He’s the quirky singer who has stolen Italy’s thunder in recent days.
And on Friday Portugal’s Salvador Sobral completed his ascent up the odds table, emerging as the bookies favourite to win Eurovision 2017.
Following the first dress rehearsal on Friday the bookies slashed his odds to as low as 6/4, putting him ahead of Francesco Gabbani, who remains a very close second.
Salvador, who had to skip the first week of rehearsals owing to ongoing health issues, arrived in Kyiv on Sunday just in time for the red carpet and opening ceremony.
Since then he’s wowed the world’s media with his laidback demeanour and overwhelming since of calm amid the hysteria.
Among those openly backing him is X Factor judge Louis Walsh, who told us in an interview that he’s in love with Salvador and “Amar pelos dois”.
Eurovision 2017: Odds to win grand final
Following Semi-Final 2, Salvador’s “Amar pelos dois” has become the most popular Eurovision 2017 song in the iTunes charts.
It’s currently charting in 18 different countries, including No.1 in Portugal. The song is also making an impact in Sweden at No.15 and the Netherlands where it’s No.19.
In third place is Italy‘s Francesco Gabbani.
His song “Occidentali’s karma” is in the iTunes charts of 13 countries. Its highest place is No.18 in Italy itself.
Interestingly, winning isn’t Salvador’s biggest priority here in Kyiv, and he’s outsourced much of the stage show.
Speaking to wiwibloggs he confessed that he had no say in the staging because he has “no sense of aesthetics”. He does not see the visuals anyway, as they are always behind him.
The Portuguese singer may not have any particular sense of style, but he wears his simple black jumper with pride. The “SOS Refugees” across his chest shows that he is an advocate for the less fortunate who had to leave their families, homes, and countries behind in war-torn areas around the globe.
Salvador wants to use his fame to lobby for a less bureaucratic way to process asylum seekers. The Portuguese singer believes that people who flee their countries in plastic boats should not be compelled to carry birth certificates to prove who they are — they should simply be helped to overcome their trying ordeal.

So funny reading this now! PORTUGAL won!!!! Take THAT all you HATERS
I was just hoping that people would vote for the PERFORMANCE and VOCALS not for the story behind it! Not spreading hate, but this is how I see this situation!
Portugal has a terrible song… it’s so OVERRATED.
Go Italy!! Francesco Gabbani is the winner!!!
Armenians are not Gypsies. Borat is not Armenian but Kazakh. Armenians are not trolls they are a good diaspora. Armenians are Whites and Aryans. Armenia is the mother of Europe. Russians and Ukrainians are Mongols. Israel and Turkey are not Europe. Azerbaijan is Negroid and not Europe.
Armenians are 1st Genocide of 6,5 millions dead. Armenians are 1st Christians. You are all children of King Hayes Hayastan 5000 B.C. See Bible.
Please stop the spam. Absolutley nobody cares about the munbojumbo you are saying…
“Amar pelos dois” by the world…
3-Way win, much?
Possible win for Sweden or Belguim?
I doubt Belgium but name me all the doubters or Azerbaijan of 2011.
Gabbani is the most underrated singer of the stage, and truly is the deepest poet. Every Song is a masterpiece. Please listen on Youtube FOGLIE AL GELO by Gabbani. And then you see him this evening with very different eyes…
Hello it’s me, I am also visiting this website daily, this site is really pleasant and the visitors are genuinely sharing nice thoughts.
Bulgaria will win. The song delivers on the whole spectrum. It is very likable and sounds catchy for all people despite their background. The performer is born and raised in Moscow with mother from Kazakhstan and Bulgarian father.That pretty much will bring home all the votes from the countries, who traditionally support Russia. Most of the Balkan and Slavic countries will vote for Bulgaria as well, acknowledging their cultural similarities, despite their historic rivalries Let’s not forget that the contest is full with political bias, so the jury vote will be Europe on two gears, while the popular vote will… Read more »
Your assumption that the tv audience will know he is born and raised in Moscow and therefore vote for him is utterly ridiculous and stupid to be quite honest.
Bulgaria is already topping the polls! Followed by Portugal, Belgium, Italy and Romania.
And Portugal passed Italy again!
I’m pretty sure that this swapping won’t stop unitl bets close.
neither Portugal , Italy or Bulgaria will win
Portugal = he did not know eurovision and does not like this music
Bulgaria = voting Bulgaria is voting Russia
Italy = mmm overhyped
logical winner = Belgium
Belgium – is not logical winner. Eurovision for last 10 year has not winner who has so bad live performance as Blanche has.
