On Sunday, Portugal will select their entry for Eurovision 2018 and the country is on hold to see who will succeed to Salvador Sobral’s magical performance.
There’s only one thing missing: the Wiwi Jury. Our in-house panel of music unprofessionals dived into Portuguese traditional music and came up with their favourites.
Given time constraints we weren’t able to evaluate all 14 songs in the usual Wiwi Jury way. Instead, 11 members of team wiwibloggs listed their top-five candidates along with a review of their favourite. Let’s find out who we want in Eurovision!
1. Cláudia Pascoal – “O Jardim”
Strangely enough, the FdC performance of “O Jadim” sounds like a stripped-down acoustic performance of a much bigger, fuller production. The strength of the song means that it could stand up to either treatment, but a Eurovision performance could handle a bigger, bolder production. Cláudia has an ethereal sound and look and brings clear emotion to the performance. Portugal doesn’t need a Salavdor sequel to win FdC. “O Jardim” goes in the right direction.
2. Lili – “O voo das cegonhas”
3. David Pessoa – “Amor veloz”
4. Joana Barra Vaz – “Anda estragar-me os planos”
5. Susana Travassos – “Messageira”
1. Cláudia Pascoal – “O Jardim”
In terms of production, “O Jardim” is an interesting piece that combines a ballad construction with modern beats. Add to that meaningful lyrics and a distinct and unique voice like Cláudia and you have a diamond ready to be polished. In fact, Cláudia brings a lot to the song. Her presence is engaging and her body beautifully connects with the song, especially important when you’re singing in Portuguese and few know what you’re trying to say. If it wins, Portugal will continue its new trend of sending quality entries and should be proud in Eurovision, no matter the result.
2. Janeiro – “(sem título)”
3. Peu Madureira – “Só por Ela”
4. Lili – “O Voo das Cegonhas”
5. Peter Serrado – “Sunset”
1. Cláudia Pascoal – “O Jardim”
Simplicity at its finest sung in such beautiful way. Claudia Pascoal’s “O Jardim” is not a song but a journey of emotions and placid tempos that conducts you to a more peaceful state of mind. The way Claudia and Isaura both perform and the emotion they put into it make this song already a worthy experience to feel. Both voices merge amazingly while dripping with sensitivity. And despite Eurovision already have some other ballads, this one does sound timeless and overall mesmerizing.
2. Janeiro – “(sem titulo)”
3. Catarina Miranda – “Para Sorrir Eu Não Preciso de Nada”
4. Lili – “O Voo das Cegonhas”
5. Peu Madureira – “Só Por Ela”
1. Janeiro – “(sem titulo)”
This is the only song from Portugal’s selection that utterly seduced me at first listen. It feels like Janeiro is baring his soul in this beautiful, untitled poem set on guitar chords. I can see him in a deserted park at night singing to the stars above. (The sound of the ambulance siren in the distance is a very nice touch.) It is so intimate yet so powerful at the same time. And the lyrics, my God — you have to check them out. If Portugal sends Janeiro to Eurovision, I will be as ecstatic as I was last year.
2. Cláudia Pascoal – “O Jardim”
3. Peu Madureira – “Só per ela”
4. Lili – “O voo das cegonhas”
5. Anabela – “Para te dar abrigo”
1. Cláudia Pascoal – “O Jardim”
“O Jardim” is a delicate pleasure that’s hard to see on a big stage. Portugal has the option of presenting such a quality song in the final of Eurovision, and they should not waste it. Cláudia’s voice is familiar, yet distinctive enough to make an impression: she has peaks like those of the big pop divas, but then also masters the whispers of an acoustic performance. The performance would need some polish, especially with some closer camera shots, but this is good to go already.
2. Janeiro – “(sem titulo)”
3. Lili – “O voo das cegonhas”
4. Maria Inés París – “Bandeira azul”
5. Catarina Miranda – “Para sorrir eu não preciso de nada”
1. Catarina Miranda – “Para sorrir eu não preciso de nada”
This is a sweet song with an even sweeter message, but the real star is Catarina. Her quirky look, smooth voice and deeply endearing performance style warms your heart. The song does need some added instrumentation to give it a bit more personality (some violins and xylophone would do wonders), but the potential is there — and whilst this may not stand out in a selection of almost exclusively non-contemporary ballads, it would do at Eurovision come May.
