Three days ago we shared the latest images of the Eurovision 2018 stage on our social media accounts. One image showed the stage straight on, while another looked at the stage at an angle. The latter image showed the green room at the back of the audience.
The newly released images set off a wave of discussion both on our official Facebook page and Instagram account, and much of it returned to the fact that the Eurovision 2018 stage will not feature LEDs — a fact designer Florian Wieder recently confirmed on Facebook.
Ahead of Eurovision 2013, Martin Österdahl, the executive producer of that year’s show, said that LEDs were reducing the emotional connection between artists and viewers. He added that SVT wanted to end the “technical arms race” at the show. While their stage did feature graphics, it did not utilise LED screens, opting instead for a different technology.
”There is nothing left to tell when it comes to big LED screens and a fantastic amount of flashing lights,” he said the autumn before the show. “This means that the camera angels have to be taken from a big distance, which means that the artists become very small. There is a very large distance and between them and the background there is a lot of air. We don’t get enough emotional engagement and I believe that people have begun to realise this – consciously and unconsciously but actually more consciously”.
”This is what made Loreen stand out. When the background was turned off, you could get much closer to her and see her eyes. The words that she sang started to mean something. One develops a connection and a relationship is created, and this is completely decisive. I absolutely believe that this is the way forward”.
But the LED battle rages, and many of our readers were left unimpressed with the comments above.
Writing on our Facebook page Harrison said: “What a dumb excuse. If the artists don’t want to use the LED then they can choose not to, like Loreen did, but with this stage [in Lisbon] they have no choice and it’s going to be so restrictive on staging.”
And while Sergey and Måns later brought their own mini-screens to Eurovision, not every artist can afford to do so.
Writing on our Facebook page, Omar isn’t impressed either. “Not all countries want to play Salvador Sobral’s way… Not everyone is having an intimate and soft or sweet song, I think the early reveal of the stage and having no LED will encourage more countries to NOT select amazing acts and performances…”
“Can you imagine someone from Melodifestivalen trying to replicate their performance in Lisbon? This justification is just an excuse to reduce the cost of the stage, we’re going back to 2010, where a lot of countries had to bring their own scenography (Azerbaijan, Croatia) and we will see a lot of dancers and background singers, since the acts will try to fill the space with lots of people (well, 6). It’s too radical Portugal, I like you, but you have to convince me.”
@_fabio_v expressed his dismay on our Instagram rather pithily: “ugh whyy. It’s not 2010 anymore.”
Not everyone is down on the stage. Indeed, there’s plenty of love for it across social media.
Gabriela thinks people forget there was life — glorious life! — before LEDs came to partly define Eurovision.
“Before LEDs were even introduced we still had powerful and awesome visual performances,” she wrote on our Facebook page. “Also, there is some truth in artists becoming small and invisible — especially considering the fact that many fans watch Eurovision online — on computers, smartphones — with screens a lot smaller than usual TV.”
Gevorg points out that even recent performances have been amazing with limited use of the LED.
“Armenia in 2016 Iveta’s performance — not any special led effects, just a cool video production…every country needs his own Sacha Jean Baptiste.”
Where do you stand in the divide? Do you think the stage — and more importantly the acts — can still dazzle even without the LEDs we’ve seen in recent years? Do you think that designers still have some tricks up their sleeves that we can look forward to.
Seeing 2018, it’s sure one of the most spectacular Eurovisions ever! Each of the lighting effects brought to the stage are actually alive and finally, I can actually engage to the performances recorded on smartphones! Shame on Portugal for bringing the most complete Eurovision–with one of the most diverse choice of genres, performers, and sounds–and the best cost-to-product value!
not to mention the pathetic overlay effects that look like they belong in the 80s. Portugal shame on you and congratulations for the worst looking Eurovision in a long time and the worst, unfunniest hosts ever!
Congratulations for being the saltiest, see you in 2019!
So … in fact it’s cheap…. Even the stagins, pyrotechnic effects….
Creativity is not synonymous to dazzling LED graphics and gimmicks (looking at you Australia 2017). I believe this will test the creative limits of the delegations: how they can stage a wonderful performance with minimal tech yada yada.
Plus, I agree that Portugal is not a very rich country as Sweden or Russia but I trust that it will bring an epic show this year. In a colloquial from where I came from, SO SINO MAG-AADJUST? (So who will budge?)
