Last night, during the Eurovision 2017 Semi-Final 1 jury show, sparks flew and voices soared. And in the aftermath the bookies’ continued to narrow the odds on the front-runners to win.
With tonight’s show just hours away, Portugal’s Salvador Sobral remains in pole position with odds as low as 15/8. The “Amar pelos dois” singer, who missed last week’s rehearsals owing to ongoing health issues, was not phased during the jury show, delivering an emotional performance with his signature quirks. As he sang it was clear he was in another world. Yet he still managed to connect with the audience around him. This gave us major winner’s vibes.
But victory in the semi-final isn’t a sure thing, as Armenia’s Artsvik remains level with him at a number of betting agencies with odds as low as 2/1.
The “Fly With Me” singer works ethno-glam better than anyone in this year’s competition, delivering a dazzling stage show that elevates her vaguely ancient sounding song into performance art.
It works on a micro level — hand movements, nail polish, costume, digital LED bird — and a macro one — beautiful colours, inspiring sound, undeniable atmosphere.
Producers accidentally cued the Czech Republic’s music at the start of her performance last night, but she remained unfazed, hitting her performance and putting that blip behind her.
Given that Russia’s diaspora vote is up for grabs, she may well swoop in like an eagle and snatch up those votes.
Eurovision 2017: Semi-Final 1 odds to win
Eurovision 2017: Semi-Final 1 odds to qualify
Odds to win are one thing, odds to qualify are another.
At the moment the bookies believe that the ten acts proceeding to the final are: Sweden, Armenia, Portugal, Azerbaijan, Greece, Finland, Australia, Moldova, Belgium and Cyprus.
In their eyes, Poland, Latvia, Georgia, Slovenia, Iceland, Albania, Montenegro and Czech Republic are out.
Our readers don’t agree. In their minds (and based on our fan poll), Poland, Latvia and Iceland will sail through.
We tend to think that Poland will advance, owing to Kasia’s strong jury performance and the Polish diaspora vote. Latvia, which closes the show, is in a strong position — it’s difficult to forget their neon splatter paint and edgy sound going into the voting interval.
i think cyprus this year of eurovision had there BEST song and i will be very huppy if they win
Maybe I’m wrong but it doesn’t make sense to me ehen people say that the Armenian diaspora helps and/or is responsible for good outcomes for Armenia and etc. All of the Armenian diaspora combined in the whole entire Europe, is certainly much less than any nation’s population/voters. There are only 10.3 million Armenians in the whole entire world. If Russia gives 12 points to Armenia, it doesn’t mean that the Armenian diaspora is responsible for it. Russian population vs Armenian diaspora which is only 3+ million in the entire Europe??? Doesn’t make sense.
I agree. The only countries the diaspora can really influence are France, Russia, and maybe Ukraine. This year only Ukraine would have been able to vote for them in this semi. Idk why people always cry over Armenia’s diaspora. A lot of them probably don’t even watch Eurovision.
My prediction to qualify: Sweden, Australia, Belgium, Finland, Azerbaijan, Portugal,
Poland, Cyprus, Armenia and Latvia. Finland or Armenia will win the semi-final in my opinion.
Poland is soooo boring this year. I want Michal Szpak back! 😉
Rooting for Finland, but honestly best luck to everyone!
ESC Pedictions SF 1 (does not reflect at all my personal favorite list) Sweden – sure qualifier Portugal – not 100% sure but hoping. Some diaspora vote helps a little bit. Spain,only neighbor, will vote in SF 1, which could help. Armenia – sure qualifier and diaspora helps Georgia – Will impress jury and help from neighbors Greece – will do good with televote Finland – this is my least certain qualifier. It will rank well with juries and will have at least neighboring televote Azerbaijan – will appeal to jury and televote and has neighbors helping Australia – Not… Read more »
I think that Belgium will be helped by the juries and will catch the final in the end. But not on a top position.
Well… it seems you were right 😉
Should have switched for Finland or Georgia. 🙂
qualifiers for sure really hope everyone votes for them
Portugal needs a good result finally
Why do idiots assume that the juries will automatically vote for Australia? Because Dami got all the votes last year? You clowns do realize she had the best voice and best song? Former winners like Rybak said Dami’s voice was the best he had ever heard at Eurovision. Conchita said she was blown away by her voice and glad she wasn’t competing against her. So it’s no surprise she was favored by juries made up of music experts. As for this year, Australia won’t be getting jury votes because Isaiah is an avg singer who can’t handle the pressure. After… Read more »
the pre-contest predictions are always like “God and angels, Superman, Batman and Spiderman!” but the actual qualifiers be like “Super Mario. Sponge Bob. A rooster. Cheese???”
