Amsterdam calling! Last night 31 acts acts competing in the Eurovision Song Contest 2018 performed together at Eurovision In Concert. It’s the largest event of the pre-party season and turned ten this year. Although many acts have already made scheduled stops at Riga, London, Moscow and Tel Aviv a few new faces performed live for Eurofans for the first time.
Ukraine’s MÉLOVIN rocked a red suit. The Netherlands’ Waylon country crooned his way through “Outlaw In ‘EM”. Hungary’s AWS headbanged their way through “Viszlát nyár”. And fan favourite Eugent Bushpepa from Albania gave a note perfect performance of “Mall”. Passport problems have kept him from pre-parties but he has now been unleashed on the promo circuit.
Pre-Party veterans were also on fine form. Czech Republic’s Mikolas Josef gave geek chic on fleek, Spain’s Alfred & Amaia gave Amsterdam a chemistry lesson and Bulgaria’s Equinox performed “Bones” with help from last year’s runner-up Kristian Kostov. Moldova’s DoReDos also gave a spirited performance of “My Lucky Day”. The trio have been touring Eastern Europe with Philipp Kirkorov.
A standout moment for many fans was SuRie from United Kingdom performing alongside Jean-Karl from Madame Monsieur to perform “Mercy”.
Now we want to know who your favourite act from Eurovision In Concert 2018. Cast your votes based on performance. You can listen to everyone who sang in the playlist below and vote for as many of your faves as you like. But beware, you can only vote once, so make it count.
[polldaddy poll=9982113]So who did you vote for? Do you think Israel’s Netta already has the competition in the bag? Or perhaps you love Laura Rizzoto from Latvia? Or did a new act convince you that they’re a major threat to win the whole competition? Sound off in the comments below!
You can also watch interview’s with acts at the playlist below to learn more about them:
Ukraine ?? MELOVIN ??????
Ukraine ?? MELOVIN ??????
Am I the only one that thinks of an heroic moment from Disney animated movies while listening to Mall ?? Damnn those vibes and that voice Eugent!
Have you seen the performance from Polisrael in Amsterdam yet, maybe we should vote for it:
Stupid: it’s from Switzrael – sorry
Here is something from Spalbania:
Albania is my favorite (Eugent voice is out of this word), and he is so damn HOT ?
I also like Finland, Bulgaria and of course France (since I’m French ?)
1. Albania
2. Finland
3. Ukraine
These three were captivating! The rest were pretty average.
Spain, for real? It was so boring in my opinion. My personal fave was Melovin from Ukraine! ??
Finland, France or Israel will take the trophy.. I personally think it is going to be between Finland and France.
Mark my words. 🙂
To me and my friends; Albania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Germany, Netherlands, Spain and San Marino really slayed! Amazing. Hungary got the whole audience screaming along, Albania was just amazing, Didnt’give a darn about the song at first but the live version.. wow. It was an amazing show. and I had a great time at the after party.. AWS and Jessika from San Marino are amazing people. I sadly got a bit dissapointed by the Czech republic, he wasn’t out of tune or anything but didn’t have the same energy as the others did. Bulgaria was awesome. Kris did a great job… Read more »
Latvia had the best performance!
Hehehe…this polle is a joke…..albania has 0 chances on the final. 100%
This poll is not about chances on the final… on the other hand, if he performs like that i am pretty sure he’d be in the top 3 s1, cheers
really ? see him in grand final
Albania’s performance was simply G-R-O-U-N-D-B-R-E-A-K-I-N-G.
What an amazing night! I’ve been there and I have to say that Lithuania made me cry! I’m huge fan of this voice and the song!
Bulgaria, The Netherlands, Hungary, Macedonia, Israel were amazing.
I didn’t like song from Denmark but after performance that night I love it so much!
And finally my lovely Poland! Gromee and Lukas are my idols! Such a lot of fun! People around me were dancing, jumping singing! Good to see that people enjoyed it!
Wheres that interview?
it is.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Albania ??
France ?
Finland ?
Israel ?
Bulgaria ?
Are the best for me ….
Yes. Albania, Bulgaria, Israel and Ukraine were the best
Because only Sevak and Cesar are “real alpha man” by appearance. 😛
Finland is goning to win.
I’ll focus on the entries we haven’t heard so far (Albania, Germany, Huungary, Ukraine and of course the Netherlands). They were all amazing! AWS brought the house down, Eugent showed what a great performer he is. I was really looking forward to his performance! Michael offered an emotional performance and MELOVIN was great, I expected nothing less from him. As for Waylon, no words. I was sure he would slay! I think Sennek sounded better here than in Israel. Another highlight was Surie singing “Mercy” with Jean Karle from “Madame Monsieur”. Beautiful! The best performance for me was Albania’s!! P.S.:… Read more »
German guy had performed in London!
Hungary and Albania without doubt!
Some yesterday’s action. Guys having fun. That’s all that matters.
Ailo eres un crak Campeon veo todos tus videos.
Un saludo.
Que disfruten ahora, en mayo vais a despertarse abruptamente!
I think nobody cares about the result in the final at this point in Spain. Many underrated results made them inmune. They are mostly absolutely proud of the quality of their song and the human quality of their singers. Flop or not, hate or love it, that’s not going to change.
