Israel’s Netta has created quite the stir since unveiling her Eurovision 2018 entry “Toy”. The official video has now amassed more than million views in the two weeks since its release. Israel has also drastically shortened in the odds to win, and is now the hot favourite for Eurovision 2018.
Netta’s impact isn’t just being felt in Europe. “Toy” has attracted its fair share of fans beyond Europe — including in the African nation of Uganda. Dancers from the Spoon Youth Group in Kampala brought Netta’s song to life in a performance uploaded to Facebook. Proving that Eurovision is a truly global event, Netta is building bridges all the way to Africa.
“Toy” — Netta (Spoon Youth Performance)
For us the song already won!Direct from the slums of Uganda.SHARE and support.Music: TOY by Netta – Israel Eurovision Song 2018———Spoon youth group and dance crews were created with the help of Little Light Children's Center Uganda NGO. We all come from namuwongo slum in Kampala, Uganda, one of the toughest neighborhoods in the world, and meet every day in hope to create a brighter future for ourselves. Our biggest passions are traditional African dancing and African style street dance. We use dance to come together and empower ourselves and other slum youths through creativity and team work. Above all, our hope is that our love for dance will be our door to a better future.Please support us: #Eurovision2018
Posted by Spoon Youth on Sunday, March 18, 2018
The Spoon Youth Group is based in the Ugandan capital of Kampala in the Namuwongo Slum. The group’s goal is to “meet every day in hope to create a brighter future for ourselves”. They attempt to do so through their passion for traditional African dance.
Spoon Youth was set up by Little Light Uganda. They aim to empower youth from a neighbourhood with little access to education or support. The dream of these kids is to become professional dancers and be able to leave the slums for a better life.
Spoon Youth is also attempting to raise funds through online campaigns. The goal of their fundraising is to hire out a venue for regular practice to produce more incredible content. As per their fundraiser, they are also raising funds to bring in a world renowned choreographer who has volunteered their time to the project. You can read more about these campaigns here or here and you can also make a donation to help make their heartwarming dream a reality.
“Toy” — Netta
With so much hype surrounding the Israeli entry, Team Wiwi is thrilled to see the song’s massive impact beyond Europe. Netta recently spoke with us about Eurovision and she certainly isn’t getting carried away by her chances.
But if the kids of Spoon Youth are anything to go by, they think Netta has already won. This Wonder Woman’s music is making a difference in their lives.
We wish the Spoon Youth project the best and hope to see more amazing Eurovision content from these talented dancers in the future.
That’s not nice to say. The chicken noises have a deep meaning behind them. Baka means idiot in Japanese, so the chicken noises are representing someone who is a ‘chicken’. If you say that people are fat, then you probably will have bad karma back.
Crazy how many people are threatened by a song about female empowerment. I support Netta and her message. If you cannot support an idea of women being treated like 2nd class citizens and having these types of struggles, then I think you’re living in a dream world.
Such a bad song. Big girl sings like a chicken. Ugly !!!
No final for Israel this year again….
That’s not nice to say. The chicken noises have a deep meaning behind them. Baka means idiot in Japanese, so the chicken noises are representing someone who is a ‘chicken’. If you say that people are fat, then you probably will have bad karma back.
Kiddo’s and immature people song. Again. Things change big time when the whole audience takes part.
A monkey was overhyped the same way last year, just to go empty handed next day after the grand final.
Not to get into the disgusting, distasteful message this song has. Divisive to say the least.
Take this song and make it a winner!
Netta u are. Number 1!!!!
If a person writes a message on social media using a female name, the men that don’t agree with her will threaten her with r a p e. How many times it happens vice-versa?
Yes and if a woman accuses a man of having her sexually molested, this guy will face a very hard and tough time, losing his profession, probably his family and being judged by society… NO matter if he’s guilty or not… (if he was guilty, there would be a justification for the treatment, just to get that straight)… How many times does it happen that a man is able to stand up against – let’s say – domestic violence of a woman and that society is backing him up judging only by the mere fact of his reproach? I’m sorry,… Read more »
Dancers are awesome, beautiful choreography!
I hope this win and to the face of people who hate pop music in Eurovision.
