learn you a lesson

7 years ago
Reply to  Grete Paia

If you’re answering me, then you can’t read, as most here… I said I Like Laura, I just don’t care about her because I know she’ll be doing fine. I prefer male voices, ok? You get it now?

7 years ago

This song has so many haters, probably because they wanted Kerli to win. But guess what…Verona has a much better shot to qualify than Spirit Animal. Kerli might be known in the dance clubs, but she’s not mainstream enough to qualify just because it’s Kerli.
I see older people voting for this (over 40 y/a).

Polegend Godgarina
7 years ago
Reply to  Joe

Yeah, the spirit rats are still pressed at the superior song Verona winning Eesti Laul, just look at the comments under today’s videos lmao but the public is responding very well to this song and it’s my #1 favorite – and I’m 20, not 40. Most of the #MafiaDiVerona is 16-20 and we’re all voting for Estonia <3

7 years ago

did you literally just call them spirit rats lmao

7 years ago

Yes, I know that young people will vote for Verona. However, I think the biggest score will be with people over 40. The song has a retro vibe from late 80’s-early 90’s. They will enjoy it.

7 years ago

This song reminds me of “Modern Talking”, very plastic and soulless.
They are not only lost in Verona but also lost in time and lost on stage.

7 years ago

this is so boring… they’re lost, and hopefully not found for the final…

7 years ago

THEY TOOK IT TO ANOTHER LEVEL HONEY!!! (Oh, God, wiwibloggs! This phrase you often say is stuck in my head! But I really don’t have any other way to express myself!) I’m a “Verona” fan since the Estonian NF! They mostly kept this concept which I love! I prefer Laura with this dress than with the “Miss Universe” gown! She seems more natural! It’s well made and though it’s exceptional with many details on it, her styling keep the balance! Koit is also amazing! Ok, I know he missed his cameras and his marks on the stage, but I’m confident… Read more »

7 years ago

I still don’t think they have chemistry but something draws me to this song. I don’t really want to like it, but I do.

7 years ago

Wow, very nice staging! But, Koit, you really need to get some sleep before the finals, because you could actually win this!

Ay Jo
Ay Jo
7 years ago

Overrated song, I can`t find something special in this composition as people are claiming.

Polegend Godgarina
7 years ago
Reply to  Ay Jo

Time to purchase Q-tips, henny.