Switzerland, Stefan Gfeller, 3

The Wiwi Jury — our in-house panel of music unprofessionals — continues to rank and review the 43 songs competing in Eurovision 2018. Next we travel to Switzerland and check out sibling duo ZiBBZ and their song “Stones”. Did we feel their rock vibes? Read on to find out?

Zibbz – “Stones”

“Stones” reviews

Anthony: Putting a fresh twist on the classic bullying line “sticks and stones may break my bones”, “Stones” is a sassy pop number and a deserved winner from the national final. A slight concern for Switzerland is their recent staging at Eurovision. Having given Rykka a shocking hairdo and Miruna looking like Big Bird, let Stee and Co keep their ZiBBZ brand and identity.

Score: 7/10

Bogdan: As usual, Switzerland went with the safe choice in the national final, but safe never cuts it at Eurovision. “Stones” is too dated, it sounds like an Anastacia B-side song from 2002, and lyrically it’s a mess. Sure, ZiBBZ want to be edgy, but what’s edgy in Zürich will come across as tame in comparison with other acts in Lisbon. Although “Stones” is not a disaster per se, it’s definitely not the song that deserves to bring Switzerland back to the Grand Final.

Score: 3/10

Kristin: There’s a heavy beat here and an attitude that I quite like. Switzerland has been bland in the past few years, and frankly rather forgettable. But this time, they’re on to something! ZiBBZ are different and edgy, and unlike everything that Switzerland has offered us lately. They actually have a decent shot to make it to the finals and maybe finish in a respectable placing. Take notice, Europe. They’re so done with this whole “I’m being neutral” thing. Now they mean business!

Score: 8/10

Luis: Oh, hello Switzerland, good to know you were still with us! “Stones” is the first entry with any possibility for the Swiss since Sebalter, and it should be enough to make the final. ZiBBZ have charisma, they deliver with conviction and have revamped what before was a quite normal pop-rock entry into a very current and chart-friendly indie pop tune.

Score: 8.5/10

Renske: It’s edgy, it’s cool, it’s modern. Although many people expect it to fail as hard as the last three Eurovision entries did, the song is already the best charting Swiss Eurovision song since Sebalter and that tells us something. The Swiss siblings definitely deliver an original product rather than a generic Eurovision song or the “almost Melfest reject” type of song. The big stand out of the entry for me is Corinne’s vocal, because she processes a very interesting voice.

Score: 7/10

William: Their grunge bar sound made them stand out in Switzerland. But the rest of the world is a dirtier place, where Texas Roadhouse meets Coyote Ugly has come and gone. I appreciate the message, their look and even the production. But for a song that alludes to cannonballs and guns, I expect more of a bang. This sounds nice, but somehow feels hollow.

Score: 5/10

In the Wiwi Jury we have 20 jurors but only have room for six reviews. The remaining scores are below:

Angus: 5/10

Antranig: 10/10

Bernardo: 4/10

Chris: 6.5/10

Cinan: 6.5/10

Deban: 5/10

Jonathan: 7.5/10

Jordi: 7.5/10

Jovana: 9/10

Padraig: 4/10

Robyn: 6.5/10

Ron: 7/10

Sebastian: 6.5/10

Steinunn: 6.5/10








We have removed the highest and lowest scores prior to calculating the average. This is to remove outliers and potential bias. We have removed a low of 3 and a high of 10.

Wiwi Jury verdict: 6.50/10

What do you think of this song? Share your own score and review below!

See all our Eurovision 2018 reviews and rankings

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6 years ago

I love this song <3 my winner..i listen this song every day

6 years ago

Not keen on the live performance but the actual song is in my top 5. It cearly doesn’t resonate with a lot of people but personally… I love it. A little funk, sass and attitude? Yes, please.

I hope they qualify as I think the song is just too strong to not deserve to. With the right staging and a tighter vocal it could even surprise people and do well. Fingers crossed!

6 years ago

Interesting how many people here say they loved it when they first heard it, even if they’ve since cooled on it. That could indicate that the song makes a strong first impression, which may help it get votes and qualify to the final.

I’d be glad if it qualified – it’s a really strong song.

6 years ago

Back at the Swiss National Final, I was between two songs Zibbz’s “Stones” and Chiara’s “Secrets and Lies”. I still prefer the second one, it was riskier I think. “Stones” is stil good, the girl has some strong attitude that could be a good point to their performance in May. However, I think Switzerland entry is lacking of that something that could make someone to vote for it. It’s enjoyable, but that’s almost all. Switzerland will have a hard time trying to qualify. I don’t really think they are going to make it. Switzerland is in my 16th place: 7.… Read more »

6 years ago

Clearly the best song in the NF! I have to say I’m less enthusiastic than I was in the beginning. But it’s a powerfull song, and the siblings have chemistry. They will struggle in the 1st semi.

