Tonight the town of Örnsköldsvik was the setting for the fourth and final semi-final of Melodifestivalen 2018. And it was there that Mariette and Rolandz went direkt till final, while Olivia Eliasson and Felix Sandman will get another shot in the andra chansen round next week.
The first acts to be eliminated were muiscal singer Emmi Christensson and her song “Icarus” and Felicia Olsson with “Break That Chain”. Cue dozens of “bye, Felicia” tweets.
The five remaining acts — Elias Abbas, Rolandz, Olivia Eliasson, Felix Sandman and Mariette — then faced the second round of voting. And from there, the qualifiers were revealed.
Elias Abbas narrowly missed out in fifth place. His song “Mitt paradis” was popular with viewers — but not quite popular enough to sneak through into andra chansen.
Direkt till final
Mariette – “For You”
This is the third appearance for the dreadlocked diva. This time she performed the uplifting song “For You”. Mariette performed the song standing atop a lit-up blue pyramid and fully commanded the mystical triangle. Mariette was casually dressed in jeans and a cropped t-shirt, but she let her voice shine through.
Rolandz – “Fuldans”
With an extravagant performance and even more sequins than you’d find in Alcazar’s wardrobe, Rolandz gave one of the most memorable and entertaining performances of Melfest 2018. The comedy dansband clearly won over the Swedish audiences with their rousing track. The performance, staged by previous Melfest and Eurovision producer Edward af Sillén, was bright and shiny and highly entertaining.
Andra Chansen
Olivia Eliasson “Never Learn”
YouTube star Olivia Eliasson delivered the pop goods with her song “Never Learn”. The song was co-written by former Melfest star Anton Ewald and offered a fresh pop sound.
Felix Sandman “Every Single Day”
The former FO&O singer was battling a bad cold, but he still managed to win over audiences with his sweet ballad “Every Single Day”. Just like his former boy band, he will battle it out in the anda chansen round.
Melodifestvalen 2018 — Andra Chansen line-up
Next week is the andra chansen round, where eight acts will battle it out for four placed in the grand final. The contest involves a series of duels and the pairings are expected to be confirmed in coming days.
- Felix Sandman – “Every Single Day”
- Margaret – “In My Cabana”
- Mimi Werner – “Songburning”
- Moncho – “Cuba Libre”
- Méndez – “Everyday”
- Olivia Eliasson – “Never Learn”
- Renaida – “All the Feels”
- Sigrid Bernson – “Patrick Swayze”
What do you think of tonight’s four qualifiers? Is there a potential Eurovision winner amongst them? Tell us what you think below!
Don’t blame Björkman for everything. There are actually other people too working with MF. And Björkman does not select the songs.
Well almost everything mentioned above about what has been wrong with MF this year is the reason why MF lost viewers. But SVT don’t seem to care right now despite the critisism.
However, I think we will have a decent entry for ESC after all despite the debacle.
Rolandz DTF??? Go home Sweden, you’re drunk! Totally crazy.
Was waiting for Mariette to slay and its a flop. Most of the finalists last year would have easily won this time but all too dumb to enter
I would pick Benjamin or Mariette. Weeks ago, I would never think that “Dance You Off” would be a frontrunner, but the songs that came after were equally underwhelming and at least he has the best staging on the competition. It’s nice to watch and even distracted me from the fact that I don’t like the song. Mariette probably has the most polished act of this Melodifestivalen. Nothing is outstanding, but everything works pretty well. And then there’s Liamoo with an also polished act, but I don’t like the genre. I really liked Felix. I know he won’t win, but… Read more »
So… Rolandz DTF over Emmi, Elias and Felix?
Colour me surprised about how Sweden votes for MF…
Anyway, dare I say that MF 2018 is MF 2013 all over again, with acts like Dotter and Emmi not qualifying but Moncho and Rolandz did. Really Sweden?
Next time, put more emphasis in songs than the contestants and MF will be great again.
Just a reminder that Robert Gustafsson basically is a living legend in Sweden.
No one should be surprised by this result.
I’m thinking he might even have won the semifinal..
Wouldn’t surprise me. People will compare this to Owe Thörnqvist and Hasse Andersson, but Robert is just on a completely different level. He’s a hero for my generation, who grew up with Killinggänget. So that’s the ironic vote. The older generation will like the homage to dansband. And the kids love him.
