In just a few hours, we’ll have heard all but 7 of the Melodifestivalen 2018 songs. Where does the time go, y’all? But now, SVT has given everyone the chance to hear nearly all of tonight’s third semi-final songs.
The 2.30 minute snippets have just been released of this week’s entries. You can click each song’s title below to hear each snippet. Click here to find all the rehearsal clips from Thursday as well:
Melodifestivalen 2018: Semi-Final Three Snippets
- Martin Almgren — “A Bitter Lullaby”
- Barbi Escobar — “Stark”
- Moncho — “Cuba Libre”
- Jessica Andersson — “Party Voice”
- Kalle Moraeus & Orsa Spelmän — “Min dröm”
- Dotter — “Cry”
- Mendez — “Everyday”
Our readers and the audience in the Malmo Arena during last night’s dress rehearsal seem to disagree on tonight’s potential result. The audience poll put Mendez and Martin Almgren through to the final. Our poll results, however, show that y’all want to see Dotter and Jessica to go direkt til final.
It looks like this could be a close one! You can hear all the songs in full tonight during the third semi-final of Melodifestivalen 2018. You can watch on SVT Play from 20:00 CET.
Have the longer snippets changed your mind on any of the songs? Let us know all your thoughts in the comments section below!
Photo: Courtesy SVT
For me, it’s not as strong a semi as people say it is, but it’s still very good. I personally think last week was stronger. My favourites are Dotter, Jessica and Barbi
DTF – Mendez & Jessica
AC – Dotter & Martin
5th – Barbi
6th – Kalle & Orsa
7th – Moncho
I hope:
DF – Dotter & Barbie
AC – Martin & Jessica
I think
DF – Martin & Dotter
AC – Jessica & Mendez
Mendez and Jessica Anderson direkt til final por favor 😉
That song by Dotter is a complete rip off of Issues by Julia Michaels and that was dull enough the first time around
Well, 2 minute, 30 sec. “snippets” are basically the whole songs anyway (minus the ending), so what? What’s the point of “snippets” that long anyway? Just release the whole song, you basically almost did!
No clear standout for me….many of them are very close, so it’s more of a free-for-all than other finals…Mendez and Martin to final (girl fan votes) and likely Jessica and Dotter to andra chansen. Honestly I’m not expecting too much from Mariette, so I’m rooting for Shuffla in the final (though you can be sure the international juries will down vote the heck out of it!)
Shuffla is definitely the best of the 21 songs heard so far.
Shuffla is the best song so far, but the juries will destroy them… So sad 🙁
Agreed. A great song, but surely to be destroyed by juries.
The dress rehearsal poll is scaring me because Dotter EASILY deserves to qualify direct, “Cry” is the best song in Melodifestivalen 2018 so far.
My prediction:
DTF: Dotter & Jessica
AC: Mendez & Martin
5th: Barbi
6th: Kalle
7th: Moncho
A semi final which most of the songs are not bad but are not to die for either. The only things I have really clear in my head is that I really like Dotter’s “Cry” and I really don’t like Moncho’s “Cuba Libre”. The rest are all really close. But if I’m forced to make a top 7 here’s my opinion before the show: 1. Dotter 9.0/10 2. Kalle Moraeus & Orsa Spelman 7.1/10 3. Jessica Andersson 7.1/10 4. Martin Almgren 7.0/10 5. Barbi Escobar 6.9/10 6. Mendez 6.6/10 7. Moncho 4.0/10 I was really surprised by the audience poll… Read more »
As much as i love cry is like heraing issues by julia michaels
That Mendez song…I lost my wig. I need this on that stage in Lison. Please Sverige!
Bro, if Mariette won’t send something amazing, Sweden will Need to send Samir & viktor, I’m not even kidding. (Or Liamoo, he could do really well!) This year’s melfest is not really living up to it’s srantards, that’s kinda sad.
Yes I am a fan of darts too!
Yeah, I noticed that it’s written with d but I didn’t want to correct it again xD
I love Dotter’s song. I will be very disappointed if she is not directly to final.
Mendez is good too.
I actually find all the songs pleasant. There is no one I can say is bad which wasn’t the case last week. And week before
Think it will be close voting this week. Dotter was the best followed by Jessica.