“A lot of recent Eurovision winners haven’t overly-relied on the LED wall” is probably the most false statement I’ve heard anyone say in a while. 2016 – Jamala depended on it to create the tree, and deliver her stunning performance. 2015 – Mans, I think this one speaks for itself; without little balloon boy on the LED (a projection in his case), there would be no way he would’ve won, in fact the whole song would’ve completely fallen down. Not every country has the budget to bring a projection with them, so for all intents and purposes, not having some… Read more »
I’ve took some time reading some of the comments here and my 1st thought is “How the hell are people thinking that LED’s are the ultimate technology? Is this for real?” Overall I’m expecting an epic show. I’ve been to Meo arena twice (I think now is Altice Arena?) and if you think about it a great part of the budget sometimes goes to build the arena (that Portugal already has), so I’m very confident that the money won’t be a problem. Being a Portuguese descendent (one of my grandmothers was portuguese) I’m used to ear strange sayings like “there… Read more »
Malmo looked great without LEDs so I’m not worried
With Ola Melzig and Jerry Appelt as Production Manager and official Light Designer for 2018 Eurovision Song Contest!
Amazing news and creative process for the new show
If I’m not mistaken, the first time digital graphic screens (LED, LCD or whatever) were used was in 2000. In 2002 they used projection screens; but so did 2001, but the 2001 projection screens were so high above the stage that they were irrelevant to the action on stage. The lights, though, are controlled in part or in whole by computer, are they not? I don’t know this for sure, but I suspect they’ve been using machines to control some aspect of the lights on stage and above the stage since 1997, to synchronize with the music (clue me in… Read more »
They haven’t taken any notice of Sobral’s winning speech have they?
Aye. They didn’t heed the “less is more” warning he gave them. Now that the stage designer has acted upon it, who will some of these countries send that don’t necessarily need an extravagant background to shine?
We dont listen to that sore winner douchebag
I see a lot of comments saying ‘what would XY be without LEDs’ hmm Are you saying they need a LED screen to stand out and get votes because the song is bad?
This year we got a lot of faces/pictures on LED screen so ya I’m not going to miss it lol
A beautiful stage and a great host country > LED’s.
well this year you are getting a horrible stage, super retro in a bad way, overlay special effects. A major stepback for Eurovision quality.
I wonder what Bulgaria would have done if it were the winner, not the 2nd. Probably what Ukraine has done. The most it can to give something good. What annoys me is that Portugal takes pride of being…1985. If LED is 15 years ago, then what is this stage, is 1985 better?
If you actually look at the stage from Gothenburg 1985, I think you will see how your point is grossly inaccurate.
Does this stage look like 1985? Don’t patronise us.
Ahahahaha guys this is just hilarous, before writting i stopped for a minute and i start to read all of your coments, geeeeezzzz still so many drama queens together xD Leds or no Leds, Portugal is taking this serious(fact)….Portugal is not Rich as some Nordic countries(fact)…however the money will go where it needs to go, and Leds are CHEEEEEAAAAAAAPPPPPPP, so!!!! just stop the money talk cause it starts to be embarassing. Portugal won, deal with it! Portugal will do a great show, like expo 98, euro 2004…and now eurovision 2017. All Aboard, it will be amazing, i will be there,… Read more »
(eurovision 2018) xDDDD
Honestly, people are overreacting and I am REALLY excited about this stage and already can’t wait for May to see how will it work.
For me, the stage and everything that Portugal has done it looks lazy and very uninspired. Some delegations will suffer for not having a big LED behind them. Plus we live in 2017, not a decade ago.
LEDs are from one decade ago, exactly! Let’s bring the new technologies of 2017 to the Eurovision stage. LEDs are pretty damn outdated…
shhhhh…they still think it’s an advanced technology ^^
(rolling eyes) ^^
Sorry, but you are completely wrong. They are well ahead of schedule and very transparent. EBU is extremely satisfied with RTP. I am sorry that what RTP has produced so far does not match your tacky fake-modern expectations or that you still crying over Portugal’s victory. Deal with it!
LED are not from a decade ago and I hope Portugal will still have a great show, even though they don’t have that but it’s better to take step and not rush like they do
You’re right, LEDs at Eurovision are not from a decade ago. They’re from 15 years ago, since 2003.
You are trying too hard to make it ok that in 2017 countries don’t have options.
No sweety. We are trying too hard to tell you all LED-fetishistic dolls that LEDs are just ONE (and not even the most interesting and advanced) option in a myriad of other options. Countries will have “options”. A lot!