2. Peu Madureira – “Só por ela”
3. Anabela – “Para te dar abrigo”
4. Peter Serrado – “Sunset”
5. Joana Barra Vaz – “Anda estragar-me os planos”
1. Cláudia Pascoal – “O Jardim”
I was quite glad I had a large pile of ironing to do while listening to the 14 finalists, as it gave my mind something else to focus on and stopped me drifting off during many of the performances. However, there was one song that made me put down the iron and watch it all the way though. While “O Jardim” has the ‘non-fast food music’ feel that Portugal seem to want in their entry, it also still feels relatively contemporary unlike many of the other entries. Additionally, although there are a number of ballads in the selection Cláudia is the only one to fully put her emotions into the song, which you can feel even within the first few notes. This would give Portugal the opportunity to show Europe that they can honour their Eurovision winner, but still not be stuck in a cycle of recycling the same thing every year.
2. Peter Serrado – “Sunset”
3. Lili – “O voo das cegonhas”
4. Joana Barra Vaz – “Anda estragar-me os planos”
5. Catarina Miranda – “Para sorrir eu não preciso de nada”
1. Lili – “O Voo das Cegonhas”
Those heavy bass beats at the start showed me we had something a bit special and different here. After winning with a very traditional Latin song, what Portugal really needs is to send something crazy and modern this year. Everything is so unoriginal and interesting here; the bouncy drum beat, the electronic sounds, and Lili’s voice is so different and transcendental… it just has me enraptured. I really don’t think that Portugal we able to do two wins in a row, but as a host country, it would be awesome if they sent something as off-kilter as this.
2. Cláudia Pascoal – “O Jardim”
3. Joana Barra Vaz – “Anda Estragar-me os Planos”
4. Catarina Miranda – “Para Sorrir Eu Não Preciso de Nada”
5. Peu Madureira – “Só por Ela”
1. Cláudia Pascoal – “O Jardim”
What was clearly a two-horse race with the now-ousted Diogo Picarra has now become a much easier feat for Claudia Pascoal. Claudia delivers a somewhat haunting piece, with a beat, rhythm and atmosphere that grows little by little across three minutes. Even though it lacks the typical crescendo, its absence seems fitting and oddly appropriate to the tone of the song. Ethereal and enticing, Claudia’s garden seems like the place to be.
2. Peu Madureira – “Só por Ela”
3. Peter Serrado – “Sunset”
4. Catarina Miranda – “Para sorrir eu não preciso de nada”
5. Lili – “O voo das cegonhas”
1. Lili – “O voo das cegonhas”
Lili and Cláudia Pascoal stand out as the two best choices for Portugal in 2018 and both have good songs. Lili edges out Cláudia because her song sounds the most current of the bunch and would not sound entirely out of place on the radio either. In a national final with many songs hoping to replicate last year’s success, Lili doesn’t follow the same script. “O voo das cegonhas” would be a refreshing change of pace for Portugal.
2. Cláudia Pascoal – “O Jardim”
3. David Pessoa – “Amor veloz”
4. Anabela – “Para te dar abrigo”
5. Joana Espadinha – “Zero a zero”
1. Peter Serrado – “Sunset”
The effect of Salvador’s win is very visible at this year’s Festival da Canção, as everyone tries to play the same cards, so Peter definitely stands out of the competition with his mid-tempo country song, which resembles Douwe Bob by its arrangement. It’s a cheerful song, and you can definitely feel that something is happening here. As a conclusion, Festival da Canção is an artistic time-machine this year, which has just enough songs that prevent it from turning into a snoozefest.
2. Peu Madureira – “Só por ela”
3. Catarina Miranda – “Para sorrir eu não preciso de nada”
4. Minnie & Rhayra – “Patati Patata”
5. Cláudia Pascoal – “O Jardim”
What are your favourite Festival da Canção 2018 songs? Who do you think should represent Portugal at Eurovision? Share your thoughts below!
Melodically, the best song is, by far, Júlio Resende’s “Para sorrir eu não preciso de nada”. It is so well crafted, with all its harmonic nuances, and yet it is a completely addictive song. I can easily hear it 10 times in a row! The lyrics are simple, yet strongly meaningful, as it’s about love without gender (she ends the song saying that she doesn’t need anything to smile, because “she” is her girlfriend). It’s an overall sweet and magical song. Also, Catarina is the most complete artist in this competition, with an excellent solo repertoire (check her artistic name… Read more »
Strangely, you left out the probable winner from your video selection.