I really can’t think of anyone the bookies say not qualifying, but I also just can’t see Georgia and not qualifying
prediction: -Sweden -Australia -Belgium -Finland -Azerbaijan -Moldova -Armenia -Latvia Not 100% sure about Australia, Belgium and Moldova, but i think they will. the other 2 places are between: -Portugal -Greece -Poland -Cyprus Honestly i have no idea about these 4… Portugal will do well with the televoting in the semi final, but no idea where the jury will rank them… (between 3th-last) which leaves Georgia, Albania, Montenegro, Iceland, Chezzy and slovenia in the semi. Personally i hope that Iceland will qualify, but hopes are low for them. Czech Republic, Slovenia and Montenegro are in my eyes doomed to end in… Read more »
Finland for me
Portugal have a realy intemporal song…
Music are not dance music like Italy or the massive themes on eurovision….!
This music is the best of the best…!
Montenegro will be the surprise of the night. Fans will be lividly writing tomorrow “how did Montenegro qualify over Azerbaijan/Belgium/Finland (one of which is sure to be a fan flop)
Salvador and his sister, Luísa, singing the beautiful song of Finland, “Blackbird”
Have no clue how juries will push entries, but I predict pretty even televotes. There’re bops, strong ballads, vintage-classic Portugal and then some. Perhaps most interesting still might be ‘portuguese vs rest’ bipolar tournament.
My prediction in final in order of performances
3.Australia ( only thanks to juries)
Whatever happens tonight, I think everyone has reason to be proud of what their country sent this year.
I’m tired of Sasha Jean-Baptiste, she likes black too much, Armenia already had good ideas from video. Sasha JB made Isaiah, Kristian and Artsvik to wear black, at least she let Tamara alone.
Hans Pannecoucke is a person who did wonders for Spain staging, because he understood the song, Sasha would have made Manel dress like a monk.
Yes, kind of agree with this.
Sasha is good.. yet pretentious.
And she always forget that the most important thing: any artist need to connect through camera to audience at home.
Her stagings always feel cold and lack appeal.
Remember “Leave Britney Alone”? Let’s try revamping that in order to prevent people from continuing to criticize Blanche: “LEAVE BLANCHE ALONE!!!!!!!” 🙂
My opinion keeps changing and most likely will whilst watching the live show. Here is my predictions from watching the 2nd rehearsal snippets (in and out of order)!
Cyprus or Portugal
Sweden, Finland, Azerbaijan, Portugal, Armenia ? Will all qualify
Australia, Greece, Moldova will probably qualify
Belgium, Poland are the likely other places: Cyprus could dislodge one of these (particularly if Blanche has her rehearsal struggles tonight, Poland is helped by its diaspora even though nothing much happens).
Georgia is unlikely unless Tamara nails the vocals. Been nudging Latvia out of the running more and more since the rehearsals.
Albania, Montenegro, Iceland, Czech Republic, Slovenia ? no chance.
Latvia should qualify, and Greece and Cyprus shouldn’t. At least, based on the performances in the dress rehearsal and jury rehearsal.
Hmm, here is my guess:
Armenia, Sweden, Portugal, Azerbaijan, Greece, Poland, Finland, Belgium, Moldova, Cyprus
Latvia, Georgia, Australia, Albania, Czechia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Iceland
Iceland and Albania 🙁 i weep for them
I want Slavko to qualify ! We need her in The Finals !
Slavko is male, to be honest.
I think most people are in agreement that there are 5 certain qualifiers (Sweden, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Portugal and Finland) and 5 spots that are more less open and could be filled by Poland, Greece, Belgium, Cyprus, Latvia, Australia or Georgia. I think the rest of the acts are all but eliminated at this point, but every year there are shock qualifiers and non qualifiers. Who will pull a Cyprus 2015?
I can’t? believe I forgot about Moldova??? Shame on me, they already have one foot in the final.
Cyprus has Armenia-Hovig’s origin- and Greece in this semifinal.
Taking everything to account, here’s who is definitely making the Final:
Sweden, Finland, Azerbaijan, Portugal, Armenia
The remaining 5 spots will be between any of the following:
Australia, Belgium, Greece, Poland, Moldova, or Latvia.
I can also see Georgia, Cyprus, Slovenia, or Montenegro being the spoiler.
I hope I can access SVT on phone since I’m on vacation.
1. Sweden,
2. Belgium,
3. Armenia,
4. Portugal,
5. Greece,
6. Finland,
7. Poland,
8. Azerbaijan
9. Australia
Out: 1. Slovenia, 2. Czechia, 3. Iceland, 4. Montenegro, 5. Latvia, 6. Moldova, 7. Cyprus, 8. Georgia
Portugal is the worst Song EVER. Its not worth to Win the semi. Armenia is not worth to Win.