Asking whether the song is a ‘winner’ or not is missing the point in like ten different ways.
Exactly. Swedes know it won’t win and that’s not the point of it either. It’s the kind of ironic novelty fun people wants in MF. We vote cause it’s fun. For all we know it might end up last. And we don’t care. The point is that it is there.
I made myself a Mariette’s fan because her previous attemps so I was really rooting for her this time around… but what was that?! Highly dissappointed with For you, looked like a rehearsal and song itself is very weak. She has a chance (actually Im pretty sure Rolandz won tonight). But on the other hand, I gave no cent for Felix but he fell in love with that cutie. Anyway it’s Ingrosso time hunties.
How Rolandz went through over anyone is upsetting. Felix should’ve been DTF along with Icarus imo. I feel like people are voting more for the fact that Mariette has been there twice before. Cause her song is good but nothing else. My results would’ve been:
1. Felix
2. Emmi
3. Mariette
4. Elias
5. Felicia
6. Olivia
7. Rolandz
Mariette’s staging reminds me of France 2016’s Amir. Simple & clear also effective. Really gutted for Mitts Paradise getting eliminated. Elias’ smile and energy on stage will be missed ;-(
Aamer had a good song though
So many to talk about here: Emmi sang amazingly! I really enjoyed Elias on stage! Sad he was eliminated. I don’t now how Rolandz went straight to the final. Olivia was good, I think she deserved A.C. Such a beautiful performance from Felix. Mariette started really well on the pyramid, I see what she was going for, but I felt the stage was empty. In a song like that, you need some dancers or sth, you can’t sing all 3 minutes on a pyramid. Glad she went directly to the final, but I don’t think she’ll win. P.S.: Mariette is… Read more »
Is this year some kind of trend to hate MF? Lol, Sweden will not flop, deal with it. It was good show and I’m glad that Felix qualified.
It seems like it. Like bullying children..
LOL SWEDEN is not perfect, deal with it. They can flop, not saying they will but it’s possible.
Its an annual trend. people bash it every year. But Wiwibloggers fail compared to what we Swedes do every year.
Huh. After listening to the full version of Liamoo’s song again, I have no idea why I remembered it fondly.
Just send Samir & Viktor and be done with it.
For me it’s the opposite, the more I listen to Last Breath the more I love it.. 🙂 Want it to win so badly.
Can’t believe that “Icarus” did such poorly with coming only 6th! :O
I was not impressed with Mariette’s song sadly… It’s by far her least good mel fest entry (out of her 3)
I agree with all those words. “Icarus” was my personal choice from this semi, followed by Elias. When it turned out that he lost to this pathetic joke act, I stopped watching. The fact that this old guy pretended to pass out was more tragic than funny… Mariette’s song was by far her weakest in the history of her competing (like with Ace Wilder last year but “Wild Child” was better overall). I’m sure she said in Swedish how personal it was for her and yet I felt like she struggled to pull it off, like she wasn’t able to… Read more »
“Dance you off” is now the bookies favourite to win MF.
It’s a song that could have won in 2009 or something. And copying those burning wings from “Rise like a phoenix”. No thanks. Sweden had good taste for not taking it further.
Sorry, my 2nd comment was for Mario.. Don’t know what happend.
I can’t believe how eurovision fans are so annoying at times with all of your special little demands in your tiny little bubble. Especially this year 😀 Like it matters in May. Just look at last year. Did you a see Portugal win? No you wanted a guy dancing with an ape because the meaning of the song was deep. But look how it turned out! Even Sweden ended up better than him! It’s soooo funny! We might not have a eurovision winner, but it’s not going to be a catastrophic final line-up. Far from it. It has something for… Read more »
haha the ape comment was funny because it’s true.
Sweden only did better than Italy because of the juries (again). Italy came 6th in the televote, whilst Sweden came 8th behind even Hungary.
Eugene, you don’t seem to get MF. Most non- Swedes don’t get it either. It’s not just a national selection and about having quality songs. It is a festival of songs and having all kinds of songs.It’s about show, having fun, being entertained. Even when Björkman leaves the novelty songs won’t leave. People expects them to be there just like they expect schlagers to be there. These last two years people said “yes the songs are good but where is the fun? MF has lacked fun for some time, Björkman focused on finding good hit songs. While it worked people… Read more »
That theory doesn’t quite work. There is a general consensus across Swedish media that this year was terrible and definitely “not fun”. David Lindgren, Fab Freddie and whoever wrote the manus have copped quite a bit of flak. On top of all that, the songs were mediocre at best.