6 years ago

Switzerland chose a good song. The lyrics are rather complex by Eurovision standards and Zibzz actually managed to write a “we want a better world” song that doesn’t sound preachy. The hints towards Donald Trump work quite well and they’re subtle enough not to be considered “votebait”. The music is well written, the song is catchy and it doesn’t get boring over the course of three minutes. The only problem I see is that the music is by no mean as “edgy” as it is intended to be. It’s too “nice”. “Nice” is nice, but “great” would be better. My… Read more »

Leo M
Leo M
6 years ago

Why does the first semi-final have to be so good? I love this entry but I don’t think it will make the final. Staging is going to make or break a lot of the entries in SF1. Score 8/10

6 years ago

I don’t feel it. It seems to me that they are trying to hard to be edgy but the song is in fact quite average.

6 years ago

This is one of the most likeable entries of this year’s context. Those who complain about slow ballads will appreciate that it’s uptempo. Those who feel that uptempo acts on Eurovision tend to be silly, plastic and/or meaningless will find good things on its lyrics. It doesn’t seem to be a song most would call dated and at the same time it’s not something that sounds like a copy of a current trend. The siblings look great on the stage and seem to be very down-to-earth. I can’t see anybody hating them while watching the show. But their best feature… Read more »

6 years ago

Sorry. Hate it.
I thought the Swiss selection was overrated and they didn’t have a qualifier amongst their songs. I mean, if Timebelle couldn’t qualify….Still, this wasn’t the best choice.

6 years ago

SWITZERLAND – Recent Swiss entries have been good, but too safe. While some countries can count on qualification bringing safe songs, Switzerland isn’t one of them and has to bring an outstanding entry to be noted. In February, I thought Stones might be that song. It’s a bit edgy, has great lyrics and a good message behind it. As time passed, I still like it, but somehow I put it to that category of solid, but still a bit lacking songs. It might have to do with the fact that there isn’t enough power in the performance to make one… Read more »

6 years ago


Wiwi jury 6.50

Modified Score 8.06(7th/22)

Total: 14.56 (7th/22)

6 years ago

When it got selected I did sincerely feel it had quite a good shot at making it! I like the grit in her voice and the style of the song! The beginning is especially strong….. Wild joker on a gold throne…. Umhmm

Her live vocal wasn’t as strong as the studio though.Is it a certain NQ… No
But it’s very unlikely to go through unless some others mess up big. They need a really good stage show.

A 7.5/10

Mario Eur(o)Vision
Mario Eur(o)Vision
6 years ago

Ok, it’s not that bad, but its below mediocre song..
From my least liked & also least heard songs in this year’s contest..
For 4th year in row, Switzerland is bound to stay on the SF…

Lewis S
Lewis S
6 years ago

6/10 I like this; it’s very middle of the road however. I think Switzerland have gone for a radio friendly song; that has a pretty catchy chorus line. I think her voice has great tones to it; it really complements the song. Good effort this year. Border Line Qualifier.

6 years ago

I can’t help but feel like they look like total Bondi hipsters…

Song is cool but I can’t see it getting out of the semi. Shame, as I like the lead singer’s attitude!

6 years ago

My impressions:
-R&B influence.
-Good voice, strong rhythm.
-Slightly catchy.
-Not bad, but not my style.
-Relatively basic harmony.
-Backing voices aren’t overpowering.

I should like this more, but it melted in my mind. I think I’m sticking to what SEBalter did.

Roelof Meesters
Roelof Meesters
6 years ago

This entry is amazing. A lot of people say This Will crash and burn, but This is one of the few entries that stand out in SF 1. Their staging is good, I love het voice and the song is the best Swiss entry since Sebalter (even tho 2017 was also great). Zibzz deliver attitude whilst still being bouncy and likeable, and it has a good message.
9,5/10 (Iknow I give really high scores but idc)

Digital Style
Digital Style
6 years ago

The revamp certainly made this much better. I like some of the lyrics of the song, but some of them make no sense whatsoever. It’s also not very good live, to be honest. However, this is a soulful and catchy song that I could definitely listen to outside of ESC. Corinne has a very powerful voice, but like I said, it needs work when she uses it live. Will it qualify? Probably not, but here’s hoping.

6 years ago


6 years ago

Pretty average for me. However, I appreciate that it’s a rock song with nice vibes which doesn’t happen so often at ESC.