Peu won 1st semifinal and has no competiton on his style of song, so his voters have very few doubts while others will be divided between two or three songs. Like your jury.
It is such a shame Diogo Piçarra had to withdraw from the competition… his song was the best imo and would have most likely won Festival da Canção, but nothing we can do now! (As much as I hate to say it!!) :((( Cláudia’s and Peu’s songs are deffo my (and I imagine the country’s) hot favourites to represent Portugal in Eurovision, but I think ‘O Jardim’ does have an extra layer of deeper emotion and just beautiful uniqueness. I really hope she wins because she can bring a memorable moment of stillness and emotion to the Grand Final! 🙂… Read more »
“Will the foreigners like it ???”
The Portuguese are falling into the same trap, as if they had not learned anything from the Salvador / Luísa case.
Luísa produced the song completely unrelated to the Eurovision Factor. So it turned out to be authentic and surprising, completely OUT OF THE BOX.
This year, the one closest to the trap: Cláudia !!! It will go wrong !!! Remember 2015 !!!
The only chance for Portugal is to be authentic and out of the mainstream !!!
1. Peu Madureira
2. Catarina
3. Joana
4. Lili
Nice try, portuguese dude.
Hmmm… interesting. I find myself in that trap as well sometimes, tbh. Last year my first instinct was to support Pedro Gonçalves. But in the final it was pretty obvious Salvador had to win. But what do you mean with 2015?. Was there any competition for Leonor that year? As for Claudia, I still think is the best choice, not because what ‘foreigners’ might appreciate, but I genuinely think is the best overall song (actually my absolute favorite song is from Benjamin, but it is so poorly performed…)
Are u comparing Há um Mar que nos separa with O Jardim?!
Agreed. -.-‘
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I like Peter, Catarina Miranda and Claudia for me are the best songs, they dont need to copy Salvador, this are the best songs for me….
I agree with Natalie, “O voo das cegonhas” would stand out more for it’s electronic component but melodic and soothing also. Tradicional is what is expected and Portugal should surprise in this special year.
“Anda estragar-me os planos” is my favourite. At first I prefered “O jardim” but I now can’t stop listening to “Anda estragar-me os planos”. The combination of the lyrics (really beautiful) and the music are quite magical. I understand that other musics may stand out but, as someone saíd, it should all be about what music makes you feel.
O Diogo Piçarra ganhava a eurovisão, ou ficava lá perto.
Sem o Diogo Piçarra, a Claudia Pascoal é a mais séria candidata a ter um melhor lugar na Eurovisão.
Without Diogo Piçarra, a music that could win easaly Eurovision, the song of Claudia Pascoal is obviosly a favourite to win too.
Great song… simply the song should remain with 3 minutes, and the song should accelerate in the last minute. Simple, and could win Eurovision.
PS: – off topic – Natalie, sorry but I wouldn’t clasify APD as a “traditional latin song”. It is actually a valse and sung in a jazzy way inspired by Chet Baker and Billie Holliday. A vague connection to the Brasilian “vaslinha” is not enough to classify it as latin. Salvador does perform masterfully latin songs (boleros and flamengos), but this is not one of them 🙂
I am happy that part of the wiwi collective also thinks that “o Jardim” is the best song. Personally, I am obsessed with it and would be very hapy if it would win. But… I don’t think we will be so lucky… My gut feeling tells me it is going to be Peu, which, while being a good song, is completely off-ESC (much more than APD ever was) and to be honest would again give this cliché-image of Portugal of fado-lovers, but without being bold enough as to have just a Portuguese guitar as backing track…
If I’m not mistaken it also has some violins (wich sound sinthetic, not sure why). I’m confident that Peu will not win but it might be a close call between him and Cláudia.
Yes, exactly that is my point. The song does have violins and other elements. But in my opinion, this song would be much bolder and beautiful only with a classical Portuguese guitar (and another singer, sorry). If RTP wants to go for fado, then it should go all the way, and not introduce other musical instruments that don’t add anything to the beauty of the song, just to make it more palatable. Well, I certainly hope so that Claudia wins. Janeiro and Catarina, other favs, don’t have a chance, unfortuntately…
What I would really love is for Lili to win, but since that seems quite unlikely, I’ll just be super happy if she comes 5th in televoting and Cláudia wins the whole thing.
Yeah, I’m hoping for any diference in the staging/wardrobe in the final so it might lift up the votes for Lili! 😀
O voo das cegonhas would be my new number one if she won festival da cancao
i love her. Her tone is so distinctive from everything else this year, and she has stage presence.
