It was a thrilling final day for entries into Eesti Laul 2018. Hopeful acts raced to get their entries into the submission box at ERR. In the end, 258 entries were received, an increase on the 242 received last year.
ERR notes that a number of established artists and up-and-coming acts were among those dropping their entries off. However, no big names are listed, suggesting the regular stars of Eesti Laul got their entries in early.
As the remaining acts rushed to meet the 3pm deadline, Eesti Laul producer Mart Normet was waiting to receive the envelopes. He was thrilled by the record number of submissions and told ERR,
“Every year more and more songs are brought to Eesti Laul, which is a very good indicator of trust. I thank all the musicians who brought us our songs today. At the same time, I would like to see [grand final venue] Saku Suurhall be built bigger as the finale is selling out right away.”
In fact, the increased number of entries has meant a change to the selection process.
Songs will now be assessed in a two-step process. First, a 15-person expert jury, involving both Estonians and overseas experts, will listen to the entries. They’ll each give the song a rating from one to five. They’ll have a week to do this, which is intended to give jury members time to get to know the songs and not rush their decisions.
The song ratings will be tallied and the top 15 songs will advance to the live shows. The Eesti Laul editorial staff will then select an additional five acts that they feel will enrich the overall show line-up the most.
Among the submitted entries could be songs composed at the recent Eesti Laul songwriting camp. Among those who attended the camp were Eurovision stars Koit Toome, Ott Lepland and Jüri Pootsmann, along with Eesti Laul regulars Lenna Kuurmaa, Liisi Koikson and Maian.
The 20 selected songs will then be revealed on 19 and 20 December, just in time for Christmas.
The songs will compete in the two semi-finals of Eesti Laul on 10 and 17 February 2018, with the grand final due to be held on 3 March 2018.
What do you think? Who would you like to see back at Eesti Laul 2018? Who can get Estonia back into the Eurovision grand final?
Image: Kairit Leibold/ERR
By the way, the 20 artists will be revealed next Friday on November 10th.
I’m so excited. It was confirmed that Estonian boygroup Beyond Beyond is taking part with a song written or produced by Stig Rästa. Maian will probably compete as a solo artist this year. Also, do you guys remember the woman who was a host during the semi-finals of Eesti Laul 2017? Apparently she’s competing with a song that has mixed opera vocals and electronic music, could be interesting.
OMG I love Maian her voice is so clean and angelic!
better have some Kuulas in there…
Isn’t that record broken every year?
I love Estonia’s enthusiasm when it comes to Eurovision. Even if they sometimes don’t make the right decision in the very end, the overall quality is usually very high.
That’s great news!
I love the Estonian NF!
Looking forward to listening to the songs!
Estonia gets 258 and Latvia only gets 63?
Estonia’s whole culture is based around singing and music though. (As far as I know.)
yeah, we also present exam answers in runo songs with a shamanic drum and our alphabet is 8 octaves.
Excellent. 😀
Triana Park came 41st out of 42, so it makes sense that less Latvians were inclined to submit.
Koit&Laura came 32nd out of 42, so it’s not so high either… I think the amount of songs submitted has nothing to do with the success of the previous winner (fun fact: Melodifestivalen 2011 broke the record of songs submitted despite Anna Bergendahl achieving worst-ever ESC result). Methinks, the amount depends on the overall quality of the selection
and Juri was dead last 42nd in 2016.
Anna was in 2010. Eric Saade was in 2011.
Yes, I know that. I mean, the success of the song-winner in ESC doesn’t reflect the amount of songs submitted the next year. Anna sang in 2010, but in 2011 it was the highest amount of songs submitted ever (for that time)
Maybe the did a pre-selection in Latvia.
I think so too!!
There is a YouTube channel called Magic ESC where a the Latvian songs are uploaded and each song has a number too!! And I see a few numbers are missing and there are songs numbered in 90s.
Yes. There were a total of 93 songs submitted to Latvia but only 63 made the cut for the online round
We never get to hear the other songs and our jury favors their friends Estonia is so small that everyone can recognize most familiar voices
Luckily there will be foreign judges amongst 15 judges that judge participants.
Hoping to see Kerli or Liis Lemsalu back. Anyway Eesti Laul was my favourite NF last year and can’t wait for this year’s editon.