This was great they were genuinely amazing (although the guy in the blue jeans was a bit dodgy lol). Glad to see they are having fun and seeing how far Eurovision can spread is cool!
It honestly frustrates and upsets me when I see people complaining about this song being sexist. Firstly, she uses singular when she says, “Stupid boy.” I don’t understand how people take this to mean that she’s calling ALL men stupid!! In light of the #metoo movement which inspired the song, it’s fairly clear that we still have leaps and bounds to go in achieving gender equality. Of course, sexual assault happens to men too and that is something that should also be addressed. ‘Toy’ is a song responding to this issue of sexual assault and the idea that the singer… Read more »
The song was written by a man. And I say it positively
I’m not supporting the ridiculous chicken sounds and calling men ‘Stupid boy’. I will never let my children listen to this song.
You sound like a fun parent
Have you ever taken a literature class? I’m pretty sure you haven’t so let me explain what she meant by ‘stupid boy’. She’s referring to the men of higher power who uses their position, influence, or authority to demean, degrade, and harass women and men of lower power or status. She calls them ‘stupid boy’ because they didn’t think of the karma they’ll received when the person they harassed suddenly opens up and confessed it online or to the police. And I’m pretty she used a singular pronoun because the song is in the first person. Meaning, the song could… Read more »
Do you know da wae?
Salvador, is that you?
Oh, wait! It can’t be Salvador because Salvador isn’t a self-entitled, egotistic, Grade-A @$$mouth!!!
Now do us a favor and take your negativity elsewhere and go away.
Haters gonna hate
Very touching. The boys from Uganda are great dancers, I hope they will get the funds and the choreographer. It’s great that such good things come out of Eurovsion! Make Africa great!
I bet they don’t care about she being a white, it’s Uganda it isn’t Charlottesville, Virgínia
I watched it on TV
An Israeli person who helps people there in Uganda told them about the song
Oh cool, shame they don’t have phones in Uganda so no free votes for you Isreal. xD
Are you stupid? They do have phones lmao
Oh God.. so sad…taken by a CHICKEN…hope millions of viewers aren’t going to be fooled by this trash that brings quality of eurovision down this man hater sexsist suppose to be a bridge of love that unite all kinds of people and ebu should ban entries like this that discriminate….cheap thing shouting buckabucka…you stupid boooooy. Yeah whatever
Exactly, you stupid “boy”, a singular boy, not all men in the world…
It’s to stand up against that man who hurt her/aby other woman in the world, not all men in general
And the chicken sounds? They demonstrate a coward, they have a meaning
Now chill and enjoy the music
I love the music as a “feel god after a toxic relationship” song, like “New Rules” song, but the toxic feminism that are using it to just call all men “stupid” really turns me off.
We should fight for gender equality, not to make females the sex with the privilege in our society.
In any case, this songs makes people talk about those themes, so I guess kudos do Netta, at least people are engaged in this discussion
Have you ever taken a literature class? I’m pretty sure you haven’t so let me explain what she meant by ‘stupid boy’. She’s referring to the men of higher power who uses their position, influence, or authority to demean, degrade, and harass women and men of lower power or status. She calls them ‘stupid boy’ because they didn’t think of the karma they’ll received when the person they harassed suddenly opens up and confessed it online or to the police. And I’m pretty she used a singular pronoun because the song is in the first person. Meaning, the song could… Read more »
That’s nice to watch, they do a great job!
I wonder however if they know that ESC is like the gayest (and coolest!) event ever – and hope this song might have its own small part in beginning to change the famous homophobia in Uganda…
Whoa Ugandan Knuckles are real
And for you to assume that they know the song and dance, but they don’t know how Netta looks like is super offensive.
The anthem of World Cup 2010 in South Africa – Waka Waka is sung by a white woman Shakira. So?
This is a SONG with capital letters. This already won.
The world would be out of balance if we did not have people who contribute negativity to the discussion; so thank you Charles for being you.
Laaaaame. I spend 10 minutes writing a full paragraph that doesn’t post and this does -_-
Our spam filter filters out really long messages, as a lot of bots paste A LOT of text
This is so heartwarming to watch!
Such an icon.