After the first semi-final we saw how iTunes charts around Europe reacted as competing songs started charts. And now after the second semi-final, more songs have started to chart. Let’s take a look!
The most popular Eurovision 2017 song in the iTunes charts is Portugal‘s entry, Salvador Sobral’s sweet song “Amar pelos dois”. It’s currently charting in 18 different countries, including No.1 in Portugal. The song is also making an impact in Sweden at No.15 and the Netherlands where it’s No.19.
In second position if Belgium‘s Blanche with “City Lights”. That song is charting in 17 countries, including No.1 in Estonia and Belgium. It’s also top ten in Sweden, Poland, Lithuania and the Netherlands.
In third place is Italy‘s Francesco Gabbani. His song “Occidentali’s karma” is in the iTunes charts of 13 countries. Its highest place is No.18 in Italy itself.
Next popular is Sweden‘s Robin Bengtsson with “I Can’t Go On”. That’s charting in 12 different countries, including No.7 in Sweden.
Finally the first entry from the second semi-final makes an appearance. Bulgaria‘s Kristian Kostov has “Beautiful Mess” charting in 12 countries. The highest chart is Sweden, where the song is currently. No.16.
Other songs that are charting in multiple countries include Moldova‘s SunStroke Project, whose “Hey Mamma” is charting in 11 countries, the Netherlands‘ sisterly trio OG3NE with “Lights and Shadows” charting in ten countries; and Romania‘s Ilinca feat. Alex Florea, whose “Yodel It” is charting in nine countries.
Also worth a mention is Hungary‘s Joci Papai who is charting in eight countries, Norway‘s JOWST who is in the charts in seven countries, and Australia‘s Isaiah who is charting in seven countries.
And a shout out also goes to Israel (six countries), Estonia, Austria and Croatia (five countries), and Switzerland, FYR Macedonia and Ireland (four countries).
Other countries charting in multiple countries include Finland, France, Cyprus, Belarus and Latvia.
It’s important to remember that not all countries use iTunes as much as others do. In some countries other online music stores are more popular, in others streaming has taken over as the dominant form of consuming music.
But the reaction in iTunes charts around Europe is at least an indication of what songs made an immediate connection with some listeners. It shows us what songs inspired listeners enough over the past few days for them to track down the song online and download it.
What do you think? Do iTunes charts indicate Eurovision success? Share your thoughts below!
Yes, of course. iTunes and the you-tube downloads are a very important indicator of Eurovision succes!
Armenian diaspora and Russian trolls rule!
Totally creepy
Portugal became 1st in the odds.
I would love Portugal to win but the song itself is a sleeping pill
Out of the top 5 most popular ESC songs in itunes, Portugal seems strange and odd, compared to the type of songs included in the top 5!
Personally, I don’t think charts predict anything, but it’s an indication of how people respond to the songs and what their preferences are!
The majority of people watches only final and doesn’t even watch music videos of participants, so Blanche, for example, who’s live performance is much worse than the track – has no chances to win, even though she is pretty high in charts.
Yes IMO also about Blanche. Was my first thought but she standing there when it is very important to recieve point. She has made a lot of progression in the live acts. Very suprising for me.
Magellano new Gabbani’s’album is now n°1 in italian chart!
I think if a song is in the charts it could recieve alot of points from that country. I suppose it’s a good indication of how it will do.
That’s why I’m starting to doubt Italy, it seems like the song is less and less interresting…
112 millions in youtube..not interesting?
Sweden will do great!!
Like they do every year with garbage they send
Sweden….always the same thing.
The two countries that I see are in danger of getting 0 points tomorrow are Spain and Ukraine… But on the other hand Portugal will likely give some points to Spain and Ukraine could benefit from Russias exclusion.
Other than those two I have a hard time seeing any potential 0 pointer.
Maybe Germany? Portugal will probably vote for Spain. Manel appeared on Portuguese TV. But the juries will give it 0 points, so overall Portugal will probably only give 3 or 4 points to Spain (even though now they separate the juries and the televote, but it’s almost the same thing).
people are quite stupid about that…several countries change points during the voting…but only when Spain and Portugal do the same all the people start booing…
For God Sake!! are you blind for the nordics????????? are you blind for ex.Yuguslavia countries? Are you blind for ex.-URSS countries???? Are you blind to Cyprus and Greece??
By the way not always Portugal give points to Spain not always…you´re just lying here
Like Frans, Loreen and Sanna Nielsen? You have to understand that to Swedish ears a lot of the balkan music sounds the same as well as a lot of italian music and so forth.
5 out of 18 betting brokers have turned to giving Portugal as a winner in the last hour!