Don’t worry. It will be a great show. 😉
for me you´re insane
everything Portugal did was lazy? Lazy?? HELLO?? They created a theme! Several logos they had been clever and criative!
Stop talking bad things about eveything Portugal done. EBU is extremely satisfied with RTP and portuguese organization. Shame on you Matilda Teodora
I am really looking forward to this new concept. It is so interesting to see how people can be so conservative and not open to new concepts. Only because you had LEDs in the past, it doesn’t mean that you always have to have them and this is coming from people who think themselves as “modern”. And if you save money, it is even more commendable. Not all countries can be a mafia-money driven state as so many Russia-phile people here tend to worship…
Dont worry “led screen” is very commen and old technology. its nothing new.
EUROVISION 2018 stage designer said they will do something NEW Technology for 2018 stage.
And please stop saying rtp no money for LED screen .actually Festival da Canção 2010 have massive led screen stage . Festival da Canção 2017 also use led screen .but this year they want try something new Technology of stage design.
Thank you for stating the “obvious”! People here are so delusional… LED is such a cheap and outdated technology!
Festival da Canção 2010 stage design
Festival da Canção 2010 led stage Catarina Pereira – Canta por Mim –
Do people here really believe that LEDs are the ultimate technological advancement of our times? LOL. If the artist should have the choice to use LEDs, then I think the artists should also have the choice to have virtual reality, robotics, kinetic sculptures, videomapping, holograms, sensors, algorithm-generated tech, Google glasses, quantum computers, 360-degree camera angles, all sorts of crazy Japanese tech culture-induced gadgetry… Well, ask the MIT to produce Eurovision, guys! It’s 2017, right? But LEDs? Really?? LOL. Big fat LOL.
Everyone better bring ther Dihaj boxes, the only good thing about no LEDs is that it’ll force acts to be creative. Pretty disillusioned about this year’s cheap show. Hopefully next year a rich country or one that hasn’t won wins.
one that hasn’t won won this year–what’s your point
Portugal got its victory, turn for another one, who will hopefully be proud of winning it, like Armenia, Bulgaria, and Lithuania. They’d try so hard to give a good show and show everyone that they’re MODERN. Ukraine this year, Azerbaijan, and Serbia put so much effort because they care about image, no matter the expense.
LEDs are cheap, in all meanings more or less metaphorical of the word. What’s your point?
Eurovision is a tv show, VISUAL. We need LEDs to entertain. Who wants a snoozefest with 43 Salvador-imitators? Eurovision is fireworks and LEDs, Conchita and Jamala won because of the technology. LEDs don’t come cheap!
You don’t need LEDs to be “visual”. That’s just the most absurd reasoning. There are hundreds of other technologies, much more interesting than LEDs, no matter if they are cheap or not. And if you think Jamala and Conchita won “because of technology”, then you should choose some other entertainment, because MUSIC is definitely not what interests you.
Just imagin Iveta’s Lovewave without LEDs, holograms and fireworks and you will understand why I hate this stage.
Lol what did the LED exactly do for her? holograms and fireworks will still be there…
Iveta was so great that even in a dark setting with one white light stream on her she would have been great, if not greater.
Loreen is Loreen…. too hard to compare any other act with her….
I think Conchita wouldn’t be what she is nowadays without THAT phoenix led screen…
“Camera angels”? I’m pretty sure you mean “camera angles”… for a moment I thought that actual angels would have been hired to film the performances haha
TAYANNA is back!!!
Loreen didn’t SAY anything. LED or otherwise. Jesus, it was a Eurovision moment, as was Ruslana, but let’s not kid ourselves as much as barefooted Loreen wanted to pretend, there wasn’t much to feel, or to say.
I hope next year Russia will win. At least for them is something serious, a question of national pride. We need that approach.
Portugal is taking ESC seriously.
I am so far very disappointed in the stage, these no LEDS take away all the Eurovision magic! Like imagine Moldova 2017 without LEDS or Bulgaria 2012! It will be a hot mess! 🙁 I hope 2019 will be better!, as I feel like Portugal will want to have all ballads next year 🙁
Guys stop crying. Without the massive LED-screen there is so much room and potential for technological advanced lighting and projections… Look at the MTV VMA’s from the last years for example, many times no LED.. still amazing stages and a great show. And eurovision got so much more money for the stage to make it even better than that.
I think the stage is gonna be amazing! but lets all just wait untill may to see for ourselves.