Rumor from the “leaked” Semi 1 ranked says Belguim was bottom 5 in it’s Semi.
Lmao at 1. Why should he know eurovision in order to win? Or like music, which one? Salvador did say he liked Italy Belgium and Finland.
Italy surpassing Portugal in the odds again! YES!
Italy has now surpassed Portugal again in some odds. Portugal’s odds have fallen while Italy’s has risen. I knew this would happen, jury show changes things up.
Now we have a race for first place!
Remember this is a song contest,… not a freak sow of lights & fashion,… Salvador Sobral from Portugal has it all,… simplicity,
melody, fantastic lyrics, fantastic voice… and sings in its native language to CELEBRATE DIVERSITY,… he is already a winner,…
“melody, fantastic lyrics, fantastic voice… and sings in its native language to CELEBRATE DIVERSITY,… he is already a winner,…”
people were saying that about Italy as well 1 week ago. so don’t be so sure.
I’m releived to have exciting voting process tonight. I hope Portugal won’t be a Poland ’16 and we’ll have again several close win competitors. Bulgaria. It’s a good package, but I don’t feel this is a winner. Contemporary song which is even more difficult to remember than Jamala’s song for some people (not for me). I really wanted and voted them to win last year with Poli though. So in the end this may come as a horse race between Italy and Portugal? That would be cool. Anyways I’ll support Salvador and Papai. Also I think that nowadays there should… Read more »
I appreciate music. Both songs offer originality which we really need in this competition which has become the pinnacle of boring bland mix of english pop songs and propogandas, using the contest as a vehicle to push their own agendas and add no real music value to the Contest. Fans of real music would hope that any of these two win but also Hungary and Armenia for their traditional ethnic-motives. These 4 are exactly what the contest should be about, countries expressing their cultural heritiage through music. I hope people get behind such acts and vote for any of these… Read more »
Honestly If Portugal wins I may have a melt down… in the best way possible. It was my favorite song since it won, and leading up to the contest I was just thinking “Oh this will end up maybe in the top 10 if I’m lucky.” It’s the same way I felt about Ukraine in 2017… but maybe that just means I need to stop underestimating my favorites. Honestly 2017 is like 2009 where there are so many amazing songs and honestly out of all of them in lesser years a lot of them we would be talking about as… Read more »
Lilitu your first paragraph is literally my experience with Ukraine ’16 considering Odds, Youtube and those elitist Ogae club results 😀
But now I’m also rooting for portuguese and hungarian acts.
Visually stunning. Lyrics are well written and powerful. Strong vocals with conviction. Looks like you and your team have put in a lot of time and effort to create a meaningful and memorable performance. I would love to see a top 5 country win (especially an underdog)! I’ll be voting for you. Good luck to Lucie from the UK.
I see no competition for Salvador there seriously.. It’s pretty obvious that he will win. Go Portugal!!
I think Portugese fans are really becoming the new Italy–over the top and obnoxiously repeating how great is Salvador… well, Salvador happened to be one of my favorites but there are other great songs and performers and Bulgaria is just as likely to fetch the victory and just as deserving. Also Armenia and Sweden are very likely to finish at the top 5… So chill down dear Portugese.
My Top 26 for tomorrow based on tonight’s jury show, hype, voting patterns, and personal taste!
1. Portugal
2. Bulgaria
3. U.K.
4. Italy
5. Sweden
6. Romania
7. Croatia
8. Azerbaijan
9. France
10. Belarus
11. Belgium
12. Netherlands
13. Moldova
14. Armenia
15. Hungary
16. Israel
17. Denmark
18. Norway
19. Poland
20. Cyprus
21. Australia
22. Austria
23. Greece
24. Ukraine
25. Germany
26. Spain
I don’t know why the Italian delegation didn’t keep the staging simple like in Sanremo. They decided to add weird things and now changed Francesco’s outfit. Would be luck if he got Top 5.
Sad, because it’s a winner song.
I don’t know: I read other ESC sites where they said it was his best performance yet. Audience sang along, clapped along, cameras were part of the performance. He ende up between 4 and 5 stars. They described it as “winner atmosphere”
Whether that will be enough we will have to see.
The United Kingdom is going to win. If you look at the odds from 2016, Ukraine was at the same place the UK is on the bets. Plus, the staging is magnificent!
If UK will come top10 by televotes, that will be grateful enough for them. Song isn’t winning, just the package that keeps it strong.