So? Italy hasn’t gone through semi-final, much less exposure. Of course the odds will change.
They will change again once we have had jury show tonight and clips being released and reviewed. Italy is already having a better rehearsal than previous times.
According to, Euphoria is still charting in 16 countries, which puts it in 3rd place when you include previous years. (Sometimes it jumps up to 1st.) No other song not from 2017 charts in more than 3 countries.
That’s insane.
Portugal is MAGIC + HEART + PURE MUSIC + TIMELESS vibes = World Record
Sadly, I expect the juries to ruin Portugal in the final. It will most probably easily be top 5 with the televote, maybe not top 15 with the juries.
Really? I expect it to be top 3 with juries.
I think it will be totally the opposite of that! Juries like it because it’s diffrent and very well sung, regular people like it because it’s so calm and emotional.
It’s not for nothing declared as potential winner!
Why do you say that? :\ I think it’s quite the opposite…
I think it will be opposite: Massive support by juries, surprising low support by televoters. Like Gualazzi in 2011. It’s basically the same type of song.
I agree. Televoters will not vote for this
I think it will do pretty well both with the juries and with the televote. It probably won the first semi. I used to be concerned about the televote, but seeing it’s popularity on youtube and on iTunes… I think the biggest threat to Portugal now is actually Bulgaria because it can also do well both with the juries and with the televote. Italy won’t do as well with the televote as it was thought a few weeks ago and the juries won’t put it in their top 5, maybe not even in their top 10. I do like the… Read more »
Who still uses Itunes? That doesn’t mean anything these days. You get a better overview using Spotify or streaming services. In Nordic countries almost everybody streams and in most Western countries too.
Itunes won’t give you anything cause it’s insignificant. Artists gets far more attention on Spotify.
And Portugal isn’t that dominating. The only cóuntry he’s in top 10 is Portugal itself. While Blanche is in 5 countries. Don’t get overboard here
Meanwhile on Spotify Francesco has racked up an impressive amount of plays
Sweden is the highest on Spotify!
Sorry not anymore!
I don’t know if this has been mentioned before, but we have a 100% qualification of non-English and bilingual songs. It’s yet to be seen how Alma and Manel do in the finals, but the fact that Portugal, Hungary, Belarus and Croatia all qualified and that Italy and Portugal are leading the odds to win, I’d say it’s time to pull the plug on absolute Englishvision and next year we have at least over 10 songs in other languages.
* Problem with long sentences is that they easily get dismorphed in fast writing.
I don’t know if this has been mentioned before, but we have a 100% qualification of non-English and bilingual songs. It’s yet to be seen how Alma and Manel will do in the finals, but the fact that Portugal, Hungary, Belarus and Croatia all qualified and that Italy and Portugal are leading the odds to win, tells us it’s time to pull the plug on absolute Englishvision. Next year we should have at least 10 songs sung in other languages.
Hear hear! I realized that many passed, but it´s true that is 100% success rate for non-English or bilingual songs. That is already a reason to celebrate.
Ok, I do respect Portugal’s song because it’s in the native language, it blows you away with the “fairy tale” atmosphere and Salvador is very charming. But, this is not something I would ever listen outside of the eurovision. I like to see it on the stage but this is just “not my cup of tea” and I believe I am not the only one. I also believe it has all the right and potential to stand in the top – 3. But my true favorite, the one that really won my heart from the very first moment I heard… Read more »
I like the studio version and I tolerate Sanremo’s performance, but from what we’ve seen in the rehearsals…
Top 5 youtube views Semi 2
1- Bulgaria
2- Croatia
3- Hungary
4- Romania
5- Macedonia
This could still change
had changed… Portugal will win for sure
He was talking about the semi 2…Portugal was in the 1º one
Top 5 Youtube views Semi 1
1- Portugal
2- Belgium
3- Moldova
4- Poland
5- Greece
Spotify Stats from Semi 1
1- Belgium
2- Moldova
3- Portugal
4- Sweden
5- Australia
Something is fishy about Bulgaria’s draw in the final, the producers are gunning for them. If being announced first to ensure a higher chance of drawing the second half wasn’t bad enough, Kristian just picked the first ball from the top of the pile. I SMELL A FIX.
Could this really be staged? Like, for real
Finally someone who agrees with me. There is something suspicious going on. Maybe EBU is trying to push an agenda to make the kid a superstar i’m affraid.
Too bad for them because no way Bulgaria has chances to compete with charismatic and authentic artists like Salvador or Francesco.