You are such a pathetic, annoying arrogant Sweed.
I still don’t get Sweden. It’s one of those songs you hear on radio and H&M without really even noticing. Nothing lifts it higher than others. It’s like an Ikea chair, lacks all personality and there are millions similar produced.
Though I think Poland will easily make the final this year, I think many tend to overestimate the power of the Polish diaspora. Prior to 2014, Poland had a terrible streak of results at Eurovision even though they have a diaspora. So let’s remember that the diaspora of Poland don’t guarantee success ?
Portugal is a divider. It will impres either juries or voters but not both of them. Armenia will woo the voters more than juries but both will have her in top 10. Sweden will impress both though.
Of course everything is just predicitions.
Sweden should win this semi. The second semi is a lot more competitive.
My eight year old daughter will wote a lot at Montenegro! She also has Austaralia as her favorite and many more!
She will probably sleep when it’s time, but I have promised to wote for her! Is there any other that wath with their children, and what are thier favorites!
Your daughter has amazing taste! I too would vote for australia and macedonia if I could 🙁
Forgot! WE can’t vote to night! Well, well!
There are so many good songs to chose from, but I hope moste of all Portugal and Belgium, and offcorse our own Robin!
“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win”.
The only song I loved first time when I listend at the songs was Portuagal! I have heard some at swedish tv that also have Portugal as a favorite. Even Robin Bengtson in an inteviw! It’s fantastic. Hope we in sweden will give Portugal 12 points!
This song is for ages that even this years contestants have somehow a necessity to support Portugal publicily. Thank you and good luck to your country as well (although you don’t really need it, eheh).
Good Luck on Saturday!
You can relax to night, and on saturday Portugal gets most of my votes! It’s the best!
I wonder who will vote? In sweden i think it’s not at all the same categories as in our national selection. People in sweden seems to have no Idea that ESC starts tomorow, but when it is Melodifestivalen it’s like christmas! For us in sweden the melfest is a family and friends thing. Diffrent ages wath and vote . Sometimes people get angry of the results and blame it to the children! They have to much power and vote more than adults. BUT – because the show is interesting to the childrens, well then every family looks at it together.… Read more »
Hi ! I’m french and we invit family and friends to watch it at home. But only the final. Semis are too new in french TV I guess. But tonight I Will watch It with a friend. We don’t have kids anymore (my yougest brother is 15 years old) but we do that since a long Time. I’m a 23 years old student and I follow and love Eurovision every year.
Thank you, it’s fun to get a picture how other do!
When it is the swedish melfest! Well then we have a melfestcake, ballons, use chanpagneglases, all dressed upp in glitter etc etc.
The interest for ESC is huge in Sweden, it’s just that a majority tend to care more about the final then the semi-finals. Fact is these last two years ESC has been more watched than MF in Sweden, where itäs usually the other way arou´nd.
I agree that many see ESC, but i don’t agree that it is whith the same intrest as melfest. Many se a part of it and they don’t bother to vote. Well this is just my experience from those I meet! I have only one friend that cares about ESC before the show!
And there are more people talking about Melodifestivalen than ESC.
Totally agree!. It is a myth that all Swedes are mad about Eurovision. People of my age (around 30) who don’t have children don’t even look at the semifinals of Melodifestivalen and certainly not at the semi finals in Eurovision. Most people don’t look at the final either. The whole world thinks that all of Sweden cares extremely much but the only person I know who really cares is myself. Those watching the shows are families and older people. Those who vote are families and (I). When Måns won the competition I met several people who did not even know… Read more »
Putting anecdotal evidence aside, the Eurovision broadcast has a market share of some 85% in Sweden, the highest in Europe.
Almost 40% of our population watched the final last year. Only Iceland is higher on that list, with a massive 60%, but with 1/30 the population of Sweden. As mentioned before, the ratings for the national selections are even higher.
With all due respect to your circle of friends, those are huge numbers, comparable to big sporting events like the Olympics or World cup.
Mattias, do you watch whith your friends and family! Whath do you like the most? The national selection in your country or ESC? And those who you talk to. Are they intrested in ESC?
I think that if we in sweden were forsed to choose between only having the melfest or only compete in ESC whith a hand picked song. Then the sweeds would chose the melfest and skip ESC!
If i had to choose between watching Melodifestivalen or watching eurovision i would choose Mello without regrets. -Said by a not Swede
100% in the final I see Sweden, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Grece and Latvia. They are all great and juries and televotingt will like them both, at least enough to let them finish in the top 10. 100% out are Iceland, Montenegro, Czech Republic and Slovenia. Georgia and Albania also aren’t very likely to qualify but I wouldn’t be too surprised if the juries pushed them trough. The last spots in the final I believe are for Australia, Portugal, Poland, Finland and Belgium. Moldova and Cyprys are also likely to qualify but I think juries will drag them down. Tonight is going… Read more »
No offence, but if horrible entries like ‘Color Of Your Life’ and ‘In The Name Of Love’ qualified I just can’t imagine and amazing and vocally stunning piece like Flashlight not making it.