We need answers, will it be led at least on the floor? Florian Wieder should say something about this. How silly not to give countries the choice. Just the choice. Of course Lena won without led, it was no other option. Loreen won because of song, not because the lack of led. How silly.
We need answers? A bit cocky, no? We don’t need answers. We need to wait until they want to share more infos.
I don’t see why this even an issue 🙂 No LEDs? So what? Noone has died, and World War 3 has not started 😉
Maybe some people mean to be reminded of the obviuous. What matter is the music. Not how the stage looks!
Even this years winner salvador had led in the decor.
Loreen and lena are good examples from light and where at that time absolutely outstanding but times has changed and most people want more than only bright lighting to watch, Eurovision is the whole package!
Lol at all these people so hurt because countries now have to focus on getting a good song, instead of relying on gimmicky backgrounds to get votes. If your act relies too much on an LED screen to get attention then your song isn’t probably good enough anyway.
Eurovision went decades without fireworks and LED screens and produced legendary & amazing songs. People act like that could never happen again.
Lol at all these people so hurt because countries now have to focus on getting a good song, instead of relying on gimmicky backgrounds to get votes. If your act relies too much on an LED screen to get attention then your song isn’t probably good enough anyway.
Eurovision went decades without fireworks and LED screens and produced legendary & amazing songs. People act like that could never happen again.
So true!
We don’t live in the past anymore, this is the Era of technology. Eurovision should keep up, no go back in the 80’s or 90’s. We expect improved visuals and yes, graphics were important for the viewers. Many times the led screens adjusted some performances. “Eurovision went decades without fireworks and LED screens and produced legendary & amazing songs”… Yes, in the past. Now we’re in 2017! If you like to live in the past stop using daily communication then throw away your smartphone, your smart tv, your laptop and use your old tv, your old telephone, quit the internet… Read more »
“we expect improved visuals” we?? you can only speak for yourself honey!!!!!
”To help to shore up a post-war Europe, in 1956, it all began
The set, I’m rather certain, was nothing but a curtain
There were only seven countries and one camera-man”
Petra and Mans predicted esc 2018
Well, that is what Europe would need right now
Geo, I agree with you we are in 2017 not 1967!
Dont worry “led screen” is very commen and old technology. its nothing new.
EUROVISION 2018 stage designer said they will do something NEW Technology for 2018 stage.
The wonderful thing about eurovision is that every year it is different, and each host nation brings something unique. This year we dont have LEDs, and next year we may have Duesseldorf or Copenhagen again. Having no LEDs give countries a different challenge, as they should keep the stage design in mind while choosing their act or designing their stage performances for Lisbon. It will give different countries a chance to rise and shine. So…I am ok with it. I am sure we will have a number of unforgettable performances on that stage
Not really concerned about lack of LED at all tbh. I’m sure they have some advanced lighting, projection and other such stage devices to help elevate or enhance performances on the Lisbon stage. Looking forward to seeing what they have in store for us. Go, Lisbon!:D
They intended to organize the cheapest Eurovision ever and they’ve succeeded! The stage looks cheap, almost like a stage used for a poor national selection (Albania or Moldova). Well done, Portugal!
Mony im sorry but your comment is pathetic liar and delirious supported by falsehoods..totally nonsense…
This is going to be interesting. The lack of LEDs means the staging designers will be totally dependent on lighting, constructs and costume to make their performances stand out visually. I expect the better designs will use constructs and lighting to cut the size of the stage down. I do welcome the more intimate performances that this stage design decision will bring. But, I do fear there will be a lack of spectacle that may make this year a bit boring.
If Malmo “technically did not use LEDs” and it’s been announced that Lisbon will not have LEDs, then it’s probably going to be the same technology as in Malmo.
Well if they plan on getting rid of LEDs, then why not increase the amount of people on stage from 6 to 12 people. Therefore, performers will rely more on creativity
No thanks…that will just result in even more focus on stage shows, OTT acts etc. Not a good idea. And few bands have more than 6 memebers anyway. So no oint
I am ok without the LED’s. Like any other visual element in the contest, it has seen both good and bad uses of it. I think their absence will be interesting since it will force countries to work on creative choreography, props, camera effects/angles, or maybe something new?
At least they aren’t going to put up some generic green screen backdrop picture like the spokespeople giving out points in the 1990s lmao
LEDs are lazy makers. Makes the production put more effort in the commuter visuals rather than the artist’s performance. I honestly think Italy would have faired better if it weren’t for the large stage.