The Problem for Albania is the Song…Eugent is good but the Song is boring
Maybe it’s not interesting for your taste ,but I find it so deep and I think the problem is that the song ends.
Ha ha I love it ! Go Eugent!
Here is somebody who is explaining (3:45) why this song is nothing but boring
Oh, my English – it’s not my mother tongue – I wanted to say: isn’t anything like boring.
Albania WOOOOOOOOOOWed me! Eugent you got thisss!!!
Albania really amazed me, also the U.K. and Ukraine very cool
But me still lovin Spain and Netta too 😀
No doubt. Eugent was the star of the night and ALBANIA now has an opportunity to make it to the best top 5 of the Eurovison. For me, he deserves to be voted more than any artist/song this year.
In my opinion, Albania was amazing.
?ll the best superlatives, I can only put in front of “Bones”. The hardest performance is a group and they are perfect. The most powerful and meaningful lyrics have “Bones”. The coolest melody, the most impressive video, the most powerful live sound, the most magnificent people, the best vocals I’ve ever heard …
watch my top! I have to say that all of the performances were quite good, I expect Sennek to fix those transitions.
I agree on the dress. I don’t understand what her team was thinking putting her into this. She is able to look so grand – but with this: Hvala ne 😉 I hope their ideas with the performance in Lisbon are more clever. They did it nearly perfect in the video.
Albania.. Bulgaria.. Poland (great show).. and maby UK. I am not the fan.. Sweden.. Spain and Israel..
Albania’s the winner of the night no doubt. Elina has found her match. Ukraine is another winner. Spain did great too but we already knew that so.
And y’all are sleeping on Montenegro. The guy virtually sounds like a record, he doesn’t fail one note.
Vanja is SO good.
Not the sort of song that gets a lot of hype on a place like this though. Still, I think he has a great shot at qualifying.
Blew me away: Eugent
Most pleasant surprise: How well SuRie performed “Mercy” alongside Jean-Karl, Émilie would be most proud
Rocked it: Zibbz, even with Corinne having a sore throat
Wow: Saara, she knows how to perform, that’s for sure!
Sweden is so underrated. Benjamin is the best.
Absolutely! He is talented and the song is catchy.
Albania outshined almost all those songs last night, definite qualifier!
You bet. 😀
For me – the most impressive were Albania’s Eugent Bushpepa, followed by Belarus’ ALEKSEEV.
omg!!!! amazed by Lea from Slovenia good vocals and energy great performer she can surprise us all!!!!
agree i love her hope to see her in final
Not bad… she truly is a great performer…. 12 points from Croatia
Those who voted for Bulgaria have hearing problems. The harmony in the voices at times wasn’t very good. While it’s understandable, they were not the best.
Sofia 2019
Those who haven’t voted for Bulgaria have hearing problems. The harmony, voices and everything was very, very good. It’s understandable, why they are the best.
Not really, boring and not quite good.
HONEY you are boring with your hate.
Sorry, when they will sing well I will admit. Albania is not my cup of tea, but he was damn good last night. Sing well and I’ll praise. They will be better in Lisbon, I’m sure!
100% sure now that we will not see Israel in the final.
Tottaly agree, she wil not be in the final
You guys are crazy. Theres a good shot that she will not win the whole thing – because that is always such a crapshoot – but she is a definite qualifier and a definite top 10. There has never been in the history of the competition someone who was placed 1st in the betting odds who didn’t qualify or made top 10. Be realistic.
There is more chance of Iceland winning the competition than there is of Netta not qualifying.
I think it was Ryan’s best performance to be honest and it was great that we could really hear him. Getting slightly hopeful now but have to wait for the rehearsals.
And he was actually sick with a sinus infection and on antibiotics. He sounded very blocked up in an interview he did.
Swedens Benjamin Ingrosso was AMAZING!
Wow Netta! She Smashed the stage!!
I love her, love her song, her vocals, everything!!
She will take the 1st place!
ALBANIA- I love Eugent voice, I dont say more words, just WOWWWW!
Alekseev wants to be seen by his father (he never met) on stage and Lisbon and his father to want to meet him. It is like Slumdog Millionaire, when Jamal went to “Who Wants to be a Millionaire?” hoping for Latika to see him, and find him.
What really is impressive when you watch Eugent perform with this video
you can see closely how effortless he is singing this flawless high notes…
Eugent was absolutely the best of the night. Those seemingly effortless high notes in the end never cease to surprise me. I know the song isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but his talent and stage presence is undeniable. I hope people will vote for him in semi 1, for the same reason they might vote for Estonia. Other highlight of the night for me was Ukraine. Even though his english hasn’t improved( and I don’t think it will), his vocals are really good and his stage presence is captivating. My new favorite from semi 2. I keep getting disappointment from… Read more »
I agree also on Ukraine. Did you listen to the interview from wiwibloggs, if I got it right, he is doing a revamped version in Lisbon.
Belgium is a non-qualifier for me at the moment because there are 10 or maybe even more other performances of SF1 that are better, as it is at the moment.
We’re always on the same page Anita 🙂
every one was great but gotta say Finland, Slovenia, Albania….. and so on oh god i’m impressed!!!!
<3 Slovenia!!!
The best live performance was obviously Albania