That’s your opinion XD
“Color of your life” was pleasant and hooking. And Michal’s stage present was incredible.
Flashlight is dull and Kasia is too cold.
Diaspora is not going to save her
Exactly. My opinion. Thank you <3
I don´t like any of this songs!Sorry
I agree with the bookies in that ten of the Top 12 in their odds are likely to go through!!
Disagree with @Colin in preferring Albania over Cyprus as a possible Qualifier
My prediction für tonight:
Qualifiers: 1) Finland 2) Armenia 3) Portugal 4) Moldova 5) Azerbaijan 6) Latvia 7) Sweden 8) Australia 9) Greece 10) Slovenia
Eliminated: 11) Poland 12) Czech Republic 13) Belgium 14) Albania 15) Cyprus 16) Georgia 17) Montenegro 18) Iceland
Slovenia could surprisingly qualify ,the best shock of the night and If Poland won’t qualify
Yeah, I’ve had kind of a Evelina Sasenko feeling since the day the running order was announced… we’ll see. Every year in each semi final there is a surprise qualifier and I think in the first semi final 2017 it might be either Slovenia or the Czech Republic.
Agree. He has won and he is winning over lots of hearts
Ewelina Saszenko’s qualification was not a suprise at all… In fact, she was first in the jury rank that evening
I’m not gonna suprise , I loke all the songs and I’ll cry for Albania and Georgia if they will not hget through
I want all of them in the Final
Portugal and Armenia are BY FAR the best. Hope one of them wins the semi-final
It is laughable.. everyone is an expert in here.
Whatever you prefer or like it does not represent the masses..noone is out until the results our out.
I think Portugal might struggle a bit with the televoting, but it’s the only non-English song in this SF, so is standing out for sure.
There’s always hype behind Armenia’s entries, but they never do so well as expected. But I still think that they might win tonight.
Qualify is the most important thing, position in the semis doesn’t really matter.
Portugal is winning this semifinal pretty easy.
Armenia always miss something to really connect with audience to win.
I don’t think it’ll be that easy. Armenia has much more support from the televoting than Portugal because of the diaspora and neighbour voting. Also, Finland’s song is very similar, so they might lose some points to them (from countries like Iceland, Sweden, Belgium, Latvia).
However, Portugal has Italy and Spain in this SF, so yes, they might win., but it won’t be a landslide.
Diaspora helps but to win a semifinal you need to get points from everywhere. And Armenia won’t appeal at the same level as Portugal.
Iveta last year with all Armemian diaspora voting was beaten by Austria and Hungary in the televote cause they were bettet 🙂
Same it’s going to happen with Salvador beating Artsvik
LOL @Marc – regarding Iveta, no she wasn’t. She finished second in her semi-final behind Russia and 7th in the final (less than 10 points behind the 5th place finishing act) and the countries that scored better with televotes were Ukraine, Russia, Australia, Bulgaria, Sweden and Poland. Get your facts straight.
And technically Armenia actually has a disadvantage in this semi. Azerbaijan is guaranteed to give 0/24 to Armenia and vice-versa. So, it all evens out I guess.
my prediction is: sweden, armenia, belgium, cyprus, portugal, poland, moldova, greece, azerbaijan, and finland.
Definitely qualifier Armenia,Azerbaijan,Portugal,Greece,Sweden,Finland,Australia,Poland
Possibly qualifiers Moldova ,Cyprus ,Latvia
Borderline Georgia,Albania,Iceland,Belgium
Non qualifier Slovenia ,Czech Republic (tho I like it so much ),Montenegro (like it too )
I think Colin is close with his predictions. There will be some surprises tonight – some good songs wont make it. Its a tough final – but highly entertaining.
Thanks. B-) Yes, unfortunately, as it’s often the case, there are more good songs than spots in the final. Starting with Belgium, who is awesome, yet might miss out by a spot. Then it’s Poland, who is also amazing, yet under the radar for critics. I think the televote will pull it, through. Moreover, both Georgia and Albania have good peace ballads, yet I predict not both will qualify. And, of course, Slovenia and Iceland, who both have nice songs, but will probably not qualify due to performances which convey little emotion. I have a hunch that Australia and Moldova… Read more »
For me: Armenia, Sweden, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Poland, Finland, Belgium, Portugal, Greece, Latvia should qualify.