Some of you have hope that the floor will have leds. Maybe Florian Wieder can write another fb message to tell us.
it’s basically a concert stage! refreshing
I remember in Eesti Laul a couple of years back there was a song that was 75% video, ie you couldn’t even see the singer herself… glad to see that trend being reversed
i’m referring to this:
probably the most emotionally dead national final entry I’ve ever seen
It was gross
I feel this goes 2 ways: On one hand, removing the LEDs give more focus and attention on the singers which to me is the focal point of the performance. On the other hand, LEDs have featured in most Eurovisions and it takes away a part of the Eurovision magic. For me, I am fine with either way because I don’t really care about LEDs, just how effective countries make use of the LEDs. It could benefit countries with larger budgets (Sweden and Russia for instance, although most Big 5 countries will most likely be using the LEDs), but there… Read more »
WOW! :O I’m amazed!
The stage looks truly spectacular! <3
So tired of the “big led screen” stage design that become so boring like “the xF??tor got Tal?nt Voi?e” show. i think Eurovision team and Rtp did great job bring something different of view of new technology to esc2018 stage.
I am very exciting for technology of LIGHTING design next year
The stage looks great! As for LED, i get the thinking but there should be optional on that. If some countries want LED then RTP should be able to provide it. Not getting rid of it entirely. At least until we see how well it works out..
Not every country wants to send an intimate ballad, some would like to send crazy acts. Like Moldova 2017. That would’ve been impossible without LED!
The stage looks great though and I think the show will be awesome
Sunstroke Project literally were in Oslo 2010. That’s where the Epic Sax Guy meme came from.
1. Sweden without LEDs and visual effects will flop.
2. Portugal and the EBU are showing this as something great and saying things like this will focus all in the song. The TRUE is Portugal dosen’t have money to pay LED screens and they want to give a cheap justification.
3. LEDs make more interesting a 3 hours TV show, this eurovision is going to be the most boring since 2010.
4. Give the host to Russia and make EUROVISION great again!!!
I’m sure Russia is able to pay and make the best eurovision stage ever.
Malmo 2013 was also cheap and SVT’s budget is more or less near with that of RTP for 2018.
In 2013, Eurovision cost 18.9 million euros and the stage had no LED. In 2016, Eurovision cost 14 million euros and the stage was entirely in LED. RTP plans to spend 12 million euros, because the main objective of the broadcaster was to make Eurovision 2018, the cheapest in recent years.
Hence the words “more or less”. RTP’s budget for ESC is actually only a portion of a larger and broader budget wherein several Portuguese government agencies and other sponsors are responsible in shouldering their share of the costs. LED’s are an added extra, more or less used on having to focus on the performer onstage rather enhancing a song through motion graphics, which can work on some songs but never for all. If removing them as a part of a stage helps level the playing field then so be it. Creativity on enhancing a live performance should not be restricted… Read more »
I don’t agree with you. It is preferable to have LED’s and each delegation decides to use it or not, giving freedom of choice, than not having it. And as you said there are songs that work best with LED, there are songs that work better without LEDs and each delegation chooses, if the stage had.
Bernarod, the delegations will learn to adjust.
Apologies for the misspelling.
And Sweden has never relied upon LED. We never have them on our melodfestival stages.
they are not wrong though, when says it’s good the focus will be on the song. As it should be
“The TRUE is Portugal dosen’t have money to pay LED screens and they want to give a cheap justification.” MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH huge LOL for you honey!!
by the way Russia is poorest than Portugal
1. In recent years, Sweden only relied on the LED screen in 2016; Eric Saade, Loreen, Robin 1, Sanna Nielsen, Mans and Robin 2, they all focused more on the lighting and some stage paraphernalia.
2. Portugal is a developed country, and ESC isn’t the Olympics, it isn’t sooo expensive
3. Most people don’t watch the whole show.
4. Russia will do amazing taking public money and overpricing the contest.
and I also have a “5”:
5. You’re ridiculous. lmao
I love that there will not be an LED screen. The screens take away from the personality of the performances. Bravo Lisbon!!!
I love how the lack of LED backdrops for next year’s contest have resulted to an array of emotions in the comments here.
Here’s something to think about: Eurovision survived not having a live orchestra after four decades of continuous use so an absent year of LED’s is nothing in comparison.
I’d give up every LED screen ever if they brought back the orchestra.
Not going that far but I’d love it if some songs could use live instrumentation. A Monster Like Me in 2015 was phenomenal in 2015 when they could use a live orchestra.
Yeah I tend to think that too albeit root for various options for different acts.