Mediaterranean power against the special interests!!
hahaha shut up you idiot
Not producers but Angles are “gunning” for Bulgaria, isn’t it obvious 😉 :))))
The Bulgarian balloon was the only one that had trouble to fly away – if you watched the opening ceremony – it was funny moment. Like a sign that Bulgaria is going to stay on the scene, yeah 🙂 It’s needed to stay – because of the song, the performer, the message and the great passionate performance.
Good that someone said this. I also found that really strange. If you think about it, the Ukranian-Swedish production would want that a Swedish-produced song would win and that it represents the East. Besides, if Bulgaria stages the ESC that would certainly mean more business for the Swedes. If Italy wins that might not be the case because there is enough home-grown talent to pull off a show.
The advantage will unfortunately come from friends:
Belgium’s friends: HOL, fra.
Italy’s friends: MAL, ALB, swi, sma, mon.
Portugal’s friends: ESP, FRA, SWI.
Sweden’s friends: NOR, FIN, DEN, ICE, uk, ire, est, lat.
Bulgaria’s traditional friends: MAC, GRE, CYP, rom, slo, srb + Bulgaria’s new friends (Russian diaspora up for grabs): BLR, UKR, MLD, ARM, AZB, ISR, est, lat, lit, geo.
With 16 country friends in ESC2017, this tedious forgettable song will likely be the winner. ?
Yes, it was quite weird…
Trying to emulate the country that defeated you, over a decade later…
Euro 2004 champions
Eurovision 2005 champions
Well I hope not, because if we follow the chronology then it is Sovereign Debt Crisis 2010… 🙂 And we had enough of that 😉
hahahahaha! that was good. lol
This Portugal song is so over rated. Ok, so i see hipster facial hair with a lame refugee statement shirt, singing gently into a microphone with head wobbles whilst the crowd sways . Get a grip. So phony and fake. Next act please!
Remember when they recapped great winning songs from the past in the semi final 2 show, I cannot see this song in that elite group, Bulgaria yes, Azerbaijan maybe. But Portugal song? – no. Sorry.
I see much people have tendency to judging the visual side instead the song, hopefuly if Portugal wins this year the Eurovision next year will change for better in several factors.
And let me remember you the name of contest is Eurovision SONG Contest, not Eurovision Show Contest.
Semi final 2 was awful!!!! Thank God that Hungary was there!!! Hungary and Belarus made the show…
He is not singing with the SOS refugee shirt. I think it would be a very memorable win, and maybe even a game changer for the ESC, stimulating countries to send REAL acts and not an off-the shelf product bought in an anonymous ready-made music shop.
poor darling…you´re in panic about a portuguese victory!!! Get ready
Eastern European entries usually don’t do well in the Western charts, so being 1st doesn’t mean much.
Portugal first to reach 1M views from the semi final acts… WOW!
I’m from Belgium and to me it seems like for the first time we will receive more points from televoting instead of juries 😮 😀
Loïc got more points from televote.
Forza Italia
In the first Semifinale the People only saw a short snippet of Francescos Song .
For me the Song from Portugal is too boring.
Forza Italia ??
In the first Semifinale the People only saw a short snippet of Francescos Song .
For me the Song from Portugal is too boring.
I think it’s wrong to say that Portugal dominates the charts. He is in the charts in one country more than Belgium but he is only in the top 10 in Portugal itself, Blanche is in the top 10 in 5 countries…
He is 1st in Portugal since before the ESC started… So what you are saying it´s not true…
Yes he is no. 1 in Portugal but that’s the only country where he’s in the top 10. Blanche is no. 1 in Belgium and Estonia and in the top 10 in three more countries, so I don’t see your point
Itunes charts does not mean anything anymore. In Italy for example stream services play a bigger role in defining the country music chart. And the Nordics? I think in Sweden stream services are counted as 95% of total sales.
Gabbani is 18th in Itunes Chart but he’s at the 6th in country weekly chart (in terms of total sales).
Juries are asked to focus their vote on 4 main sets of criteria:
– Vocal capacity of the artist(s)
– Performance on stage
– Composition and originality of the song
– Overall impression of the act
So, don’t assume that only good voices will do well with the juries.
Bad vocals have not won in years. You may do well. But!
I have this strange feeling that Portugal is going to end up like Poland in 2016. Low jury score and extremely high televote score. But then again, anything can happen.
You’re wrong. The jury have tons of respect for Salvador that his score will most likely follow the pattern of Gulazzi in 2011 like i said in previous times.
And there’s absolutely no logic to compare this masterpiece with Poland last year. Poland never stood a chance of winning and not even being in top 5 unlike Portugal that since it was revealed everyone went crazy and now with him picking momentum…he’s very much unstoppable.