I love “A Bitter Lullaby” and I really think the live performance will elevate it. Hopefully he will qualify, it would be nice to see a different sound represent Sweden, and not another really pop modern song. Don’t get me wrong, I like Sweden’s last entries, but a change would be nice.
lol, the 12 seconds are missing
dtf: jessica (even if madonna can maybe give a call about ‘hung up’ sound-alike) & martin almgren.
ac: barbi escobar & dotter (even if, well, this is a kinda disappointing track).
5/6/7: mendez / kalle moraeus / moncho.
if mariette doesn’t send a strong tune next week, anna bergendahl won’t stay alone in her “non-df qualifier” category for a very long time.
“A Bitter Lullaby”: I’m usually not a fan of these songs, but this one I like. It has good vibes, a nice chorus and a beautiful bridge. I believe the live performance will elevate it. “Stark”: Modern sound, I like the chorus and the “only music” parts. “Cuba Libre”: not my favourite, but a nice flavour to the semi final. Enjoyable adnd good to dance to. “Party Voice”: Powerfull, up-beat, good to dance to. No t a fan of the lyrics though. And the chorus is just ok. “Min dröm”: sounds traditional, reminds me of Roger Pontare last year I… Read more »
I’m probably the one, but I get Há Um Mar Que Nos Separa vibes from Cry.. haha.. which is probably not a good sign…
I don’t get the Dotter-hype here. She sounds like a 5-year old with some teeth missing or she is trying a little too hard on a cool accent. Barbi is by far the best from this semi, but still no top 10-material.
DTF: Jessica and Mendez (bops)
AC: Barbi and Dotter
every year a lot of you say that it’s the weakest year of Melodifestivalen and yet they are still doing very well at Eurovision 😀
You should come to Sweden. Mello-bashing is basically a national sport here.
The animosity apparent in these comments is very weak sauce.
Omg HAHAH thats so true Mattias
Lol true. Every week we bash the songs and comment “fel låt vann”
No one can beat Aftonbladet though. markus Larsson..
He has turned bashing into art, I think!
As it pertains to my personal taste, Sweden is really struggling this year. To be fair, any other country is also struggling/ would also struggle if they had a selection consisting of 28 songs.
Yes. Cause every year there are only 2-4 songs with a true ame and shot to win Melodifestivalen and reach Esc. The rest is just average or below. This year it’s Benhamin’s show, Dotter and we’ll see about Mariette next week. In my opinion.
I’d be perfectly happy to find two to four songs in one national final which I can really get behind. As you said, we’ll see about next week. But as far as this Benjamin guy is concerned, I really hope he won’t win. I don’t see anything special in him. I’d rather give the ticket to Liamoo.
The best semi for years!
Mendez, Dotter and Jessica A having the best songs, though it hurts hearing Mendez live…
Final: Mendez and Martin A
AC: Jessica A and Kalle M
5th: Dotter (this will be the a new Statements, I´m afraid…)
6th: Barbi
7th: Moncho
I was about to write a comment with the form “best semi since semi X in 20XX” but going back in time I couldn’t actually find a more enjoyable Deltävling. My main concern are the visuals and the presentation. In essense I agree with Munshi’s vision for Mello, but the execution is lacking. Most of the performances so far have looked like any regular national final, and judging by the snippets, this week is gonna make things worse. Is team Furubäck/Ryberger running out of ideas? The final in Friends tends to vindicate the production team, but so far I’m not… Read more »
I find at least 4 songs in this semifinal far more enjoyable then the ones chosen for Eurovison so far. Not worried.
Really getting bored of the constant teasing tactics of SVT and the over-coverage they receive in ESC-related sites. As if any of the songs is any good.
In the end, we always know the results from the audience poll beforehand, so it’s not even suspenseful either.
For me it’s Barbi DTF and maybe Mendez (however I’m afraid about his live vocals). Dotter and Jessica to AC.
Overall, it’s the weakest weak in the weakest Mello…
Strange.. cause many in Sweden say it’s so far the strongest.. hm..
A few of the songs sound much better hearing the longer clips. Quite enjoying Jessica, Dotter and Mendez but most of all Barbi!
Dotter is still my favourite by far. Love it!
nothing is going to chane my mind still unimpressed such a weak year for melfest
: (
Dotter and Mendez to the final. Even though Mendez can’t sing live very well, but the song is so cathy! Jessica and Martin to AC.