I don’t understand the hype behind Portugal’s song, I really don’t. I think there has been many songs, similar in both style and performance from other countries, and Portugal! That just didn’t do well. I am still hopeful though for an Italian, Belgian or French result…but anyway, as I have stated before, if Portugal win, I will accept the result, for many reasons: First: they have been trying for years, 40+ years actually and are the only Western European nation to never win. Secondly: it will be nice to have the contest back West again, the most western Eurovision of… Read more »
If Portugal wins, I will never watch ESC again (#26 in my Grand Final top, #42 overall). There are sooo many magnificent performances like Bulgaria, UK, Denmark, The Netherlands etc. I accepted Sweden’s victory in 2015 (fave: Belgium), Ukraine’s one in 2016 (fave: Australia and Norway) and I won’t be able to handle 3rd disaster in a row. No offense, Portugal is a wonderful country and I really wish I could pay a visit at some point, but this may be the worst and most boring entry of all time to my point of view.
Portugal must win! #Salvadorable #Lisbon2018
It’s gonna be Armenia or Belgium. Maybe Azerbaijan, but unlikely.
Second – Italy.
Third – Bulgaria.
Fourth – Portugal.
Sorry folks, but sublime and “out of this world” songs are not winning ESC. Give me one example , but not older than 15 years ago , please.
Yes they are. Portugal will win this year.
Portugal is not a good choice. It’s a charming performance, you like the guy and it’s “old fashion style”. But for the contest it’s a disaster, next years contestants seems to copy the winner from previous year. So please, no more sleeping ballad contest. We had enough of that already.
‘Molitva’ was in the same vein, although maybe seen as a vocally more demanding song. If you look at the pattern of winning ESC songs, they’re mostly ‘timeless’—save for maybe Estonia and Latvia, most of these songs have all aged pretty well and would most likely keep their rank in the ESC Top 250. Not only would Portugal fit as a winner, but it might also continue a shift in style started by Jamala: heartfelt non-English language lyrics. It’ll be an interesting fight between Italy and Portugal; I think Bulgaria has a chance, but it’s ultimately going to finish second… Read more »
I don’t think it will win, I don’t see the juries giving him the win. But Belgium? Especially after that live performance? It would be an ugly irony to see it winning. Armenia, certainly good chances, why I think it won’t win is because it would be a little strange to see same style winning 2 years in a row. Ok, it happened 2012 and 2013, but that wasn’t a surprise, it was a more up-to-date music. Very hard to say who will win, I’m starting to think that Romania has its chance and why not UK?
Why not the UK–because the song is nothing special, because Lucy is ok, but not amazing, because the staging is nice, but not awesome, because she is running against the cream of the crop in Europe, and she is not even the best the UK has. I think Armenia will do remarkably well. Other countries which will do very well are Bulgaria, Italy and Portugal. I would not put my money on Portugal for the win, though. Let’s remember that it is exyremely unlikely people to understand what he is singing, since it is in Portugese. Hard core ESC fans… Read more »
Azerbaijan and so many other countries have my vote.
But please who ever is reading this, Uk deserves to be fighting for the winners spot, please vote for talent and the voice rather than a croaky sounding guy with a chimp next to him .
Please everyone vote Uk, watch Lucius performance on YouTube because she’s amazing.
So many countries should be the winner. Please everyone vote Uk
all spanish people will vote for Portugal.. They love the song and the singer.
SUPER Portugal to the victory. It deservs.. It touch our hearts all over the world.
It’s completely out of this world! Sublime and beautiful!
Based on betting and feedback from jury show
1. Portugal
2. Bulgaria
3. UK
4. Armenia
5. Italy
6. Belgium
7. Romania
8. Sweden
9. Croatia
10. Israel
11. Netherlands
12. Denmark
13. Azerbaijan
14. Norway
15. Austria
16. Cyprus
17. Australia
18. Hungary
19. France
20. Germany
21. Greece
22. Moldova
23. Belarus
24. Poland
25. Ukraine
26. Spain
Lisbon 2018. A PERFECT city to host Eurovision. It’s gonna be AMAZING!!!
LISBOA 2018!
where r u from? 🙂
Hoping for the best UK result since 2009
Portugal deserve it they have a winning song and have never been top 5 before
I’m Norwegian! Why?
If you are right, than the final standing would be:
1. Portugal
2. Armenia
3. Italy
4. Bulgaria
5. Romania
Regardless of what happens tomorrow night, Occidentali’s Karma will remain iconic and the most successful song of this year’s contest. It’s too bad he will most likely lose to two ballads about love and heart-break, but whatever.
Lisbon will be perfect.