I’m talking about the songs. Since 2016 people liked the songs but they asked for the fun aspect of them. The ironic songs. Kind of how MF used to be. It is not just about having quality songs that can compete in ESC, it’s about having fun too. That is why Rolandz was there and why they went through. It was fun. Obviously no one sees it as a winner and that’s not the point too. People wants these kind of novelty songs in MF, the same way they want schlagers. It’s not going away just because international people isn’t… Read more »
Felix really surprised me, I thought he had one of the best performances this round. He should have gone direct. I CANNOT BELIEVE that ROLANDZ went direct over Elias. This is utter crap. HOW SWEDEN?! I felt so bad for him, he looked so disappointed. Also, Felicia did not deserve 7th place.
His face realizing he didn’t proceed to the final was worth all of earth’s gold.
This is the drama I want.
Thank you Sweden <3
Elias’ crushed face was kinda heartbreaking 🙁
People in Sweden laughed at it, because pretty much everyone here knew Rolandz were going to beat him except Elias himself
Seeing as he is the guy in charge, it is a nightmare of his own creation, if anything.
Why should he? He has a sense of humour
Mariette was best and deserved final…really thought Elias would make it to final (he seemed shocked) over Rolandz! Felix deserved no better than AC, as did Olivia–but neither of them impressed me at all. The eliminated acts were no better.
Still prefer Samir and Viktor overall–but you know the juries will be pushing Benjamin and Liamoo!
Benjamin has to win now. He’s got the winner’s staging. Sweden can easily qualify with this but won’t win.
yeah, benjamin (1st) and Mariette (2nd) are literally the only chances for sweden to make top 10 in the final (Jessica wins in my heart but I don’t know about her chances)
Neither Benjamin or Mariette will win lol the people will never have any of them as a winner
Even Jessica has a bigger chance than any of them
Every single year people complain in the comments that melfest is bad and overrated.
Every single year they say that all the songs are trash.
Every single year they say that this year Sweden will stay in the semi finals.
Every single year they are wrong.
Yes, but for those of us who absolutely adore Melodifestivalen, this year has been a horror show.
Eh, I think last year was just as ”bad” with Loreen not qualifying, she was the only act I cared about, but we still managed a 5th place in Eurovision, I’m not too worried.
True. They just wanna see Sweden fail every year but I think they should concentrate on their countries’ entries more. They’re acting like their entries can easily beat Sweden in the semi.
I still remember how people thought Frans would be in bottom 5. Or how they said none of the 2017 acts were top 5 material. It still feels Good proving them wrong
Every single year people complain in the comments that melfest is bad and overrated. THEY SAID
Every single year they say that all the songs are trash. THEY SAID
Every single year they say that this year Sweden will stay in the semi finals. THEY SAID
Every single year they are wrong. THEY SAID
Well i’m telling you now if Sweden FLOPS this year I will laugh at this comment.
See you on May 10th, my friend
Deal! 🙂
Last year was amazing.
Deducted from reasoning and time length of heartbeats: we know the (most likely) 3rd and 4th places now in Mello. So the advantage is to Margaret, Renaida, Felix & Mendez, but that didn’t help my fav Loreen last year being 3rd 🙁
Duel 1: 3rd In My Cabana VS 4th Cuba Libre
Duel 2: 3rd Renaida VS 4th Never Learn
Duel 3: 3rd Every Single Day VS 4th Songburning
Duel 4: 4th Patrick Swayze VS 3rd Everyday
Oh come on. None of the songs chosen are bad. True none is a ESC winner but then again Björkman never said the purpose was to find a ESC winner did he?
Feels like we have this discussion every year. Every year people say we will flop. But we wont. All songs would qualify from final and 5 are top 10 worthy. Same as last year.
Bitter Lullaby isn’t bad? Party Voice isn’t bad?
It is. But hey, if they wanna dance like a mother…
No, both are decent. Not bad. Both would qualify from semi if chosen. But they wont be chosen.
LIAMOO and Benjamin should win if we ever want stand a chance at esc. Otherwise we would flop hard
Felix’ was heartbreaking tonight. He came 3rd at least (only 4″ heartbeats less than Rolandz).