I would say the contrary. It strikes me as a strong jury vote, but not popular vote. In the national preselection, Salvador won the jury vote twice but not the popular vote, although by a small margin. I agree it can be a Gulazzi 2011.
I would have thought high jury score and low televote score but hey what I do know…..I now get ready for tonnes of abuse
I have a feeling it will be the other way around. Massive jury support and surprisingly low televote. Like Gualazzi.
Also why are you bringing up last year’s Polish entry? It was never a favourite to begin with
In 2015 Sweden was only third in televote, but Manz has won. Gualazzi , ok, it’s true that he was only 11th in televote. However Azerbaijan was first in televote and second in jury, would be difficult not to win… But generally speaking, jury and televote winners are the same, there are only few exceptions in the last years.
I have a similar feeling but I don’t know which is more possible!
On the one hand, I think juries will rank it really high and televoters lower. On the other hand, I believe it will be the other way around!
For me, Italy will win the televote! But for the juries I’m never confident!
Norway is a dark horse, they maby vinn the hole thing. go go NORWAY
I remember many people saying Finland is (sorry! WAS) a dark horse xD…
Portugal like Italy seems to polarise audiences. Jamala polarised the jury last year with some juries giving her nil points but received the most 12 points from the juries. It strange. Bulgaria and Belgium seem to take the middle road. Minor point accumulation and connection to the audience are the key. I don’t think that Portugal or for that matter connect to the audience but that is my opinion. When I first saw Jamala my reaction was mot positive but after watching it two or three time I realised this could be the winner. I have watched Portugal and Italy… Read more »
Should have been under Chippaponi’s entry above.
It’s strange.
I don’t think Portigal or for that matter Italy connect to the audience….
Im laughing here loud..Almost all of you trashed Romania here like a piece of garbage.Guess what ?Karma its a bitch.What goes arround comes arround :)))))))))))
The position in which a song will end up is not necessarily a seal of quality. Eurovision is full of examples where “garbage”, as you put it, ranked very high, giving the ESC its bad name and reputation, from which it is slowly coming out.
Many of us who did not appreciate the song (and I assume you agree we can all have different opinions) predicted a high ranking for Romania. The same can be said for Croatia.
And besides, your comment is completely off-point for this post. I don’t see Romania doing so well in the Itunes chart
Romania will always qualify even if they send a sheep there,get used to it..You haven`t learned by now,haven`t you? :)))))))))))))
Dear adriana, I thought you had come to your senses, but now I see that you yodeled too much last evening and went back to your 12-year old state of mind, which is an universe where the song makes more sense. So you are saying that any song, good or bad from Romania will qualify and that is a good thing… I guess what you are saying is that the song is horrendous and that it qualified due to diaspora and neighboring voting. Yes I agree with you, because its too bad. And if you remember, I always said it… Read more »
Just for you :)))
lol lol lol I loved that! I haven´t seen Heidi for ages. Thank you. A much better context for the song. 😉
Why so defensive when most people like Romania.
Do you want 100% approval ?
I think both Romania and Croatia deserved to be in the final.
If we have 100 % televote , winner will be Romania (suprise like Latvia 2002).
I think fight for win , will be between Portugal,Bulgaria,Sweden.
Sweden have good chance because batic countries form ex soviet union plus Finland is out.
Bulgaria also because Macedonia,Serbia, Montenegro is out and he get many points from them , I think and Hungary will get more points than they expect from these 3 countries.
My prediction TOP 5 with juries 1.The Netherlands 2.Portugal 3.Sweden 4.Bulgaria 5.Denmark or EBU baby Australia
My prediction TOP 5 with televote 1.Italy 2.Bulgaria 3.Romania 4.Sweden 5.Armenia 6.Portugal
Then thank god the juries exist
yeah thanks to Juries Jamala won last year, a flop winner, didn’t score in any charts lol
i think Salvador’s song won’t score in the charts either if he wins
Absolutely agree with you.
I don’t think Sweden will do that well. The live act works in posing and walking but the vocals suffered on tuesday. If he does not perform better i can’t see Sweden win. (im still surprised Sweden opted to sent him instead of Loreen, that would have been potential winner). If Bulgaria cleans up his high notes he might end high as well. Bulgaria’s answer to Shawn Mendes. Portugal is a great song and performance and deserves to end high. Not sure if it will win. The UK has a very good entry this year as well so she could… Read more »
I’m Swedish and I agree. Sweden will definitely not win, and with so many favourites emerging I think Robin will be easily forgotten. Before the semis I predicted top 5 for us, but now I can definitely see us ending up 10+.
