On Saturday wildfires broke out in the municipality of Pedrógão Grande, killing more than 60 people, destroying several villages and plunging Portugal into a state of national mourning.
And on Sunday, as the world stopped and prayed for those suffering, Eurovision 2017 winner Salvador Sobral responded with what he holds most dear: music.
Performing in Ourém — the latest stop in his national tour promoting his first album Excuse Me — he made the decision to donate all sales of CDs at the event to the Pedrogão Grande municipality.
Perante a ferocidade da mãe natureza, cabe a cada um fazer o melhor que sabe e pode para minimizar o sofrimento das…
Posted by Salvador Sobral on Sunday, June 18, 2017
Sharing a photograph of a stack of CDs on his official Facebook account, Salvador’s team wrote:
Faced with the ferocity of Mother Nature, it is up to each one of us to do the best we know and can to minimize the suffering of the populations of Pedrógão Grande. Salvador Sobral performs in Ourém and will put the music at the service of those who need help to rebuild: the receipt of all the records that will be on sale in the atrium of the Business Center where the concert is held tonight will revert entirely to the population of the municipality of Pedrógão Grande.
Ongoing crisis
The fires still rage and the death toll is expected to rise in the hours to come.
The government has sent two army battalions to help the emergency services, and the European Union has offered firefighting aircraft. But high temperatures, zero humidity and severe winds have not helped firefighters as they battle Mother Nature.
On Sunday the Pope acknowledged the ongoing crisis during his weekly address.
“I am close to the dear people of Portugal, hit by a devastating fire which is raging in the forests around Pedrogao Grande, causing many victims and injuries,” he said. “Let us pray in silence.”
Next Tuesday, Salvador will take part in a solidarity concert in MEO Arena — the frontrunner among potential Eurovision 2018 venues. He’ll join more than 20 Portuguese performers singing to raise money for the affected families and villages.
It’s the latest demonstration of Salvador’s humanitarian side. At Eurovision he wore an “SOS Refugees” sweatshirt in his interview with wiwibloggs and tackled the issue directly during the Semi-Final 1 qualifiers’ press conference.
Do you have a message for all those affected by Portugal’s recent fires? What do you make of Salvador’s actions? Tell us in the comments section below.
I remember how was I dazed by videos like these youtube.com/watch?v=8r94gooSsCc
Hard to stay against wild nature, good thing for musicians to support where they can it.
Interesting to see that the same people that say that Salvador is over and nobody will remember him in some posts, say that he is a faker because he is busy giving concerts.
My thoughts are with the victims of these terrible forest fires. I’m glad to see Salvador and Portuguese artists in general doing their part in the relief efforts. I hope they raise enough funds.
S.O.S. refugees
Ridiculous people to argue about Salvador. Stop inventing arguments against Portugal’s victory, damn it, it’s Portugal’s first win. And this victory isn’t only for Portugal… But I have already realized that there are many eurofans with an immature attitude…
If it is to say nonsense, don’t comment, at least respect Portugal that is in mourning.
My prays go to the families of those who died, and a heartfelt embrace to all Portugueses in this dificult moment. As for your question..I really don´t understand this kind of propaganda, seems you are using this horrible tragedy to exol the image of Salvador. Yes, he is one of other 20 artists that donate his time and work to help with this cause, nothing special here. And we certainly have many other ESC artists that are doing the same for other causes. For instance, Mr Gabbani in the last few weeks participated in his social pages in a campaing… Read more »
We can read about Mans’ dog having puppies, we can read about Salvador being part of a relief concert in the face of a tragedy in Portugal.
For the first time today, I’ve seen it…Salvador looks like Jesus. No joke, I think he was voted by the conservatives that want a Messiah. Maybe the troubled times we live in…made people have that reaction.
The irony is that I really don’t think he would have won with that t-shirt SOS-Refugees in the green room. EBU made him a favor to tell him to drop the t-shirt.
Salvador means Saviour
Saviour also means Jesus
Portugal won Eurovision for the first time at 100th Anniversary of the Fatima Apparitions.
and there are more conspiracy (only coincidences, don’t worry) ahahah
well I’m portuguese
the cover of his album seems dumb, what is he supposed to be doing?
I don’t know if you have seen some non-Eurovision performances of Salvador, but he does that with his hands to emulate a trumpet.
dumbest comment….lol
it looks like he is vomiting (..on our ears.. with his music)
You make me vomit. You don’t have to listen to his music nor look to the album. But apparently you must have some masochistic tendency.