6 years ago

My number 9 overall. I really like the revamp. The lyrics are quite good with some nice lines, the voice is great. I much prefer this kind of pop-rock to Romania, which is my least favourite song this year. But this kind of song is very hard to perform at ESC, as there’s no performance or show-stopping element to it. It will sadly stay in the Semis with FYROM, which isn’t fair :-/

6 years ago

Best Swiss entry since Sebalter in 2014. “Stones” is super catchy, contemporary and well-produced. Reminds me of X-Factor winner Louisa Johnson.
I have often found myself singing this song in my head since the Swiss NF. Qualification wise, I’m not sure. I’d love if it did, but I think I might only get to see this once in Lisbon. 7/10

6 years ago

As usually, Switzerland is underrated. This isn’t nonsense pop song. It has a meaning and it’s rocking. They are charismatic and her voice gives me goosebumps. They deserve to qualify.

6 years ago

Don’t like it. I have other favorites in their selection.

Mattias Sollerman
Mattias Sollerman
6 years ago

So we’re halfway done. This is most certainly going to be a record year in terms of average rating.

6 years ago

Totally agree with you, very well put.

Darth Thulhu
Darth Thulhu
6 years ago

This is the second time I’ve seen someone at Wiwi reference “sticks and stones may break my bones”. No. That’s not what the song is referencing.

The lyrics are referencing the aphorism “those who live in glass houses should not throw stones” (because they are incredibly vulnerable to return fire and shouldn’t start a projectile battle). This fits with traditional Swiss neutral-neutralness, and it fits with the rest of the lyrics, which include the singers themselves in the litany of bad things that “we” are all doing.

A rock song that somehow feels “naturally Swiss”? Count me in.

Mattias Sollerman
Mattias Sollerman
6 years ago
Reply to  Darth Thulhu

It’s also a reference to John 8:7 “… ‘Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.'”

6 years ago
Reply to  Darth Thulhu

I thought it was a reference to Jesus’ “let him who is without sin cast the first stone”… lol

6 years ago
Reply to  Darth Thulhu

”Sins of the father make us fall”
”No I ain’t throwing stones”

These two lyrics come from the Bible, in my opinion. By the way, Zibbz are full of illuminati symbols.

esc freak
esc freak
6 years ago

This is totally my cup of tea, I love the strong beat and the attitude. I’m sad for Switzerland because they’re always unlucky, this year they are in a very strong Semi and I’m not sure if this stands out enough to grab a lot of votes. I’ll be still listening to it anyway, I think it’s very cool.


6 years ago

It’s a good entry, sadly the bar is way up this year, to the point this good entry would not be enough to even pass.

It has a bit of grit and it feels organic, but it got way more watered down than I recall in the national final, the melody doesn’t capture me as immediately as other songs in the mix. Can their live improve over what we know from the NF? At this point, I don’t feel this one got a chance. Sorry, Switzerland, you got the short end of the stick semi-wise.


6 years ago

I like it more than the Swiss Songs overrated by the fans in the last few years, but I don’t know how their chances will be for the final. It’s a shame that a country, that once sent Céline Dion messed up so hard in recent years.

6 years ago

This is seriously underrated. I feel this will come on top for many old folks like myself (yes we vote too) and it will be the shock of the night. I think this is top 5 material. 9.5/10.

6 years ago
Reply to  Nickc

There can be surprises at Eurovision – but this is no song for surprises.

6 years ago

This is actually my favorite Swiss entry like everrrr and one of my favs this year. This is definitely going to qualify and finish top 10 like Norway did last year. 8/10 for me BAM!

6 years ago

I really dislike semi 1 for being so ridiculously strong and Switzerland is the main reason therefore. If it was up to me, I would give them (and FYR Macedonia) the ticket for the final before even performing, but I’m pretty sure that I’ll have to say goodbye to both of them on Tuesday – like probably to one of the betting favourites as well, can’t say to which one…

6 years ago

So yet again, Switzerland sends a great entry that’s going to get swallowed in the semis because it doesn’t have enough diaspora or neighbour voting to get behind it. What’s new? They did such a great job with the revamp. Before it it was still pretty good, but now it sounds less rugged and much more polished and expensive, and it all meshes together much better. They still kept that heavy beat that I loved and the shrill cords on the keyboard, and I wanna jam to that chorus every single time it comes on. The bridge is also killer,… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  M

Austria and Portugal doesn’t have the benefit of having a diaspora/neighbor vote either but they have done well enough to win at least once. We’ll never know until we see if Switzerland could finally wow us this year.