At last someone who thinks that Belgium could win. I picked up that Robin’s vocal were not there for his performance. On the other hand Blanche has cranked up a notch from her monotonal video clip. Her razors edge performance which seems to give the impression that she is scared really works in my opinion. I failed to detect flaws in Bulgaria’s performance. He could easily win but I think Blance connects better with the audience. If the past few years have been any indication the song must have a message to win. With regards to Portugal and Italy. They… Read more »
They gonna win!! Finally!! 🙂
Never mind ranking. Sweden is mere gloss and no content – and Bulgaria utter tedium!
Kristian trended on Russian iTunes not too long ago. Coincidence? I think not. 🙂
Actually I think it is more revealing the fact that Belgium is doing top ten in Estonia (1), Sweden (7), Poland (10) and Netherlands (10) and very well in others as well. In the three first of these countries there is not special connection to Belgium, so it’s really about the song and might reveal a positive trend for Blanche.
I know, being from Belgium this is very strange to me, because this never really happened before! In Belgium they were not really happy with her performance on Tuesday, lots of negative comments, but I guess everywhere else they liked it? Especially the success in Estonia and Poland baffles me. But in a good way 🙂
Yes I am also very happy for this trend. Who knows? Brussels 2018, after all? 😉
I agree this is telling. Their is no loyalty whatsoever to Belgium from neighbouring countries. Their have been countless occasion where Belgium have received nil points from its neighbours. However if Belgium puts out a good song the neighbours vote. Can Belgium win?
Who knows but in my opinion Bulgaria is the biggest threat. Sweden, Portugal and overrated Italy are their for the minor placings.
my top 5 would be
1. Bulgaria
2. Italy
3. Romania
4. Netherlands
5. Portugal (even though i don’t like it, i want them to just end on a respectable position)
What are you talking about Hungary with allies? It makes me laugh 😀 😀
All songs with [some] non-english lyrics are in the final
-Hungary, Belarus, Portugal, Croatia
-and automatic Spain, France, Italy
Hurrah! I love it! All we need now is the orchestra (which is wishful thinking and which will never happen!)
So, it doesn’t look good for the United Kingdom….?
Top 10 potential winners (not to be confused with my top 10 of the finals, although some of my favorites are there):
1. Italy
2. Portugal
3. Bulgaria
4. Romania
5. UK
6. Sweden
7. Armenia
8. France
9. Belgium
10. Azerbaijan
Romania is a failure of the Eurovision. Such a thing should be banned. Reinforces the competition and lowers it.
Watch Belgium 🙂 To me higher, It’ll be Top 3-4
And add Croatia Colin 😉
Top 10 televote for sure.. even more now being the only ex-yugoslavic country
Lol. You know Colin is Croatian ??
Yes, I do
Israel performence was pure energy! And IMRI’s vocals were PERFECT!
was my favourite as well…. 12 points from Germany!!!! my winner this year!!!
ESC made the drama to be interesting for everybody , as if it would be clear winner (Italy) all the way to the Final, the show looses credibility and attention. they needed Portugal big time to be good. I think lets be honest battle will be between Italy and Portugal. In my opinion due to song, due to Saturday late night, celebration mood, drinks, fun Italy has bigger chance to win. However, I think it will be close battle.. In the end we all win because of that… My prediction TOP 5 1.Italy 2. Portugal 3. Bulgaria 4. Romania 5.… Read more »
Bulgaria #3 ?
I think that’s stretching it!
I wouldn’t be surprised if Belgium was #3. Much stronger song than Bulgaria
I liked Belgium Studio version as I think majority of us did, but be honest she sings terrible live, I hope in the finals she will do good, I hope I would be glad Belgium to finish 2nd.. But to take everything in consideration it looks like 5-12th place to her maximum…
Bulgaria – in My opinion has good running order for his song.. and he is not too bad performing well song is quite good – and in my opinion in this year they will represent banned Russia.. I hope you know what i mean..
I love Belgium song and the specifics in Blanche’s voice but in which point of view you can say it is stronger than Bulgaria’s song??? Neither as a structure, passion, vocal strength or message it’s true. I like really very much City Lights but I LOVE and ADORE the Bulgarian entry in every sense and because of it I’m Eurovision fan this year…
In every way actually…..Blanche’s song is better than Bulgaria
Message….. Composition…..suitability to the modern music scene…..ability yo make ESC a respected contest
iTunes is not used in every country – so what does it say really? And: in some countries just selling 6 copies can make you chart high…. But nice to see ESC in iTunes nonetheless 🙂
As a Portuguese, I’d really like Portugal to win. But anything can happen 🙂 I don’t have high expectations
I hope not.