Oh, so suddenly he’s not sick anymore? Before Eurovision we all thought he’s gonna die, now he’s taking concert after concert, he’s visiting countries… Well, what can I say… Nice propaganda, Portugal! I have to agree with both Robin and Alex Florea, they’ve seen Salvador in the backstage (we haven’t seen him, we don’t know him) and he was not sick at all, he is just so good at faking…
He is touring Portugal, he is in line for a transplant, that’s his main issue and that’s why he can’t be away for too long.
WTF? Where did you read that? Omg Ahahahah you are still afected by his victory LOL! I feel bad about you! But there is cure for that, there is! Keep on working b*tch
I hope you Will not come to Portugal! We don’t receive people like you! Stay at home crying honey! We are talking about deads and then you come with this??
Christ, come and act acording to this!
Kristian crazy fans xD ahahah they still mad ahahah so funny xD
Thanks to the others who supports us in this hard time
Mezquina y ruin
get yourself some vodka, Morena.
actually people with severe heart problems are allowed to do only limited actitivities and should be subjected to no strain . the fact that salvador took part in eurovision and is now doing concerts suggests that his heart condition is not so severe. also the rumour about the transplant hasnt been officially confirmed by salvador so it’s likely that its false. his baggy clothes could be related to his hernias (if you notice there is a bulge mainly in his abdomen and not in his chest)
He is doing concerts though it isn’t easy for him. There is a chair on stage at every concert, and he performs some songs sitting on a chair or rests there during instrumental solos.
Took part in Eurovision… in part. Also he was sedated precisely so his heart wouldn’t be subject to strain from the emotions, which is why he wasn’t so excited, which is another thing bashers like to rail him about.
What he carries under his clothes hasn’t been confirmed, but it’s likely to be an LVAD which is, in practice, an artificial heart that keeps him alive while a heart becomes available for transplant.
He performs in concerts in the Iberian peninsula with special measures to care for his heart.
What a disgusting comment. Not a word about the tragedy, just here to bash Salvador. Pathetic.
*rolling eyes* for your ignorant and disgusting comment…..
“Visiting countries” Portugal and maybe Spain. Close enough that when a heart transplant becomes available he can get to the hospital in time.
Unless Robin Bengtsson and Alex Florea are cardiologists in charge of Salvador’s medical history, they don’t know a thing about his health. Also you don’t need to be there to see that sadly Salvador is not in good shape at all.
You have such a bad karma that one day all that sh*t you are writing will come back at you.
Robin & Alex Florea did very bad that dared to open their lousy mouths to trash talk about Salvador…
Sore bad losers both of them..
All this harsh criticism & backlash that Salvador faced after his win, was absurd & totally unjustifiable..
um it’s totally justifyable he basically kicked the whole contest and its music that people watch it for, saying that he’s better and somehow more sophisticated because he chooses to be weird and old fashioned
b!shpls, he might have been really harsh, but he wasn’t lying.
He never said he is the best. He said the reality of today’s music. He did not kick the whole contest, as this is a song contest and many artists there supports his victory as viewed in social media (Svala, Jamala, Norma John). EBU wants to legitimize the contest to be taken seriously, they mentioned it. So if people like you can’t take it that’s fine. Cause his taste is simply TOO HIGH for you, and not made for you. He won, both jury AND the public made him the winner. If Salvador’s direction is what the ESC is going… Read more »
most of the music in the Eurovision now appears to be made in the same Nordic factory, Salvador is right.
Bring back the language rule, the orchestra and the days of good music
The same with Greece 10 years ago…
We had over 80 dead people that were burned from forest fires in their cars & houses..
Coincidentally both Portugal & Greece won the EuroVision for the first time, after winning the Euro in football..
(And also, they both beat the hosts countries in the Final of the tournament)
And this tragedy comes only few days after the deadly fire in London’s Tower that left many dozens people dead..
Yup, I also noted those similarities. Very odd.
I feel really sad for Portugal. I hope things will get better for you meus irmãos.
A thoughtful and generous use of Salvador’s efforts. Good on him.
Prayers and best wishes to those still enduring the ongoing catastophe.
Even with his heart hurt, he proves that he has a lot of love to give! We are so proud of you, Salvador!
My heart goes out to all those impacted by this tragedy. Salvador’s behavior is commendable, and I hope the concert goes well and raises plenty of funds. Not that the precious lives lost can ever be compensated for with money, but still, I’m sure the victims left behind could do with plenty of support. A horrible situation.
Salvador you are HUGE ??