Agreed. If they do miss out this year, it should give them the boost they need to win next year. Portugal’s win will pave way for Italy to send classical songs again like the majority of past San Remo entries.
Well it was already a great San Remo this year with plenty of songs which would have been more much more deserving winners and better ESC entries than Francesco.
I definitely agree with you…I feel a lot of respect towards Portugal’s entry But I don’t think it will have a future outside the competition after its momentum has faded…instead italy’s is such a masterpiece and it has shown to be successful even out of the eurovision bubble…I just hope italy will win because i wouldn’t actually like that this competition does not reward such a great song…
Derbyshire analysts just predicted a win for Armenia. This is getting really really confusing. This is like 2011 – the winner is going to be a complete surprise.
I read it and…
color of hair is a parameter!? hummm… I don’t think so
Armenia will never win. sorry
Right, because a country that has finished 7/10 times in the top 10 cannot win. Armenia is more likely to win than UK and most other countries.
I think Armenia’s song last year was more of a potential winner although the two are pretty close.
Having said that, if Armenia were to pick up the Russian votes instead of Bulgaria….who knows?
With that horrible song? Omg nope
Sorry, we don’t want homophobe country to win. And the song is not good. Italy or Portugal!!!
You’re in Ukraine – it probably won’t get any worse than Ukraine (maybe Russia and they’re not even in the contest)
Eww, dude NO!! They are homophobes and we already had enough of politic dramas this year, thanks! ._.
Armenia??? LMAO!! that’s typical eurovision entry with a lot of pyros and ethno sounds, nothing memorable. Probably armenian diaspora bought that guys who made that analys, because it doesn’t seem realistic AT ALL!! The winner will be Portugal or Italy I think.
Looks like a Big 5 country is never going to win again. Countries that compete in semis have the most advantage.
No excuses for that. Germany won a couple of years ago as one of the big five. I think the french guy from last year could have won if the live performance was better. The problem is not that italy has been bad, but other countries has stepped up and performed better when it counts.
Allí People in Spain is with Portugal! !!
Anda italy is boring europe!
Muchas Gracias <3<3
No te imaginas la ilusión en España por la canción portuguesa.
Es como si fuera nuestra. …con todos mis respetos!
Por fin hay una canción especial, diferente, y España se ha enamorado de vuestra canción!
Espero ganéis. Suena por todos los.lados. …y España os apoya 109×100 por el boicot en España a la.canción española.
Mucha suerte.
Italy is a fast food song… I’m tired of that song.
Why do you keep listening to it then?
Francesco seem to have been very nervous and did quite a bad performance in the juryshow. While Salvador did a good one. I all of a sudden feel sorry for Italy.. Being the unthreataned “winner” for so long. But we will have an exciting show tomorrow!
I read quite the opposite, I read Francesco did well and the crowd sang along to the song. that it was clear he was a winner. That it was his best performance to date and he interacted well with the audience. Most ESC sites give Francesco 4 or 5 and Salvador 3 or 4, very rare 5
Whether this is enough to influence people we will have to see
He wasn’t nervous, but tired. And he really looks tired.
I really don’t want to see him winning today.
It will be good for Eurovision to have on 1 and 2 place song not in english and maybe even Hungary in TOP 10 and to win song without with simple staging without LED screen, hologram..
I think fight for win between Portugal,Italy,Bulgaria and Sweden
Dark horse The Netherlands and maybe Romania .It depends how televote will react for The Netherlands and juries for Romania.
Winner confirmed. Did you watch Salvador’s magical performance from tonight rehearsal? This is so going to be aclaimed with juries.
Everytime i listen this song my heart just isn’t capable to resist. So moving. Portugal 2018, here we go! <3 <3
OMFG is this the rehearsal the juries vote on?!
Yes. It is purposely at the same time as tomorrow’s final because of it. Why the surprise?
Where can I see Portugal’s performance? I can only find the video from the afternoon’s rehearsal, not tonight’s…
Oh God im tucked if this is true.
Anyone but Portugal please Europe. I’m not a fan of Italy or Bulgaria but ill gladly back them over Portugal returning us to the 1950s
At least Queen Dana International is coming to Belgium to commentate in a talkshow about the Grand Final! She likes sweet little Blanche :3
Lol it just came into my mind that if we win, we only won with children.