I know it doesnt matter but I’m loving that pink hair color too. finally!!
If Claudia or Lili win I’ll be happy.
O Voo das Cegonhas will stand out! 😀 #Lili4Eurovision
I don’t care more about Festival da Canção anymore. The best song was a plagiarism of a religious anthem! But, it was the best song among that out of tune portugueses song.
Claudia is so unique and genuine in her delivery, you can tell she really FEELS the song to her core, and it really comes out in her emotions — Portugal’s only choice!
‘O jardim’ is beautiful – a classic ballad with modern elements that complement the song without destroying its deep, intimate personality. This could give Portugal another Top 10 if Claudia can maintain her flawless performance, I had a lump in my throat at the end of the song.
Lili is AWFUL and cant sing. Claudia is good, Catarina bores me.
Has Lili always been a bad singer? 😮
1. Lili – “O Voo das Cegonhas”
2. Cláudia Pascoal – “O Jardim”
Lili’s song is quite adictive. It stands out from the bunch and the lyrics are original. I know she won’t win but she is my choice. I also like Claudia’s song. It’s beautiful and contemporary, so i will be happy if she wins.
Claudia’s song is sweet. And with Kristian Kostov cameo on the backing vocals she can count on points from Bulgaria/Russia.(???)
please tell me you don’t think that’s kristian, i just cried laughing
Catarina Miranda is the most magical singer. Simply perfect ??
I love “Anda estragar-me os planos”
Nice song. Not my personal favourite (that was “Alvoroço” which sadly failed to qualify from semi 1 – very intriguing song!). But I wouldn’t mind hearing this one in May 🙂
“This would give Portugal the opportunity to show Europe that they can honour their Eurovision winner, but still not be stuck in a cycle of recycling the same thing every year.”
I agree with Jonathan, this is what Portugal needs to do. Nudge and wink to the Sobrals in a subtle way, but no Salvaclones. Now with Diogo out 🙁 my favorite is Claudia, although Janeiro, Lili or Catarina would represent Portugal beautifully too.
For me, it’s:
1. Sem título
2. O Jardim
Thank you guys. I agree.
Yoi didn’t have time because you were stuck with Saaaaara’s pieces and Spain’s diabetes.
Also because they are real persons with a life and a job and only run Wiwibloggs as their hobby.
Actually, they’ve been busy covering other national finals that were unfolding in the previous weeks. With the high number of songs competing in one final alone, it’s difficult to give out individual reviews for each song. In contrast, UMK only has three songs in contention this year so giving them each an Wiwijury review is easier.
Spain doesn’t even have that much coverage in the same period. It gets like one-fourth of the amount of focus that the likes of Melfest receive.
Remember, last year Wiwibloggs put Salvador in 23th place. So…
23. Portugal: Salvador Sobral – “Amar Pelos Dois” (6.56)
They didnt. Hey Azevedo, writing that on youtube wasn’t enough huh? You sound desperate.
Can any wiwi bloggs member shut her up?
Why dont you search for the video: Eurovision 2017: Jury Final review — our winners | wiwibloggs
Only Chris doesnt say that Sobral should win. Padraid and William said Portugal would win.
On the wiwi jury before the rehearsals started last year Portugal were ranked 23rd. It took the live performance for Portugal to overtake Italy in many opinions.
Actually, Portugal was already a fav and chosen as number won by the wiwi blog team. You can search for yourself.
I also thought they ranked 19th(not 23rd as you’re saying), but apparently it was just some members who did it, not all of them. (A wiwi blog member replied to me, but i cant quite remember what he said)
Friendly energy to all.
Just checked to facts on this. Last year Salvador was the WIWI jury’s favorite to win his national selection.
This year I’m enchanted with Lili’s song. 100% agree with Natalie.
I also think “O Jardim” is our best song, out of a group of like 5 that would proudly dignify the name of Portugal in Eurovision, once again.
Excited for Saturday and excited for May 😀 I believe Portugal, despite the placement of our entry, will give Europe a very personal and different Eurovision that will showcase our culture and way of thinking
I hope Janeiro or Cláudia Pascoal wins the NF (although I believe Peu is the big favourite to win it this Sunday) 😉
Pataty Patata is much better
Oh Jardim is a very special and wonderful song and performance. I would love to see it in the final in Lisbon! Eurovision is celebrating diversity this year!