And he’s up against Mimi. That’s an easy battle to win.
Why do you keep pretending to know the results when you clearly don’t?
Can’t find the match ups published anywhere yet either.
1. Margaret v Moncho
2. Renaida v Olivia
3. Felix v Mimi
4. Sigrid v Mendez
Don’t be so sure! Remember Isa and SaRaHa back in 2016?? We all wanted “I Will Wait” to qualify, and then: “Oh, no!! Kizunguzungu!!” “Songburning” could win!
Mariette had the best vocal performance but Olivia’s song is the strongest. I would have liked to see Mariette singing Never Learn instead. Olivia was pleasant enough but didn’t really convey any emotion in her performance. She smiled the whole way through as if she was in a talent show. Let’s hope she can take things up a notch in Andra Chansen next week where I suspect she may be paired against Sigrid.
I don’t think much of Mariette’s performance, to be honest. She is a better recording artist than live performer. Felix Sandman’s performance was actually quite enjoyable though. You know, because the other songs are just so much worse. He seems to have been sacrificed for some Swedish novelty act, but it’s not like he was on the path to win the entire thing, anyway. I don’t think Sweden would ever go for something that as an ounce of soul and character. That’s what he did, at least a tiny little ounce of it. But that seems to be too much… Read more »
melodifestivalen has hit an absolute all time low. I hope Christer Björkman and co makes a drastic change for next year, cause this year was horrible.
I absolutely agree with you. Christer Björkman has taken way too much for him to handle and frankly, it’s affecting melodifestivalen, And also, the app? Whoever came up with that idea must be fired!
Sweden should just cancel itself at this point. Maybe if Christer rings Paris right now they’ll let him borrow Eva for Eurovision.
Felix Sandman – Every Single Day … clearly the best in this round…shame those weirdo Grandpas made it instead
Sweden needs a 29th song.
But a big thanks to SVT, I can plan now better things to do as to see boring music in a show without creativity.
Really, it’s not interesting or thrilling which act will win. I’m really bored with the Melodifestivalen.
Send Mariette, Jessica, or Margaret to ESC and I’ll be happy.
Mariette’s performance just isn’t it for me. The song is really not as strong as ‘A Million Years’ (the only other song I know from her) and doesn’t scream winner for me. She can sing but I didn’t think this was a stellar vocal performance either. Her entire stage presence just felt awkward – awkwardness amplified by that outfit. The concept of the staging screams “Just because!” and has no relation to the song at all? It seems like a concept scrapped from a Katy Perry ‘Dark Horse’ performance – which wouldn’t have been bad in a Dark Horse performance.… Read more »
Not convinced with For you. Good performance from Mariette, but a little generic and gets old quickly.
I am upset Elias did not make it. I loved it. Also, Emmi deserved to go through.
Besviken på mello i år! Brukar alltid försvara, men nu är jag less.
Helvete vad illa det var i år. Håller med!
Håller verkligen med! Årets Melodifestival ligger på en extremt dålig nivå, både när det kommer till programledare, manus, innehåll, för att inte glömma nivån på låtarna. Så tragiskt!
MARiette was sizzling with her sporty outfit
The best song didn’t DF? Felix? It was a stunning song I was convinced would be top 5 in ESC. Hopefully he will make it through. It was the best. He deserves to make it through.
But I knew this would happen. Rolandz is a Swedish thing. And fun.
As for Mariette im sorry but this was her weakest entry. Good song but standard
Mariette’s song is weak, but should win this even weaker melodifestivalen. I think this is the best shot for sweden in eurovision. otherwise send Jessica and make us have FUNNN
I dont wanna be petty but how the hell did Sweden vote a middle-aged comedian to final but not Elias? The caucacity. Absolute crap. I’m ashamed of my country right now.
And after hearing all the songs…safe to say we will flop this year in Eurovision. Congrats Sweden-haters!
Emmi should’ve qualified. She deserved at least second chance round – she was a lot better than Rolandz or Olivia
i want felix to win :/
I liked Mariette’s song and performance, was pretty bored by both Felix and Olivia and disliked Rolandz’. What a night!
To me the line up of andra chansen is even better than the final lol
It always is
Well the sandman is known for putting everyone to sleep.
Tbh I will happily sacrifice my guilty Patrick Swayze/Every Single Day pleasures to save Renaida next week
I can’t speak atm. Mariette though! LOVE IT!