Sandra Kim was 13 and Blanche is 17 soooo kids FTW
In recent years who was your oldest singer? 😛
If that is the ultimate result, I would be thrilled! This is quite close to my personal top…
1. Italy/Portugal/Belgium (random order)
4. France
5. Belarus
6. Hungary
7. Moldova
8. Norway
9. Netherlands
10. Denmark
This is all over Eurovision 2011.. Portugal, Italy, Bulgaria, UK, Belgium, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Croatia, Hungary << one of them will win, I think.
it’s not croatia that’s for sure lol
why not Croatia has a fantastic song. May I ask why don’t you like the Croatian song?
Correct Mary…Croatia is a good choice….could win…it is the best song from the Balkan region from ex-Yugoslavia and the only ones to qualify.
Dima Bilan asked to vote for Kristian Kostov.
I really really really but really hope either Italy or Portugal wins!
Racal talking like true Westerner. Well, Dima is not addressing you:-)
Why does it have to be a West/East thing? There’s no difference between Eastern and Western Europe: except during the Cold War ear, these two regions have never been separated. Austria and Hungary used to be one country, tons of French are of Polish descent, Vienna is more Eastern than Prague, Germany is reunited, … There’s no reason to create a fake rivalry between East and West.
I didn’t think Dima Bilan deserved to win Eurovision, that doesn’t mean I talk “like a true Westerner” (I’m sure many Westerners don’t agree with me). 😉
Responding to the statement “Dima Bilan asked to vote for Kristian” with “Who?” is very arrogant. Dima Bilan is not only a winner of ESC, but also very well respected musician in the Russian speaking world, and the best known mentor in the Voice Kids Russia. It should not be about East and West, and for many people it is not. Unfortunatrly, enough Westerners have your attitude–consciously or unconsciously and it shows disrespect and condensation towards the East…. or worse, complete negation of their best achievements. So my two cents to you before you write your next “smart ass” comment,… Read more »
Did you even read my answer? My comment was about Dima Bilan and yes it was witty/arrogant towards him, not towards Russia or the East (you’re the only person who interprets it like that). Russia, Ukraine and other Eastern countries sent some great entries and singers to Eurovision, a.o. Polina Gagarina and Jamala. Dima Bilan is just not one of them and would never have won if we had had juries at the time (again, it’s not a “Westerner’s opinion”, it’s just mine). Also, “very well respected musician in the Russian speaking world”? Sorry but I happen to be great… Read more »
Still would be a way better winner.
And here I was expecting relaxing final with Italy pulling a Rybak, no stress or anything but NO. This is gona be a nerve-racking final
God help us all
But who would want a relaxing final? I say sweat, blood and tears all the freakin’ way! When countries have won by a landslide in the past (Rybak, Loreen), the show is over pretty soon isn’t it? I love this far more, can’t wait!
Let’s remember how JESC 2016 Georgia won.
The same it’s going to happened, and I think that portugl may snatch the crown thanks to the juries.
As for me I have no slimest idea who’s gonna win that. My guess is Norway.
I said it from the very beginning and I’ll say it again…Croatia is a dark horse.
I’m a huge fan of the Italian song and I want it to win so desperately! After what happened two years ago! If this song doesn’t win, they will never win! However, Portugal has a beautiful song which captured us all with its simplicity! As tomorrow is the grand final, I’m trying to think who the winner might be! I put it in a perspective and I say ” In a few years from now, when you go back to Eurovision 2017, which song is the most possible to remember as the winning song?”. So I imagined myself talking about… Read more »
I totally relate to what you say. I fell in love with Italy’s song from the very first time I heard it and it grows more and more. I actually am following this year’s eurovision just because I became fan of Francesco and his Occidentali’s Karma. But apart from that, I totally support you point as to when you look back to the winner/winning song, will you really remember it? It will 100% be the case with Francesco and you know…Although I have a great respect to Portugal’s song, but I really hardly remember the name of the song, not… Read more »
I really want Italy to win! I don’t like the Portuguese entry at all. However, they’ve never won and it’s in Portuguese so if the winner isn’t Italy, this is the second best option. But if Italy doesn’t win I really hope they don’t win the televote, because it would just be too wrong if they’re once again robbed of their victory by the jury.
Fact: Portugal is not going to win
Amen, brother!
William, please give tomorrow a free day for my fiancée Rob.
I want to see together the Great Final in our house from Raglan City and prior to the announcement of the votes, to ask her for marriage.
I bought a red coral ring with aquamarine gemstone.
(p.s. I bought chips, beer for me and champagne for Rob.)
Oh my God +10, how rude! Rob has a job to do, stop thinking about yourself X
FACT: Portugal will win eurovision this here. it deservs.
Armenian diaspora and Russian trolls rule!